Ch. 6 Art appreciation

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"Mount St. Helens"

by Helen Oji: artists fills the shaped canvas with an explosion of color and texture that stimulates the unbridled power of one of the world's few active volcanoes. Kimono. Volcano image may symbolize a convergence of cultures from both sides of the Pacific.


or watercolor mixed with a high concentration of vehicle and an opaque ingredient such as chalk was the principle painting medium during the Byzantine and Romanesqu eras of christian art.

oil and acrylic

paints produce rich color but pigment often fades and cracks over time.


In painting, to coat a pained surface with a semi-transparent color that provides a glassy or glossy finish. In ceramics, to apply a liquid suspension of powdered material to the surface of a ware. After drying, the ware is fired at a temperature that causes the ingredients to melt together to form a hard, glossy coating.

"the bed"

The synthetic cubists of the early twentieth century Picasso and Braque were the 1st to incorporate pieces of newsprint ,wallpaper, labels from wine bottles, and oil cloth into their paintings

Mixed media

The use of two or more media to create a single image.


To apply gold leaf of thin sheets of a goldlike substance to a surface.


Today, watercolor refers to a specific technique. transparent films of paint are applied to a white, absorbent surface.

Buon fresco

True fresco, as executed on damp lime plaster. Contrast with fresco secco.

Bare mediums for Howardena Pindell's Autobiography

Water/Ancestors, Middle Passage? Family Ghosts are tempera and acrylic but the work incorporates an array of techniques and substances markers, oil stick, paper, photo transfer, and vinyl tape. Artists seems to float in a shimmering pod of shallow water, while images and objects of memory seem to enter and exit her conscience all around her. African slave ship involved a reference to Pindes's African ancestry and the whitened face of the artists portrait that may have been influenced by Michael Jackson's "Thriller makeup" Resembles as much weaving as a painting further reflecting the tapestry like nature of human recollection.

fresco secco

a less permanent method-pigments are combined with a vehicle of glue that affixes the color to the dry wall

Latter effects

all areas of whiteness must be mapped out with precision before the 1st stroke of color is applied


are achieved by diluting the colors with various quantities of water.white does not exist... must be derived by allowing the white to "shine" though the color of the composition or by leaving areas of the paper exposed

"Still life tulips"

by Emil Nolde : watercolor on paper he was forbidden to paint by Nazi during WW2 he was enticed by the transparency of tinted was his brush and wash= atmospheric. Edges of formare softened created his explosions of blossoms through delicately balanced by the white of the paper, which is brought forward to create forms as assertive as those in color


by Frenz Gertsch: tempera on un-primed canvas old medium of old masters yields unparalleled displays of contrasting textures and sharp focused realism.


by Gentile Da Fabriano: has desirable in the tempera medium can be found. The panel painting by the 15th century Aulian artist Gentile la Fabiano with griding


is an extremely durable medium whose colors remain vibrant and whose surface maintains a hard luster. It is a difficult medium to manipulate : one must keep the molten wax at a constant temperature.


the application of thinly hammered sheets of gold to the panel surface- the luminous reds and blues and pearly grays of the tempera paint provided a sumptuous display.


the art of painting on plaster


the term originally defined any painting medium that employed water as a solvent. This fresco and egg tempera have been called watercolor processes. used extensively for manuscript illumination during the middle ages

Fresco secco

Dry fresco; painting executed on dry plaster. Contrast with buon fresco

their vase painting.

Greeks were renowned for

Buon Fresco

or true fresco, is executed on damp lime plaster.

Roman painting

...comes from the ruins of the great sites of Pompeit and Herculaneum, preserved amid the ash of the historic European of Mt. Vesuvius.

Fresco painting

...noted for its freshness and directness of expression. Some pigments will not form chemicals bonds with lime.


..pieces of newsprint, wallpaper,labels wine bottles, and oil cloth into their paintings these works were called pa-piers colles and have come to be called...


A kind of painting in which pigments are mixed with casein, size, or egg—particularly egg yolk—to create a dull finish.


A liquid such as water or oil with which pigments are mixed for painting.


A method of painting in which the colors in a wax medium are burned into a surface with hot irons.


A mixture of a pigment with a vehicle or medium.

Acrylic paint

A paint in which pigments are combined with a synthetic plastic medium that is durable, soluble in water, and quick-drying. offers many of the advantage of oil paint, but "without the mess". Its a mixture of pigment and a plastic vehicle that can be thinned and washed off brushes and hands with water. Its flexible,fast drying and water soluble.No blending.


A paint with a water medium. Watercolors are usually made by mixing pigments with a gum binder and thinning the mixture with water.

Egg tempera

A painting medium in which ground pigments are bound with egg yolk.


A surface on which pigments are placed and prepared, and from which the artist works; the artist's choice of colors as seen in a work of art.

Commonly used vehicles.

Line plaster, wax, egg,oil, acrylic,plastic, water, and gum and Arabic

it holds pigments together.

Main cuteron for a successful vehicle is that

Oil paint

Paint in which pigments are combined with an oil medium.


Plaster of Paris that is applied to a wooden or canvas support and used as a surface for painting or as the material for sculpture. An Italian word meaning gypsum.


The art or process of applying gold leaf of thin sheets of a goldlike substance to a surface.


The materials and methods used to create an image or object, as in drawing, painting, sculpture, etc. From the Latin meaning means.


The surface on which a two-dimensional work of art is created; a coat of liquid material applied to a support that serves as a base for drawing or painting. Also, the background in a composition. See also figure and ground.

