Chapter 1 to Chapter 16

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Rainwater catchment tanks shall be marked ___. A) "CAUTION" B) "DO NOT DRINK" C) "NONPOTABLE RAINWATER" D) "CAUTION: NONPOTABLE WATER, DO NOT DRINK"


A vent connector connected to a chimney flue serving a fireplace is ___. A) prohibited unless the fireplace flue opening is permanently sealed B) prohibited C) required to be a direct-vent type D) required to use Type B connector


Each vent pipe or stack shall extend through its flashing and shall terminate vertically above the roof at least ___. A) 6 inches B) 12 inches C) 18 inches D) 24 inches


Non metallic pipe and tubing for fire sprinklers shall be protected from exposure to the occupied space by a material having a minimum fire rating of ___ minutes? A) 15 B) 30 C) 45 D) 60


Of those listed, roof drain strainers of the flat surface type may be installed on ___. A) sun decks B) any roof C) secondary roof drains D) its upper terminal


Of those listed, storm drain systems shall be tested upon completion of the rough piping by using ___. A) 10 foot of head water B) 4.34 psi air C) 4.34 inches mercury D) smoke or peppermint oil


On-site treated non-potable water piping shall comply with ___. A) Section 610.0 B) Table 1502.4 C) Table 1502.11 D) Section 1601.12


On-site treated water systems shall have a colored background and marking information in accordance with Section ___ of this code. A) 601.3 B) 1502.9.1 C) 1503.7 D) 1602.10


Pipe joint material shall be insoluble in water, nontoxic, and applied ___. A) on male threads only B) on pipe threads and inside fittings C) on inside fitting threads only D) in warm weather only


Plastic materials for ___ piping outside underground shall have a blue insulated copper tracer wire or other approved conductor installed adjacent to the piping. A) building supply B) well C) irrigation D) hose bib


Plastic pipe for fuel gas shall be used only ___. A) outside underground B) inside C) both A and B apply D) by a licensed plumber


Potable water supply to the aspirator shall be protected by ___. A) a vacuum breaker or equivalent backflow protection B) a vacuum pump C) an airgap D) Backflow protection unnecessary


Pressure regulators shall be protected against ___. A) physical damage B) excessive heat C) frost D) corrosion


Pumps supplying water to water closets, urinals, and trap primers shall be capable of delivering not less than ___ pounds-force per square inch (psi) residual pressure at the highest and most remote outlet served. A) 15 B) 25 C) 40 D) 60


Rainwater shall be collected from ___. A) roof surfaces B) vehicular parking surfaces C) surface water runoff D) bodies of standing water


Receptors for indirect waste from sterilizers or bedpan steamers shall be ___. A) located within the same room B) located in a common area C) in a mechanical equipment room D) accessible to the patient


Roof areas of 10,000 square feet or less shall have no less than (controlled flow roof drainage) ___. A) two drains B) one drain C) one primary drain D) one secondary drain(overflow drain)


Screws or bolts for securing floor-mounted fixtures shall be ___. A) copper alloy B) aluminum C) galvanized steel D) die-cast zinc


Section 312.2 prohibits the direct embedment of hubless cast-iron pipe in a concrete slab. A) true B) false


Solder and fluxes used in piping systems conveying potable water are prohibited when the lead content exceeds ___. A) 0.2 to 1 percent B) 0.5 to 1 percent C) 1 percent D) less than 10 percent


Surfaces to be joined by soldering or brazing shall be cleaned bright by ___. A) mechanical or manual means B) a self-cleaning flux C) a corrosive flux D) sulfuric acid


Tanks flushing more than one urinal shall be ___. A) automatic in operation B) continual in operation C) manual in operation D) acid-resistant enamel


A connection to the public sewer, or private sewage disposal system, is required for ___. A) buildings with or without plumbing fixtures B) buildings with plumbing fixtures C) buildings with emergency drain systems D) buildings with storm drain systems.


A dam or threshold be less than ___ inches or exceeding ___ inches in depth where measured from the top of the dam or threshold to the top of the drain. A) 2 and 9 B) 1 and 7 C) 3 and 8 D) 2 and 7


A device and system of piping that maintains a water seal in a remote trap is called a trap primer. A) true B) false


A domestic dishwasher, with independent drain, has a drainage fixture unit value of ___. A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 1


A drinking fountain installed outside shall be connected to approved drainage system. A) True B) False


A permanently installed mechanical device, other than an ejector, for removing sewage or liquid waste from a sump is called a sewage pump. A) true B) false


A pipe chase shall be ventilated to the outdoors and at ___. A) the top B) the bottom C) the sides D) intervals of 10 feet


A 2 inch relief vent shall be provided for circuit vented horizontal branches receiving the discharge of ___ or more water closets. A) three B) four C) six D) eight


A Type B vent with a listed cap of 14 inches shall terminate at least ___ higher than any portion of a building within 10 feet. A) 1 foot B) 2 feet C) 18 inches D) 3 feet


A ___ shall be installed downstream of hydromechanical grease interceptor in accordance with the requirements of this code. A) check valve B) vent C) backflow preventer D) filter


Each fixture discharging into a gravity grease interceptor shall be ___. A) in the same room B) individually trapped and vented C) readily accessible D) approved for that use


Each plumbing fixture connected to a type A and B hydromechanical grease interceptor shall be provided with a ___. A) vent terminating to the atmosphere inside the building (turndown with screen) B) flow control valve C) gate valve D) removable cover


Each plumbing fixture trap shall be protected against siphonage and backpressure by a ___. A) sanitary tee B) vent pipe C) air admittance device D) backflow preventer


Every abandoned building sewer shall be plugged or capped ___. A) at the sidewalk or curb B) within 5 feet of the property line C) at the street tap D) where convenient


