Ch 8 Review

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66) Carlotta Issa is shopping for a new pair of jeans. She has had good experiences with Jordache jeans in the past and is looking for Jordache now. She probably will buy Jordache if she finds some that are at least as good-looking as competitive jeans. This is a good example of: 66) ______ A) brand rejection. B) brand insistence. C) brand recognition. D) brand remembrance. E) brand preference.


67) A product which becomes part of a buyer's final product and comes finished and ready for assembly is called: 67) ______ A) a component material. B) accessory equipment. C) a raw material. D) an installation. E) a component part.


68) Which of the following statements is true? 68) ______ A) Consumer demand for a specific brand at a profitable price helps build brand equity. B) It is usually difficult and expensive to build brand recognition. C) The value of a brand to its current owner is called brand equity. D) Brand equity is likely to be higher if retailers are eager to stock the brand. E) All of these statements are true.


7) Procter and Gamble buys unprocessed logs which are handled as little as needed to move them to its plant. Eventually, they become part of P and G's disposable diapers and are considered an expense item on P and G's income statement. For P and G, logs are: 7) _______ A) supplies B) component materials C) farm products D) component parts E) raw materials


72) The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 requires food manufacturers to: 72) ______ A) list ingredients that trigger common food allergies. B) list the nutritional value of the food product. C) list the fat content of the food product. D) use a uniform format in the Nutrition Facts panel. E) All of these are part of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act.


73) Words, symbols, or logos that are legally registered for use by a single company are called ______. 73) ______ A) brand names B) brand marks C) service marks D) watermarks E) trademarks


76) According to the text, which of the following is NOT a product? 76) ______ A) space in Playboy Magazine sold to an advertiser B) a Broadway musical play C) a Sony PlayStation III D) the San Diego Zoo E) All of these choices are products.


81) ______________ are capital items that cost less and are shorter-lived than installations. 81) ______ A) Supplies B) Component parts C) Component materials D) Staples E) Accessory equipment


85) Which of the following business products are usually treated as expense items? 85) ______ A) raw materials B) component parts and materials C) supplies D) professional services E) all of these products are expense items


87) Which of the following is NOT one of the consumer product classes discussed in the text? 87) ______ A) Specialty products B) Unsought products C) Convenience products D) Shopping products E) Imitation products


9) Branding is good for some CONSUMERS because it: 9) _______ A) connects the product with the benefits the consumer expects. B) makes shopping easier. C) helps assure regular satisfaction. D) provides dependable guides to product quality. E) All of these alternatives are correct.


90) Which of the following is NOT a business raw material? 90) ______ A) Coal. B) Logs. C) Wheat. D) Cattle. E) All of these are business raw materials.


91) A "product" might include: 91) ______ A) a service which does not include a physical good at all. B) instructions. C) a brand name, a package, and a warranty. D) some physical item and its related features. E) All of these choices are good answers.


95) Which of the following is true regarding shopping products? 95) ______ A) The Internet has become the fast way to comparison shop for homogeneous shopping products. B) Price is less important in the purchase of heterogeneous shopping products than homogeneous shopping products. C) Compared to heterogeneous shopping products, homogeneous shopping products are usually more standardized. D) Buyers usually expect more sales help or service with heterogeneous shopping products. E) All of these statements about shopping products are true.


83) The text's consumer product classes are based on: 83) ______ A) the way people think about and shop for products. B) the demand elasticity of the products. C) the type of stores that sell the products. D) how the sellers view the products. E) the quantity in which products will be purchased or used.


93) Product class is based on the type of ______. 93) ______ A) customer B) manufacturing process C) shopping strategy D) marketing strategy E) marketing mix


96) "Product" means: 96) ______ A) the need-satisfying offering of a firm. B) a well-packaged item with a well-advertised brand name. C) a physical good with all its related services. D) all the services needed with a physical good. E) all of a firm's producing and distribution activities.


99) If members of the target market for an Apple iPad do not initially recognize the brand name, but compelling advertising results in more members remembering the brand, we say the Apple iPad has achieved: ______. 99) ______ A) brand recognition. B) brand nonrecognition C) brand preference. D) brand rejection. E) brand insistence.


