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The cost advantage for offshore outsourcing to India used to be 6:1 or more. It is estimated that once this advantage shrinks to _____ or less, cost savings would no longer be an incentive for U.S. offshore outsourcing to India.


Offshore demand is driving up salaries in India by roughly how much per year

15 percent

For a sex offender who is at Tier 2 of the Adam Walsh Act, how long do they need to remain registered.

25 years

Almost every job has partial automation potential, and research suggests what percentage of human work activities could be automated using existing technology?

45 percent

Congress has set the number of H-1B visas to be granted at _____ per year each year since 2004 with another 20,000 visas available for only foreign graduates of U.S. universities with advanced degrees.


how many H-1B visas has congress set as the maximum amount of to be granted yearly


Which of the following statements is true about the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecast for employment between 2010 and 2020?

750,000 new jobs are expected to be added to IT related positions.

Which of the following is a subcategory of cyberabuse that consists of a long-term pattern of unwanted, persistent pursuit and intrusive behavior (involving the use of an electronic communications device) that is directed by one person against another and that causes fear and distress in the victim?


A comprehensive view of the patient's complete medical history designed to be shared with authorized providers and staff from more than one organization is known as which of the following?


The _____ was established to promote a common code of conduct for the electronics and ICT industry.

Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition

The _____ was established to promote a common code of conduct for the electronics and communications technology industry.

Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition

_____ is a system that enables purchasers to evaluate, compare, and select electronic products based on a total of 51 environmental criteria.

Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool

The _____ requires manufacturers to use at least 65 percent reusable or recyclable components and reduce or eliminate toxic material in their packaging

European Union's Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive

The _____ requires manufacturers to use at least 65 percent reusable or recyclable components and reduce or eliminate toxic material in their packaging.

European Union's Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive

1. The Fair Use Doctrine is a defense often employed by the defendant in trademark infringement cases.


14. A trademark permits its owner to exclude the public from making, using, or selling a protected invention, and allows for legal action against violators.


15. Cross-licensing agreements between organizations allow each party to sue the other over patent infringements.


17. The term of copyright has been extended several times from its original limit of 25 years to 35 years.


18. A trademark is business information that represents something of economic value, has required effort or cost to develop, has some degree of uniqueness or novelty, is generally unknown to the public, and is kept confidential.


19. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty of 1996 eliminated many of the original copyright protections for electronic media.


2. Formulas, inventions, and processes are not considered forms of intellectual property.


21. Because organizations can risk losing trade secrets when key employees leave, they often try to prohibit employees from revealing secrets by adding non-compete clauses to employment contracts.


22. Reverse engineering can only be applied to computer hardware, not computer software.


3. Industrial espionage and competitive intelligence are essentially the same.


4. Copyright infringement is the act of stealing someone's ideas or words and passing them off as one's own.


8. The fair use doctrine denies portions of patented materials to be used without permission under any circumstance.


Which of the following is currently the most popular social network destination worldwide?


A person can work for a U.S. employer as an H-1B employee for a maximum continuous period of ten years.


After a worker's H-1B visa expires, the foreign worker must remain outside the United States for six years before another H-1B will be approved.


Computers and robots can perform a wide range of routine physical work activities better, cheaper, faster, and more safely than humans.


Contingent work is a job situation in which an individual has an implicit contract for long-term employment.


Effective use of CDS systems increases the quality of patient care but at the expense of rising healthcare costs.


Electronic medical records capture data on the total health of the patient and include more than just the standard clinical data collected in the provider's office thus enabling a broader view of a patient's care.


If a particular project requires only temporary help, and the workers will not be needed for future projects, the use of contingent workers is a poor approach.


In hospital-related settings, implementing CPOE is associated with a 10 percent decline in preventable adverse drug effects.


In the early days of IT in the 1960s, productivity improvements were difficult to measure.


It is fairly simple to prevent contingent workers from passing on corporate processes and strategies to subsequent employers.


It usually takes less than two years for IT investment to result in a significant increase in productivity in large firms.


Labor productivity is measured by the annual revenue an employee generates divided by the employee's annual salary.


Lifestyle changes have led to a decrease in chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and heart disease, that are expensive and difficult to treat.


Live telemedicine requires the presence of patients and healthcare providers at the same site.


Machine learning is a branch of engineering that involves the development and manufacture of mechanical or computer devices that can perform tasks that require a high degree of precision or that are tedious or hazardous for human beings.


Outsourcing is a short-term business arrangement in which a company contracts for services with an overseas organization that has expertise in providing a specific function.


Paid media marketing refers to the media exposure an organization gets through press and social media mentions, positive online ratings, and reviews, tweets and retweets, reposts, and recommendations.


Quotation marks, which can be used to quickly spread a company's message, allow a company's tweets to be seen not only by its followers but also by those who are interested in the topic being tweeted about.


Social networking Web sites are used strictly to communicate with your friends, family members, and colleagues.


The Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition established a system that enables purchasers to evaluate, compare, and select electronic products based on a total of 51 environmental criteria.


The U.S. Congress has approved the granting of an unlimited number of H-1B visas.


The United States has several federal laws prohibiting the export of toxic waste.


The cost advantage of offshore outsourcing to India is continuing to increase.


The deciding factor in whether workers are considered contractors is the agreement signed by the workers, not the degree of control the company exercises over them.


The information in an EHR is not easily shared with others outside of the healthcare organization where the data originated.


The types of work-related activities best suited for automation include activities associated with managing others, applying expertise in making decisions and offering recommendations, interacting with stakeholders, and performing physical activities in an unstructured and unpredictable environment.


There is no evidence that the hiring of H-1B workers has affected the salaries of U.S. IT workers.


Today most radiologists employ a personal health record system to review cases from a remote location.