Medical gas piping installed in kitchens is ___. A) permitted in this code B) prohibited in this code C) permitted if protected from physical damage D) permitted by ambient temperature does not exceed 130F


No chemical waste shall be discharged without ___. A) being properly vented B) approval of the local Authority Having Jurisdiction C) first going through a chemical waste separator D) being properly trapped


The vent pipe opening from a soil or waste pipe, except for water closets and similar fixtures, ___. A) may be below the trap weir B) shall not be below the trap weir C) must be below the weir of the trap D) does not need a vent


The vent system shall be designed to prevent a trap seal from being exposed to a pressure differential on the outlet side of the trap that exceeds ___ inch of a water column. A) 0.5 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3


The water supply for a one story dwelling unit of 1785 square feet shall have the capacity to provide the required flow rate to the sprinklers for a period of ___ minutes. A) 5 B) 7 C) 10 D) 15


The water supply to a bathtub and whirlpool bathtub filler valve shall be protected by an ___ or in accordance with Section 417. A) air break B) air gap C) ASSE 1017 D) ASSE 1070


Threaded joints in medical gas piping systems shall be ___. A) U.S machine threads B) tapered pipe threads complying with ASME B1.20.1 C) nontapered threads complying with ASTM 20.1.2 D) right or left threads complying with Federal Standard Z.B.1900


Threaded or welded 3/4 inch steel pipe supplying water installed horizontally shall be supported at intervals not exceeding ___. A) 5 feet B) 10 feet C) 12 feet D) 15 feet


Threads in drainage fittings shall be tapped to allow for ___. A) adjustment B) grade C) expansion D) economy


Tub waste openings in framed construction to crawl spaces at or below the first floor shall be protected by ___. A) completely covering the opening with plywood collars B) the installations of approved metal collars or screens C) flashing D) filling the annular space with approved fiber material


Underground gas piping systems shall be installed with a cover not less than ___. Where external damage to the pipe or tubing from external forces is likely to result, the cover shall be not less than ___ inches. A) 6, 12 B) 12, 18 C) 18, 24 D) 24, 30


Upon completion of the installation, alteration or repair of any gas piping and prior to the use thereof __. A) the piping shall be painted to prevent corrosion B) the Authority Having Jurisdiction shall be notified that such piping is ready for inspection C) appliances shall be connected and fired to be certain there are no leaks D) the gas shall be turned on to detect the smell of gas if pipes are leaking


Vent connectors of natural draft appliances ___ be connected to mechanical draft systems operating under positive pressure. A) may B) shall not C) must D) must be interlocked before they can


Vent pipes protect fixture traps against ___. A) evaporation B) siphonage C) clogging D) cross-connections


Water heaters supported from the ground shall rest on ___. A) listed concrete blocks B) a level concrete or other approved base C) level solid undisturbed earth D) a listed base of noncombustible consturction


Water piping systems shall be designed on the basis of the ___. A) maximum pressure B) minimum pressure C) average residual pressure D) average service pressure


Water-operated aspirators shall be installed only when approved by the ___. A health agencies B) Authority Having Jurisdiction C) American Medical Association D) listing agency


What is the minimum number of circuit vents required to vent 21 fixtures? A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5


When a flanged joint is opened, the gasket shall be ___. A) repaired B) replaced C) repaired by the manufacturer's instructions D) ignored and reused


When a sterilizer has provisions for a vapor vent, the vent shall be ___. A) equipped with backflow protection B) extended to the outdoors above the roof C) connected to the sanitary system vents D) piped to an indirect waste receptor


When nonferrous pipe for fuel gas is brazed, the brazing alloys shall not contain more than ___ percent phosphorus. A) 0.02 B) 0.05 C) 0.08 D) 0.12


When supporting horizontal piping 5-inches in diameter with hangers, a ___ inch diameter rod shall be used. A) 3/8 B) 1/2 C) 5/8 D) 1


Whenever practicable, all piping receiving chemical waste shall be ___. A) concealed B) readily accessible C) covered D) in clear view


Where a vent is provided for a rainwater storage tank, the vent shall extend from the top of the tank and terminate not less than ___ above grade. A) 12 inches B) 6 inches C) 7 feet D) 10 feet


Where irrigation and disposal fields are installed in sloping ground, the minimum horizontal separation between the distribution system and ground surface shall be ___ feet. A) 5 B) 15 C) 30 D) 50


Where sleeves are installed for a fire-resistance-rated assembly, they ___. A) shall be prohibited unless they meet the F and P rating B) should be securely fastened to the rated assembly C) shall meet the requirements of the NFPA 5000 Building Code D) may be installed if twice the diameter of the penetration


Where the gas supply design pressure in piping systems located indoors exceeds 2 psi and line pressure regulators are installed to reduce the supply pressure to ___ inches water column or less, there are additional requirements. A) 10 B) 14 C) 16 D) 18


Where utilizing louvers and grills to provide combustion air, and the design and free area are not known, it shall be assumed that wood louvers will have ___ percent free area and metal louvers and grills will have ___ percent free area. A) 50, 25 B) 25, 75 C) 25, 50 D) 50, 75


With a few exceptions, all horizontal drainage piping shall be provided with a cleanout at ___. A) each 45 degree fitting B) its upper terminal C) 25 foot intervals D) each offset


With two noted exceptions, all shower compartments and receptors shall be capable of encompassing a ___ diameter circle. A) 24 inch B) 30 inch C) 33 inch D) 36 inch


Zone valves shall be installed so that the closure of one zone valve ___. A) shuts off all zone valves B) does not affect other areas C) shuts down all vacuum systems D) shuts down all medical systems


A 2 inch vent pipe will serve a total of ___. A) 14 bathtubs B) 16 showers C) 24 lavatories D) 15 water closets