62) Which of the following would be MOST LIKELY to use individual brands rather than a family brand for its products? 62) ______ A) Manufacturer of packaged potato chips and crackers. B) Manufacturer of canned pet food and sandwich spread for final consumers. C) Manufacturer of knives and scissors for "top quality" market. D) Manufacturer of sweeping compounds, brooms, and mops for business firms. E) Manufacturer of flour for the "mass market".


63) Sears' Kenmore brand of appliances sold in all Sears stores illustrates two kinds of brands. 63) ______ A) generic and family brands B) dealer and family brands C) manufacturer and family brands D) local and national brands E) licensed and dealer brands


84) Nonrecognition of the brand name of a firm's product is likely to be LEAST important for: 84) ______ A) Lubricating oils for machinery B) Coal C) Cold tablets D) Replacement auto repair parts E) Photographic film


89) If a consumer purchases a new watch, the watch is: 89) ______ A) a specialty product. B) it is not obvious-the watch could be any of these choices. C) a convenience product. D) a homogeneous shopping product. E) a heterogeneous shopping product.


92) According to the text, "product": 92) ______ A) means a physical good. B) means the need-satisfying offering of a firm. C) refers to goods but not services. D) includes all the elements of a marketing mix. E) All of these choices are good answers.


97) Compared to other consumer products, the major distinguishing characteristic of emergency products is the customer's: ______. 97) ______ A) willingness to shop around for a lower price. B) urgency to get the need satisfied. C) willingness to shop and compare D) desire to negotiate for a "deal." E) interest in the brand name.


98) Characteristics of a good brand name include all of the following except: 98) ______ A) Be legally available for use by the firm. B) Be trendy and fashionable. C) Match the brand's packaging. D) Be easy to spell and pronounce. E) Describe the product and key benefits.


82) Ukrop's Supermarkets places the Ukrop's brand on a wide variety of products that are only available in Ukrop's stores. The Ukrop's brand is referred to as a(n): 82) ______ A) Producer brand. B) Global brand. C) Private brand. D) Manufacturer brand. E) National brand.


126) The Lanham Act: 126) _____ A) Deals with deceptive product claims and advertisements. B) Describes the kinds of marks that can be protected and the methods for doing so. C) Provides legal guidelines for product warranties. D) Protects consumers against unsafe products. E) Forces all companies to register their brands.


128) Which of the following are meant for use in producing other products? 128) _____ A) Shopping products B) Business products C) Convenience products D) Consumer products E) Staples


13) The federal Magnuson-Moss Act: 13) ______ A) requires that consumer goods be clearly labeled to give consumers more information. B) says that producers must provide a clearly written warranty if they choose to offer a warranty. C) requires food manufacturers to use a labeling format that allows consumers to compare the nutritional value of different products. D) ensures that all labels list the "green benefits" of using the product. E) spells out what kinds of marks (including brand names) can be protected and the exact method of protecting them.


134) Having a competitive price is likely to ______. 134) _____ A) decrease the demand for the product among customers B) be more important for a homogeneous shopping product than for a specialty product C) be more important for a heterogeneous shopping product than for a homogeneous shopping product D) keep a product from falling into the "unsought" product class E) be more important for an emergency product than for a staple


15) A product which becomes part of a buyer's final product, and still requires more processing is called ______. 15) ______ A) a supply B) a component material C) an installation D) a component part E) a raw material


17) Which of the following consumer products is most likely to be classified as "unsought"? 17) ______ A) Band aids B) Life insurance C) House paint D) Tablet computer E) Tires


20) Which of the following is NOT a level of brand familiarity? 20) ______ A) Brand insistence B) Brand nonexistence C) Brand rejection D) Brand nonrecognition E) Brand preference


27) Specialty products: 27) ______ A) are generally high in price. B) are brands customers request by name. C) cannot be found using the Internet. D) have a number of close substitutes. E) None of these alternatives is correct.


30) A "product" is best described as ______. 30) ______ A) the attractiveness of a package B) a need-satisfying offering of a firm C) an intangible service D) a purely physical entity E) an image in the mind of the consumer


32) You have several umbrellas in your closet at home, but when it's raining hard and you're stranded on Market Street in San Francisco you need a new umbrella fast. What type of consumer product is your new umbrella? 32) ______ A) New unsought product B) Emergency product C) Staple D) Specialty product E) Shopping product


47) Short-lived goods and services which are charged off as they are used-rather than depreciated over several years-are called ______. 47) ______ A) derived items B) expense items C) capital items D) nontaxable items E) durables


50) A Xerox photocopy machine in the university chancellor's office is an example of what type of business product? 50) ______ A) Installation B) Accessory C) MRO product D) Component material E) Component part


58) Brand recognition, brand preference, and brand insistence are various levels of ______. 58) ______ A) brand rejection B) brand familiarity C) branding D) brand marks E) brand equity


59) Product line length indicates: the ______. 59) ______ A) the number of product lines that the company has to offer its customers. B) the number of individual offerings in a product line. C) the number of intermediaries involved in the distribution of all the offerings in a product line. D) total number of products that the company has to offer its customers E) the total customer lifetime value associated with the offerings in a product line.