Fresco secco

is painting on dry plaster


uses transparent watercolor ingeniously


A type of painting in which pigments are applied to a fresh, wet plaster surface or wall and thereby become part of the surface or wall. From the Italian word meaning fresh.


A type of watercolor paint that is made opaque by mixing pigments with a particular gum binder.


A watercolor technique in which transparent films of paint are applied to a white, absorbent surface.

"Punchinello with block for Parade Triple Bill"

By David Hockney : Contemporary used Gouache on paper.


Color from paint derives from its ...


Coloring matter that is usually mixed with water, oil, or other substances in order to make paint.


by John Matos : spray paint on canvas parody of his own subway style in complex canvas called "Arcadia Revisited" Tools: commercial cans of spray paint, the Ben-day dots of comic strip fame, sharp lines of the tag writers logos, the diffuse spray technique that adds dimensional to an array of otherwise flat objects are used to describe a violent clash of cultural icons that are fragmented, superimposed and barely contained within the confyness of the canvas

"graded exposure"

by Kenneth Noland : acrylic on canvas; composed precisely delineated stipes or fields that represent abrupt transitions between variations on the color spectrum

"The last supper"

by Leonardo da Vinci: attempted to meet these nuisances head-on, only to suffer disastrous consequences.

"Maid Of Honour"

by Miriam Shapiro: acrylic and fabric on canvas. He combines bits of intricately patterned fabric with acrylic pigments on a traditional canvas support to contrast a highly decorative garment that is presented as a work of art. painting is a celebration of women's experiences with sewing,quilting, needlework, and decoration.

"Rock Ola"

by Ralph Goings: watercolor on paper belie the difficulties of the watercolor medium. Its photo realism .confident strokes of color precisely define the gleaming "retro" chrome surfaces of a diner interior the classic backdrops for the counter top jukebox and standard" still life with ketchup bottle and astray." Painting emphasizes form over color, line over tonal patters.

"George Washington"

by Roy Lichtensteing: oil on canvas contemporary portrait, an image of glamour and success. Lichtenstein capitalized on oil paints clarity and precision constructing the image from sharp of black and white and discrete lines and shapes


by Venetian artists of Renaissance achieved a remarkable sense of realism in subtly modeled flesh made possible through glazing

"Head of St. Matthew"

by brushstrokes are thick and brusquely applied as if the head had been modeled in day with the artist's fingers. Glints of white and lighter tints of gold, red-orange, and brown visually pull the man out of the shadows and give him literal substances. The broken patches of pigment suggest movement and departure from typical "from moment concentrates out attention on another reality that of the painted surface.


byRoger Shimonura: on canvas is an amusing clash of American and Japanese Pop Cultures. Donald Duck , Pinocchio, Dick Tracy, and combination of Batman superman vie for space on crowned canvas with Japanese samurai warriors and a contemporary Japanese portrait. East and West battle (ancestral roots and chosen country) self portrait as Statu of liberty.


combination of powered chalk or plaster and animal glue. Provided a smooth, glistening white surface on which to apply colon.

Oil paint

consists of ground pigments combined with linseed oil vehicle and turpentine medium or thinner. Naturally slow drying, but property can be accelerated by the addition of various agents to the basic mixture. Colors can be blended easily.


consists of pigment in a wax vehicle that has been heated to a liquid state. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks tinted their sculptures with encaustic to walls, using hot irons.

Transparent color

difficult medium to manipulate, despite its simple components


dries quickly and is difficult to rework. No subtle gradations of tone. Can be applied to wood on canvas panels.


finishing coat over a tempera painting. Glazes are thin, transparent or semitransparent layers of air tinted with colon that impact a warm atmosphere not possible with tempera alone. Subtle tone variations.

Water or turpentine

is frequently used as a thinning agent for this purpose.


like encaustic, was popular for centuries, but its traditional composition- ground pigments mixed with a vehicle of egg yolk or whole eggs thinned with water-is rarely used today. Tempera now describes a medium in which pigment can be mixed with an emulsion of milk,different types of glues, or gums, and even the juices and saps of plants and trees. The use of tempera date back to the Greeks and Romans. Was the exclusive painting medium of artists during the Middle Ages. Durable medium if applied to a properly prepared surface.


one of the earliest methods of applying color to a surface was

Buon fresco

the pigments are mixed only with water, and the lime of the plaster will act as a binder. As the wall dries, the painted image on it becomes permanent

"George Washington"

by Gilbert Stuart: iconic 18th century portrait the one on the U.S dollar bill is an unfinished work. Realistic likeness through a fairly taut handling of the medium and the manipulation of light and shade to create a 3 dimensional effect.

"Mummy portrait of a priest of Serapis"

by Hawara Egypt portrait a priest of Serapis during back to the second century CE, the medium was applied to a small portable wooden panels covered with cloth.

"Between my eye and Heart no.12"

by Karin Davie: oil on canvas lines loop around and over each other, resting in the edges of the canvas. Blends. looks like tangled spaghetti. Overlapping hues create sense of space,with warm colors advancing and dark colors mostly receding.


by Kay Walkingstick: 2 flattened arcs of sharply contrasting hues are about merge in a various sea of mauve and purple. the canoe-like image although common to Native American symbolism, can also be viewed as an abstraction signifying the shifting of seasons from autumn to winter- a kind of quiet cosmological passage. she builds her textual surface through successive layers of colored wax, gouging of lower layer.Its an image of power and of solitude.

Spray paint

on the street called masterworks? of animals on the walls of Paleolithic caves was probably achieved by blowing pigments onto a surface through hollowed- out creeds.


By: Giotto (Italian Master)joints are clearly evident, particularly in the sky, where artist was not able to complete the vas expanse f blue all at once.

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