A Type B gas vent shall terminate at least ___ feet above the highest connected equipment draft hood or flue collar. A) 12 B) 6 C) 5 D) 10


A ___ shall be installed to permit removal of controls. A) flanged connection B) quick disconnect C) both A and D D) union


Cleaning the interior surfaces of tube ends requires the use of ___. A) steel wool B) steel wool or sand cloth C) clean hot-water alkaline solution such as trisodium phosphate D) non abrasive pads


In seismic design categories ___, water heaters shall be anchored or strapped to resist horizontal displacement dues to earthquake motion. A) 3 and 4 B) A, B, C, and D C) C, D, E, and F D) 1 and 2


In the brazing process all ambient air must be removed and ___. A) The presence of nitrogen confirmed B) a continual purge of argon be used C) verified by an oxygen analyzer D) a vacuum maintained


Increasing vents one pipe size will ___. A) provide increased drainage B) allow a uniform installation C) remove lengths limitations D) allow vents to be shorter


Indoor gas hose connectors shall be used to connect laboratory, shop, and ironing appliances or equipment requiring mobility during operation. The connector shall be of minimum length and shall not exceed ____ feet. A) 3 B) 5 C) 6 D) 10


The provisions of the code allow an alternate material or method of construction provided it is ___. A) approved by the architect as an alternate B) accepted by the owner as an alternate C) approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction as an alternate D) manufactured by a reputable organization


The quantity of water required to be supplied to every plumbing fixture shall be represented by ___. A) gallons per minute B) feet per second C) fixture units D) available pressure of head


The sand interceptor shall have a minimum dimension of ___ square feet for the net free opening of the inlet section and a minimum depth under the invert of the outlet pipe of ___ feet. A) 1-1/2, 1-1/2 B) 2-1/2, 2-1/2 C) 2, 2 D) 3, 3


The sizing data for horizontal storm drain piping is based on the pipes flowing ___. A) 1/2 full B) 3/4 full C) full D) at 2 percent velocity


The sprinkler pipe size from the water supply source to a sprinkler shall not be less than ___ inch. A) 3/8 B) 1/2 C) 3/4 D) 1


The straight run of building sewer require clean-outs at intervals not to exceed ___. A) 50 feet B) 75 feet C) 100 feet D) 300 feet


The total capacity in gallons of fixtures discharging into any hydromechanical grease interceptor shall not exceed ___ times the certified gpm flow rate. A) 1-1/2 B) 2 C) 2-1/2 D) 3


The volume of the gravity interceptor shall be determined using ___. A) Table 313.1 B) Table 1014.2.1 C) Table 1014.3.6 D) Table 610.3


This chapter does not apply to ___. A) compressed gas systems B) installation requirements C) portable compressed gas systems D) oxygen compatibility


Traps, where installed for individual conductors, shall be ___ the horizontal drain to which they are connected. A) two pipe sizes larger than B) 1/2 the cross-sectional area of C) the same size as D) twice the cross sectional area of


Trough urinals shall be ___. A) permissible if constructed of concrete B) required in large associations C) prohibited D) allowed in bus stations


Two-inch copper drain pipe installed horizontally shall be supported at intervals not exceeding ___. A) 4 feet B) 6 feet C) 10 feet D) 12 feet


Vacuum pump exhaust termination shall be at least ___ feet away from any door, window, air intake, or other openings in buildings. A) 30 B) 100 C) 10 D) 50


Wall-mounted water closets shall be securely bolted to ___. A) the wall B) double two by six studs C) a carrier fittings D) a closet bend


Water having a temperature above ___ shall not be discharged under pressure directly into the drainage system. A) 212 F B) 180 F C) 140 F D) 232 F


Water heaters installed in residential garages shall be installed so that all burners and burner-ignition devices are located not less than 18 inches above the floor unless ___. A) approved by the fire authority B) the water heater has a separate combustion chamber C) the water heater is listed as flammable vapor ignition resistant D) the garage is detached from the living spaces.


Water heaters of other than the direct-vent type shall be located ___. A) within 6 feet of the chimney or gas vent B) within 8 feet of the chimney or gas vent C) as close as practical to the chimney or has vent D) within 10 feet of the chimney of gas vent


Water lifts, expansion tanks, cooling jackets, sprinkler systems, drip or overflow pans, and other similar devices that discharge clear wastewater into the building drainage system shall ___. A) be directly trapped B) be discharged into an interceptor C) discharge through an indirect waste D) be individually vented


What is the maximum number of fixtures permitted on a circuit vent to be connected to a horizontal branch drain? A) 4 B) 6 C) 8 D) 10


What is the minimum size circuit vent? A) 1-1/4" B) 1-1/2" C) 2" D) 3"


What is the minimum temperature rating of intermediate temperature fire sprinklers when installed in attics and concealed spaces directly beneath a roof? ___ A) 135 F B) 170 F C) 175 F D) 225 F


When brazing, the alloys shall have a liquid temperature above ___ degrees F. A) 800 B) 840 C) 1,000 D) 1,200


When installing ___, the Authority Having Jurisdiction shall require evidence of the competence of the installers. A) potable water piping B) fuel-gas piping C) medical gas piping D) plumbing appurtenance


Where external damage to underground gas piping is likely to occur, the cover shall be not less than ___. A) 6 B) 12 C) 18 D) 24


Where gas piping is installed underground beneath buildings, the piping shall be one of the following: ___ A) polyethylene B) 20 mil gas protective coating C) encased in an approved conduit D) encased in cement


Changes in direction of vent piping shall be made by ___. A) heating the pipe and bending B) welded joints where possible C) threaded fittings or caulked joints D) appropriate use of approved fittings