Unethical companies cannot use H-1B visas to exploit the average salary requirements for H-1B workers.


Violators of the False Claims Act are liable for the exact dollar amount for which the government was defrauded.


The qui tam provision of the _____ allows a private citizen to file a suit in the name of the U.S. government, charging fraud by government contractors and other entities who receive or use government funds.

False Claim Act

The _____, also known as the Lincoln Law, was enacted to combat fraud by companies that sold supplies to the Union Army.

False Claims Act

The environmental activist organization _____ issues a quarterly ranking of the top manufacturers of personal computers, mobile phones, TVs, and game consoles according to the manufacturers' polices on toxic chemicals, recycling, and climate change.


A(n) _____ visa is a temporary work visa granted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for people who work in specialty occupations.


what type of visa is a temporary worker visa granted by US citizenship and immigration services for people who work in specialty accupations


which country is considered one of the best sources of programing skills outside of Europe and North American


which company has been able to achieve EPEAT'S GOLD level by using increasing amounts of recycled plastics in their product development


Which of the following is currently the world's largest professional network?


Which of the following requires the presence of patients and healthcare providers at different sites at the same time and often involves a videoconference link between the two sites?

Live telemedicine

_____ is the most common charge in qui tam cases.


_____ is a form of outsourcing in which services are provided by an organization whose employees are in a foreign country.

Offshore outsourcing

what term is used to identify a form of outsourcing in which services are provided by an organization whose employees are in a foreign country

Offshore outsourcing

What is the name of the project at the Georgia Institute of Technology that uses stories to teach human values to robots?


Which of the following helps physicians keep tabs on patients prone to life-threatening health crises?

Remote monitoring

Which of the following involves the regular, ongoing, accurate measurement of an individual's vital signs and other health measures and the transmission of this data to a healthcare provider?

Remote monitoring

Which social media platform provides filters that alter the user's face by smoothing and whitening skin, changing eye shape, nose size, and jaw profile?


Which of the following typically involves the use of social networks to communicate and promote the benefits of products and services?

Social Media Marketing

The _____ is an internationally recognized standard that companies can use to ensure that company data is protected in an outsourcing arrangement.

Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70

Which of the following involves acquiring data, sound, images, and video from a patient and then transmitting everything to a medical specialist for later evaluation?

Store-and-forward telemedicine

10. The The Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property (PRO-IP) Act of 2008 increased trademark and copyright enforcement and substantially increased penalties for infringement.


11. Copyright law protects authored works such as art, books, and film.


12. The World Trade Organization (WTO) developed the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights to establish the minimum levels of protection that each government must provide to the intellectual property of all WTO members.


13. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was signed into law in 1998 and implements two 1996 WIPO treaties.


16. The main body of law that governs patents is contained in Title 35 of the U.S. Code.


20. A copyright is the exclusive right to distribute, display, perform, or reproduce an original work in copies or to prepare derivative works based on the work.


23. Using reverse engineering, a developer can use the code of the current database programming language to recover the design of the information system application.


24. Open source code is any program whose source code is made available for use or modification, as users or other developers see fit.


25. A common use of open source software is to move data from one application to another and to extract, transform, and load business data into large databases.


5. The Lanham Act (also known as the Trademark Act) defines the use of a trademark, the process for obtaining a trademark, and the penalties associated with trademark infringement.


6. Software, video games, multimedia works, and Web pages can all be copyrighted.


7. Defining and controlling the appropriate level of access to intellectual property are complex tasks.


9. Two software manufacturers could conceivably develop separate programs that perform the same functions in a nearly identical manner without infringing each other's copyrights.


Which of the following technologies employs electronic information processing and telecommunications to support at-a-distance health care, provide professional and patient health-related training, and support healthcare administration?


A PHR can exist either as a stand-alone application that allows information to be exported to or imported from other sources or as a "tethered" application connected to a specific healthcare organization's information system.


A computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system enables physicians to place orders (for drugs, laboratory tests, radiology, physical therapy) electronically, with the orders transmitted directly to the recipient.


A firm is likely to use contingent IT workers if it experiences pronounced fluctuations in its technical staffing needs.


A key requirement for using H-1B workers is that employers must pay H-1B workers the prevailing wage for the work being performed.


A qui tam plaintiff can receive between 15 and 30 percent of the total recovery from the defendant, depending on how helpful the person was to the success of the case.


According to the Computing Research Association, the number of undergraduate degrees awarded in computer science at doctoral-granting computer science departments has declined dramatically from 2004 to 2009.


An advantage social network advertising has over more traditional advertising media is that it allows advertisers to create an opportunity to generate a conversation with ad viewers.


Clinical decision support (CDS) is a process and a set of tools designed to enhance healthcare-related decision making through the use of clinical knowledge and patient-specific information to improve healthcare delivery.


Coca-Cola has been able to create a highly popular Facebook fan page to promote its image and brands.


Companies can use the Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70, Service Organizations to ensure that company data is protected in an outsourcing arrangement.


Cyberstalking can escalate into physical stalking and even physical assault.


Depending on how closely workers are supervised and how the job is structured, contingent workers may be viewed as permanent employees by the Internal Revenue Service, the Labor Department, or a state's workers' compensation and employment agencies.


Different types of social media are blogs, discussion forums, media-sharing networks, wikis, social bookmarking tools, social messaging apps, and social networking, news, and shopping platforms.


If a whistle-blower wants to remain unknown, the safest course of action is to leak information anonymously to the press.


In a coemployment relationship, two employers have actual or potential legal rights and duties with respect to the same employee or group of employees.


Inappropriate material posted online includes nonconsensual posts that comprise intimate photos or videos of people without their permission; such posts are often referred to as "revenge porn."


Machine learning has contributed to the development of a much more in-depth understanding of the human genome as well as practical speech recognition, improved web search results, and self-driving cars.


