Ch. 6: Erik Erikson

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What is the virtue that emerges in the first stage of development?

*Hope* The enduring belief in attainability of fervent wishes, in spite of dark urges & rages which make beginning of existence Trusting child dare to hope: future oriented Lacking in trust can't hope: must worry constantly whether needs will be satisfied; tied to present

What is Erikson's second stage of development? What is the basic crisis experienced?

Early Childhood: Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt (anal stage) End of first year-End of third year Rapidly develop wide variety of skills- walk, climb, etc.; Learn how to hold on & let go Can now "willfully" decide to do something or not Battle of will w/ parents Parents control child's behavior w/o injuring self-control or autonomy *Autonomy*: Sense of being relatively independent of external control, arises if crisis dominating 2nd stage of dev. resolved positively *Shame & Doubt*: Feelings that develop instead of feeling autonomy; crisis resolved negatively

What is virtue?

Ego strength that arises when the crisis dominating a stage of development is resolved positively Adds strength to one ego

What are Erikson's most famous works?

Eight developmental stages All humans pass through What happens to ego in each stage First five stages parallel Freud's proposed psychosexual stages of development- when they're suppose to occur Last three stages rep. his major contributions to psych Epigenetic principle determine exact order stages must occur When they occur can't be specified Ages are approximation

What is the psychosocial stages of development? Why is it called that?

Eight stages of human development Experience to resolution of crises that characterize ea. stage Biology determines when 8 stages of personality development will occur Social environment determines whether crisis associated w/ stage resolved positively Maturational process determines when certain experiences become possible

What are some empirical research done on Erikson's theory?

Erikson believed that there are other ways than lab to evaluate personality theory; is useful or it isn't Most research is on concept of identity Identity achievers choose more difficult majors, have higher grades, greater tolerance for outgroups, higher levels of logical and moral reasoning Attainment of identity more likely if sense of trust, autonomy, initiative, & industry have been attained in earlier stages of development Development of identity increases probability of achieving intimate relationships during middle age Ppl experiencing role confusion are more affected by peer pressure than identity achievers Later, adult stages: More engaged in issues of intimacy, generativity, & ego-integration than issues of identity Older adults less concerned w/ issues of intimacy; more involved w/ generativity & ego integration than younger adults Older experiences less negative affect & greater wellbeing than younger adults

What are some of Erikson's contributions?

Expansion of psychology's domain One of most useful ever developed Terms: psychosocial development, ego strength, psychohistory, identity, identity crisis, & life-span psych- articulated by Erikson Considerable applied value Used in child psych, psychiatry, vocational counseling, marital, education, social work, business Development of Ego Psychology Encouraged study of healthy ppl in addition to neurotics & psychotics Study of personality development across entire life span Painted dignified picture of humans Shows positive influences of society Promoted integration of psych w/ soci & anthro

What was Erikson's view of religion as opposed to Freud's?

F had dim view- collective neurosis based on infantile fears & desires E: Religion something ppl need Make events in lives more understandable & less threatening (Jung & Adler) Key function is to provide "shared world image... vital strength of hope" For adults to instill hope in children, must have fait in world Religion isn't only thing that can provide world image conducive to hope, trust, & faith-- science & social action

What is the ritualization and ritualism that occurs the the seventh stage of development?

Generationalism vs. Authoritism *Generationalism*: Ritualization; involves many ways in which healthy individuals help younger ppl to have experiences conducive to healthy personality growth Parents, teachers, physicians, & spiritual leaders esp. influential in conveying cultural values to child Concern w/ providing children w/ same types of experiences they were fortunate enough to have w/ experiences that facilitate personality growth and perpetuate cultural values *Authoritism*: Ritualism; involves using power for selfish gains instead of helping others

What was Erikson's view on psychotherapy?

Healthy ppl= successfully traversed 8 stages & acquired virtues of hope, will, purpose, competence, fidelity, love, care, & wisdom If don't acquire virtues, egos are weaker Job of therapist to help provide circumstances that virtues can develop F's belief that therapy facilitates understanding of repressed memories through dream analysis & free association

What is a negative identity?