The primary reason for installing backflow prevention assemblies is to ___. A) prevent excessive pressure B) prevent mixing of hot and cold water C) prevent pollution or contamination of the potable water supply D) prevent scalding


Except as required in Sections 1602.1 and 1603.1, nonpotable water systems shall have a ___ with black uppercase lettering, with the words "CAUTION: NONPOTABLE WATER, DO NOT DRINK." A) white background B) blue background C) green background D) yellow background


Except for CSST, gas piping with a service pressure of 1.58 psi shall be tested at a minimum of ___ psi for not less than ___ minutes. A) 3, 10 B) 10, 15 C) 30, 30 D) 60, 30


Except in single-family residences, drainage stacks 3 stories or more in height serving ___ are considered suds-producing fixtures. A) kitchen sinks B) bathtubs C) washing machine standpipes D) all of the above


F and T ratings are tested in accordance with ___. A) ANSI standards B) ASTM E119 or ASTM E 814 C) UL 263 or UL 1479 D) B or C may apply


Flat deck drains may be installed on ___. A) sun decks B) parking decks C) any roof D) A and B apply


Flux shall only be used when brazing ___. A) Type K tubing B) isolation or control valves C) pressure-regulating equipment D) dissimilar metals


For attic installation, the passageway and servicing area adjacent to the appliance shall be ___. A) identified B) well lighted C) dry D) floored


For car washing, a filter permitting the passage of particulates not larger than ___ microns shall be provided. A) 5 B) 10 C) 25 D) 100


From the most downstream fixture drain connection on a circuit vent to the most upstream fixture drain connection to the horizontal branch, the horizontal branch drain shall be classified as a ___. A) combination waste B) drain C) vent stack D) vent


Full-Face gaskets shall be used with ___ flanges. A) bronze B) cast iron C) aluminum D) both A and B apply


Gray water installations exceeding a maximum discharge capacity of 250 gallons per day shall be designed by a ___. A) licensed plumbing designer B) licensed plumber C) licensed architect D) registered design professional


Horizontal vent pipes shall be level or so graded as to drip back by gravity to ___. A) the main vent pipe B) the main soil stack C) the loop vent D) the drainage pipe they serve


In addition to meeting the requirements for firestop protection in this chapter the protection of the penetration must meet requirements in the ___. A) Fire Code B) Mechanical code C) design Engineers regulation manual D) Building Code


The building sewer and water piping may be installed in the same trench (with the proper clearances) if the building sewer piping is ___. A) cast iron B) extra strength vitrified clay C) PVC D) any of the above


Connection between the roof and the roof drains that pass through the roof and into the interior of the building shall be made watertight by the use of ___. A) expansion joints B) caulking compound C) solvent cement D) proper flashing materials


Corrugated stainless tubing shall be tested and listed in compliance with ___. A) ASTM B 241 B) ASTM B 88 C) NFPA 59 D) CSA LC-1


Drainage connections shall not be made into a drainage piping system within ___ of any vertical to horizontal change of direction of a stack containing suds-producing fixtures. A) 2 feet B) 4 feet C) 6 feet D) 8 feet


Drinking fountains may be installed with ___. A) a hose connection B) a condensate pump C) a Hartford loop D) indirect waste


Dryers, after-coolers, separators, and receivers shall be equipped with ___. A) p-traps B) drum traps C) deep seal traps D) drains


During the cross-connection test the minimum period the rainwater catchment system is to remain depressurized shall in no case be less than ___ minutes. A) 15 B) 30 C) 45 D) 60


Each outlet on a nonpotable water system that is used for special purposes shall be posted ___. A) DANGER - PROCESSES WATER B) DANGER - CONTAMINATE WATER C) DANGER - POLLUTED WATER D) DANGER - NONPOTABLE WATER DO NOT DRINK


Every public or private wash rack and floor or slab used for cleaning machinery or machine parts shall ___. A) be adequately protected against storm or surface water B) drain or discharge into the main sewer system C) drain or discharge into an approved interceptor D) both A and C


The combination of vent pipes that will provide sufficient aggregate cross-sectional vent area for required a 4-inch house sewer is ___. A) 1 - 2 inch and 4 - 1-1/2 inch B) 2 - 2 inch and 1 - 2-1/2 inch C) 3 - 2 inch and 1 - 1-1/2 inch D) 4 - 2 inch


The definition for the work "Stack" does not include ___. A) soil piping B) vent piping C) waste piping D) water piping


Water closets set side by side shall be no closer than ___. A) 15 inches center to center B) 18 inches center to center C) 24 inches center to center D) 30 inches center to center


The size of a semicircular gutters shall be based on the maximum projected roof area and ___. A) Table 1105.1 (1) B) Table 1101.8 C) Table 1101.12 D) Table 1103.3


After caulking a lead joint in a cast iron hub, the finished joint shall not exceed ___ of an inch below the rim of the hub. A) 1/8 B) 1/6 C) 1/5 D) 1/4


All materials, fixtures, or devices used or entering into the construction of plumbing and drainage systems shall ___. A) comply with approved applicable standards B) conform to green product standards C) conform to price of job D) conform to material availability


All medical gas and vacuum systems shall be supplied from sources consisting of at least two units: ___. A) primary and secondary B) first and second stage C) initial and secondary D) first level and second level


All valves shall be equipped with a locking feature except for ___. A) fixture supply control valves B) fullway valves C) gate valves D) main valves


All valves, including the three-way valve, shall be ___. A) accessible B) metal C) non corrosive D) plastic


An accessible gas shutoff valve shall be provided ___ of each gas pressure regulator. A) upstream B) downstream C) individually D) separately


An electrically continuous corrosion-resistant tracer wire not less than ___ or tape shall be buried with the plastic pipe to facilitate locating. A) AWG 14 B) AWG 16 C) AWG 18 D) AWG 20


