CH7: Power, Politics, and Leadership -m

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What are 3 contributors to the political behavior in the workplace?

1. A pyramid-shaped organization structure 2. Environmental uncertainty and turbulence 3. Emotional insecurity of workers

Exercising control over dysfunctional politics: Major outcomes related to perception of politics

1. More strain or adverse effects of stress 2.More intentions to quit 3. Less job satisfaction 4. Less emotional commitment to the employer 5. Lower task performance 6. Less organizational citizenship behavior

What are 3 effective contributors to empowerment?

1. Providing a positive emotional atmosphere 2. Making rewards visible 3. Starting with small changes and then building on the early success.

The Nature of Empowerment: 5 components

1. meaning: the value of a work, goal, evaluated in relation to a person's ideals or standards. A person who has done meaningful work is likely to feel empowered. 2. competence (self-efficacy) an individual's belief in his or her capability to perform a task well. 3. self-determination: an individual's sense of having a choice in initiating and regulating actions. Workers feel they can choose the best method to solve a particular problem. 4. Impact: the degree to which the worker can influence strategic, administrative, or operating outcomes on the job. 5. internal commitment: when workers are committed to a particular project, person, or program for individual motives.

Controlling politics

1. organizational leaders must be aware of its causes and techniques. Ex. During a downsizing a CEO can be on the alert for instances of backstabbing transparent attempts to please. 2. avoiding favoritism and cronyism- avoiding giving the best evaluations to the group members you like the best or to friends. 3. Setting good examples at the top of the organization. 4. Individuals and the organization to share the same goals. 5. Discuss questionable info in a public forum.

Middle manager Barney practices favoritism when he recommends for promotion

A golfing buddy who is a low producer

Unethical Political tactics and Strategies: false catastrophe

A manager pretends a catastrophe exists and then proceeds to rescue others from the catastrophe, thereby appearing to be superhero. Ex. IT informs top management that the system is antiquated and will severely damage the company's operations. Then, orders new equipment and hires personnel.

Political tactics aimed at avoiding political blunders: emails

Almost any email can be retrieved by IT specialists

Territorial games

Also referred to as turf wars, political tactics that involve protecting and hoarding resources that give one power, such as information, relationships, and decision-making authority

Strategic contingency theory

An explanation of sources of power suggesting that units best able to cope with the firm's critical problems and uncertainties acquire relatively large amounts of power

Positive psychological capital

An individual's positive psychological state of development, characterized by four psychological resources: self-efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience

Political tactics aimed at building relationships: advice

Asking advice on work-related topics builds relationships with other employees. Asking advice transmits a message of trust in the other person's judgement.

A recommended way of reducing disruptive politics within the work group is to

Avoid favoritism

Sending thank-you notes to large numbers of people is regarded as a

Basic, but effective, political technique

Political tactics aimed at building relationships: courteous

Be courteous, pleasant, and positive. They are the first to be hired and the last to be fired.

A major political blunder is to

Be tactless toward influential people

Political tactics and strategies: changes

Be the first to accept reasonable changes. The person who steps forward first to accept reasonable changes will acquire some political capital. It's politically wise to be an early adopter of new changes.

What would bring a person legitimate power?

Being appointed a corporate officer

Your CEO, Anika Banaga, is a black woman raised in Africa. While introducing Bananga to work associates, it would be politically correct to say, "I would like you to meet Anika Banaga, our


After creating a false catastrophe, the particularly devious political player

Claims to have resolved the problem

Two components of empowerment revealed by research are

Competence and self-determination

Political tactics aimed at avoiding political blunders: criticizing boss

Criticizing the boss in a public forum.

Political tactics and strategies:strategies aimed at gaining power: power contacts

Develop power contacts: cultivating friendly, cooperative relationships with powerful organizational members and outsiders can make the leader's cause much easier to advance. Ex. Throw parties and invite powerful people and their guests.

A leader acquires prestige power through

Developing an outside reputation

Political tactics aimed at building relationships: loyalty

Display loyalty. A loyal worker is valued because organizations prosper more with loyal than with disloyal employees.

Political tactics and strategies: political environment

Do what the political environment demands. Do whatever the political environment demands to attain your goals.

A rational for empowerment is that the most successful organizations

Effectively use the talents of all players on the team.

According to the Law of Reciprocity (as it relates to organizational politics)

Everybody expects to be paid back

The two types of personal power are

Expert and referent

Political tactics aimed at building relationships: flatter

Flatter others sensibly. Flatter in the form of sincere praise can be an effective relationship builder. Tell another person you are impressed by something he/she has accomplished.