Identity contrary to goals of society All those roles child is warned not to assume An identity perversely based on all those identifications & roles which, at critical stages of development, had been presented to individual as most undesirable or dangerous, & yet also as most real

What is the ritualization and ritualism involved with the fifth stage of development?

Ideology vs. Totalism *Ideology*: ritualization; involves embracing philosophy of life that makes one's past, present, & future meaningful Searches for ideology that synthesizes all of ego developments from previous stages Furnishes game plan for life; gives life meaning Identity can't emerge until all previous ego functions are integrated (ideology does that) Religious, political, philosophical *Totalism*: ritualism; involves embracing simplistic ideas mouthed by "heroes" b/c those ideas may temporarily make life more tolerable Unquestioning commitment When adolescents over identify w/ groups it's b/w they provide answers to life's most difficult questions Can make life easier for troubled; not harmful if temp. When lasts beyond time when identity should be achieved = problem

What is Erikson's first stage of development? What is the basic crisis experienced?

Infancy: Basic Trust vs. Basic Mistrust (oral stage) Birth-1st year Most helpless & dependent on adults *Basic trust*: General feeling of trust in world and ppl in it, which arises if crisis dominating first stage of development is resolved positively *Basic mistrust*: Lack of trust in world and ppl in it, arises if crisis dominating first stage of development resolved negatively Ratio of trust-mistrust: predominance of trust= courage to take risks & not overwhelmed by disappointments & setbacks

What is the ritualization and ritualism that occurs during early childhood?

Judiciousness vs. Legalism *Judiciousness*: Ritualization; the many ways that children learn right from wrong Learns what's culturally sanctioned & what isn't Learns laws, rules, honored practices, & regulations that characterize culture Rules internalized, child judges own and other behaviors Superego develops, used by child to make moral evaluations *Legalism*: Ritualism; preoccupation w/ rules & regulations themselves instead of w/ what they were designed to accomplish "Victory of letter over spirit of word & law; moralistic insistence on exposing & isolating culprit whether or not this will be good for him or anyone else" Punishment & humiliation of transgressors is more imp. than intent of law that was transgressed

What is the epigenetic principle?

Life = 8 stages; sequence genetically determined & unalterable Anything that grows has a ground plan; parts arise, ea. having own special ascendancy, until all parts arise to form functioning whole Personality characteristics that become salient during any stage of development exists before stage & continue to exist after stage Social & bio reasons- development of certain personality characteristics becomes focus of one stage as opposed to other stages Ea. personality characteristic unfolds, incorporated into characteristics developed during previous stage- creates new configuration of personality characteristics == ea. stage unfolds, builds on those preceding it

What is the biographical sketch of Erikson's life?

No advanced degree in medicine/psych; had psychoanalytic training ("Lay analyst") Born Germany 1902 Parents had breif marriage, real father's identity unknown; 2nd marriage to Homburger, thought was real father Never felt like part of family b/c they were Jewish but he had blond hair & blue eyes Why he focused on formation of identity as imp. aspect of theory After HS, wanted to be artist Anna Freud invited him to train as child analyst (3 yrs) '33- moved to US to escape Hitler Research fellow at Harvard Med School, then Yale Died '94 Referred to self as basically Freudian, but work had little commonality Work influenced diverse fields: psych, religion, soci, antro, & hist.

What is Erikson's eighth stage of development? What is the basic crisis experienced?

Old Age: Ego Integrity vs. Despair 65-death Late adulthood *Ego Integrity*: Satisfaction w/ life & lack of fear of death; positively resolved Person who can look back on a rich, constructive, happy life doesn't fear death Has feeling of completion & fulfillment *Despair*: Lack of satisfaction w/ life & fear of death; negatively resolved Looks back on life w/ frustration Not ready for death Hasn't yet achieved any major goals in life

What is Erikson's third stage of development? What is the basic crisis experienced?