An engineered vent system shall be designed by ___ and approved in accordance with Section 301.5. A) a registered design professional B) the building owner C) the plumber D) an engineer


An indirect waste receptor shall not be installed in a ___. A) toilet room B) boiler room C) commercial kitchen D) air compressor equipment room


Approved type bonderized and galvanized sheet steel of not less than 16 U.S. gauge may be used to make dish-washing sinks for ___. A) restaurants B) lunch counters C) commercial buildings D) residential buildings


Approved wye or other directional-type branch fittings shall be installed to continuous wastes connecting or receiving discharge from a food waste disposer. A) true B) false


Automatically controlled flushometer valves may be substituted for ___. A) flush tanks B) flow control C) gate valves D) lever valves


CSST gas piping systems shall be bonded to the electrical service grounding electrode system. The bonding jumper shall be not smaller than ___ copper wire or equivalent. A) 6 AWG B) 8 AWG C) 10 AWG D) 12 AWG


Changes in direction of copper tubing may be made with ___. A) non deforming bending equipment B) heat annealing C) metallic fittings D) plastic fittings


Combination temperature and pressure relief valves shall be installed ___. A) based on their listing requirements and the manufacturer's instructions B) within 3 inches to 6 inches of the water heater C) in lieu of pressure-relief valves D) on all nonstorage type water heaters


Combustion air ducts shall ___. A) serve a single space B) be equal to the size of the water heater vent C) be a minimum of 12 square inches D) be located within the upper or lower 12 inches of the water heater


Concealed gas piping shall not be located in ___. A) solid partitions B) attics C) the ground D) floors


Copper tube shall not be used for ___. A) chemical or industrial wastes B) water piping C) underground drainage piping D) aboveground drainage piping


Discharge piping serving a pressure relief shall be provided with a ___. A) full size drain extended to outside B) check valve to prevent backflow C) trapped drain line D) drain that terminates 30 inches or more above grade


Drains, overflows, or relief pipes from a water distribution system shall discharge to the building drain by ___. A) indirect waste by means of water-distribution airgap B) direct connection to the building drain C) direct connection to the building drain through a trap D) indirect waste piping through a vented trap


Drinking fountains shall not be installed in ___. A) public toilet rooms B) restaurants C) bars D) schoolyards


Each equipment room containing nonpotable rainwater equipment shall have a sign posted with wording in ___ inch letters. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4


Each plumbing fixture, except for those having integral traps, shall be ___. A) separately trapped by an approved liquid seal trap B) drained by means of an indirect waste line C) connected directly to the building drain without a trap D) illegal and should not be used


Each trap, except for traps within interceptors or similar devices, ___. A) shall be self cleaning B) shall be one pipe size smaller than the fixture outlet C) shall have a cleanout on the bottom of the trap D) need not be vented


Every indirect waste interceptor receiving discharge containing particles that would clog the receptor drain shall ___. A) have a readily removable beehive strainer B) drain into a funnel connected to the floor sink C) be connected directly into the drainage system D) both A and B


Except for plastic pipe, in lieu of water test, drainage piping may be tested with ___. A) air B) ether C) smoke D) gas


Fixtures having concealed slip joint connections shall be provided with ___. A) a utility space or access panel B) a ladder and a light fixture C) red brass fittings D) rubber gaskets


Fixtures, other than circuit vented fixtures, located on the same floor as circuit vented fixtures shall be either common vented or ___. A) individually vented B) wet vented C) island vented D) stack vented


For gray water surge tanks of 75 gallons or less, the distance or clearance to a building or structure may be reduced to ___ ft. A) 0 B) 5 C) 10 D) 15


For the purposes of calculating roof area, one vertical wall projecting about the roof will ___. A) add 50 percent of wall area to roof figures B) add 35 percent of wall area to roof figures C) add no additional area D) subtract 35 percent of wall area from roof figures


Galvanized steel piping installed under a concrete floor slab within a building shall ___. A) have a machine-applied coating B) have a spiral wrap C) be installed without joints D) be installed with brazed joints


Gravity grease interceptors shall be placed as close as practical to the ___. A) fixtures they serve B) soil pipe C) system vents D) egress doors


Gray water supply piping, including drip feeders, shall not be less than ___ inches below finished grade and covered with mulch. A) 2 B) 6 C) 10 D) 12


Grease interceptors shall at all times be ___ for inspection, cleaning and removal of grease. A) easily accessible B) labeled with instructions C) documented by the manufacturer D) open


Hangers for copper tube in damp locations shall have a ___ and be sized for copper tube. A) plastic coat B) copper finish C) positive restraint to movement D) fiber or cloth insert


Heat-fusion weld joints ___. A) are used in some thermoplastic systems B) are low-temperature, metallic pipe welds C) require prior approval of an Authority Having Jurisdiction D) may be used in drainage systems by no pressure systems


Horizontal 1/2 inch diameter steel fuel gas piping shall be supported at intervals not exceeding ____ feet. A) 6 B) 8 C) 10 D) 12




Hubless cast-iron piping shall be supported every other joint, unless over ___ feet in length, then it shall be provided with support at every joint. A) 4 B) 6 C) 8 D) 10


If the trap from a sink located in a bar cannot be vented ___. A) the drain shall discharge through an airgap or airbreak into an approved receptor that is vented B) the fixture must be relocated C) the discharge may be pumped to an approved receptor D) a drum trap shall be used


Immediately ahead of each water-supplied appliance and each slip joint or appliance supply is required a ___. A) control valve B) check valve C) backwater valve D) solenoid valve


Leaders and storm drains, where connected to a combined sewer, shall be ___. A) trapped B) identified C) crown vented D) oversized