39) Installations: 39) ______ A) seldom involve multiple-buying influence. B) are purchased often. C) are always custom-made. D) are very large expense items for buyers as soon as they buy. E) are important long-lived capital items.


41) Which of the following is NOT a business product? 41) ______ A) A custom-built robot for welding metal B) A metal shelf system for storing inventory C) A pad of paper D) A roll of sheet metal E) Any of these could be a business product


44) ______________ means potential customers remember a particular brand. 44) ______ A) Brand insistence B) Brand rejection C) Brand nonrecognition D) Brand preference E) Brand recognition


45) Raw materials 45) ______ A) move to the next production process with little handling. B) are unprocessed but eventually become part of a final physical good. C) include both farm products and natural products. D) are treated as expense items. E) All of these alternatives are correct.


5) When a consumer has no idea what an RAV4 is, we say that this is an example of ______. 5) _______ A) brand insistence B) brand preference C) brand familiarity D) brand recognition E) brand nonrecognition


51) Consumer products which customers see as basically the same and want to buy at the lowest price are called ______. 51) ______ A) convenience products B) comparison products C) unsought products D) heterogeneous shopping products E) homogeneous shopping products


54) To assess products through the eyes of the consumer, managers should focus on ______. 54) ______ A) eye-catching packaging B) production quality C) tangible product components D) pricing E) total satisfaction and benefits for users


74) ______ means potential customers won't buy a brand-unless its current image is changed. 74) ______ A) Brand rejection B) Brand recognition C) Brand preference D) Brand nonrecognition E) Brand insistence


56) Products that are meant for use in producing other products are ______ products. 56) ______ A) business B) unsought C) specialty D) convenience E) shopping


6) Which of the following is NOT one of the text's business product classes? 6) _______ A) Specialty products B) Installations C) Raw materials D) Professional services E) Component parts and materials


70) Products which have no brand other than the identification of their contents are called 70) ______ A) generic products. B) dealer brands. C) regional brands. D) licensed products. E) local brands.


71) Anita Seagroves visits the local Healthy Glow spa, but dislikes the dirty dressing area and refuses to go back. This is an example of 71) ______ A) brand rejection. B) brand nonrecognition. C) trademarking. D) heterogeneous shopping. E) homogeneous shopping.


102) Which of the following would NOT be favorable to successful branding? 102) _____ A) Product quality fluctuates due to variations in raw materials B) The product offers superior customer value C) Economies of scale in production D) Dependable and widespread availability E) Favorable shelf locations are available


110) Warranties inspire customer confidence and trust for all the following reasons except: 110) _____ A) some reduce the responsibility a producer would have under common law. B) they offer refunds or replacement for defective products. C) they make legally enforceable promises about product performance. D) they show that marketers stand behind their products. E) they are clearly written and included with products for easy access.


118) The value of a brand to its current owner or to a firm that wants to buy it is called ______. 118) _____ A) brand equity B) brand reference C) brand positioning D) brand preference E) brand identity


119) Boatwright College gives manufacturers of clothing and gift items permission to place the college's name and emblem on a wide variety of merchandise. In return, Boatwright is paid a fee for granting this permission. In this case, the Boatwright name and logo is a(n): ) ______. 119) _____ A) Licensed licensed brand B) Dealer dealer brand C) Individual individual brand D) private brand E) Manufacturer manufacturer brand


120) Which of the following is not a business product classification? 120) _____ A) Specialty B) Supplies C) Installations D) Professional services E) Accessories


121) Identify the correct sequence of the levels involved in building brand familiarity. 121) _____ A) Brand rejection, brand nonrecognition, brand recognition, brand preference, brand insistence. B) Brand evaluation, brand preference, brand recognition, brand rejection, brand activation. C) Brand activation, brand rejection, brand recognition, brand preference, brand insistence. D) Brand insistence, brand equity, brand evaluation, brand insistence, brand rejection. E) Brand rejection, brand nonrecognition, brand recognition, brand activation, brand equity.


