Ch 8 Nutrition

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what percent of men and women suffer from bullimia :

.5 women, .1 men

what percent of men and women suffer from anorexia:

.9 women, .3 men

fat energy expended


alcohol energy expended


Fewer than __ percent of US adults are underweight.


About ______ of the energy the average person expends in a day supports the body's basal metabolism.


More than _______ of adults in the United States have a BMI greater than ________

2/3rds, 25

protein energy expended


what percent of men and women suffer from binge eating:

3.5 women, 2 men

carbohydrate energy expended


diet plans recommend lowering energy intake by how many kcals a day to lose how many pounds a week?

500 kcals, 1 pound

Water makes up what percentage of the body?


healthy weight falls between, underweight falls below, overweight is, obese above,

BMI of 18.5 - 24.9, below 18.5, above 25, above 30

Thermic Effect of Food (TEF)

The thermic effect of food is proportional to the food energy taken in and is usually estimated at 10 percent of energy intake

overall process of calorimeter the amount of oxygen consumed gives?

When the food burns and the chemical bonds break, the carbons and hydrogens combine w oxygens to form carbon dioxide and water an indirect measure of amount of energy released

normal weight obesity syndrome

a condition characterized by excess body fat, adequate BMI, and inc risk factors for chronic diseases.

muscle dysmorphia

a disorder characterized by an extreme concern with becoming more muscular

bmr is slowest when?

a person is sleeping undisterbed

for each 3500 kcals eaten in excess...

a pound of body fat is stored

for each 3500 kcals expended...

a pound of fat is lost

Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)

a syndrome of impaired physiological functions caused by relative energy deficiency (too little energy intake for the energy expended)

during starvation losses of fat and lean are

about equal


absence of menstruation

adaptive thermogenesis

adjustments in energy expenditure related to changes in environment such as extreme cold and to physiological events such as overfeeding, trauma, and changes in hormone status

physiological fuel value

amount of energy that the body derives from food

orthorexia nervosa

an eating disorder characterized by fixation on food quality and purity

bomb calorimeter these reactions also generate?

an instrument that measures the heat energy released when foods are burned, providing a direct measure of the foods energy value carbon dioxide and water

Eating can also be suppressed by signals other than satiety like


To achieve energy balance

body must meet its needs without taking in too much or too little energy

to find out how many kcals a food provides a scientist can burn the food in a ?

bomb calorimeter

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) which lead to?

causes carbohydrate cravings, initiates eating, decreases energy expenditure, and increases fat storage—all factors favoring a positive energy balance and weight gain.

_______ _______ ______ cells appear to be larger and more insulin-resistant than lower-body fat cells.

central body fat

Excessive visceral fat stored around the organs of the abdomen is referred to as _____ ________ or upper-body fat

central obesity

___________ _____ does not contribute to heart disease, cancer, diabetes

central obesity,

As receptors in the stomach stretch and hormones such as ____________ become active, the person begins to feel full... what is the response?

cholecystokinin, resp: satiation

fat in the intestine triggers the release of _________________-- which does?

cholecystokinina -hormone that signals satiety and inhibits food intake

Energy needs _______ during adulthood as lean body mass diminishes - because?

decline, hormones become less active w age /

Estimating Energy Requirements

diff equations for men and women

female athlete triad

disordered eating, amenorrhea, osteoporosis

This fat that accumulates outside of adipose tissue—called ______ ______ —disrupts normal metabolism and contributes to the many diseases associated with obesity.

ectopic fat

The amount of body fat as person deposits in, or withdraws from, storage on any given day depends on the?

energy balance for that day.

The total energy a body expends reflects three main categories of thermogenesis:

energy expended for metabolism, physical activity, consumption, and sometimes adaptation

Excess energy is stored as ? - ? is used for what between meals

fat, energy

____ has a weak effect on satiation; consequently, eating high-____ foods may lead to passive overconsumption. they also what?

fat, fat stimulate appetite

satiety is

feeling of fullness


fullness; satisfaction

thermogenesis is the and can be used to determine?

generation of heat, the amount of energy expended

For the most part, the BMR is __________ in people who are growing and in those with considerable ______________

growing, lean body mass

kcals are units of

heat energy

_______ fiber foods effectively provide satiation by filling the stomach and delaying the absorption of nutrients.

high fiber

Direct measures of body composition are _________ in living human beings - what is used to assess body comp?

impossible, body wt= fat+ lean tissue(including water)

One way to __________ the BMR, then, is to participate in endurance and strength-training activities regularly to maximize lean body mass.


Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)

is slightly higher than the BMR because its criteria for recent food intake and physical activity are not as strict.

basal metabolic rate (BMR)

is the rate at which the body expends energy for these life sustaining activities

cathartic used when?

laxative , bullimia

The body is _________ efficient than a calorimeter and ________ metabolize all of the ______________ in a food completely.

less , cannot, energy yielding nuts

Foods _____ in energy density are also more satiating.


women have _______ energy requirements than men Energy needs are _____ in people who are growing.

lower, higher

basal metabolism activities include:

lungs inhaling/exhaling, bone marrow making new blood cells, hearts beating etc

Visceral fat is most common in _____ and to a lesser extent in women past _______

men menopause

the longer, the more frequent, larger the muscle mass, and the more intense the activity, the ________

more energy expenditure:

four hours after a meal

most if not all food has left stomach

treatment of eating disorders requires?

multidisciplinary approach

The amount of energy needed for any activity depends on three factors:

muscle mass, body weight, and activity.

The extent to which foods produce satiation and sustain satiety depends on?

part on the nutrient composition of a meal

What is the most variable component of energy expenditure?

physical activity

The second component of a person's energy output is _______________

physical activity: voluntary movement of the skeletal muscles and support systems.

bomb calorimeter overstates the?

physiological fuel value

in the body hunger is

physiological response to a need for food triggered by nerve signals and chemical messengers originating and acting in the brain, primarily in the hypothalamus


prompts person to eat or not to eat

Of the three energy-yielding nutrients, which nut is considered the most satiating?


what activities account for the largest share of most peoples energy expenditures?

quiet metabolic activities

treatment for bullimia?

regular eating pattern, excercise pattern

bmi describes

relative weight for height: BMI= wt(kg)/height (m) OR wt(lb)-ht (in) x 703

as food enters the GI tract and hunger diminishes what occurs?


_______________ tells us to "stop eating," ______________reminds us to "not start eating again."

satiation, satiety

what feeling suppresses hunger?


The BMR ___________ with a loss of lean body mass and during fasting and malnutrition.

slows down

subcutaenous fat

stored directly under the skin does not

Energy Balance

the amount consumed (energy in) vs the amount expended (energy out)

lean body mass

the body minus its fat

basal metabolism

the energy needed to maintain life when a body is at complete digestive, physical, and emotional rest

metabolic syndrome increases?

the risk for diabetes, hypertension, and atherosclerosis

the more a person weighs, the more ________ is expended on basal metabolism, but the amount of energy per pound of body weight may be _____.

total energy, lower

binge eating can be resolved with?

treatment that combines behavioral and drug therapies.

eating can be triggered by signals other than hunger, even when the body does not need food: T or F


obesity increase risk of cancers? T or F


what is a good indicator of central obesity? women and men size:

waist circumfrance > 35 in and 40 in

when does the GI tract muscles speed up their rhythmic contractions? acceleration known as ?

when a person eats thermic effect of food (TEF)

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