English 12A - Unit Three: Going Green and Clean

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What is a synonym of the word infrastructure?


Read the passage. Zeke and Petra went to the horse show over the weekend, they said they saw Arabians and other breeds performing in the show ring. Which answer correctly explains what is incorrect about the passage?

A comma splice is used to connect two independent clauses.

Which sentence is written in a tone and style most appropriate for a researched, informational essay with an academic audience?

Butterflies are insects, and they have the same four-stage life cycle as other insects do.

Reread the "Gas Shortages Spark Interest in Electric Vehicles" section in "The History of the Electric Car." Which excerpts from this section use a cause-and-effect structure? Select all that apply.

Cheap, abundant gasoline and continued improvement in the internal combustion engine hampered demand for alternative fuel vehicles. Soaring oil prices and gasoline shortages—peaking with the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo—created a growing interest in lowering the U.S.'s dependence on foreign oil and finding homegrown sources of fuel.

Lesson Thirteen

Taking Up Space

Lesson Eleven

Positive Power

Checkpoint Eleven

Score: 100%

Which phrases from "The Real Reasons We Explore Space" include an appeal to pathos by the author when he discusses the reasons for space travel? Select all that apply.

"... to be ... the first or the best in some activity" To have "the urge to know what's over the next hill"

Checkpoint Fourteen

Score: 100%

Checkpoint Thirteen

Score: 100%

Checkpoint Twelve

Score: 100%

Which options identify ways to correct a run-on sentence? Select all that apply.

Add a connecting word, with or without punctuation, to make a compound sentence. Add a period and a capital letter to make two sentences.

Read the dictionary entry. stint noun a specific period of work or activity Which sentence correctly uses this sense of the word stint?

After a two-year stint as mayor, Edwin Robles resigned to run for Congress.

Read the excerpt from "Missing the Dark." None of this is to say that electric lights are inherently bad. Artificial light has benefited society by, for instance, extending the length of the productive day,... Which sentences in the excerpt demonstrate an appeal to the audience's sense of logos? Select all that apply.

And a growing body of scientific research suggests that light pollution can have lasting adverse effects on both human and wildlife health. Artificial light has benefited society by, for instance, extending the length of the productive day, offering more time not just for working but also for recreational activities that require light.

You are researching issues with plastic debris in the Pacific Ocean. Your teacher recommended that you choose and read online resources carefully because when using information in a research report, you need to make sure the information is accurate. Which options identify effective strategies for assessing the accuracy of your sources? Select all that apply.

Ask questions about the material presented in the source to decide if it completely addresses the topic. Conduct research to determine whether the sources of information listed can be verified in another source. Determine if the information in the source is written well and free of grammatical errors.

End of Unit Three, Next up is Unit Three Exam

Good Luck :)

Read the excerpt from "The History of the Electric Car." Which answer most effectively states the author's main point in the excerpt?

Inventors from many countries had a hand in the development of the electric vehicle that we know today.

Read the two sections of the passage. 1) The halftime performers whirled through a complex series of choreographed moves. 2) Twirling their batons so fast they resembled helicopter blades. Which option explains why Section 2 is a sentence fragment?

It begins with participle verb form and therefore must be linked with an independent clause or main sentence.

Read the excerpt from "President Kennedy's Moon Speech." In the excerpt, Kennedy's point of view is that the United States should continue space exploration. Which options effectively explain how Kennedy uses an appeal to pathos in the excerpt to convey his point of view? Select all that apply.

Kennedy implies that the United States is the only country that will keep space science peaceful. Kennedy implies that if the United States does not remain the leader, space science will be used for the wrong purposes.

Read the dictionary entries. compliment (v.) to express approval or praise (n.) a remark that expresses approval complement (v.) to add to, fill in, or complete (n.) something that fills in or completes Which sentences use compliment correctly? Select all that apply.

Maria's grandmother likes to compliment her on her good manners during dinner. A compliment is usually received more graciously than criticism.

Which statements from the brochure best support the information presented in the photograph? Select all that apply.

Most commonly used plastics do not mineralize (or go away) in the ocean and instead break down into smaller and smaller pieces. As society has developed new uses for plastics, the variety and quantity of plastic items found in the marine environment has increased dramatically.

In which sentences from "How Light Pollution Works" does the author use figurative language to describe characteristics of types of light pollution? Select all that apply.