More advanced artificial-intelligence-based clinical decision support systems can help doctors choose the proper dosage levels of medication based on a patient's most recent tests results.


Natural language processing is an aspect of artificial intelligence that involves technology that allows computers to understand, analyze, manipulate, and/or generate "natural" languages, such as English.


Remote monitoring involves the regular, ongoing, accurate measurement of an individual's vital signs and other health measures and the transmission of this data to a healthcare provider.


Since businesses implemented automated payroll systems, fewer accounting employees are needed.


Store-and-forward telemedicine involves acquiring data, sound, images, and video from a patient and then transmitting everything to a medical specialist for later evaluation.


The EICC was established to promote a common code of conduct for the electronics and ICT industry.


The European Union's Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive restricts the use of many hazardous materials in computer manufacturing.


The development and use of new medical technology, such as new diagnostic procedures and treatments, also contributes to the increase in healthcare spending per person.


The standard of living varies greatly among groups within a country as well as from nation to nation.


There are thousands of mobile applications available to improve patient's access to healthcare information and to enable doctors to keep a close watch on patients' conditions.


To be classified as a truly green PC, the PC must meet other criteria than simply use less electricity to run than the standard computer.


When an organization decides to use contingent workers for a project, it is making a trade-off between completing a single project quickly and cheaply versus developing people within its own organization.


A situation in which two employers have actual or potential legal rights and duties with respect to the same employee or group of employees is called _____.

a coemployment relationship

a situation in which two employers have actual or potential legal rights and duties with respect to the same employee or group of employees is called

a coemployment relationship

Which of the following is NOT one of the three major components of machine learning systems?

a function

what term is used to refer to a work environment in which temporary positions are command and organization contract with independent workers for short term engagements

a gig economy

An electronic medical record includes which of the following?

a patient's immunization records

Software quality is defined as the degree to which a software product meets: a) the needs of its users b) the standards of competitors c) sustainability and environmental protection needs d) the minimum financial return standards

a) the needs of its users

In one lawsuit in the early _____ , a financial institution became insolvent because defects in a purchased software application caused errors in several of its systems. a. 1990s b. 1980s c. 1970s d. 1960s

a. 1990s

Companies applying for H-1B visas must offer a wage that is not _____ less than the average salary for the occupation. a. 5% b. 10% c. 15% d. 20%

a. 5%

43. Which act allows trademark owners to challenge foreign cybersquatters who might otherwise be beyond the jurisdiction of U.S. courts? a. ACPA b. PRO-IP Act c. Economic Espionage Act d. CAN-SPAM Act


The _____ was established to promote a common code of conduct for the electronics and ICT industry. a. Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition b. European Union's Restriction of Hazardous Substances c. Electronic Produce Environmental Assessment Tool d. Consumer Electronics Association

a. Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition

A(n) ____ visa is a temporary work visa granted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for people who work in specialty occupations. a. H-1B b. L-1 c. B-1 d. B-2

a. H-1B

55. Which of the following terms is used to describe the act of stealing someone's ideas or words and passing them off as one's own? a. Plagiarism b. Cybersquatting c. Reverse engineering d. Patent trolling

a. Plagiarism

45. Which of the following requires member governments to ensure that intellectual property rights can be enforced under their laws and that penalties for infringement are tough enough to deter further violations? a. TRIPS agreement b. DMCA c. PRO-IP Act d. WIPO Copyright Agreement

a. TRIPS agreement

If the product fails to meet the terms of its written guarantee, the buyer or lessee can sue for ____. a. breach of warranty b. comparative negligence c. contributory negligence d. strict liability

a. breach of warranty

One approach to quality assurance is to test the code for a completed unit of software by actually entering test data and comparing the results with the expected results in a process called _____ a. dynamic testing b. user acceptance testing c. integration testing d. static testing

a. dynamic testing

A complex system used in IT is a redundant array of independent disks (RAID), which is commonly used in _____for file servers. a. high-volume data storage b. low-volume data storage c. unpredictable-volume data storage d. irregular-volume data storage

a. high- volume data storage

A disadvantage of using contingent workers is that they _____. a. may pass on information about corporate processes and strategies to subsequent clients who could be competitors b. may attempt to form a union c. can demand payment for health insurance and retirement benefits d. create the need to hire new employees when staffing needs increase

a. may pass on information about corporate processes and strategies to subsequent clients who could be competitors

. The United States has _____ federal law(s) protecting against the export of toxic waste. a. no b. just one c. two d. several

a. no

39. What is the name of the agreement that prohibits a departing employee from working for any competitors for a period of time? a. noncompete agreement b. license agreement c. nondisclosure agreement d. union agreement

a. noncompete agreement

Process-control computers enable the process to be monitored for variations from operating standards and to eliminate product defects before they affect product ____. a. quality b. delivery c. testing d. development

a. quality

The _____ of the False Claims Act allows a private citizen to file a suit in the name of the U.S. government, charging fraud by government contractors and other entities who receive or use government funds. a. qui tam provision b. Affordable Care Act c. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act d. roving wiretap provision

a. qui tam provision

___ is the probability of an undesirable event occurring times the probability that the event would go undetected times the magnitude of the event's consequences if it does happen. a. risk b. redundancy c. liability d. certainty

a. risk

____ refers to methods within the development cycle that guarantee reliable operation of the product. a. Software quality assurance b. Software development methodology c. Software documentation d. Software project management

a. software quality assurance

The False Claims Act was enacted during . a. the U.S. Civil War b. World War I c. World War II d. the Vietnam War

a. the U.S. Civil War

Software quality is defined as the degree to which a software product meets: a. the needs of its users. b. the standards of its competitors. c. sustainability and environmental protection needs. d. the minimum financial return standards.