124) Dealer brands, compared to manufacturer brands, usually offer wholesalers and retailers ______. 124) _____ A) higher gross margins B) less risk C) more prestige D) faster turnover at reduced selling costs E) products which are presold to target customers


16) The primary purpose of branding is to ______. 16) ______ A) to identify a product B) to increase quality C) to prevent competitors from stealing product ideas D) to enhance package design E) to boost customer satisfaction


19) The _____ spells out what kinds of marks including brand names can be protected and the exact method of protecting them. 19) ______ A) Lanham Act B) Licenses Act C) Federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act D) Magnuson-Moss Act E) Wagner Act


2) According to the text, consumer product classes: 2) _______ A) are based on how consumers shop for products. B) can be broken down into goods, services, and ideas. C) are interesting, but not helpful for planning marketing strategy. D) are based on how the products will be used. E) are based on the product features involved.


22) A good marketing manager knows that ______. 22) ______ A) good packaging can tie the product to the rest of a marketing strategy B) packaging costs generally reduce the customer value a consumer receives C) packaging costs should be kept to a minimum D) packaging suppliers are usually a poor source of information E) good packaging is bound to add to cost of the product


25) ______________ means a brand is not recognized by final customers at all. 25) ______ A) Brand nonrecognition B) Brand rejection C) Brand recognition D) Brand preference E) Brand insistence


26) ____ are short-lived capital items. 26) ______ A) Accessories B) Installations C) Components D) Professional services E) Raw materials


35) Convenience products are products 35) ______ A) a consumer needs but is not willing to spend much time or effort shopping for. B) which consumers are aware of but not interested in. C) toward which consumer attitudes may be negative. D) meant for use in producing other products. E) that consumers want because they are easy to use or consume.


40) Trademarks 40) ______ A) can be legally protected in the U.S. under the Lanham Act. B) and trademark infringement are aggressively policed by a special agency of the U.S. Government. C) cannot be registered with a government agency in the U.S. D) are legally protected in the United States, but not in any other countries. E) None of these alternatives is correct.


42) Supplies can be divided into which of the following three types? 42) ______ A) Maintenance, Repair, and Operating B) Homogenous, heterogeneous, and specialty C) Products, installations, and services D) Staples, impulse, and emergency E) Accessory equipment, raw materials, and component parts


49) The fact that the demand for business products depends a lot on the demand for final consumer products is called: 49) ______ A) derived demand. B) elastic demand. C) secured demand. D) diminishing demand. E) primary demand.


53) Allan Clapp is a purchasing agent for Deep River Mfg. Co. He regularly buys items such as nails, light bulbs, brooms, and sweeping compounds. In other words, he buys: 53) ______ A) supplies. B) components. C) installations. D) professional services. E) accessory equipment.


78) _____ means a product's ability to satisfy a customer's needs or requirements. 78) ______ A) Service B) Trademark C) Quality D) Brand E) Assortment


1) Regarding the demand for business products, 1) _______ A) The demand facing most individual firms is fairly inelastic. B) Demand for business products is derived from the demand for final consumer products. C) Industry demand is generally highly elastic. D) All of these alternatives are correct.


11) Ross Wrigley refuses to buy Billy Goat brand of beer; his attitude toward this brand is called _____. 11) ______ A) brand familiarity B) brand rejection C) brand positioning D) brand recognition E) brand nonrecognition


112) According to the text, product quality means that: 112) _____ A) the product won't ever break. B) a product satisfies a customer's requirements or needs. C) products are designed to meet demanding specifications. D) there are no errors in the production process. E) None of these choices is correct.


117) A product assortment is: 117) _____ A) a set of products that are closely related. B) the set of all product lines and individual products that a firm sells. C) something offered by manufacturers but not by retailers. D) a particular product within a product line. E) None of these alternatives is correct.