Nighttime photos of major metropolitan areas often show this in amazing intensity, with the most brilliant blankets of sky glow emitting dusky, smoldering blazes dotted with shining hotspots. Whether stringing streetlights too close together along a highway or brightening a building with midday cheer in the dead of night, practices like these can be both distracting and wasteful.

A question that could be asked about the information in the article "Plastics, Human Health, and Environmental Impacts: The Road Ahead" and the brochure "What We Know About: Plastic Marine Debris" is "What effect do plastics have on humans and marine animals?" Which statement is the most effective example of how to combine the information from the article and the brochure to answer the question?

Plastics in the environment affect both humans and wildlife in many ways. Plastics that use BPA and PVC can cause reproductive issues and aggressive behavior in humans. Marine animals, such as fish, eat plastic, thinking it is food. Since most animals cannot digest plastic, it stays in their stomach, causing malnutrition or starvation.

Read the excerpt from "The Real Reasons We Explore Space." And presidential science advisor Jack Marburger has said that questions about space exploration come down to whether we want to bring the solar system within mankind's sphere of economic influence. Which option most accurately restates the author's implied question: Do we want to bring the solar system within mankind's sphere of economic influence?

Should we use our economic power to advance our knowledge of the solar system?

Suppose you are writing an essay titled "Affluence in 16th-Century England." Which sentence from the first paragraph would provide a context clue to the meaning of the word affluence?

Some nobles owned multiple estates.

Lesson Twelve

The Proliferation of Plastics

Both the article "Plastics" and the infographic "Plastics in the Ocean" provide detailed explanations about microplastics in the ocean. Which statement best analyzes how the article treats the information related to microplastics differently than the infographic?

The article describes several kinds of microplastics, including microbeads and microfibers. The infographic discusses only microbeads and the breakdown of larger plastics.

Read the sentence from "Plastics." Plastics can enter into the marine environment a number of ways: through ineffective or improper waste management, intentional or accidental dumping and littering on shorelines or at sea, or through storm water runoff. Now look at the information on the "Plastics in the Ocean" infographic. Both sources describe how plastics end up in the ocean. How does the information provided in the article differ from that in infographic?

The article uses text only to describe ways plastics enter the ocean. The infographic shows how plastics enter the ocean using illustrations supported by headings and text descriptions.

Reread "The History of the Electric Car." How does the overall structure of the article support the author's main point?

The article's chronological structure supports the author's main point that the electric car has undergone many changes over the years, and therefore can be expected to continue evolving in the future.

Read the excerpt from "The Real Reasons We Explore Space." The greatest strategy for national security, more effective than having better guns and bombs than everyone else, is being a nation that does the kinds of things that make others want to do them with us. Which option effectively explains how the author uses an appeal to pathos in the excerpt to explain his point of view on the benefits of the space program?

The author appeals to the audience's desire to be part of something larger than themselves.

In "How Much Can Electric Cars Impact Climate Change?" the author presents the argument that a paradigm shift is needed for electric cars to significantly affect climate issues. Which options clearly explain how the author uses sections to develop his argument? Select all that apply.

The author's argument contains a large amount of factual evidence, so he uses sections to clarify and emphasize the topics. The audience's questions surrounding electric cars are numerous, so the author uses sections to answer them.

How well does the infographic "Plastics in the Ocean" present a solution to the problem it describes?

The infographic provides a solution to the problem by presenting brief amounts of text and various illustrated descriptions of ways to help reduce the amount of plastic debris in the ocean, but it does not describe how to apply the suggested strategies.

In which sentence is the word logistical used incorrectly?

The logistical conclusion Bob came to after analyzing all the data was that the company should raise its prices by two percent.

Read the excerpt from "President Kennedy's Moon Speech." We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people. For space science, like nuclear science and all technology, has no conscience of its own. Which option best conveys the meaning of the metaphor "We set sail on this new sea" as it is used in the excerpt?

The metaphor presents the idea of space travel as an adventurous journey of discovery.

Reread "The History of the Electric Car." How does chronological structure contribute to the article's effectiveness? Select all that apply.

The structure enables readers to keep track of the important individual events leading up to the electric cars that are in production today. The structure shows readers how lithium-ion batteries are a relatively new development that might affect the next generation of electric vehicles.

For an informative essay, you are researching different kinds of plastic recycling programs across the US. Your teacher recommended that you choose online resources that are applicable to your chosen topic. Which questions would you ask yourself to evaluate whether a source contains relevant information about your topic? Select all that apply.

