Ch 8- Rosy

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"The customer is always right" is an example of a policy in Nordstrom's.


Fujitsu demonstrated a strategy to avoid when it imitated IBM's strategy focused on mainframes in 1990.


The orientation of the functional strategy is dictated by its parent business unit's strategy.


Penetration pricing attempts to hasten market development and offers the pioneer the opportunity to use the experience curve to gain market share with a low price and dominate the industry.

B) operations

When a company determines how and where a product or service is to be manufactured, the level of vertical integration in the production process, the deployment of physical resources, and relationships with suppliers, the company is developing its ________ strategy. A) marketing B) operations C) R&D D) financial E) human resource management

D) reverse stock split

When a company exchanges 200 shares of stock worth $20 each for 100 shares worth $40 each, they are using A) tracking stock. B) holding stock. C) an LBO. D) reverse stock split. E) split stock.

B) marketing

The pricing, selling, and distributing of a product is referred to as a(n) ________ strategy. A) functional B) marketing C) operations D) financial E) human resource management

B) marketing

The pricing, selling, and distributing of a product is referred to as a(n) ________ strategy. A) functional B) marketing C) operations D) financial E) human resource management


An operations strategy determines how and where a product or service is to be manufactured, the level of vertical integration in the production process, the deployment of physical resources, and relationships with suppliers.

A) Which stakeholder group should be represented on the board of directors?

) Which one of the following is NOT one of the questions that management should raise in their attempt to assess the importance to the corporation of stakeholders' concerns? A) Which stakeholder group should be represented on the board of directors? B) How will this decision affect each stakeholder? C) How much of what the stakeholders want are they likely to get under a certain alternative? D) What are the stakeholders likely to do if they don't get what they want? E) What is the probability that the stakeholders will follow through on their demand?

E) consumer advertising

A company may use which of the following trade promotions to "pull" their products through the distribution system? A) discounts B) in-store special offers C) advertising allowances D) coupons E) consumer advertising

E) losing hand

A company which has invested so heavily in a particular strategy that it will not consider a change in this strategy even if it is not successful, would be an example of which strategy to avoid? A) follow the leader B) hit another home run C) arms race D) do everything E) losing hand

B) hit another home run

A company which has previously found great success pioneering an extremely successful product that is presently trying to turn another "long-shot" into a success would be an example of which strategy to avoid? A) follow the leader B) hit another home run C) arms race D) do everything E) losing hand

A) technological follower

A company which imitates the products of competitors is referred to as a A) technological follower. B) technological opportunist. C) technological leader. D) technological manufacturer. E) technological entrepreneur.

A) follow the leader

A company which keeps up by imitating a leading company's strategy while ignoring its own strengths and weaknesses is an example of which strategy to avoid? A) follow the leader B) hit another home run C) arms race D) do everything E) losing hand

C) technological leader

A company which pioneers an innovation is called a A) technological follower. B) technological opportunist. C) technological leader. D) technological manufacturer. E) technological entrepreneur.


A financial strategy examines the financial implications of corporate and business-level strategic options and identifies the best financial course of action.

C) a grouping of parts into manufacturing families to produce a wide variety of mass-produced items

A flexible manufacturing system is A) one-of-a-kind production using skilled labor. B) highly automated assembly lines making one mass-produced product using little human labor. C) a grouping of parts into manufacturing families to produce a wide variety of mass-produced items. D) a process utilizing the just-in-time (JIT) method of manufacturing. E) standardization of components with each machine functioning like a job shop, but is positioned in the same order as the parts are processed.

B) real options approach

A new approach to evaluating alternatives under conditions of high environmental uncertainty that proposes it pays to have a broad range of options open is the A) net present value. B) real options approach. C) stakeholder priority matrix. D) risk assessment approach. E) hurdle rate approach.

D) the leveraged buyout.