As the leader shares power with others, the leader's power


A study of empowerment in a firm with operations in the United States, Mexico, Poland, and India found that empowerment was negatively associated with hob satisfaction among the workers in


Political tactics and strategies:psychological capital

Individual's positive psychological state of development, characterized by four psychological resources: self-efficacy, hope, optimism, and residence. strong job performance by subordinates accrues power to the leader.

Organizational politics

Informal approaches to gaining power through means other than merit or luck

Empowerment tends to work best when the empowered activities are

Linked to the work goals of the organization

A consequence of the resource dependence perspective is that when leaders start losing their ability to control resources, they

Lose power

Advertising manager Roxanne applies the dependence perspective on power when she

Makes her staff members dependent on her to pursue their ideas

Margaret has Machiavellian tendencies, so she is likely to

Manipulate other people for her personal gain

The higher a unit reports in the hierarchy, the

More power it acquires


Passing decision-making authority and responsibility from managers to group members

Unethical Political tactics and Strategies: backstabbing

Planning someone's demise.

Political tactics and strategies: politically correct

Political correctness involves being careful not to offend or slight anyone, and being extra civil and respectful.

Political tactics and strategies: control vital information

Power appeals to those who control vital information. it's politically important to stay informed.

Factors that contribute to organizational politics: pyramid shaped organization

Power at the top. Each layer on the organizational chart wields less power than the layer above.

Personal power

Power derived from the person rather than from the organization

Information power

Power stemming from formal control over the information people need to do their work

Unethical Political tactics and Strategies: territorial games

Protecting and hoarding resources that give one power: such as information, relationships, and decision-making authority. Ex. a manager might tell others that his tar performer is mediocre to prevent the person from being considered for a valuable transfer opportunity.

Political tactics aimed at avoiding political blunders: bypassing the boss

Protocol is still highly valued in a hierarchical organization. Going around the boss to resolve a problem is hazardous.

What is recommended as an effective empowering practice?

Providing ample information to workers

The best example of personal power would be power stemming from the

Relevant expertise a person brings to the job.

Political tactics and strategies: paid back

Remember that everyone expects to be paid back. if you do not find some way to reimburse people for the good deeds they have done for you, your supply of people to perform good deeds will run short.

What are two types of power that stem from a leader's authority to respond to the consequences of people's actions?

Reward power and coercive power

Gus has been empowered by his manager to develop a new work flow design for the office. After completing the task successfully, Gus believes that he has the ability to perform an important new skill. The characteristic of empowerment just described is most likely.


A frequent political blunder with email is to

Send incriminating or embarrassing emails on the company system

Political tactics aimed at building relationships:thank you

Send thank you notes to large numbers of people. One of the most basic political tactics, sending thank you notes profusely is simply an application of sound human relations.

A recommended strategy for minimizing office politics is to

Set a good example at the top

According to a consultant cited in the leadership text, after the group is empowered, the leader

Should still provide guidance

Team leader Wanda is managing the critical problem of selling company assets to raise cash and has therefore gained power in the eyes of management. Wanda is implementing which explanation of a source of power

Strategic contingency theory

Unethical Political tactics and Strategies: abusing power

The abuse often relates to behavior outside of formal responsibility. Ex. CEO closes a plant overseen by a manager he disliked or to use company funds to build an exorbitantly luxurious personal office. Political abuse of power includes such acts as shouting and swearing at subordinates, sexually harassing them, humiliating them in meetings.


The assignment of formal authority and responsibility for accomplishing a specific task to another person

Reward power

The authority to give employees rewards for compliance


The extent to which a unit's activities are linked into the system of organized activities


The idea that all organizational members are capable of leading themselves, at least to some extent

Legitimate power

The lawful right to make a decision and expect compliance

Dependence perspective

The point of view that a person accrues power by other being dependent on him or her for things they value


The potential or ability to influence decisions and control resources

Prestige power

The power stemming from one's status and reputation

Coercive power

The power to punish for noncompliance; power based on fear

Resource dependence perspective

The view that an organization requires a continuing flow of human resources, money, customers and clients, technological inputs, and materials to continue to function

Political tactics aimed at avoiding political blunders: declining an offer

Turning down top management, especially more than once, is a political blunder

Political tactics aimed at avoiding political blunders: dress code

Violating the dress code can block you from acquiring more power.

According to the dependence theory of power, Alex has power over Ziggy when

Ziggy is dependent on Alex

Political tactics and strategies: quick showing

a display of dramatic results can help gain acceptance for one's efforts or those of the group once a person has impressed management with his or her ability to solve that first problem, that person can look forward to working on problems that will bring greater power.

