Ch. 9 business law

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... is a delivery model that enables delivery to users of on-demand services from third-party servers over a network. ... is the sharing of resources (such as files, hard drives, and processing styles) among multiple computers without necessarily requiring a central network server.

Cloud computing Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networking

The ... was passed to give significant protection to owners of copyrights in digital information

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

Hobbs owns a small Internet service provider and is sued by Allison because someone who pays Hobbs a monthly fee posted a defamatory statement about Allison. Will Allison prevail in court?

No, because the Communications Decency Act treats Internet service providers differently from print publishers.

Which of the following activities is NOT prohibited by the CAN-SPAM Act

Sending junk mail via the USPS

Employees' posts on social media may be protected under labor law.


Under the Proposed Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights, consumers have a right to reasonable limits on the personal data that companies collect and retain


Using another's trademark in a meta tag will normally constitute trademark infringement


Which of the following does NOT have to be true for the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act to apply?

The domain name has siphoned customers resulting in a loss of profit from the trademark

The Electronic Communications Privacy Act does NOT prohibit which one of the following?

The intentional interception of an electronic communication of an employee by an employer on an employer-supplied device

Online defamation occurs when an individual communicates a false statement about a person through the internet


Which of the following instances of circumvention (bypassing) of copyright are allowed under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act?

Enabling parents to monitor their children's internet use The testing of computer security Protection of personal privacy Conducting encryption research

In 2003, Congress enacted the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act, which prohibits the sending of unsolicited commercial emails


Internet service providers are generally treated the same as print publishers and other media regarding liability for defamation


Invasion of privacy cases can be brought only against private individuals, not organizations


Posting negative comments about other individuals on your social media is protected speech.


Similar to trademark infringement, a claim of trademark dilution in the online world requires proof that consumers will likely be confused by a connection between the unauthorized use and the mark.


There are criminal penalties for copyright violations of online materials only if the copies are made purely for financial gain.


Which agency investigates consumer complaints of privacy violations?

Federal Trade Commission

Loss of ... occurs when another party uses a domain name similar to yours


Because you are suspected of sending out bulk unsolicited e-mail advertisements, the FTC asks your internet service provider to supply information on what you do in foreign jurisdictions. Will you succeed in a lawsuit against your internet service provider for providing such information to the FTC

No, because the U.S. Safe Web Act provides immunity to the ISP from liability for such action

Which acts prevents cell phone companies and social media networks from divulging private communications to certain entities and individuals?

The Stored Communications Act

When can social media posts be used by law enforcement?

To detect and prosecute criminals To further federal regulators' inversion into illegal activities To determine the identities of suspects To locate a suspect

By 2016, about half of all states had enacted legislation to protect individuals from having to disclose their social media passwords to potential employers


Courts and administrative agencies usually uphold an employer's right to terminate a person based on his or her violation of a social media policy.


The Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act applies to all domain name registrations and trademarks


... is the act of buying domain names that are similar to well-known domains, except for the slight misspellings. ... is the act of registering a domain name that is the same as, or confusingly similar to, the trademark of another and then offering to sell that domain name back to the trademark owner.

Typosquatting Cybersquatting

Because the federal CAN-SPAM Act only applied to e-mails originating in the United States, Congress enacted the

U.S. Safe Web Act

In which situations do people have a reasonable expectation of privacy?

When they enter their personal banking information with an online mortgage lender When they disclose credit information to obtain a loan online

Retailers collect information about consumers using


One of the major problems in pursuing an online defamation claim is that:

discovering and providing the identity of the person who posted the defamation can be difficult

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