A popular financial strategy in which a company is acquired in a transaction financed largely by debt and eventually paid with money generated from the acquired company's operations or by sale of its assets is A) illegal in most countries. B) a good way to build a core competency. C) an application of the capital asset pricing model. D) the leveraged buyout. E) an example of internal financing.


A product development strategy deals with pricing, selling, and distributing a product.

C) practicing follow-the-sun management

A recent trend in information systems strategy used by multinational corporations is A) computerizing accounting. B) automating customer service. C) practicing follow-the-sun management. D) replacing Fortran with Cobol in order to boost productivity. E) replacing mainframe computers with robots


A strategy's compatibility with the corporate culture has little likelihood of impacting its success.

B) 9

A study of 30 firms revealed that outsourcing can lead to a ________ percent reduction in costs. A) 3 B) 9 C) 20 D) 30 E) 50

C) 50

According to Paul Nutt, a decision-making authority, what percent of decisions made by managers are failures? A) 10 B) 25 C) 50 D) 75 E) 90

C) avoid R&D costs through imitation.

According to Porter, to achieve a cost advantage by following the functional strategy of technological followership, a business unit should A) pioneer the lowest-cost product design. B) innovate in other activities to increase buyer value. C) avoid R&D costs through imitation. D) create low-cost ways of performing value activities. E) be the first firm down the learning curve.

B) innovate in other activities to increase buyer value.

According to Porter, to achieve a differentiation competitive strategy by following the functional strategy of technological leadership, a business unit should A) pioneer the lowest-cost product design. B) innovate in other activities to increase buyer value. C) avoid R&D costs through imitation. D) create low-cost ways of performing value activities. E) be the first firm down the learning curve.

E) information technology

According to a 2012 survey by Deloitte Consulting, the most popular outsourced activity was A) marketing. B) sales. C) finance. D) R&D. E) information technology

B) Small firms are completely ignorant of risk management

According to the text, which one of the following is NOT one of the reasons why innovations seem to occur more often in small firms rather than in large, established corporations? A) An entrepreneur in a small firm is more willing to accept greater risk than would a larger firm of diversified ownership. B) Small firms are completely ignorant of risk management. C) The greater the assets involved and the longer they are tied up, the more likely top management in large firms is to demand a high probability of success. D) Companies operating in global industries must deal with a greater amount of risk than firms operating only in one country. E) If the corporation's stock is widely held as in the case of large firms and experiences stock price declines due to some external assessment, it places the firm in jeopardy of being acquired.

E) improvement in strategic options.

All of the following are benefits for a company to raising its debt levels EXCEPT A) deterrent to takeover by other firms. B) improvement in productivity. C) improvement in cash flows. D) force management to focus on core businesses. E) improvement in strategic options.


An example of the use of the leader R&D functional strategy to achieve a differentiation competitive advantage is Nike Inc.

B) Advanced Manufacturing Technology

As it relates to operations, AMT stands for A) Automated Manufacturing Technology. B) Advanced Manufacturing Technology. C) Asymptotic Manufacturing Technology. D) Advanced Monotone Technology. E) Automated Manufacturing Technician.

A) can be a competitive advantage

Avon is an example of a company that demonstrated having a diverse workforce A) can be a competitive advantage. B) can lower productivity. C) can be an effective IT strategy. D) can hinder quality. E) hinders growth.


Church & Dwight uses the line extension strategy when they put the Arm & Hammer name on various new food products.

C) Japan

Continuous improvement is an operations concept developed by Deming and perfected by firms in A) the United States. B) Sweden. C) Japan. D) Germany. E) Canada.


Corporate scenarios are pro forma balance sheets and income statements that forecast the effect each alternative strategy and its various programs will likely have on division and corporate return on investment.


Each business unit has its own set of departments, each with its own functional strategy.


Equity financing is preferred for unrelated diversification while debt financing is preferred for related diversification.


Even the most attractive strategic alternative might not be selected if it is contrary to the needs and desires of important top managers.