104) The Garland Advertising Agency provides promotional assistance to small and medium-sized firms that cannot afford to pay the fees charged by large national advertising agencies. Garland would fall into which of the following business product classes? 104) _____ A) Installations B) Raw materials C) Professional services D) Supplies E) Components


106) Which of the following would be a convenience product for most consumers? 106) _____ A) Dress shoes B) Stereo TVs C) Butter D) Bicycles E) Gold jewelry


109) Manufacturer brands are also called ___________. 109) _____ A) dealer brands B) global brands C) national brands D) store brands E) private brands


127) The "battle of the brands" refers to competition between: 127) _____ A) retailers and wholesalers. B) manufacturers and other manufacturers. C) manufacturers and intermediaries. D) wholesalers and other wholesalers. E) retailers and other retailers.


133) Which of the following is a condition favorable to successful branding? 133) _____ A) Limited availability for the product in the market. B) No economies of scale for the product. C) Favorable shelf locations or display spaces are available in stores. D) The product quality is difficult to maintain. E) The product is difficult to label and identify by brand.


18) A ______ explains what the seller promises about its product. 18) ______ A) brand B) trademark C) warranty D) copyright E) service mark


23) Consumer products which consumers do not yet want or know they can buy-and probably would not buy without special promotion even if they saw them-are called ______. 23) ______ A) homogeneous shopping products B) new brands of well-accepted staples C) unsought products D) emergency products E) heterogeneous shopping products


24) Multiple-buying influence would be most likely for ______. 24) ______ A) professional services B) repair items C) installations D) convenience puposes E) accessories


3) Sellers pay a fee to use the "Sunkist" brand on more than 400 products in 30 countries. Sunkist is a(n) ___________ brand. 3) _______ A) dealer B) manufacturer's C) licensed D) specialty E) individual


31) Sears uses a(n) _______________ brand when it uses the same brand name for several products. In contrast, General Motors, by using different brands for each car line, uses ______________ brands. 31) ______ A) generic, family B) individual, generic C) family, individual D) manufacturer, dealer E) national, local


38) Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a convenience product for most consumers? 38) ______ A) Paper towels B) Peanut butter C) Pair of jeans D) Laundry detergent E) Candy bar


43) Regarding specialty products, which of the following is TRUE? 43) ______ A) Branding does not play an important role in purchasing specialty products. B) It is the extent of searching which the customer has to do that makes it a specialty product. C) It is a customer's willingness to search that makes it a specialty product. D) Shopping for a specialty product involves much comparing of products. E) All of these alternatives are TRUE.


48) Which of the following is not one of the types of supplies? 48) ______ A) Repair supplies B) Operating supplies C) Professional supplies D) Maintenance supplies


52) The market into which a company introduces components or parts that may be bought and configured into the final product and sold by the reseller is called the: 52) ______ A) optimal brand market. B) general market. C) original equipment market. D) aftermarket. E) operational essentials market.


55) Supplies can be divided into which of the following three types? 55) ______ A) Accessory equipment, raw materials, and component parts B) Staples, impulse, and emergency C) Maintenance, Repair, and Operating D) Homogenous, heterogeneous, and specialty


57) A consumer product that a customer really wants-and is willing to make a special shopping effort to find-is ______. 57) ______ A) a heterogeneous shopping product B) a convenience product C) a specialty product D) an emergency product E) a staple product


65) _____ are bought often, routinely, and without much thought. 65) ______ A) New unsought products B) Business products C) Staples D) Shopping products E) Specialty products


69) Business products that are necessary expense items, and continually used up, but which do not become part of the buyer's final product are: 69) ______ A) raw materials. B) component materials. C) supplies. D) accessory equipment. E) component parts.


77) Regarding business products: 77) ______ A) Tax treatments of business products have no importance to business customers. B) Total industry demand is fairly elastic. C) The demand for business products is derived from the demand for consumer products. D) Demand facing individual sellers is always inelastic. E) The demand for consumer products is derived from the demand for business products.


10) Which of the following products in a supermarket is LEAST likely to be an impulse product? 10) ______ A) An ice cream cone B) Flashlight batteries C) Local newspaper D) Bread E) Camera film


103) By definition, a brand name may not include: 103) _____ A) the product name. B) words. C) groups of words. D) symbols and pictures. E) the company name.


105) Saxon Shoes is a large independent shoe store. In the men's department, the store offers three different brands of slip-on tassel loafers for men: Bass, priced at $75; Rockport, priced at $125; and Allen Edmonds, priced at $250. In terms of product quality, which of the following is an accurate statement? 105) _____ A) The Rockport shoes have mid-level quality. B) The Allen-Edmonds shoes are first movers in the market. C) The Bass shoes have the lowest quality. D) The quality of the three brands depends on the degree to which they meet the needs of the consumers in the target market. E) The Allen-Edmonds shoes have the highest quality.


