ch 9 Professional Organizations

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American occupational therapy association mission statement in keeping with this mission statement, the AOTA directs its efforts to...

1) assure the quality of OT services, 2) improve consumer access to health-care services, and 3) promote the professional development of its members.

American occupational therapy association mission: Organizational structure the 5 divisions of the national office staff

1. membership (marketing, communication, AOTA press and periodicals, sales, instructional technology) 2. human resources (finance, administration, generated counsel) 3. conferences (continuing professional development, practice). 4. accreditation (research, academic education). 5. federal affairs (reimbursement and regulatory policy, state affairs, affiliate relations, special policy activities).

American occupational therapy association mission: Assuring Quality of Occupational Therapy Services: educational programs are developed and reviewed by...

ACOTE - Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education.

American occupational therapy association mission: Practice Information

AOTA had resources for info on all practice areas. resources include standards for practice, handouts for families and consumers, and fact sheets concerning OT. Some info is available to the general public, but most is restricted to use by AOTA members.

American occupational therapy association mission: Continuing Education

AOTA sponsors continuing education activities, including workshops, continuing education articles, self-paced clinical courses and online courses. They have an annual meeting that hosts presentations of all kinds. The national conference conducts business meetings and also includes an awards ceremony to recognize contributions to the field. The association also sponsors an Educational Summit and a Student Conclave as well as other conferences and online learning experiences.

American occupational therapy association mission: Publications American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT) Name the SISs

Administration and Management, Developmental Disabilities, Education, Gerontology, Home and Community Health, Mental Health, Physical Disabilities, School System, Sensory Integration, Technology, Technology and Work Programs.

American occupational therapy association mission: Organizational structure American Student Committee of the Occupational Therapy Association (ASCOTA)

a standing committee of the executive board of AOTA, which provides feedback to AOTA regarding student issues. Meets at the annual AOTA conference and through online committee work.

American occupational therapy association mission: Organizational structure the volunteer sector

consists of all members of the AOTA and is represented by the executive board and the Representative Assembly. executive board is incharge of the administration and management of the association and includes elected officers. there are committees of the executive board, including the Representative Assembly (RA), which is the legislative and policymaking body of the AOTA. It's composed of elected representatives from each state, elected officers of the assembly and the association, a representative from the student committee, and an OTA representative, the first delegate of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT), and the chairpersons of the commissions.

Coordinated Online Opportunities for Leadership (COOL)

database developed to encourage membership participation at a variety of levels. Members complete a profile and indicate areas of expertise and interest to be part of this opportunity to access professional information to advocate for their clients and the profession, including the AOTA Tip and Fact sheets regarding best practice related to a variety of situations are available (e.g., driving, cognition, vision).

American occupational therapy association mission: World Federation of Occupational Therapists

developed in '52 to promote and advocate for OT and establish minimum educational standards for member countries. Serves as a vehicle for international information exchange among OT assocaitions, practitioners, and other allied health personnel. They have an international conference every 4 years.

state associations

each state has a professional organization for OT practitioners living in the state. there is frequent collaboration between the AOTA and individual state associations. State associations are funded and operated independently of the AOTA.

American occupational therapy association mission: membership members at all levels are...

encouraged to become actively involved in the AOTA by serving on committees, attending the annual conference, etc.

World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT)

established in 1952 to help OT practitioners access international information, engage in international exchange and promote organizations of OT in schools in countries where none exists.

American occupational therapy association mission: Organizational structure more AOTA membership opportunities

multicultural networking groups that discuss current issues, develop resources, advocate for service and educate consumers and other professionals regarding current topics as related to the specific culture and occupational therapy. groups may offer scholarships, support, and ideas for promoting multiculturalism within the profession.

American occupational therapy association mission: membership the three professional membership categories of the AOTA are...

occupational therapist, occupational therapy assistant (OTA), and occupational therapy student (OTS).

professional association

organized and operated by its members for its members. It exists to protect and promote the profession it represents by 1) providing a communication network and channel for information, 2) regulating itself through the development and enforcement of standards of conduct and performance and 3) guarding the interests of those within the profession.

American occupational therapy association mission: Professional Development of Members

publications, continuing education, and practice information promotes the professional development of its members. the Commission on Continuing Competence and Professional Development (CCCPD) of the Representative Assembly is responsible for developing standards for continuing competency and communicating these standards to the various stakeholders.

American occupational therapy association mission: Improving Consumer Access to Health-Care Services

state and federal lawmakers, regulatory bodies, third-party payers, health-care professionals, the media and the public communicate to keep services accessible to consumers. the American Occupational Therapy Political Action Committee (AOTPAC) furthers the legislative aims of the profession by attempting to influence the selection, nomination, election, or appointment of persons to public office.

American occupational therapy association mission: Publications American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT)

the AOTA's source of research information for the profession. distributed monthly to all AOTA members, and it is also available through subscription to nonmembers and libraries. each member of the AOTA receives online access to 11 special interest sections (SISs), voting privileges in three SISs, and one printed SIS quarterly sent by mail.

American occupational therapy association mission: American Occupational Therapy Foundation

the AOTF is a national organization designed to advance the science of OT and increase public understanding of the value of OT. AOTF was incorporated as a separate not-for-profit organization in '65. it provides resources to programs/individuals for the purpose of carrying out OT education and research. They grant opportunities, scholarships, and research support with funds from donations and bequests of AOTA members. The AOTF published the Occupational Therapy Journal of Research (OTJR) to address the need for more publication opportunities. Now its called OTJR: Occupation, Participation, and Health.

American occupational therapy association mission: Organizational structure the standing commissions of the RA include...

the commission on education, commission on practice, Ethics commission, and Commission on Continuing Competence and Professional Development.

American occupational therapy association mission: membership categories determine...

the fees paid for membership and conferences who can attend special meetings, hold office, and vote.

American occupational therapy association mission: State Organizations

these state associations hold conferences, stay alert to legislative issues that may affect OT services in the state, and provide networking and support for practitioners throughout the state. These associations have elected officials and the state presidents and representative assembly members meet at the national association to discuss state issues. These associations provide information on the state of practice within the state and help for services. They are a network and support system for practitioners, educators and students.

American occupational therapy association mission statement

to advance the quality, availability, use and support of OT through standard-setting, advocacy, education, and research on behalf of its members and the public.

American occupational therapy association mission: Assuring Quality of Occupational Therapy Services Occupational Therapy Scope of Practice

used by states as a model for their licensure laws. These regulatory state laws help ensure that practitioners meet specific competencies.

American occupational therapy association mission: Organizational structure networking groups include...

Asian/Pacific Heritage Occupational Therapy Association (APHOTA) National Black Occupational Therapy Caucus (NBOTC) Network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns in Occupational Therapy (The Network) Network of Occupational Therapy Practitioners with Disabilities and Their Supporters (NOTPD) Occupational Therapy Network for Native Americans (OTNA) Orthodox Jewish Occupational Therapy Chavrusa (OJOTC) Terapia Ocupacional para Diversidad, Oportunidad y Solidaridad (TODOS) Network of Hispanic Practitioners

American occupational therapy association mission: Assuring Quality of Occupational Therapy Services

The ATOA develops standards, produces official documents that identify the standards, and reviews the standards on a regular basis. So they developed standards of education, standards of practice, and ethical standards.

American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)

The professional organization for occupational therapy practitioners in the US. Incorporated in 1917 as the National Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy (name changed to AOTA in 1923).

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