Preschool Age: Initiative vs. Guilt (phallic stage) 4th-5th year Increasingly capable of detailed motor activity, refined language use, & vivid imagination Initiate ideas, actions, & fantasies, plan future events Explore what type of person they can become Limits tested to learn what's permissible *Initiative*: General ability to initiate ideas & actions & to plan future events; resolved positively Parents encourage child's self-initiated behaviors & fantasies *Guilt*: General feeling that develops in a child if crisis dominating resolved negatively Parents ridicule child's self-initiated behavior and imagination Lacking self-sufficiency Live w/in narrow limits that others set for them

What is Erikson's fourth stage of development? What is the basic crisis experienced?

School Age: Industry vs. Inferiority (latency stage) 6th-11th year Learn skills necessary for economic survival, technological skills that'll allow them to become productive members of culture School trains them for future employment & adjustment to culture; social skills Most imp. lesson: the pleasure of work completion by steady attention & persevering diligence Children must learn that to be a productive member of their community they must possess real (not imagined) skills & knowledge *Industry*: Sense of enjoyment from work & sustained attention; resolved positively Prepares child to look confidently for productive places in society among other ppl *Inferiority*: Loss of confidence in one's ability to become contributing member of one's society; resolved negatively More likely to develop "negative identity"

What is the virtue that emerges with the seventh stage of development?

*Care* Greater sense of generativity than stagnation The widening concern for what has been generated by love, necessity, or accident It overcomes the ambivalence adhering to irreversible obligation

What is the virtue that emerges during Erikson's fourth stage of development?

*Competence* Greater sense of industry than of inferiority Free exercise of dexterity & intelligence in completion of tasks, unimpaired by infantile inferiority Competence comes from loving attention & encouragement Sense of inferiority- ridicule or lack of concern by those persons most imp. to children

What is the virtue that emerges during Erikson's fifth stage of development?

*Fidelity* If one has a sense of identity instead of role confusion The ability to sustain loyalties freely pledged in spite of the inevitable contradictions of value systems

What is the virtue that emerges from the sixth stage of development?

*Love* Greater sense of intimacy than isolation The mutuality of devotion forever subduing the antagonisms inherent in divided function

What is the virtue that emerges in the third stage of development?

*Purpose* Greater sense of initiative than guilt The courage to envisage & pursue valued goals uninhibited by the defeat of infantile fantasies, by guilt & by the foiling fear of punishment

What is the virtue that emerges in the second stage of development?

*Will* Greater autonomy than shame & doubt The unbroken determination to exercise free choice as well as self-restraint, in spite of the unavoidable experience of shame & doubt in infancy Ego becomes strong enough to deal adequately w/ inevitable experiences of shame & doubt

What is the virtue that emerges in the eighth stage of development?

*Wisdom* More ego integrity than despair Detached concern w/ life itself, in face of death itself

What are the three phases of a crisis, in accordance w/ the epigenetic principle?

1. Immature phase: not focal point of personality development 2. Critical phase: variety of biopsychosocial reasons, is focal point of personality development 3. Resolution phase: resolution of crisis influences subsequent personality development Normal development = crises of stages resolved positively Normal development inhibited when one or more crises resolved negatively Ea. crisis must be positively resolved in stage it's critical in before prepared to deal with crises that dominate subsequent stages

What are Erikson's eight stages of development?

1. Infancy: Basic trust vs. Basic mistrust 2. Early Childhood: Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt 3. Preschool Age: Initiative vs. Guilt 4. School Age: Industry vs. Inferiority 5. Adolescence: Identity vs. Role Confusion 6. Young Adulthood: Intimacy vs. Isolation 7. Adulthood: Generativity vs. Stagnation 8. Old Age: Ego Integrity vs. Despair

What is the movement of psychoanalytic thought beyond childhood?