What is the research focus of the source? When was the information in the source written?

In which excerpt from "President Kennedy's Moon Speech" does Kennedy appeal to the audience's sense of ethos to justify America's involvement in space exploration?

William Bradford, speaking in 1630 of the founding of the Plymouth Bay Colony, said that all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.

Read the excerpt from "President Kennedy's Moon Speech." For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding. Which phrases contain figurative language? Select all that apply.

banner of freedom and peace eyes of the world

In the "How Light Pollution Works," the author presents the argument that reducing the use of "inefficient and unnecessary lighting" can lower emissions of carbon into the atmosphere. Which options effectively explain how the author uses an appeal to logos to strengthen her argument? Select all that apply.

by describing tasks readers can perform inside their homes to eliminate bad lighting practices and to use lights more effectively by including easy activities readers can do around the outside of their homes to reduce unneeded lighting

Read the paragraph from "The History of the Electric Car," which claims that the Model T represented a major setback for electric cars. Which answers best explain how the excerpt's proposition-and-support structure effectively supports the claim? Select all that apply.

by discussing the affordability of gasoline-powered cars by mentioning the convenience of gasoline-powered cars

Read the excerpt from "Missing the Dark." The ecologic effects of artificial light have been well documented. Light pollution has been shown to affect both flora and fauna. For instance, prolonged exposure to artificial light... How does the author appeal to the audience's sense of logos in this passage?

by highlighting that light pollution affects vegetation, which subsequently impacts animals because plants and trees are part of their habitat

A question that arises based on the information in "Plastics, Human Health, and Environmental Impacts: The Road Ahead" is "How safe are plastics for humans and the environment?" How does the author effectively answer this question?

by presenting bullet points that provide scientific evidence to describe the dangers plastics pose to the Earth

Read the excerpt from "The Real Reasons We Explore Space." When Charles Lindbergh was asked why he crossed the Atlantic, he never once answered that he wanted to win the $25,000 that New York City hotel owner Raymond Orteig offered for the first nonstop aircraft flight between New York and Paris. Which option most accurately explains how the author uses an appeal to ethos in the excerpt to influence his audience?

by using an important American to support his claim that accomplishment is not just about money

Read the excerpt from "How Much Can Electric Cars Impact Climate Change?" Just two months before international climate talks begin in Paris, a new report from energy and environmental groups predicts greenhouse gases can plunge 77 percent in 2050 by electrifying more than half the nation's cars, trucks and forklifts. What text structure is used in the excerpt?


Your informational essay includes evidence about how much global warming has increased during the 20th century. Which graphic aid or multimedia feature would most effectively clarify this trend of rising temperatures for readers?

line graph

Read the excerpt from "Missing the Dark." Each year in New York City alone, about 10,000 migratory birds are injured or killed crashing into skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, says Glenn Phillips, executive director of the New York City Audubon Society. The estimates as to the number of birds dying from collisions across North America annually range from 98 million to close to a billion. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates 5 million-50 million birds die each year from collisions with communication towers. Which appeal to the audience is the author using in this passage?

pathos to influence them to be empathetic to the plight of birds that are affected by artificial lights

Read the excerpt from "How Much Can Electric Cars Impact Climate Change?," which discusses Southern California Edison's role in making charging stations available. Edison has asked the California Public Utilities Commission to authorize the utility to partner with private companies to build 30,000 electric-vehicle public charging stations in Southern California. The application may be approved this year, he said. What option best describes the text structure implied in the excerpt?


Read the passage, which highlights the differences between representational and abstract art. Which sentence could be eliminated because it fails to support the passage's main idea?

sentence 2

Read the excerpt from "Missing the Dark." Travis Longcore, co-editor of Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting and a research associate professor at the University of Southern California Center for Sustainable Cities,... What is the author's purpose for appealing to the reader's sense of ethos in the excerpt? Select all that apply.

to explain the issues with light pollution and artificial light by providing evidence from a research associate professor who is an expert in his field to demonstrate his trustworthiness as a writer by using information from a credible source regarding how light pollution affects an individual's health

Read the concluding paragraphs of "President Kennedy's Moon Speech." Which options most accurately identify phrases from the excerpt that represent a call to action? Select all that apply.

... and do all this, and do it right, and do it first before this decade is out—then we must be bold ... space is there, and we're going to climb it

Reread the "Electric Vehicle Prices Dropping" section in "How Much Can Electric Cars Impact Climate Change?" How does a text structure in this section clarify the claim that the prices of electric vehicles are decreasing?