a. the needs of its users

Which of the following activities is least suited for automation?

activities associated with managing others

marketers can create an opportunity to generate a conversation with viewers of the message and messages can be targeted to reach a specific demographic group

advantages of social media marketing

Advances in which of the following areas are fundamentally changing the way work gets done and have the potential to affect the tasks, roles, and responsibilities of most workers?

artificial intelligence

Which of the following systems include the people, procedures, hardware, software, data, and knowledge needed to develop computer systems and machines that simulate human intelligence processes?

artificial intelligence systems

The EICC has developed a(n) _____ for member organizations in which areas of improvement are assessed by certified, third-party firms.

audit program

character in the form or a human, animal, or mythical creature


Because wages in the IT field vary greatly, unethical companies can get around the _____.

average salary requirement

26. In what year was The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) signed into law? a. 1992 b. 1998 c. 1990 d. 1996

b. 1998

___ involves viewing the software unit as a device that has expected input and output behaviors but whose internal workings are unknown. a. Integration testing b. Black-box testing c. User acceptance testing d. Static testing

b. Black-box testing

40. Unlike traditional copyright law, which of the following acts does not govern copying; instead, it focuses on the distribution of tools and software that can be used for copyright infringement as well as for legitimate non-infringing use? a. TRIPS Agreement b. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) c. WIPO Copyright Treaty d. Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property (PRO-IP) Act

b. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

N-version programming is an approach to minimizing the impact of software errors by independently implementing the same set of user requirements times, where N could be 2, 3, 4, or more. a. N+1 b. N c. N+2 d. N+3

b. N

44. Which of the following was a legislator and former singer and entertainer who co-sponsored the Copyright Term Extension Act? a. Frank Sinatra b. Sonny Bono c. Dean Martin d. Sammy Davis Jr.

b. Sonny Bono

28. Which of the following imposes penalties of up to $10 million and 15 years in prison for the theft of trade secrets? a. Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property (PRO-IP) Actb. Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights b. The Economic Espionage Act (EEA) of 1996 c. The Lanham Act

b. The Economic Espionage Act (EEA) of 1996

Which of the following is a true statement about the number of declared undergraduate computer science majors at doctoral-granting computer science departments? a. There was an increase in enrollment in spite of the forecast for a decreased number of workers in this field. b. There was a 50% decline in degrees awarded between 2004 and 2009. c. There has been a steady decline in enrollment for the past twelve years. d. The level of enrollment has remained about the same for the past ten years.

b. There was a 50% decline in degrees awarded between 2004 and 2009.

____ is common in airplane and spacecraft control systems. a. Structured programming b. Triple version programming c. Object programming d. Root programming

b. Triple version programming

33. A patent is a grant of a property right issued by which entity? a. USPS b. USPTO c. FTC d. SEC


The lawsuit dramatically illustrated the cost of misclassifying employees and violating laws that cover compensation, taxes, unemployment insurance, and overtime. a. McClain v. Hewlett-Packard b. Vizcaino v. Microsoft c. Wainwright v. IBM d. Brown et al v. Oracle

b. Vizcaino v. Microsoft

A type of business system is the ____ , which is used to develop accurate forecasts of customer demand, recommend stocks and bonds for an investment portfolio. a. upgrade management system b. decision support system c. executive information system d. data information system

b. decision support system

47. The redistribution of a program code with no copyright as a proprietary software can be avoided by using which of the following? a. nondisclosure clause b. open source license c. patent protection d. copyright term

b. open source license

The _____ in Egypt reduced the attractiveness of that country as a source of IT outsourcing. a. spike in oil prices b. political unrest c. limited number of resources d. lack of education

b. political unrest

51. Cybersquatters: a. frequently launch denial-of-service attacks against popular Web sites b. register domain names for famous trademarks or company names to which they have no connection c. remain connected to popular Web sites for extremely long periods of time making it difficult for others to obtain service d. employ phishing tactics using the domain names of popular Web sites

b. register domain names for famous trademarks or company names to which they have no connection

A ____ is a standard, proven work process that enables those involved to make controlled and orderly progress in developing high-quality software. a. software guide b. software development methodology c. software manual d. software project management

b. software development methodology

46. Which of the following claims as its invention some feature or process embodied in instructions executed by a computer? a. trade secret b. software patent c. cross-licensing agreement d. patent infringement

b. software patent

When considering the use of H-1B workers, companies should take into account that even highly skilled and experienced H-1B workers may require help with _____. a. finding adequate housing b. their English c. obtaining a driver's license d. dealing with financial institutions

b. their English

_____ are defined as a set of interrelated components that include hardware, software, databases, networks, people, and procedures that collect data, process it, and disseminate the output. a) Management information systems b) Decision support systems c) Business information systems d) Data information systems

c) Business information systems

Which of the following is true of software testing? a) White-box testing involves viewing the software unit as a device that has expected input and output behaviors but whose internal workings are unknown. b) Black-box testing treats the software unit as a device that has expected input and output behaviors but whose internal workings, unlike the unit in whitebox testing, are known. c) Static testing involves software programs called static analyzers which are run against new code d) Integration testing involves independent testing that is performed by trained end users to ensure that the system operates as they expect.

c) Static testing involves software programs called static analyzers which are run against new code

In the context of development of safety critical systems, if an undesirable event has a one percent probability of occurring, a 25 percent chance of going undetected, and a potential cost of $1,000,000, then the risk can be calculated as ____. a. $5000 b. $7000 c. $2500 d. $9500

c. $2500

Which of the following statements is true about the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecast for employment between 2010 and 2020? a. Business is facing a long-term excess of trained and experienced IT workers. b. Organizations using IT products and services are concerned about the excess of U.S. workers available to fill IT related positions. c. 750,000 new jobs are expected to be added to IT related positions. d. IT firms are more likely to turn to traditional sources than nontraditional sources to find IT workers.