Adler expanded psychoanalytic theorizing to include social influence Horney altered its conceptualizing of women Erikson moved psychoanalytic thought beyond childhood. Adulthood was not simply a reaction to childhood experiences, but rather a continuing developmental process that was influenced by its own previous stages

What is Erikson's fifth stage of development? What is the basic crisis experienced?

Adolescence: Identity vs. Role Confusion (genital stage) 12-20 years *Identity crisis* Transition b/w childhood & *adulthood* Before: learning who they were & what was possible for them to do; various roles available to them Now: ponder accumulated info abt themselves & society & ultimately commit to some strategy for life Is time searching for identity but not having one *Psychosocial moratorium* *Identity*: (ego identity) sense of knowing who you are & where you're going in life; resolved positively Emergence of identity marks end of childhood & beginning of adulthood "Feeling of being at home in one's body, sense of 'knowing where one is going' Inner assuredness of anticipated recognition from those who count *Role confusion*: State produced by not acquiring an identity during 5th stage; inability to choose defining role in life; negative resolution Prolongs psychological moratorium indefinitely or make superficial commitments that're soon abandoned "Negative identity*

What is Erikson's seventh stage of development? What is the basic crisis experienced?

Adulthood: Generativity vs. Stagnation 25-64 years Middle adulthood If developed positive identity & live productive happy life, one attempts to pass circumstances that caused life to next generation Done by interacting w/ children directly or producing/creating experiences that'll enhance lives of those in next generation *Generativity*: Impulse to help members of next generation that arises; resolved positively *Stagnation*: Lack of concern abt the next generation; resolved negatively

What is another problem that can develop during Erikson's fourth stage of development?

Children may later overvalue their positions in workplace Work equated to life Blinded to many other imp. aspects of human existence Become conformist & thoughtless slave of technology Skills necessary for future employment must be encouraged during stage but not at expense of other imp. human attributes

What is the ritualization and ritualism involved with the fourth stage of development?

Formality vs. Formalism *Formality*: ritualization; involves learning how various things work in one's culture Learning appropriate ways of doing tasks Whatever child does (school, home, work, etc.) they must learn to do it "properly" *Formalism*: Ritualism; involves preoccupation w/ how things work, or w/ one's work, & disregard for reason why things function as they do or why various types of jobs exist Overconcern w/ technique, and blindness to purpose & meaning to task ex: only concerned w/ high grades

How did the preceding stages and the fifth stage of development affect an individual? What happens now?

Stages preceding provide child w/ qualities that an identity could be derived Now... Person must synthesize this info Development of identity marks end of childhood & beginning of adulthood From this point on, life is matter of acting out one's identity Now that person "knows who they are," the task of life becomes one of carrying "that person" optimally through the remaining stages of life

What is ego psychology?

Theoretical system that stresses importance of ego as autonomous part of personality instead of viewing ego as merely servant of id Gave ego properties & needs of its own Ego may started out in service of id, but developed own functions in process Erikson's theory can be viewed as description of how ego gains/loses strength as function of developmental experiences

What is psychosocial moratorium?

Time during 5th stage of development when adolescence is searching for an identity

What is culture?

Version of human existence -Many equally valid versions exist Except for requirement that ritualizations satisfy basic human needs, are arbitrary ex: Cultural variations exist for courting, mating, & childbearing practices- differences are less imp. than fact that they all encourage reproduction & perpetuation of culture they occur

What is Erikson's sixth stage of development? What is the basic crisis experienced?

Young Adulthood: Intimacy vs. Isolation 20-24 years "Normalcy" for young adult = being able to love & work effectively Only person w/ secure identity can risk entering loving relationship Young adult w/ strong identity eagerly seeks intimate relationships w/ others *Intimacy*: Ability to merge one's identity w/ that of another person; resolved positively *Isolation*: Inability to share one's identity w/ that of another person; resolved negatively W/draw into themselves, avoid close contacts

What is the ritualization and ritualism involved with the sixth stage of development?