107) Applying the text's list of characteristics of a good brand name, which of the following would be the poorest example of a good brand name? 107) _____ A) General Electric TVs. B) L'eggs hosiery. C) Pizza Hut. D) King Kong Chewing Gum. E) DieHard flashlights.


113) During a heavy rainstorm, Louie Hirasawa stepped into a drugstore and bought an umbrella-just like the one he had at home-for $15.00 plus tax. In this case, the umbrella is ______. 113) _____ A) a shopping product B) an impulse product C) an unsought product D) an emergency product E) a specialty product


116) Services, as opposed to physical products: 116) _____ A) Are usually produced and consumed in different time frames. B) Never require the presence of the consumer in order to be performed. C) May be stored for later use. D) Are usually sold first, and then produced. E) None of these alternatives is correct.


125) Logs, fish, cotton, and strawberries can all be: 125) _____ A) accessories. B) capital items. C) supplies. D) raw materials. E) component parts.


131) A company with a large product assortment might 131) _____ A) have many individual products. B) have a single product line. C) have many product lines with little selection in each. D) All of these choices are correct.


28) Which of the following statements is not characteristic of a good? 28) ______ A) Goods can be owned by the customer. B) Goods are typically mass-produced. C) Goods can be produced and then stored to sell at some future time. D) Goods are typically manufactured at the location where the customer makes the purchase. E) Goods are tangible items that can be touched.


29) The need-satisfying offering of a firm is its 29) ______ A) relative quality. B) brand. C) promotion. D) product. E) warranty.


33) What type of business product is General Motors purchasing when it asks a law firm for bankruptcy advice? 33) ______ A) Emergency product B) Accessory C) Component D) Professional service E) Installation


34) If a firm offers a service guarantee, it ______. 34) ______ A) is becoming less common B) is the same thing as offering a warranty C) can be inexpensive if its employees are apathetic D) can be effective in creating repeat customers E) can be offered for at leat five years


37) Consumer product classes are based on ______, while business product classes are based on ______. 37) ______ A) the price of the product, the quality of the product B) how the product is sold, how the product is produced C) how the product is to be used, the price for the product D) how consumers shop for the product, how the product is to be used E) how the product is produced, how the product is sold


4) Which of the following is NOT a component material? 4) _______ A) Copper wire. B) Paper. C) Copper screens. D) Copper ore. E) None of these, i.e., all are component materials.


46) To take advantage of increased customer demand, a hair salon may use all the following strategies except: 46) ______ A) open additional stores. B) create larger stores with more capacity. C) keep salon open longer hours. D) store inventories of salon services in warehouses. E) hire more specialists.


60) Convenience products include: 60) ______ A) staple products. B) impulse products. C) emergency products. D) All of these are convenience products.


61) A ______ is a word, letter, or group of words or letters. 61) ______ A) UPC B) trademark C) FTC D) brand name E) SIC


64) Drue Valentine is a management consultant who helps manufacturers improve their quality-control procedures for new products. Drue is selling ______. 64) ______ A) MROs B) accessories C) supplies D) professional services E) components


75) ______ means potential customers insist on a firm's branded product and are willing to search for it. 75) ______ A) Brand preference B) Brand recognition C) Brand nonrecognition D) Brand insistence E) Brand rejection


79) Which of the following is characteristic of a product warranty? 79) ______ A) It is the same as service guarantees. B) It must be specific and in writing. C) It must be for a minimum period of five years. D) It can have a positive effect on perceptions of product quality. E) It is governed by the federal Lanham Act.


8) If a consumer product is used regularly and usually bought frequently and routinely with little thought (although branding may be important), this product is ______. 8) _______ A) a routine product B) a specialty product C) a casual product D) a staple product E) a homogeneous shopping product


80) A producer that is selling all its products under one brand name is using a ______ brand. 80) ______ A) a generic B) a licensed C) an individual D) a family E) a national


86) A "dealer brand" is sometimes called a __________ brand. 86) ______ A) manufacturer B) national C) regional D) private E) local


88) The Federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act: 88) ______ A) requires that consumer goods be clearly labeled in understandable terms. B) was created due to consumer criticism of packaging and labeling. C) calls on government agencies and industry to try to reduce the number of packaging sizes. D) all of these alternatives are correct.


