Chapter 1- Speaking in Public

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With what or whom does the process of communication begin?

A speaker

The best practices of speechmaking have little value if the speaker lacks


Helmut is about to make a presentation to his class, but he is very nervous. He feels like he may explode or faint. When the members of the audience see Helmut in front of them, they will

unlikely be able to know how nervous he feels.

Making speeches tends to become less intimidating

with more practice.

In the process of communication, examples of listeners include

*someone whose friend is talking to her on the phone *a person who receives *a communicated message. *the audience for a speech.

Which of the following is the best definition of ethnocentrism?

Believing that one culture is better than another

Joe is speaking at a funeral, so he decides not to open with a joke. He is responding to the situation. As he begins to speak, someone in another room begins hammering on the wall, causing

Blank 1: interference Blank 2: feedback

Joe is speaking at a funeral, so he decides not to open with a joke. He is responding to the situation. As he begins to speak, someone in another room begins hammering on the wall, causing ___________ At the end of his speech, everyone stands up and enthusiastically claps, providing ________.

Blank 1: interference Blank 2: feedback

Effective speakers rarely experience nervousness.


George is giving a speech to a culturally diverse audience. Which is least necessary for him to pay attention to as he tries to connect with multicultural listeners?

His breathing

Which of the following actions common in everyday conversation would be unacceptable in a public speech?

Incorporating slang Interjecting stock phrases

Jeron has a terrible headache. Because of this, he completely misses the teacher's homework instructions. Which of the following elements caused the communication process to be a failure for Jeron?

Internal interference

Braxton is speaking about types of plumbing systems. As he is explaining types of pipes, he realizes that he has reversed the order in which he intended to discuss hot and cold water systems. What should he do?

Proceed as if the mistake did not happen

Which of the following examples demonstrates the most direct channel to the intended audience?

Roy demonstrates how to carve wooden duck decoys to a group of students sitting around a bench.

Which of the following are conversational skills that will help students in a public speaking class?

Sensing when someone does not understand what you are saying Communicating to different age groups Telling a great story

How has technology made people part of a worldwide network?

Social media is used by people communicating across geographic barriers.

In the process of communication, which of the following are examples of a channel?

The Internet Television A live voice The radio

Elle was making a speech about honeybees. She repeatedly practiced saying, "The sweet rewards of honey create quite a buzz," but she mistakenly says, "Honey rewards people with a sweet buzz." She is crushed, but after her speech, nobody mentions her mistake. What is the most likely reason for this?

The audience did not know what she planned to say, just what she actually said.

According to the 2012 study, more people are scared of giving a speech than of dying.


Martina has a lot of thoughts in her head about an upcoming speech. Some of her thoughts are positive, and some are negative. What would be the best advice to help her manage these thoughts?

Try to have at least five positive thoughts for each negative one

In the process of communication, interference refers to

anything that blocks the communication of a message.

Research has shown that people who select speech topics that mean a great deal to them

are more confident and successful.

Critical thinking, which can be developed in a speech class, is the ability to

clearly recognize the relationship among ideas.

The objective of public speaking is for the ______ message to be the message that is ______.

intended; actually communicated

Elements of the speech communication process include

interference. channel. listener. speaker. situation. feedback. message.

Critical thinking is important, because the structure of your speech

mirrors the structure of your thinking.

When preparing to begin a speech, positive nervousness refers to

taking control of your fear.

When nervous speakers finish presentations, they usually learn that

the audience had no idea how nervous they were.

In the process of communication, situation is defined as

the time and place of the communication.

Stage fright is most likely to be experienced by someone

thinking negatively.

Making a speech to a culturally diverse audience

adds an increased degree of difficulty.

The nervousness and anxiety you feel at the start of your speech is a normal consequence of your body's production of


In the process of communication, effective public speakers should usually do all of the following except

answer questions during the speech.

The process of identifying weaknesses in other people's speeches to prevent you from having the same weaknesses is one element of

critical thinking.

In highly specialized technical fields, such as engineering and mathematics,

employers rank very highly the ability to communicate.

Believing that your group or culture is superior to all other groups or cultures is called


Bronson sends a text message to his friend in China. His friend responds immediately with "great to hear from u!" In the context of the communication process, Bronson's friend's response is called


To avoid the appearance of ethnocentrism, which of the following are helpful when preparing and presenting speeches?

*Asking the person who invited you for information about the audience *Showing respect for people of all cultures *Using audience-analysis questionnaires to become aware of cultural factors

In the communication process, which of the following are types of feedback in public speaking?

*Body language Applause *Facial expressions *Total silence

Which of the following are conversational skills that will help students in a public speaking class?

*Communicating to different age groups *Sensing when someone does not understand what you are saying *Telling a great story

Which of the following are true of an effectively communicated message?

*Effective messages are communicated both verbally and nonverbally. *Effective messages match what the speaker intended to communicate.

Which of the following can help most speakers deal with nervousness in a public speaking situation?

*Making eye contact *Gaining experience by presenting speeches when given the opportunity *Thoroughly preparing your speech *Visualizing yourself giving a great speech

Which of the following are reasons why speakers must consider the cultural diversity of their audience?