Affiliation vs. Elitism *Affiliation*: Ritualization; involves sharing one's identity w/ fellow humans in a caring, productive way Ex: entering into intimate relationship w/ someone who has also gained an identity Affiliate productively w/ fellow humans in work, friendship, & love Various ways culture sanctions caring, productive relationships b/w adults (marriage ceremony & honeymoons) *Elitism*: Ritualism; involves superficial relationships w/ groups of like-minded individuals that ppl w/o identities seek Sense of isolation rather than intimacy Surrounded by small groups of like-minded ppl rather than forming deeply emotional relationships w/ healthy ppl Snobbery, status symbols, & memberships in exclusive clubs Relationships aren't truly intimate, continue sense of isolation w/in culture

According to the epigenetic principle. where do crisis occur?

All crises exist in all stages of development Identity crisis exists in young child & mature adult; does so in immature & resolution phases For biopsychosocial reasons, ti's only during adolescence that identity crisis exists in its critical phase

What is the ritualization and ritualism involved with the third stage of development?

Authenticity vs. Impersonation *Authenticity*: Ritualization; involves playful role playing to discover possible ways of living one's adult life Intermediate reality where they can explore relationship b/w inner & outer worlds Positive & negative roles played to reconfirm limits on behavior "Trying on" various roles & reconfirming what's possible Child discover "mix" of roles that's just right for them *Impersonation*: Ritualism; involves confusing playing a role w/ one's true personality Rather than role becoming part of true self or furnishing info abt it, child becomes role they play Loses rich blending of personality characteristics that have developed during previous stages into unique, authentic person

What is ritualization?

Behaviors that reflect & perpetuate beliefs, custom, and values sanctioned by particular culture Make life meaningful w/in particular society/culture Most individuals engage in them w/o knowing they're doing so Culturally approved patterns of everyday behavior that allow person to become acceptable member of culture: Ways we relate to other (handshake, kiss, hug) Guides that set boundaries b/w acceptable & unacceptable behaviors

What is a crisis?

Conflict that becomes dominant during particular stage of development Ea. crisis is turning point in one's development Positive resolution: strengthens ego; greater adaptation; increases likelihood that crisis characterizing next stage will be resolved positively Negative resolution: weakens ego; inhibit adaptation; lowers probability that next crisis will be resolved positively Resolution had b/ positive & negative elements Ration of positive to negative high for positive = resolved positively

What is an identity crisis?

Crisis that dominates 5th stage of development Results in either person gaining an identity (positive resolution) or role confusion (negative resolution)

How did Erikson's view of development, anatomy as destiny, ego psychology, and the unconscious mind?

Development: F- psychosexual stages; before 6 most imp. for personality E- studied development as it occurred through life; descriptions are much more detailed Anatomy as Destiny: F- imp. of bio diff. for personality development E- agreed on anatomical diff provide patterns of internal stimulation, but it interacts w/ social environment to produce personality development; no penis envy Ego psych: E, under Anna Freud, shifted attention from id to ego; Rather than viewing person as warring w/ society, they are potential source of strength Believed that culture provides ritualization that helps positively resolve crises of stages; individual serves culture (vv) Unconscious mind: E emphasized conscious ego Ego gains strength de certain social experiences; experiences largely unconscious

What was Erikson's view of anatomy, gender, & destiny?

Did research on young boys & girls Concluded that scenes created by children were outward manifestations of genital apparatus Biology was one factor that determines how person perceives & acts on world, social factors also imp. Culture tells how boys & girls are expected to act & think, influence outlook Didn't say males>females; there are imp. diff. b/w males & females Male traits complement females traits In our culture, male role glorified relative to female B/ men & women hurt by current cultural stereotypes

What are some criticisms of Erikson's theories?