Leaders installed along alleyways, driveways, or other locations where they may be exposed to damage shall be ___. A) constructed from ferrous pipe B) installed with extra-heavy couplings C) provided with expansion joints D) Type DWV copper tube


Leaks in gas piping shall be located ___. A) with an approved gas detector, a noncorrosive leak detection fluid or other approved method B) with a "presto-lite" flame C) with water D) by increasing the air pressure during the test until the leaks are heard as a whistle


Manually controlled flushometer valves shall be used to flush not more than ___. A) one urinal B) two urinals C) three urinals D) four urinals


Medical air compressors shall be installed in a well-lit, ventilated, and clean location and shall be ___. A) accessible B) sound-rated C) located in a med-gas storage area D) operated simultaneously


Medical gas and medical vacuum risers shall not be located in ___. A) elevator shafts B) intensive care areas C) pipe shafts D) patient rooms


Medical-surgical vacuum shall consist of ___ vacuum pump(s). A) two or more B) one C) four parallel piped D) three 1,250 cfm


Multiple circuit vented branches shall be permitted to connect ___. A) on the same floor level B) on more than 2 levels C) below flood level D) on all floors above the 2nd floor


New or replacement shutoff valves shall be ___, full ported, ball type. A) 1/4 turn B) 1/2 turn C) 2 psi pressure D) 5 psi pressure


No more than ___ approved slip joint fitting(s) may be used on the outlet side of a trap. A) one B) two C) three D) four


The (inside) annular space between the sleeve and the penetrating item and the (outside) annular space between the sleeve and the fire-resistance-rated assembly shall be fire stopped in accordance with this chapter. A) true B) false


The approximate demand of a freestanding domestic gas range in Btu's per hour is ___. A) 65,000 B) 40,000 C) 30,000 D) 25, 000


The approximate number of threads to be cut on a 1-inch metallic fuel gas pipe is ___. A) 10 B) 11 C) 12 D) 13


The available pressure at the water meter is 80 psi. At the highest supply outlet, 36 feet above the water meter, the pressure would be ___ psi when sizing a water system according to chapter 6. A) 62 B) 44 C) 116 D) 80


The code requirement of "an adequate supply of potable running water" is for ___. A) cleansing and sanitation B) protection of trap seals C) water-cooled equipment D) hydronic systems


The color stripe on Type "K" hard-drawn copper tubing is ___. A) green B) blue C) red D) yellow


The connection of a dishwasher drain directly to the continuous waste is a code violation. A) true B) false


The curb or threshold of a shower compartment may be eliminated ___. A) to comply with ICCA117.1 accessibility standards B) for gang showers C) in hospitals only D) not permitted


The diameter of an individual vent shall not be less than ___. A) 1-1/4 inches B) 1-1/2 inches C) 2 inches D) 3 inches


The discharge from an ejector shall be provided with a backwater valve, ___. A) or swing check valve and gate valve B) or double check valve, and globe valve C) spring-loaded check valve, and union D) gate valve, and flange


The distance between a septic tank and a gray water disposal field shall be ___ feet. A) 5 B) 10 C) 12 D) 20


The exhaust from the vacuum pumps shall be piped to the outside with the end ___. A) turned down and screened B) 6 inches or more above ground C) 50 feet from doors or windows D) 40 feet from the air intake


The manhole opening on below grade rainwater tanks shall be located not less than ___ inches above the surrounding grade. A) 4 B) 3 C) 2 D) 1


The maximum discharge capacity for intermittent flow only, in gallons per minute, for one fixture units is equal to ___. A) 7-1/2 gpm B) 15 gpm C) 30 gpm D) 50 gpm


The minimum operating pressure for carbon dioxide (CO2) is ___. A) 50 psig B) 75 psig C) 100 psig D) 200 psig


The minimum size condensate waste pipe from a 12-ton refrigeration unit is ___. A) 3/4 inch B) 1 inch C) 1-1/4 inches D) 1-1/2 inches


The minimum size drain line for a wall hung urinal is ___ inches. A) 2 B) 1-1/4 C) 1-1/2 D) 3


The minimum size trap and trap arm for a bathtub is ___. A) 1-1/2 inches B) 2 inches C) 2-1/2 inches D) 3 inches


The minimum water test time for a fire sprinkler system is ___ minutes. A) 15 B) 30 C) 60 D) 120


The overflow pipe from a fixture shall be connected on the ___. A) house or inlet side of the fixture trap B) sewer or outlet side of the fixture trap C) downstream side of the fixture tee D) upstream side of the fixture tee


The path of travel to an emergency eyewash shall be ___. A) clearly identified B) in a straight line C) no more than 50 feet D) no more than 100 feet


The provisions of Chapter 16 shall apply to the installation, construction, alteration, and repair of ___ rainwater catchment systems. A) nonpotable B) potable C) acid D) stored potable


The size of the supply piping outlet for a gas appliance shall not be less than ___. A) 1/2 inch B) 3/4 inch C) 1 inch D) as determined by the gas table in the code


The size of the yoke vent shall be ___. A) not less in diameter than either the drainage or the vent stack, whichever is smaller B) a minimum of 4 inches C) two pipe sizes larger than the drain line D) two pipe sizes smaller than the drain line


The standard designation colors for marking pipe carrying oxygen is ___ A) green/white or white/green B) green/black or black/green C) blue/white D) black/white


The tailpiece diameter for lavatories shall not be less than ___. A) 1-1/4 inches B) 1-3/8 inches C) 1-1/2 inches D) 1-3/4 inches


The type of valve required on a building supply to any building is a ___. A) fullway valve B) corporation valve C) butterfly valve D) globe valve


The water distribution size of the fire sprinkler system in a single family home has been determined to be 1 inch. The available pressure at the service is 55 psi. The water meter listing specifies a flow rate of 14 gpm. With a water service developed length of 38 feet, the available psi for fire sprinklers is ___. A) 49.8 B) 50.8 C) 51.8 D) 55.0