c. 750,000 new jobs are expected to be added to IT related positions

The _____ requires manufacturers to use at least 65 percent reusable or recyclable components and reduce or eliminate toxic material in their packaging. a. Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition Directive b. Greenpeace Environmental Restriction of Hazardous Substances c. European Union's Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive d. Electronic Product and Environmental Hazards Restriction Directive

c. European Union's Restriction of Hazardous

____ . is an important technique used to develop ISO 9001-compliant quality systems. a. DO-178B/EUROCCAE ED-128 b. N-version programming c. Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) d. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

c. Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)

41. Which of the following allows portions of copyrighted materials to be used without permission under certain circumstances? a. Plagiarism b. Copyright infringement c. Fair use doctrine d. Use of prior art

c. Fair use doctrine

____ is a form of outsourcing in which services are provided by an organization whose employees are in a foreign country. a. Consulting b. Employee leasing c. Offshore outsourcing d. Employing H-1B workers

c. Offshore outsourcing

29. The process of taking something apart in order to understand it, build a copy of it, or improve it is known as which of the following? a. Plagiarism b. Patent infringement c. Reverse engineering d. Decompiling

c. Reverse engineering

Before a company can apply for an H-1B visa worker, it must file _____. a. a statement of intent to hire a foreign worker b. a petition to hire an H-1B worker c. a Labor Condition Application d. a visa request with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

c. a Labor Condition Application

A situation in which two employers have actual or potential legal rights and duties with respect to the same employee or group of employees is called . a. contingent employment b. employee leasing c. a coemployment relationship d. outsourcing

c. a coemployment relationship

The EICC has developed a(n) ______ for member organizations in which areas of improvement are assessed by certified, third-party firms. a. application b. governing body c. audit program d. mandate

c. audit program

54. Legally obtained information that is gathered to help a company gain an advantage over its rivals is called which of the following? a. prior art b. industrial espionage c. competitive intelligence d. trade secrets

c. competitive intelligence

Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) is a system that enables purchasers to evaluate,compare, and select electronic products based on a total of 51 _____ criteria. a. economic b. performance c. environmental d. ethical

c. environmental

The safety engineer uses a logging and monitoring system to track ____ from a project's start to its finish. a. standards b. objectives c. hazards d. deliverables

c. hazards

After successful unit testing, the subsystems are combined to test the entire system as a complete entity using _____. a. system testing b. black-box testing c. integration testing d. static testing

c. integration testing

After a worker's H-1B visa expires, the foreigner must _____. a. return to school to get an advanced degree before applying for another H-1B visa b. apply to become a U.S. citizen c. remain outside the United States for one year before another H-1B petition will be approved d. never again apply for an H-1B visa

c. remain outside the United States for one year before another H-1B petition will be approved

An H-1B worker can work for a U.S. employer for a maximum continuous period of ____ years. a. two b. four c. six d. eight

c. six

_____ means that the defendant is held responsible for injuring another person, regardless of negligence or intent. a. Contributory negligence b. Misrepresentation c. Strict liability d. Breach of warranty

c. strict liability

32. Copyright and patent protection was established through which of the following? a. the Bill of Rights b. the U.S. Federal Codes and Statutes c. the U.S. Constitution d. various state laws

c. the U.S. Constitution

The key lesson from Vizcaino v. Microsoft is that even if contractors sign an agreement indicating that they are contractors and not employees, the deciding factor about whether or not they are viewed as employees is not the agreement but _____ . a. how many hours per week they are asked to work b. who oversees their work c. the degree of control the company exercises over the employees d. who performs their performance appraisal

c. the degree of control the company exercises over the employees

50. Which of the following is a logo, package design, phrase, sound, or word that enables a consumer to differentiate one company's products from another's? a. trade secret b. watermark c. trademark d. earmark

c. trademark

Since contingent workers are already specialists in a particular task, the hiring firm does not customarily incur _____. a. relocation expenses b. start-up costs c. training costs d. travel expenses

c. training costs

Software suppliers frequently write ____ to attempt to limit their liability in the event of nonperformance. a. manuals b. warnings c. warranties d. sureties

c. warranties

An H-1B visa is a temporary visa granted for people who _______. a. only work in the IT field b. were educated outside the U.S. and wish to work in the U.S. c. work in specialty occupations that require at least a four-year bachelor's degree d. were born and educated outside the U.S. but have relatives living in the U.S.

c. work in specialty occupations that require at least a four-year bachelor's degree

The National Center for Victims of Crime advises victims to: send the stalker a written notice that their contact is unwanted and that further contact should ____


A process and a set of tools designed to enhance healthcare-related decision making through the use of clinical knowledge to improve healthcare delivery is known as which of the following?

clinical decision support

the majority of people hired with H1B visas in 2015 were hired primarily as which of the following positions

computer programmers and system analysts

What type of system enables physicians to place orders electronically, with the order transmitted directly to the recipient?

computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system

One of the fundamental ways in which companies can try directly to increase productivity is by:

consolidating operations to better leverage economies of scale

billed on a per click basis; no charge when an ad is displayed but not clicked on

cost per click

billed at a flat rate per 1,000 impressions (a measure of the number of times an ad is displayed_ - whether or not it was clicked

cost per thousand impressions

IT investments may produce tangible results such as:

cost savings

any form of mistreatment, both physical and mental, based on the use of an electronic communications device, that causes harm and distress to others


a form of cyberabuse in which the abusive behavior is humiliating, hurtful, intimidating, malicious, or otherwise offensive to an individual or group of individuals and causes substantial emotional distress


Someone keeps sending you instant messages after you have asked them to stop.


a form of cyberabuse that consists of a long term pattern of unwanted, persistent pursuit and intrusive behavior that is directed by one person against another and that causes feat and distress to the vicitim