Difficult to test empirically Had little interest in testing own theory empirically, those tested lacked quantification & statistical analysis Others had some success, esp. in identity Overly optimistic view of humans Little description of intense struggle to keep animalistic nature in check Concentrated on problems of identity, problem solving, & interpersonal relationship rather than taming powerful sexual & aggressive instincts Too optimistic, unrealistic, simplistic Support of status quo Healthy person- adjusts, accepts, & passes to next gen. elements of culture Ego development enhanced by engaging in cultural ritualization Advocating conformity Would make little sense to adjust to abnormal situations (injustice, shallowness, etc.) Excessive moralizing Positive adjustments- in accordance to Christian ethics May have been describing own values rather than objective reality Failure to properly acknowledge influences on his theory "Post-freudian" but pragmatic & political to not be "excommunicated" from psychoanalytic circle Didn't acknowledge Adler, Horney on social variables

What is ritualism?

Distorted or exaggerated ritualizations Inappropriate or false ritualizations Causes of much social and psycho pathology Ritualization that has become mechanical & stereotypes ex: addressing certain accomplished ppl w/ titles, encourage sense of respect for status; idolize/worship person is inappropriate exaggeration of ritualization- lack of power to bond ppl of culture together, subverting original purpose of ritualization

What is the ritualization and ritualism that occurs in the eighth stage of development?

Integralism vs. Sapientism *Integralism*: Ritualization; involves wisdom to place one's own life in larger perspective, to see one's finite life as contributing to immortal culture All has gone well in person's life, realizes how instrumental they have been in perpetuating culture Sense of immortality knowing that culture they helped sustain will survive their own death Final unification of previous ritualizations Last integration of ritualization puts life, and death, into perspective *Sapientism*: Ritualism; involves pretense of being wise Older person experiencing despair instead of ego integrity may play role of person having all answers, being absolutely right; unable to place life in context of continuous cultural evolution Life viewed as having little meaning

What was Erikson's view on dream analysis? acquired vir

Minimized use in practice Dreams provide info abt unconscious Dream work creates symbols w/ more than one meaning Free association effective to study dreams Ego influences dreams Healthy ego is powerful even in sleep- make compromises w/ idinal impulses that produce dreams of success & achievement so dreamer can wake w/ sense of competence & wholeness Concentrated on aspects of dreams that are constructive & teleological- useful & refreshing to dreamer Dream analysis to det. strength of ego rather than repressed, traumatic experiences

What was Erikson's goal of psychotherapy?

Modern times created diff. types of disorders: patient of today suffer most under problem of what he should believe in & who he should be/become Main focus: ego that must be strengthened to point where it can cope w/ life's problems Advice to resynthesize elements tat patient's ego identity was based Believed that traditional techniques of releasing contents of unconscious mind may do more harm than good - push someone who is leaning out too far over precipice of unconscious Like Adler, has patients sit across rather than lie down b/c more equitable situation Purpose: encourage growth of whatever virtues are missing, even if it means going back & helping them develop sense of basic trust Outcome of every crisis resolution is reversible

What is the ritualization and ritualism that occurs during infancy?

Numinous vs. Idolism *Numinous*: ritualization of first stage of development Involves many culturally determined ways mother & infant interact Mother-infant interaction Child develops positive feelings toward mother = socially responsive; mother's warm, predictable caring for child creates desire to seek interactions w/ persons other than mother *Idolism*: ritualism of first stage of development Instead of child learning a warm, positive feeling toward others, tends to worship them Normal reverence for mother exaggerated Normal respect & deep appreciation for person becomes excessive admiration & idealization Blind hero worship

What is the relationship between the development of one's personality and culture?

Personality development occurs w/in cultural setting Emphasized compatibility b/w individuals & culture Job of culture is to provide effective ways of satisfying b/ bio and psycho human needs Person's internal & external experiences must fit together if individual is to develop & function normally in particular culture Ea. successive stage & crisis has special relation to one of basic elements of society- reason that human life cycle & man's institutions have evolved together

What causes adolescents to have unrest or hostility? Why should an adolescent choose a negative identity if a positive one is not available?

Role confusion & negative identity explains unrest & hostility Adolescent would "rather be nobody or somebody bad, or indeed, dead -- and this totally, and by free choice--- than be not-quite somebody"

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