Three-inch horizontal drainage pipe shall have a grade or slope of not less than ___. A) 1/4 inch per foot B) 1/8 inch per foot C) 1/2 inch per foot D) 1 inch per foot


To obtain the cubic feet per hour of fuel gas required for any gas appliance ___. A) divide the Btu input of the appliance by the average Btu heating value per cubic foot of gas B) divide the Btu input of the appliance by 1,000 C) contact the Authority Having Jurisdiction on the local inspector D) obtain the manufacturer's specifications


Tubing for medical gas systems shall be had-drawn seamless copper medical gas tube ___. A) Type L or K B) Type L or M C) Type K or M D) Type DWV medical


Under certain conditions, traps serving sinks that are part of the equipment of bars, soda fountains, and counters ___. A) need not be vented B) shall be vented C) may be wet-vented D) need relief vents


Upon discovery of a cross-connection, the potable water system shall be chlorinated with ___ parts-per-million. A) 50 B) 75 C) 100 D) 110


Vent terminals in locations having minimum design temperatures below 0 F shall be a minimum of ___. A) 2 inches B) 4 inches C) one pipe size larger than normally required D) A and C apply


Vents terminating in roof areas used for sunbathing shall be extended above the roof at least ___. A) 7 feet B) 10 feet C) 12 feet D) 15 feet


Wall-hung lavatories shall be supported by ___. A) metal supporing members B) rigid traps C) wooden legs D) their connections


Water heaters incorporating integral venting means shall be considered properly vented when ___. A) installed per the manufacturer's instructions and the referenced code sections B) installed outside of the building C) installed inside the building with a direct vent to outside D) combustion air is provided per this code


Water heaters not listed for outside installation but installed outdoors shall be provided with ___. A) protection to the degree that the environment requires B) smoke and anti-theft alarms C) a 1-hour fire-rated roof D) a listed anti-corrosion coating


Water piping may be installed in the same trench with less than 12 inches of separation from a building sewer constructed of ___. A) cast iron B) clay C) asbestos cement D) bituminized fiber


What size drain for the fire sprinkler system shall be provided on the system side of the water distribution shut off valve? ___ A) 1/2 inch B) 3/4 inch C) 1 inch D) 1-1/2 inch


When discharged into the drainage system, condensate shall drain by means of a(an) ___. A) indirect waste pipe B) direct waste pipe C) Johnson Tee D) backflow preventer


When using an alternate method of sizing with two vent connectors for draft hood-equipped water heaters, the effective area of the common vent connector or vent manifold and all junction fittings shall not be less than the area of the larger vent connector plus ___ percent of the areas of smaller flue collar outlets. A) 50 B) 75 C) 25 D) 10


Whenever fixtures and/or fixture fittings are installed that require a residual water pressure higher than 15 pounds per square inch ___. A) that minimum pressure shall be provided B) provisions shall be made to use fixtures that do not require residual pressure C) the piping system shall be not less than copper tubing Type L D) A and C apply


Where a portion of a rainwater catchment system is installed within a building, a ___ test is required in accordance with Section 1702.11.2. A) Cross-connection B) pressure C) smoke D) dye


Which material shall not be used for gas piping? A) Cast-iron B) Steel C) Wrought-iron D) Plastic


With appropriate cause and Authority Having Jurisdiction approval, building sewers 8 inches or larger shall be permitted to have a slope of not less than ___. A) 1/16 inch per foot B) 1/8 inch per foot C) 1/4 inch per foot D) 1/2 inch per foot


A connection between the roof drain and the secondary (overflow) drain in a separate piping system shall ___. A) be connected at vertical piping only B) not exist, and the secondary drain shall discharge independently above grade and in a location observable by building occupants C) occur belowground outside of the building D) occur below the roof structure, provided that the overflow drain shall be the same size as the roof drain


A drainage stack extends 14 stories above the building drain and is served by a parallel vent stack. A relief yoke vent connection between the vent stack and the drainage stack is required at ___. A) floors 5 and 10 B) floors 4 and 9 C) floors 4 and 10 D) floors 5 and 9


A horizontal wet vent shall be not less than two inches in diameter for ___ dfu or less. A) 2 B) 4 C) 5 D) 8


A listed water heater, located in an interior floor level closet, must have an access dimension ___ for servicing purposes. A) 24"w x 30" h B) in accordance with their listing and the manufacture's instructions C) 30"w x 36" h D) the size of the water heater


A push-fit fitting is ___. A) assembled using excessive force B) assembled by pushing tube/pipe into the fitting and is sealed with an "O" ring that forms the joint C) prohibited by Code D) permitted to be installed in accessible locations only


A standpipe for a clothes washer shall have a minimum and maximum length of ___. A) 4 inches and 12 inches B) 18 inches and 30 inches C) 18 inches and 24 inches D) 12 inches and 36 inches


A waste disposal unit installed in restaurant, commercial, or industrial sinks ___. A) may share a common trap B) must be separately trapped C) should be indirectly wasted D) need not be trapped


A water heater installed in a residential garage shall be ___. A) listed for a garage installation B) located or protected from damage by a moving vehicle C) located not less than 16 inches above the garage floor D) a direct-vent water heater


A water supply to a urinal shall be protected by an approved ___. A) relief valve B) vacuum breaker C) metering valve D) automatic switch


ABS and PVC-DWV installations shall be ___. A) limited to structures not exceeding three floors above grade B) installed in accordance with Chapter 14 "Firestop Protection" C) limited to structures of combustible construction D) limited to structures of combustible construction not exceeding three floors above grade


Abandoned grease interceptors shall be ___ and ___ as required for abandoned sewers and sewage disposal facilities. A) broke up, removed B) pumped, filled C) painted, sealed d) cleaned, reused