*Nonverbal signals differ from culture to culture and thus can make effective communication more challenging. *Language barriers can result in misunderstandings. *Different cultures attach different meanings to gestures.

Caitlin has no experience giving speeches, and she is worried that she will not do well in her public speaking class. Which of the following are everyday communication skills similar to those Caitlin will need to succeed in class?

*Paying attention to how listeners receive her messages *Noticing the facial expressions of the people she talks to *Adjusting the message for maximum impact

Identify the ways in which public speaking differs from everyday conversation.

*Public speaking requires more detailed planning and timing. *Public speaking uses more formal language than everyday conversation. *Public speaking is more highly structured.

During speech preparation, critical thinking—in its broadest sense—is important because speakers must be able to do which of the following?

*See relationships between ideas *Assess the soundness of evidence *Spot weaknesses in arguments

By participating in a speech class, which of the following are true?

*You have a sympathetic audience of students who are facing the same tasks you are. * You can get feedback from a trained professional instructor. *You get a chance to test your ideas and learn from your mistakes.

Select all of the following items that are true of an effective public speaker.

*the speaker tries to effectively organize the ideas to be presented *the speaker tries to anticipate listeners' questions *the speaker tries to avoid vocalized pauses like "um"

Terrance is giving an outdoor speech when he sees people worriedly looking in the direction of dark clouds building on the horizon. He quickly decides how he can shorten his speech and assures the audience he'll wrap up well before it rains. What has Terrance done?

Adapted to interference

The most important ancient work on public speaking still followed by speakers today is

Aristotle's Rhetoric.

Penelope is going to present a speech in her class. Based on the feedback of her instructor, she needs to make the speech audience-centered. How does she do this?

By making the speech important to the audience

Professor Charles is a knowledgeable instructor, but he speaks in a monotone and stands in one spot during his lectures. Students often nod off during lectures. Which of the following statements about Professor Charles is most likely to be true?

He is not paying attention to feedback.

Alejandro has to speak to his company's sales staff to convince them to accept a new commission structure. He is stressed out because he knows he does not speak well and they are going to be angry at him for suggesting the new plan. He keeps envisioning himself being the target of anger and failing to make the audience consider the new plan. What will probably happen when Alejandro gives his speech?

He will not motivate people and they will be angry with him.

Identify the ways in which public speaking differs from everyday conversation.

Public speaking uses more formal language than everyday conversation. Public speaking is more highly structured. Public speaking requires more detailed planning and timing.

Which one of the following is not considered to be public speaking?

Speaking on the telephone with a friend

Janice is attending an off-campus event featuring a well-known political figure. Toward the end of the speech, the microphone goes out, and Janice cannot hear the speaker's last comments. According to the communication model, which element caused a failure in the communication process?

The channel

Janice is attending an off-campus event featuring a well-known political figure. Toward the end of the speech, the microphone goes out, and Janice cannot hear the speaker's last comments. According to the communication model, which element caused a failure in the communication process? Multiple choice question.

The channel

In the context of the speech communication process, which of the following are true about speakers when the speech communication process is successful?

They are interested in what they are speaking about.

In the communication process, which of the following are types of feedback in public speaking?

Total silence Applause Body language Facial expressions

Which of the following is the best definition of ethnocentrism?

Using the microphone

During a lecture, the teacher briefly shows her class a picture of a red-tailed hawk, and she asks them to tell her what they saw. One says it was a hawk, another says it was a bird of prey, and a third simply says it was a large bird. The variety of descriptions would be a result of the students' different

frames of reference.

The study of the process of public speaking originated

in many locations thousands of years ago.

It is important for speakers to realize that when they make a minor mistake

it is not an issue because they are communicating a message, not performing.

Facial expressions and tone of voice are examples of the ______ message.


Speech experts suggest that speakers

prepare two hours for each minute of the speech.

The top fear cited in a study of more than 9,000 people was fear of

public speaking.

process visualization

reduces stage fright.

Misha, an international sales representative for exercise products, has spoken to audiences across the globe about his company's products. He is returning to the United States to promote the products. When he speaks to audiences in the United States, Misha shoulD.

remember that the American audience is probably more diverse than most of his audiences.

Misha, an international sales representative for exercise products, has spoken to audiences across the globe about his company's products. He is returning to the United States to promote the products. When he speaks to audiences in the United States, Misha should

remember that the American audience is probably more diverse than most of his audiences.

Mentally rehearsing for a speech

should be done repeatedly before speaking.

An example of external interference for a speech in class would be

sirens from a passing emergency vehicle.

Katie yells to Carly that the speech will be given at 3 p.m. in Smith Hall. Katie has just described the ______ of the speech.


Fran, a spokesperson for her company, gives a speech harshly criticizing the mayor and his business policies. Fran's boss, however, was upset by the speech and tells her the criticisms were too personal and crossed over the line of decency. The comments made by Fran's boss represent

speech feedback

In the process of communication, feedback is defined as

the message that is sent back to the speaker.

The more clearly you create visions of yourself successfully presenting a speech,

the more likely you are to succeed.

The United States is

the most culturally diverse society in the world.

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