A) adapt the product or delivery system more closely to buyer needs by learning from the leader's experience

If a company wishes to be a technological follower and also pursue a differentiation strategy, the appropriate R&D strategy would be to A) adapt the product or delivery system more closely to buyer needs by learning from the leader's experience. B) value activities by learning from the leader's experience. C) avoid R&D costs through imitation. D) create low-cost ways of performing value activities. E) innovate in other activities to increase buyer value

D) create low-cost ways of performing value activities

If a company wishes to be a technological leader and also maintain a cost advantage, the appropriate R&D strategy would be to A) increase the cost of the product. B) lower the cost of the product or value activities by learning from the leader's experience. C) avoid R&D costs through imitation. D) create low-cost ways of performing value activities. E) innovate in other activities to increase buyer value.

E) all of the above

If there is little fit between a strategic alternative under consideration and the corporate culture, which of the following is one of management's options to consider? A) Take a chance on ignoring the culture by implementing the strategic alternative. B) Manage around the culture and change the implementation plan. C) Try to change the culture to fit the strategy. D) Change the strategy to fit the culture. E) all of the above


In a leveraged buyout, the acquired company, in effect, pays for its own acquisition.

B) management buyouts

Leveraged buyouts are also sometimes referred to as A) leveraged bargains. B) management buyouts. C) management bargains. D) coordinated buyouts. E) debt buyouts.


Logistics strategy deals with the flow of products into and out of the manufacturing process.

B) reduces costs and improves delivery time

Many companies have found that outsourcing logistics A) helps centralize logistics. B) reduces costs and improves delivery time. C) is an effective business-level strategy. D) helps the companies differentiate themselves. E) all of the above

B) policies

Once the best strategic alternative is selected, the broad guidelines for its implementation are then defined by A) trade-offs. B) policies. C) procedures. D) resource allocation. E) strategic options


Outsourcing is the alternative to vertical integration.

D) outsourcing

Purchasing a product or service from an outside contractor that had been previously provided internally is called A) vertical integration. B) horizontal integration. C) transaction costing. D) outsourcing. E) geographic integration


Research indicates that the use of work teams leads to decreased quality and productivity as well as lower employee satisfaction and commitment as a result of less accountability.


Risk in strategic management is only the probability that the strategy will be effective.

C) arms race

Since the deregulation of the airline industry, major airlines have entered into a spirited battle for market share by cutting prices and offering special deals. This is an example of which strategy to avoid? A) follow the leader B) hit another home run C) arms race D) do everything E) losing hand


Some executives show a self-serving tendency to attribute the firm's problems not to their own poor decisions, but to environmental events out of their control such as government policies or a poor economic climate.


The attractiveness of a strategic alternative is affected by its perceived compatibility with the key stakeholders in a corporation's task environment.


The automobile industry is currently experimenting with the strategy of mass customization in which pre-assembled sub-assemblies are delivered as they are needed to a company's assembly line workers.

E) all of the above

The most commonly used political strategies include which of the following? A) constituency building B) political action committee contributions C) advocacy advertising D) lobbying E) all of the above

C) sole sourcing

The concept of ________ was taken one step further in JITII, in which vendor sales representatives usually have desks next to the purchasing company's factory floor, attend production status meetings, visit the R&D lab, and analyze the purchasing company's sales forecasts. A) multiple sourcing B) outsourcing C) sole sourcing D) parallel sourcing E) all of the above


The continuous improvement system was developed by Deming.

C) strategic choice

The evaluation of alternative strategies and selection of the best alternative is referred to as A) alternative generation. B) strategic implementation. C) strategic choice. D) strategic selection. E) evaluation.

E) use industry scenarios to develop a set of assumptions about the task environment

The first step in constructing a corporate scenario is to A) develop a common-sized financial statement. B) construct detailed pro forma financial statements. C) decide upon how much risk management is willing to accept. D) analyze the societal environment. E) use industry scenarios to develop a set of assumptions about the task environment.