A comparison-and contrast structure discusses the similarities between the drop in computer and smartphone prices to the drop in electric car prices.

Which sentence from "Plastics" best reflects the information in the attached image?

As society has developed new uses for plastics, the variety and quantity of plastic items found in the marine environment has increased dramatically.

Read the excerpt from "President Kennedy's Moon Speech." Which options best analyze how Kennedy appeals to the audience's sense of pathos in the excerpt to convey his point? Select all that apply.

Kennedy appeals to the audience's curiosity with his claim that the exploration of space is an adventure. Kennedy appeals to the audience's competitive spirit with his claim that the exploration of space will go on with or without the United States.

Which statement most accurately combines and summarizes the information from the "Plastics" article and the "What We Know About: Plastic Marine Debris" brochure about how plastics break down?

Once plastic reaches the ocean, it does not go away or mineralize, degrading at a slower rate because of the cold water. As plastic breaks down, the pieces get smaller and smaller, turning into microplastics, which are smaller than 5mm.

Read the sentence. Despite the apparent popularity of shopping malls, online shopping is one of the fastest growing and most pervasive forms of consumerism. Based on the description of online shopping as pervasive, what are you most likely to say when describing online shopping?

Online shopping is a highly saturated form of consumerism.

Lesson Fourteen

Out Like a Light

Read the dictionary entries. continual adj. occurring at intervals; recurring regularly or frequently continuous adj. occurring without interruption in time or sequence Which sentence demonstrates the best use of a form of continuous?

The warning siren blew continuously for three long minutes.

Read the passage. The youth group members are baking cookies tonight they plan to sell them at a bake sale. To raise money for the local food bank. Which options show ways to revise the passage and make it correct? Select all that apply.

The youth group members are baking cookies tonight. They plan to sell them at a bake sale to raise money for the local food bank. The youth group members are baking cookies tonight, and they plan to sell them at a bake sale to raise money for the local food bank.

Which strategies can a writer use to vary syntax in a text? Select all that apply.

Use sentences of different lengths and complexity. Use transitional words and phrases at the beginnings and ends of sentences and paragraphs.

Read the sentence from "President Kennedy's Moon Speech." It is for these reasons that I regard the decision last year to shift our efforts in space from low to high gear as among the most important decisions that will be made during my incumbency in the office of the Presidency. If your younger brother, Pete, asked you what "my incumbency in the office of the Presidency" meant, what would you most likely say to him? Select all that apply.

You would say, "Pete, the best place to find the meaning of the word incumbency is the dictionary. Go look it up!" You would say, "Pete, 'the office of the Presidency' is a context clue for the meaning of the word incumbency. That clue will help you understand the word!"

Read the opening of "Everyday Survival." Long ago I believed that survival meant having a pack full of equipment that would allow me to make fire and build shelter and trap varmints to eat in the wilderness. But then I kept coming across cases in which someone had survived without any equipment or had perished while in possession of all the right tools. Obviously something else was at work here. Which elements does the author use to draw readers' interest? Select all that apply.

a memory about his "long ago" beliefs about survival an anecdote that includes intriguing information

Read the passage. The dog rounded the corner of the house, he was running so fast he knocked me over. Toward his food bowl. What errors are there in this passage? Select all that apply.

a sentence fragment a comma splice

Which word is an antonym of the word distraught?


Read the excerpt from "Missing the Dark," focusing on the word awash. In 1879, Thomas Edison's incandescent light bulbs first illuminated a New York street, and the modern era of electric lighting began. Since then, the world has become awash in electric light. Powerful lamps light up streets, yards, parking lots, and billboards. Sports facilities blaze with light that is visible for tens of miles. Business and office building windows glow throughout the night. The author uses awash to describe the world. Other words that contain a similar connotation are inundated, overflowing, and flooded. What is the meaning of the word awash as it is used in the excerpt?

completely covered

Which words are synonyms of succinct? Select all that apply.

concise brief

Read the dictionary entry. incumbent adjective 1. imposed as an obligation or duty; obligatory 2. lying, leaning, or resting on something else 3. currently holding a specified office noun 4. a person who holds an office Read the sentence. The incumbent senator was the favored candidate in the state's primary election. Which definition of incumbent fits the meaning and part of speech of the word as it is used in the sentence?

definition 3

What does bio- mean in the word biodegradable?


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