Products, such as statements of requirements, flowcharts, and user documentation, are known as ______. a) project systems b) information systems c) objects d) deliverables

d) deliverables

In the context of Capability Maturity Model Integration, process is ad hoc and chaotic; organization tends to overcommit and processes are often abandoned during times of crisis in the _______ maturity level. a) quantitatively managed b) managed c) defined d) initial

d) initial

The cost advantage for offshore outsourcing to India used to be 6:1 or more. It is estimated that once this advantage shrinks to _____ or less, cost savings would no longer be an incentive for U.S. offshore outsourcing to India. a. 4.5:1 b. 3.0:1 c. 2.0:1 d. 1.5:1

d. 1.5:1

In the context of the Capability Maturity Model Integration maturity levels, the percentage of organizations at the managed maturity level is ___. a. 5.8 b. 25.7 c. 38.9 d. 22.1

d. 22.1

Congress has set the number of H-1B visas to be granted at _____per year each year since 2004 with another 20,000 visas available for only foreign graduates of U.S. universities with advanced degrees. a. 55,400 b. 30,000 c. 71,000 d. 65,000

d. 65,000

37. Which of the following established the minimum levels of protection that each country must provide to all WTO members? a. World Trade Organization (WTO) b. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) c. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) d. Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)

d. Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)

. After an organization decides to adopt ____, it must conduct an assessment of its software development practices to determine where they fit in the capability model. a. QA b. software development methodology c. software quality management d. CMMI-DEV


35. Which of the following enables a DVD player or a computer drive to decrypt, unscramble, and play back motion pictures on DVDs, but not copy them? a. Time Warner Cable system b. RIAA c. DeCSS d. Content Scramble System (CSS)

d. Content Scramble System (CSS)

49. The standard serves many industries and organizations as a guide to quality products, services, and management. a. ISO 7498-4 b. ISO 9595/DAM 1 c. ISO 9596 d. ISO 9001

d. ISO 9001

According to A.T. Kearney, the most attractive offshoring destination is _____. a. China b. Egypt c. Mexico d. India

d. India

Which of the following is true of the International Organization for Standardization? a. It is an American organization founded in 2001. b. The ISO 9000:2007 provides a set of standardized requirements for a quality management system. c. It issued the 9000 series of business standards in 1987. d. It is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from 161 countries

d. It is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies from 161 countries

53. Under which act was the U.S. patent system changed from a "first-to-invent" to a "first-inventor-to-file" system? a. Economic Espionage Act b. Lanham Act c. Uniform Trade Secrets Act d. Leahy-Smith America Invents Act

d. Leahy-Smith America Invents Act

30. Which of the following terms is defined as the existing body of knowledge available to a person of ordinary skill in the art? a. Prior experience b. Known facts c. Body of practice d. Prior art

d. Prior art

36. Which of the following increased trademark and copyright enforcement and substantially increased penalties for infringement? a. Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) b. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade c. Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights d. Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property (PRO-IP) Act

d. Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property (PRO-IP) Act

The ______ is an internationally recognized standard that companies can use to ensure that company data is protected in an outsourcing arrangement. a. CMMI b. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 c. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act d. Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70

d. Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70

Which of these statements about contingent workers is true? a. They typically work as a separate, independent group of workers and move from project to project working for the same firm. b. They are often paid a lower hourly wage than full-time employees doing equivalent work. c. They are eligible for most company benefits such as vacation, sick pay, and medical insurance. d. They have neither an explicit nor an implicit contract for continuing employment.

d. They have neither an explicit nor an implicit contract for continuing employment.

34. Which act was drafted in the 1970s to bring uniformity to all the United States in the area of trade secret law? a. The Economic Espionage Act (EEA) b. Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA) c. Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property (PRO-IP) Act d. Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA)

d. Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA)

The company with the highest 2010 rating by Greenpeace based on its policies on toxic chemicals, recycling, and climate change was . a. Apple b. Dell c. Hewlett Packard d. Wipro

d. Wipro

38. Which of the following can read the machine language of a software program and produce the source code? a. compiler b. open source decoder c. re-engineering device d. decompiler

d. decompiler

52. The courts have ruled in favor of using reverse engineering to: a. allow the domination of a particular software market by a single manufacturer b. provide access to protected elements of an original work c. circumvent restrictive trade secrets d. enable interoperability

d. enable interoperability

_____ can be oral, written, or inferred from the seller's conduct. a. Indemnity b. Strict liabilities c. Warranty tolling d. Express warranties

d. express warranties

31. How many classes of items did the U.S. Supreme Court rule could not be patented? a. two b. three c. four d. five

d. five

27. Patent law protects which of the following? a. art and film b. information critical to an organization's success c. books d. inventions

d. inventions

42. One of the tests that an invention must pass to be eligible for a patent is which of the following? a. it must be a machine b. it must not be economical to produce c. it must be capable of providing economic benefit d. it must be obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the same field

d. it must be obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the same field

When sued for ____ , a software supplier is not held responsible for every product defect that causes customer or third-party loss. a. breach of warranty b. misrepresentation c. strict liability d. negligence

d. negligence

48. Firefox and OpenOffice are all examples of which of the following? a. Web browsers b. utility software c. products developed through re-engineering d. open source software

d. open source software

49. One key advantage that trade secret law has over the use of patents and copyrights in protecting companies from losing control of their intellectual property is: a. the time limitation for a trade secret is longer than for patents and copyrights b. no royalties must be paid on trade secrets c. trade secrets can become part of the prior art and be used to protect patents and copyrights d. there is no need to file an application or disclose a trade secret to gain protection

d. there is no need to file an application or disclose a trade secret to gain protection

One potential disadvantage of using contingent workers is that ______. a. the costs for their health care, paid time off, and contributions to a retirement plan can be considerable b. the company may have to adjust the number of contingent workers that it uses to meet business needs c. there can be substantial training expenses d. they may not feel a strong connection to the company for which they are working

d. they may not feel a strong connection to the company for which they are working

An example of robotics can be found in which of the following examples?

device used to move heavy pallets

refers to the media exposure an organization gets through press and social media mentions, positive online ratings and reviews, tweets and retweets, and reposts or shares

earned media

In which of the following practices does a business transfer all or part of its workforce to another firm, which handles all human resource realted activities and costs

employee leasing

Offshore outsourcing is a form of outsourcing in which the services are provided by an organization whose _____.

employees are in a foreign country

Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) is a system that enables purchasers to evaluate, compare, and select electronic products based on a total of 51 _____ criteria.


