Chapter 1 EXAM

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typically marks the end of the early childhood period of development.

First grade

Which of the following is NOT a reason the text gave to study life-span development?

It is a requirement for such fields as nursing, psychology, and child development.

Which of the following is NOT one of the criticisms of psychoanalytic theory?

Psychoanalytic theories present an image of humans that is too optimistic.

What is true concerning the biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes?

They are intricately interwoven.

Today, childhood is conceived of as:

a unique period of life that lays an important foundation for the adult years and is highly differentiated from them.

The key to formal operational thinking is the ability to think about concepts.


Which period of development is characterized by establishing independence, developing an identity, and thinking more abstractly?


Bernice Neugarten has emphasized reemerging life themes in development. Her observations have led her to conclude that:

age is becoming less important for understanding development.

Freud believed defense mechanisms reduce:


Konrad Lorenz discovered that baby geese imprint to:

any large moving object.

Most journal articles in the field of life-span development:

are reports of original research.

According to Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory, the three factors that reciprocally influence development involve:

behavior, the person, and the environment.

Dr. Somberg is using a method of gathering information that gives an in-depth look at one individual. She is using the:

case study.

Development is defined as the pattern of movement or across the life span.


A common caution for correlational research is:

correlation does not equal causation.

A design compares individuals of different ages (e.g., 30-year-olds, 40-year-olds, and 50-year-olds) at one testing time.


An experiment involves the effects of aerobic exercise by pregnant women on their newborns' breathing and sleeping patterns. In this experiment, the newborns' breathing and sleeping patterns are the variable


Erik Erikson's theory emphasized:

developmental change throughout the human life span.

In studying changes in the way we think as we age, Dr. Long notes a child moves from not being able to think abstractly about the world to being able to, which is a qualitative change in processing information. Dr. Long emphasizes:


An approach consisting of several different theoretical perspectives is referred to as:


A major strength of ecological theory is its framework for explaining:

environmental influences on development.

In thinking about the importance of studying life-span development, research has found that:

extending the life span of human cells in a test tube has implications for expanding human life

The traditional approach to development emphasizes:

extensive change from birth to adolescence, little or no change in adulthood, then decline in late old age.

From B.F. Skinner's point of view, behavior is explained through:

external consequences of that behavior.

Most life-span developmentalists recognize that:

extreme positions on these issues are unwise.

In research with children, once the parents have provided consent:

if the child does not want to participate, the psychologist must not continue testing the child.

Penny is just beginning to use language and other symbols. If she is developing normally, we would expect her to be in which developmental period?


The answers to questions about the issues of nature-nurture, continuity-discontinuity, and stability-change:

influence public policy decisions and how people live their lives.

Parents who believe their children are basically good and need little discipline have adopted which philosophical view?

innate goodness

One difficulty of conducting research in the laboratory setting is that:

it is artificial.

In the twentieth century:

life expectancy has increased by 30 years.

Animal studies permit researchers to do all of the following, EXCEPT to:

make accurate assumptions about human behavioral responses.

Many older persons become wiser with age, yet perform more poorly on cognitive speed tests. This supports the life-span perspective notion that development is:


The onset of puberty is an example of:

normative age-graded influences.

The AIDS epidemic in the United States would be an example of a:

normative history-graded influence.

The information-processing approach to development emphasizes:

perception, memory, reasoning ability, and problem solving.

During the stage, Freud believed that pleasure centers on the genital area and resolution of the Oedipus complex occurs.


Parents adhering to the fundamental premise of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's "innate goodness" argument would

provide their children with little monitoring or constraints.

Rozee is 86 years young. She continues to learn phrases in new languages, she writes poetry, and she enjoys going to museums to see the latest up-and-coming artists. These examples of her adaptive capacities demonstrate:

psychological age.

Which of the following would involve a cognitive process?

putting together a two-word sentence

The main advantage of the naturalistic observation technique involves:

real-world validity.

All of the following statements represent Vygotsky's views of development, EXCEPT:

the child's way of knowing is best advanced through internal mechanisms, which are separate from the social environment.

Researchers who are proponents of the nurture perspective would argue that:

the environment a person is raised in determines that individual's longevity.

As he was studying life-span development, Tyrell had to learn several interrelated, coherent sets of ideas that would help him explain and make predictions about development. Tyrell had to learn:


According to Baltes (1987), the life-span perspective has the following characteristics, EXCEPT being:


Experimental designs are superior to correlational approaches when dealing with:

variables that need to be manipulated.

As the older population continues to increase in the 21st century, concerns are raised about the number of older adults who will be:

without either a spouse or children.

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