94) Which of the following is NOT true when comparing goods and services? 94) ______ A) It is easier to produce consistent quality goods as compared to services. B) Goods are easily stored while services cannot be stored. C) Services are intangible while goods are tangible. D) Customers rely more heavily on recommendations when purchasing goods as compared to services. E) Services are usually produced in front of customers, whereas goods are not.


100) Which of the following is a "product"? 100) _____ A) a dental exam B) a used car C) a bus ride D) a haircut E) All of these choices are products.


101) A Hewlett-Packard "all-in-one" printer that serves as a computer printer, fax machine, copier, and scanner would fall into which of the following business product classes? 101) _____ A) Supplies B) Components C) Installations D) Raw materials E) Accessories


108) Branding can help BRANDERS because it: 108) _____ A) encourages repeat buying. B) can improve the company's image. C) may lower promotion costs. D) may develop customer loyalty. E) All of these alternatives are correct.


111) The Federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act: 111) _____ A) says that producers must provide a clearly written warranty if they choose to offer a warranty. B) requires food manufacturers to use a labeling format that allows consumers to compare the nutritional value of different products. C) ensures that all labels list the "green benefits" of using the product. D) spells out what kinds of marks (including brand names) can be protected and the exact method of protecting them. E) requires that consumer goods be clearly labeled to give consumers more information.


114) A product line is a set of individual products that are closely related in which of the following ways? 114) _____ A) They are sold through the same type of outlets. B) They are produced and/or operate in a similar manner. C) They are priced at about the same level. D) They are sold to the same target market. E) Any or all of these alternatives are correct.


115) Packaging 115) _____ A) almost always increases costs. B) decisions should be based on what package will result in the lowest possible cost to the consumer. C) is important to manufacturers, but not retailers. D) objectives should focus primarily on promoting the product at the point of purchase. E) None of these alternatives is true.


12) If a firm offers a written warranty, it 12) ______ A) must be labeled either "full" or "limited." B) may help create a new strategy. C) shouldn't be "deceptive" or "unfair" per FTC guidelines. D) must be available to buyers before the sale. E) All of these alternatives are correct.


122) Which of the following could be an example of a firm's product line? 122) _____ A) Snow skis. B) Coffees. C) Ski boots. D) Disposable diapers. E) All of these could be examples of a firm's product line.


123) Which of the following is NOT one of the consumer product classes discussed in the text? 123) _____ A) Unsought products B) Specialty products C) Shopping products D) Convenience products E) Innovative products


129) ______________ means target customers will generally choose a particular brand over other brands-perhaps out of habit or past experience. 129) _____ A) Brand insistence B) Brand rejection C) Brand nonrecognition D) Brand recognition E) Brand preference


130) Regarding product classes, 130) _____ A) Consumer product classes are based on how consumers think about and shop for products. B) Business product classes are based on how buyers think about products and how the products will be used. C) The same product may be a consumer product and a business product. D) Products are classified by what type of customer will use them. E) All of these statements about product classes are true.


132) Good packaging: 132) _____ A) Can make products easier to handle and display. B) Can be an important promotional tool. C) Can lower distribution costs. D) Can make a product easier or safer to use. E) All of these alternatives are correct.


14) Mrs. Moreau was planning to have several guests at her home for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. She had cooked Shady Brook Farms fresh turkeys in the past and had enjoyed them very much. When she went to her usual grocery store, she discovered that the store no longer carried the Shady Brook Farms brand. She called several other grocery stores and was finally able to locate Shady Brook Farms fresh turkeys at a small specialty grocery store approximately 10 miles away. She drove to the store and bought a 20-pound Shady Brook Farms turkey, even though the price per pound was higher than what she normally paid at her usual grocery store. For Mrs. Moreau, the Shady Brook Farms turkey was a(n): 14) ______ A) Unsought product. B) Homogeneous shopping product. C) Convenience product. D) Heterogeneous shopping product. E) Specialty product.


21) Which of the following is NOT a business raw material? 21) ______ A) Iron ore. B) Logs. C) Coal. D) Sugar cane. E) Grease.


36) Another term for a dealer brand is a(n) ______. 36) ______ A) individual brand B) generic brand C) family brand D) franchise brand E) private label brand


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