B) logistics

The flow of products into and out of the manufacturing process is a factor when developing a(n) ________ strategy. A) marketing B) logistics C) operations D) financial E) human resource management


The follow-the-moon management philosophy allows project team members living in one country to pass their work to team members in another country in which the workday is just beginning.


The importance of sole sourcing was supported by Deming to obtain high supplier quality.


The key to outsourcing is to purchase from outside only those activities that are not key to the company's distinctive competencies.

A) are not key to the company's distinctive competence

The key to outsourcing is to purchase from the outside only those activities that A) are not key to the company's distinctive competence. B) are very expensive. C) provide the company competitive advantage. D) are provided by an important supplier. E) are not very expensive

E) parallel sourcing.

The purchasing strategy in which two suppliers are the sole suppliers of different parts, but are also the backup suppliers for each other's parts is A) sole sourcing. B) multiple sourcing. C) just-in-time sourcing. D) backup sourcing. E) parallel sourcing.

B) multiple sourcing

The purchasing strategy used by an automobile manufacturer when it orders seats for a specific car model from several vendors is A) sole sourcing. B) multiple sourcing. C) just-in-time sourcing. D) backup sourcing. E) parallel sourcing.


The real-options approach is used by Chevron for bidding on petroleum reserves.

B) R&D

The strategy that deals with product and process innovation and improvement is known as a(n) ________ strategy. A) marketing B) R&D C) operations D) financial E) human resource management

D) corporate scenarios

The technique used to help strategic managers choose among alternative choices by defining the task environment, developing a set of various forecasts, and using pro forma financial statements is called A) decision trees. B) SWOT analysis. C) industry scenarios. D) corporate scenarios. E) Capital Asset Pricing Model.

A) market development

The type of marketing strategy in which a company captures a larger share of an existing market for current products through market saturation or market penetration or develops new markets for current products is called A) market development. B) push strategy. C) product development. D) pull strategy. E) skimming the cream.

B) political strategy

The type of strategy used to influence a corporation's key stakeholders in order to increase their support of corporate activities is A) cooperative strategy. B) political strategy. C) competitive strategy. D) marketing strategy. E) profit strategy.


The use of the Internet to market goods directly to the customer allows a company to use dynamic pricing.


There is mounting evidence that when an organization is facing a dynamic environment, the best strategic decisions are arrived at through consensus when everyone agrees on one alternative.

A) centralization

Three trends are evident in logistics: outsourcing, the use of the Internet, and A) centralization. B) downsizing. C) logistical partnerships. D) computerization E) containerized shipping.

A) devil's advocate

To avoid the consensus trap, which technique assigns a group or individual to identify potential pitfalls and problems with a proposed alternative strategy in a formal presentation? A) devil's advocate B) Sloan's judgment C) sales presentation D) dialectical inquiry E) scenario construction

D) dialectical inquiry

To avoid the consensus trap, which technique involving presenting two conflicting views (the thesis and the antithesis) presented in a debate format can be traced back to Plato and Aristotle? A) devil's advocate B) Sloan's judgment C) sales presentation D) dialectical inquiry E) scenario construction


Two suppliers are the sole suppliers of two different parts, but they are also backup suppliers for each other's parts in parallel sourcing.


Using a market development strategy, a company can capture a larger share of an existing market for current products or develop new markets for current products.


When Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever take a successful product that they marketed in one part of the world and market it elsewhere, they are following a market development strategy.