The EICC has established a code of conduct that defines performance, compliance, auditing, and reporting guidelines across five areas of social responsibility: labor, health and safety, environment, management system, and _____.


. Software defects are commonly lethal and many personal injuries are related to software failures.


A person can work for a U.S. employer as an H-1B employee for a maximum continuous period of ten years


After a worker's H-1B visa expires, the foreign worker must remain outside the United States for six years before another H-1B will be approved.


Contingent work is a job situation in which an individual has an implicit contract for long-term employment.


If a particular project requires only temporary help, and the workers will not be needed for future projects, the use of contingent workers is a poor approach.


In integration testing, special software programs called static analyzers are run against the new code


In the context of developing safety-critical systems, the safety engineer's role is limited to producing a hazard log


In the context of maturity level distribution across a large sample of organizations, the percentage of organizations at the initial maturity level is 36.


It is fairly simple to prevent contingent workers from passing on corporate processes and strategies to subsequent employers.


Outsourcing is a short-term business arrangement in which a company contracts for services with an overseas organization that has expertise in providing a specific function.


Software developers do not typically work closely with safety and software engineers.


Software product litigation first occurred in 2000.


Temporary employees must be treated like official employees of the company and are eligible for vacation, sick pay, and retirement benefits.


The Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition established a system that enables purchasers to evaluate, compare, and select electronic products based on a total of 51 environmental criteria.


The U.S. Congress has approved the granting of an unlimited number of H-1B visas.


The United States has several federal laws prohibiting the export of toxic waste.


The cost advantage of offshore outsourcing to India is continuing to increase


The deciding factor in whether workers are considered contractors is the agreement signed by the workers, not the degree of control the company exercises over them.


The first release of a software product typically meets all its users' expectations


The impact of software defects is always trivial.


There is no evidence that the hiring of H-1B workers has affected the salaries of U.S. IT worker


There is no federal product liability law


Unethical companies cannot use H-1B visas to exploit the average salary requirements for H-1B workers.


Violators of the False Claims Act are liable for the exact dollar amount for which the government was defrauded.


When developing safety-critical systems, a key assumption must be that safety will automatically result from following an organization's standard development methodology


When forced to choose between adding more user features and doing more testing, most software companies decide in favor of more testing


When software is well-designed, programmers make no mistakes in turning design specifications into lines of code.


the goal of which of the following was to entice whistle- blowers to come forward by offering them a share of the money recovered

false claims Act

Researchers have found that it can take how long for IT investment to result in a significant increase in productivity?

five to seven years

after a six year H-1B visa expire a foreign professional can convert covert their H1B visa into which of the following

green card

Successful outsourcing projects require day-to-day interaction between software development and business teams, so it is essential for the hiring company to take a(n) _____ approach to project management.


Which process can reduce expensive redundant tests that are ordered because one provider does not have access to the clinical information stored at another provider's location?

health information exchange

Remote monitoring is also known as which of the following?

home monitoring

what classification is given to an individual who provide services to another individual organization according to terms defined i a written

independent contractor

Innovation is a key factor in productivity improvement. Which of the following has played an important role in enabling innovation?

information technology

Most ethical companies make hiring decisions based on how well an applicant fulfills the _____.

job qualifications

A measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the number of labor hours used in producing those goods and services is known as which of the following?

labor productivity

As more businesses move their key processes offshore, U.S. IT service providers are forced to _____ in order to compete.

lower prices

What type of artificial intelligence involves computer programs that can learn some task and improve performance with experience?

machine learning

It is difficult to quantify how much the use of IT has contributed to worker productivity because:

many other factors influence worker productivity rates besides IT

multiplayer video game capable of supporting hundreds and even thousands of concurrent players. accessible via the internet, with players using personal computers, or game consoles.

massively multiplayer online game

A disadvantage of using contingent workers is that they _____.

may pass on information about corporate processes and strategies to subsequent clients who could be competitors

The primary areas where IT has been applied include all of the following except:

medical language processing

is a subcategory of mmog that provides a huge online world in which players take on the role of a character and control that characters action

multiplayer online role playing games

Which aspect of artificial intelligence involves technology that allows computers to understand, analyze, manipulate, and/or generate English?

natural language processing

The United States has _____ federal law(s) protecting against the export of toxic waste.


shared multi media computer generated environment in which users represented as avatars, can act, communicate, create, retain ownership of what they create and exchange assets, including currency, with each other.

online virtual world

Which of the following employs tools provided by or tailored for a particular social media platform to build a social community and interact with it by sharing posts and responding to customer comments on the organization's blog and social media accounts?

organic media marketing

employs tools tailored for a particular social media platform to build a social community and interact with it

organic media marketing

involves paying third party to broadcast an organizations display ads or sponsored messages to social media users

paid media marketing

What is another name for a tethered PHR?

patient portal

The _____ in Egypt reduced the attractiveness of that country as a source of IT outsourcing.

political unrest

for which of the following reasons has Egypt become a less attractive country as a source of IT outsourcing

political unrest

Firms that outsource must take precautions to protect _____, regardless of where it is stored or processed or who handles it.

private data

How often does The Bureau of Labor Statistics track U.S. productivity?


