Chapter 1 Lessons 3 Physical and Chemical Changes

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A change is what is often a sign of a chemical change


A chemical change happens as particles and chemical bonds that make up a substance gets

Chemical Change

Burning wood into ashes, baking a cake, reacting with new substances are all a


Burning/Dying wool is an example of a physical change


Chemical changes are the process by which substances actually change into __________ substances


Chemical changes can cause energy to change from one form to

Frizzing and foaming

Chemical changes with the formation of gas often cause


Does the chemical change in a substance remain the same during a physical change?

In chemical change you make a completly new substance with new properties in physical you don't.

How are physical and chemical changes different?

He demonstrated this transformation of mass by observing chemical changes in sealed glass bulbs

How did he demonstrate this transformation?

Rasing the tenpearture causes the particles in matter to move more quickly. This increase amount of motion causes the particles to bump into each other more often there by increasing the rate of the chemical reaction.

How do higher temperatures influence a chemical change?

Physical Change

Is a change that affects one or more physical properties in a substance


Liquid sometimes combine to form a solid called

Chemical Change

Occurs when one or more substances change into entirely new substances with different properties is a _____________ change

Carbon dioxide gas

One of the new substances that is formed with frizzing and foaming is ___________ which causes bubbles to form

Physical Change

The appearance, shape, or size of a substance may be altered during a ___________ change


The formation of a precipitate signals a physical/chemical change

The same as

The mass of the toy on the right is the same as/different from the mass of the toy on the left


The physical/chemical change results in the formation of new substances

Law of conservation of mass

This States that in ordinary chemical and physical changes, mass is not created or destroyed but is only transformed into different substances


True or False: Changes of state, and all physical changes, do not change the chemical makeup of the substance


True or false: Burning is a chemical change and Flammability is a chemical property

In the 1770s he studied chemical changes in which substances seemed to lose or gain mass.

What did Lavoister Study?

He showed than the mass was most often lost to or gained from gases in the air.

What did he show?

Production of odor, Production of Gas, Formation of a precipitate, Change in energy, and change in color

You can tell a chemical change has happened from these things

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