D) mass customization

When Dell Computer's customers use the Internet to design their own computers, this demonstrates which manufacturing strategy? A) continuous improvement B) mass production C) job shop D) mass customization E) just-in-time

A) open innovation

When Intel opened four small-scale research facilities adjacent to universities to promote the cross-pollination of ideas, they were using which approach to R&D? A) open innovation B) differentiation C) technology scouts D) continuous improvement E) technological leadership

C) brand extension

When Smith & Wesson puts its name on others' products like men's cologne, it is using which marketing strategy? A) demand pricing B) brand pricing C) brand extension D) penetration extension E) demand extension

B) purchasing

When a company deals with obtaining raw materials, parts, and supplies needed to perform the operations function, the company is developing its ________ strategy. A) operations B) purchasing C) R&D D) financial E) human resource management

B) push

When a company spends a large amount of money on trade promotion in order to gain or hold shelf space in retail outlets, a company is using a ________ strategy. A) pull B) push C) financial D) dedicated line E) dynamic pricing

B) connected line batch flow.

When components are standardized and each machine functions like a job shop but is positioned in the same order as the parts are processed, this setup is known as A) mass customization. B) connected line batch flow. C) connected job flow. D) mass batch flow. E) mass job flow.

B) the specific strategic factors developed in the SWOT analysis

When considering acceptable alternative strategies, the most important criterion is the capability of the proposed strategy to deal with A) the prospects of ensuring profitable return on investment. B) the specific strategic factors developed in the SWOT analysis. C) defining the competitive environment in which the firm is competing. D) the future long-term prospects of the industry. E) governmental regulations and requirements placed on the industry.


When the Kellogg Company changed to a push strategy, they spent more money on consumer advertising designed to build brand awareness so that shoppers will ask for the products.

A) dedicated transfer lines.

When there are highly automated assembly lines making one mass-produced product using little human labor, this setup is called A) dedicated transfer lines. B) connected line batch flow. C) connected job flow. D) mass batch lines. E) mass job flow.

C) Institute a new product development plan to generate profit gain market share.

Which of the following is NOT a goal of financial strategies? A) Examine the financial implication of corporate and business level strategic options and identify the best financial course of action. B) Provide the corporation with the appropriate financial structure and funds to achieve its overall objectives. C) Institute a new product development plan to generate profit gain market share. D) Provide competitive advantage through a lower cost of funds and a flexible ability to raise capital to support a business strategy. E) Attempt to maximize the financial value of the firm.

D) micromanaging the outsourced activity to maintain control

Which of the following is NOT one of the major outsourcing errors that should be avoided? A) failure to keep core activities inhouse B) selecting the wrong vendor C) writing a poor contract D) micromanaging the outsourced activity to maintain control E) overlooking personnel issues

B) Executives with strong ties within an industry tend to choose strategies commonly used in that industry

Which of the following reflects the impact of industry backgrounds on strategic choices? A) Executives from other industries tend to make riskier decisions. B) Executives with strong ties within an industry tend to choose strategies commonly used in that industry. C) Executives from other industries tend to downsize as a first choice. D) Executives with strong ties within an industry tend to make riskier decisions. E) Executives from other industries tend to emphasize ROI.

C) Managers who own a significant amount of stock in their firms are less likely to engage in risk-taking actions

Which one of the following is NOT true of risk? A) It includes the length of time the asset will be unavailable for other uses. B) It includes the probability that the strategy will be effective. C) Managers who own a significant amount of stock in their firms are less likely to engage in risk-taking actions. D) It includes the amount of assets the corporation must allocate to that strategy. E) The greater the assets involved, the more likely top management is to demand a high probability of success.

E) functional strategy

Which strategy is developed to pull together the various activities and competencies of each department so that corporate and business unit performance improves and resource productivity is maximized? A) business strategy B) competitive strategy C) generic strategy D) enterprise strategy E) functional strategy

D) penetration pricing

Which type of pricing attempts to hasten market development and offers the pioneer the opportunity to utilize the experience curve to gain market share with a low price and dominate the industry? A) demand pricing B) competitive pricing C) skim pricing D) penetration pricing E) loss-leader pricing

B) skim pricing

Which type of pricing takes advantage of the demand curve while the product is still novel and competitors are few to increase profits? A) demand pricing B) skim pricing C) competitive pricing D) penetration pricing E) loss-leader pricing

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