The _____ of the False Claims Act allows a private citizen to file a suit in the name of the U.S. government, charging fraud by government contractors and other entities who receive or use government funds.

qui tam provision

The two primary objectives of social media advertisers are driving traffic to a Web site to increase product sales and which of the following?

raising brand awareness

After a worker's H-1B visa expires, the foreigner must _____.

remain outside the United States for one year before another H-1B petition will be approved

An H-1B worker can work for a US. employer for maximum continuous period of how many years


web based communication tools that enable people to interact in online communities where they can share ideas, messages, images, audio, and video

social media

the use of social networks to communicate and promote the benefits of products and services

social network marketing

can be used for business purposes

social networking platform

creates an online community of internet users that breaks down barriers created by time, distance and cultural differences

social networking platform

combine two highly popular online activities - shopping and social networking

social shopping platforms

Offshore outsourcing has the potential to dramatically _____ development efforts and enable workers to make progress on the project around the clock.

speed up

which of the following is an internationally recognized standard that companies can use to ensure that company data is protected in an outsourcing

statement on standards for Attestation and engagements NO 16

The False Claims Act was enacted during _____.

the U.S. Civil War

The key lesson from Vizcaino v. Microsoft is that even if contractors sign an agreement indicating that they are contractors and not employees, the deciding factor about whether or not they are viewed as employees is not the agreement but _____

the degree of control the company exercises over the employees

The key lesson from Vizcaino v. Microsoft is that even if contractors sign an agreement indicating that they are contractors and not employees, the deciding factor about whether or not they are viewed as employees is not the agreement but _____.

the degree of control the company exercises over the employees

THE false claims Act was enacted during which war

the us civil war

When considering the use of H-1B workers, companies should take into account that even highly skilled and experienced H-1B workers may require help with _____.

their English

One potential disadvantage of using contingent workers is that _____.

they may not feel a strong connection to the company for which they are working

Violators of the False Claims Act are liable for _____ times the dollar amount for which the government was defrauded.


Since contingent workers are already specialist in a particular task, the hiring firm does not customarily incur which for the following

training costs

Since contingent workers are already specialists in a particular task, the hiring firm does not customarily incur _____.

training costs

Which of the following examples is a use of wireless technology in the healthcare field?

transmit ECG data to a physician's smartphone

. According to the Computing Research Association, the number of undergraduate degrees awarded in computer science at doctoral-granting computer science departments has declined dramatically from 2004 to 2009


A firm is likely to use contingent IT workers if it experiences pronounced fluctuations in its technical staffing needs.


A key requirement for using H-1B workers is that employers must pay H-1B workers the prevailing wage for the work being performed.


A primary cause of poor software quality is that developers do not know how to design quality into software from the very start, or do not take the time to do so.


A qui tam plaintiff can receive between 15 and 30 percent of the total recovery from the defendant, depending on how helpful the person was to the success of the case.


A successful defense against a product liability case is typically expensive in terms of legal fees.


Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a process improvement approach that defines the essential elements of effective processes.


Companies can use the Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70, Service Organizations to ensure that company data is protected in an outsourcing arrangement.


Contingent workers, H-1B workers, and outsourced offshore workers are examples of nontraditional workers


Cyberharassment is a form of cyberabuse in which the abusive behavior, which involves the use of an electronic communications device, is degrading, humiliating, hurtful, insulting, intimidating, malicious, or otherwise offensive to an individual or group of individuals causing substantial emotional distress.


Electronics manufacturing employees and suppliers at all steps along the supply chain and manufacturing process are at risk of unhealthy exposure to potentially harmful materials.


If a whistle-blower wants to remain unknown, the safest course of action is to leak information anonymously to the press


In a coemployment relationship, two employers have actual or potential legal rights and duties with respect to the same employee or group of employees.


Software quality is the degree to which a software product meets the needs of its users


Software suppliers attempt to limit their liability by specifying that although software is warranted to run on a given machine configuration, no assurance is given as to what that software will do.


The EICC has established a code of conduct that defines performance, compliance, auditing, and reporting guidelines across five areas of social responsibility


The EICC was established to promote a common code of conduct for the electronics and ICT industry


The European Union's Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive restricts the use of many hazardous materials in computer manufacturing


To be classified as a truly green PC, the PC must meet other criteria than simply use less electricity to run than the standard computer


Under the doctrine of supervening event, the original seller is not liable if the software was materially altered after it left the seller's possession and the alteration caused the injury.


User acceptance testing is performed by trained end users to ensure that the system operates as they expect.


When an organization decides to use contingent workers for a project, it is making a trade-off between completing a single project quickly and cheaply versus developing people within its own organization.


depending on how closely workers are supervised and how the job is structured, contingent workers may be viewed as permanent employees by the Internal Revenue Service, the Labor Department, or a state's workers' compensation and employment agencies.


risk analysis is important for safety-critical systems, but is useful for other kinds of software development as well.


raise brand awareness and drive traffic to a website to increase sales

two primary objectives of social media marketers

an approach to social media marketing that encourages individuals to pass along a marketing message to others

viral marketing

which of the following terms in used to describe an effort to attract public attention to a negligent, illegal, unethical abusive or dangerous act by an individual or organization

whistle blowing

An H-1B visa is a temporary visa granted for people who

work in specialty occupations that require at least a four years bachelor's degree

An H-1B visa is a temporary visa granted for people who _____.

work in specialty occupations that require at least a four-year bachelor's degree

Organizations often find that it can take years of ongoing effort and a large up-front investment to develop a good _____ with an offshore outsourcing firm.

working relationship

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