Tactics for becoming an empowering leader

a leader's power and influence increase when he or she shares power with others.

7 types of power: Personal power/referent

ability to influence others through one's desirable traits and characteristics

Political tactics aimed at building relationships: satisfied customers

ask satisfied customers to contact your boss. customer satisfaction is a top corporate priority.

Political tactics aimed at avoiding political blunders: foot in mouth

avoid being blatantly tactless toward influential people.

Power derived from capitalizing on opportunity

be where the action is

Political tactics and strategies; control lines of communication

controlling access to key people. Admins screen emails and telephone messages and are selective about who can communicate directly with the executive.

Effective delegation of empowerment

delegation: the assignment of formal authority and responsibility for accomplishing a specific task to another person. Without delegation, effective leadership and management cannot take place. delegation=specific task; empowerment: broad range of activities

Power stemming from dependencies

dependence perspective: people accrue power when others are dependent on them for things of value. Leader group member example would be that the group member who needs considerable recognition to survive becomes dependent on the leader who is a regular source of such recognition.

Empowering practices

foster initiatives and responsibility. A leader can empower team members simply by fostering greater initiative and responsibility in their assignments. Link work activities to organizational goals. align empowered actives with the strategic goals of the organization. Provide ample information. allow group members to choose methods allowing people to determine the most effective work technique. Encourage self-leadership, the heart of empowerment. Establish limits to empowerment; continue to lead; take into account cultural differences

Unethical Political tactics and Strategies: divide and rule

have subordinates fight among themselves, therefore yielding the balance of power to another person. Placing subordinates in intense competition for resources.

Political tactics and strategies:strategies aimed at gaining power:compelling vision

helps the leader exercise power. serving the interests of others

Political tactics aimed at building relationships: impression

impression management includes behaviors directed at enhancing one's image by drawing attention to oneself. Speaking well and presenting one's ideas coherently. Another part of impression management is telling people about your success or implying you are an insider.

7 types of power:Position power/ legitimate

legitimate power: the lawful right to make a decision and expect compliance

Encouraging admiration from subordinates

managers and leaders encourage flattery and servile praise.

Factors that contribute to organizational politics

organizational politics; informal approaches to gaining power through means other than merit or luck

Emotional insecurity

people resort to political maneuvers to ingratiate themselves with superiors because they lost confidence in their own talents and skills

Machiavellian tendencies

people who engage in political behavior to manipulate others, sometimes for their own personal advantage

7 types of power: Personal power/prestige

power stemming from a person's status and reputation

7 types of power: Position power/information

power stemming from formal control over the information people need to do their work.

Factors that contribute to organizational politics: environmental uncertainty and turbulence

rely on org. politics to create a favorable impression because uncertainty makes it difficult to determine what they should be accomplishing.

Unethical Political tactics and Strategies: embrace or demolish

remove from the premises rivals who suffered past hurts through your efforts, otherwise they retaliate. Ex. opposing a hostile takeover


shared or distributed leadership. Empowering workers to assume more managerial responsibility enables the organization to get by with fewer bosses.

Power stemming from managing critical problems

strategic contingency theory: units best able to cope with the firm's critical problems and uncertainties acquire relatively large amounts of power. ex. lawsuits-legal department gets power, centrality: extent to which a unit's activities are linked in the system of organizational activities.

7 types of power: Personal power/expert

the ability to influence others through specialized knowledge, skills, or abilities

7 types of power: Position power/ reward

the authority to give employees rewards for compliance

Power stemming from being close to power

the closer a person is to power, the greater the power he or she exerts.

Resource-dependence perspective

the organization requires a continuing flow of human resources, money, customers, and clients to continue to function. When you lose control of resources your power might decline, but, if you are super powerful you will recover quickly.


the potential or ability to influence decisions and control resources

7 types of power:Position power/coercive

the power to punish for noncompliance based on fear.

Power stemming from ownership

the strength of ownership power depends on how closely the leader is linked to shareholders and board members. A leader's ownership power is also associated with how much money he/she has invested in the firm.

Political tactics and strategies; bring in outside experts

to help legitimate their positions, executives will often hire a consultant to conduct a study or cast an opinion. The tactic seems ethical because the executive believes he/she is obtaining an objective opinion.

Unethical Political tactics and Strategies: setting a person up

to place a person in a position where he/she will either fail outright or look ineffective. Ex. CEO gives disliked executive position over troubled division. Later fires for poor performance

Factors that contribute to organizational politics; subjective standards of performance

when managers have no objective way of differentiating effective people from less effective, they will resort to favoritism.

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