All malleable iron water fittings shall be ___. A) 2 inch or smaller B) galvanized C) flanged D) removed


All rainwater sumps serving "public use" occupancy buildings shall be provided with ___. A) single pumps B) dual pumps C) separate sumps D) overflow tanks


Any water system that prevents dissipation of building pressure back into the water main shall be provided with an approved, listed, and adequately sized ___ or other approved device. A) double check valve B) expansion tank C) temperature & pressure relief valve D) PRV


Appliance shutoff valves and convenience outlets shall serve a single appliance and shall be installed within ___ of the appliance it serves. A) within 8 feet B) within 6 feet C) upstream of the connector D) both B and C


Ballcocks in water closet tanks shall be installed so that the critical level of the water inlet is above the full opening of the overflow pipe at least ___. A) 1/2 inch B) 1 inch C) 3 inches D) 6 inches


Building supplies shall be no smaller than that required for the installation and, in no case, smaller than ___ inch(es). A) 1/2 B) 3/4 C) 1 D) 2


CPVC water pipe may be used for hot and cold water distribution systems ___. A) in residences only B) within a building C) belowground only D) aboveground only


Clean-outs shall be designed to be ___. A) threaded B) gastight and watertight C) easy opening D) concealed


Closet bends or stubs shall be cut off so as to present a smooth surface, even with the ___. A) top of the rough floor B) top of the closet ring C) top of the finish floor D) bottom of the closet


Condensate or wastewater shall not drain over ___. A) dry walls B) a public way C) leach pits D) the tailpiece of plumbing fixtures


Copper water tube Type "M" may be installed within a building ___. A) below slab only B) above ground only C) for cold water only D) if it is wrapped


Devices that are not regularly classified as plumbing fixtures, but which have drip or drainage outlets, shall be drained by ___. A) a connection directly to the building B) indirect waste pipes discharging into an open receptor through an airgap or airbreak C) indirect waste piping connected to the building drain D) direct connection to a storm sewer


Drain pipes subject to condensation over food storage in food-handling establishments shall be ___. A) installed with a spill pan B) thermally insulated C) rerouted out of the area D) tested with 5 psi of air


Except for plastic piping, water piping systems shall be permitted to be tested with ___. A) 10 psi air pressure B) 50 psi air pressure C) 10 psi CO2 D) 60 psi CO2


Except for refrigeration coils and ice-making machines, the minimum size of the indirect waste pipe shall not be smaller than the drain on the unit and not smaller than ___ inch(es). A) 3/4 B) 1 C) 1-1/4 D) 1-1/2


Exit terminals of mechanical draft systems shall not be less than ___ above grade where located adjacent to public walkways. A) 6 feet B) 7 feet C) 10 feet D) 8 feet


Flaring tool are used to make joints for ___. A) hard type K copper tubing B) soft copper water tubing C) yellow brass water piping D) aluminum water piping


For a direct vent appliance with an input greater than 50,000 Btu, the minimum distance from an opening into a building shall be ___ inches. The minimum distance of the bottom of the vent terminal above finish grade shall be ___ inches. A) 12, 9 B) 12, 12 C) 9, 12 D) 9, 9


Gas meters shall not be placed ___. A) at the side of the house B) adjacent to a driveway C) at the back of the house D) at the front of the house


Gravity grease interceptors shall not be installed in any part of the building where ___. A) laundry is handled B) food is handled C) there is public access D) the fixture served is on the second floor


Gray water systems shall be designed to distribute the total amount of estimated gray water on a/an ___. A) twice daily B) daily basis C) hourly basis D) yearly basis


Hand-drawn seamless copper medical gas tube shall be used where installed pressures exceed 185 psi and shall be ___ A) Type L or K B) Type K C) Type M D) Type L


Hard-drawn copper tubing, marked with a blue stripe, is referred to as ___. A) Type "K" B) Type "L" C) Type "M" D) Type "DWV"


I.P.S. is the abbreviation for ___. A) iron pipe standard B) iron pipe size C) inside pipe standard D) inside pipe size


If an Authority Having Jurisdiction permits an "alternative engineered design", ___. A) the approval shall have effect beyond that Authority Having Jurisdiction boundary B) the approval shall have no effect beyond that Authority Having Jurisdiction boundary C) a property owner shall also approve the change D) a covenant shall be recorded to that effect


If, due to structural conditions, horizontal vents are less than 6 inches above the overflow rim or the fixture, the horizontal portion shall be installed with ___. A) approved venting materials and fittings B) approved drainage material and fittings and grade to drain C) smaller diameter piping D) larger diameter piping


If, upon final piping inspection, the installation is found to be in accordance with the provisions of this code, ___. A) no certificate of inspection is issued because there is no rejection to be noted B) a certificate of inspection shall be permitted to be issued by the Authority Having Jurisdiction C) a certificate of inspection may be issued by the Authority Having Jurisdiction D) the permit holder must request a certificate of inspection


In calculating for gray water systems, the first bedroom is equal to ___ occupants. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4


In locations where intermediate temperature sprinklers are required, the minimum distance from a kitchen range top (heat source) is ___. A) 6 inches B) 9 inches C) 18 inches D) 24 inches


In the construction of "on-site built-up shower receptors", watertight shower pan linings shall be installed, over a smooth and solid sub-base, with a pitch to the "weep holes" of ___. A) 1/8 inch per foot B) 1/4 inch per foot C) 1/16 inch per foot D) 1/32 inch per foot


Indoor combustion air supplied by using the "Standard Method" requires a minimum volume of ___. A) 100 cu. ft. per 1000 Btu/hr B) 50 cu. ft. per 1000 Btu/hr C) 50 cu. ft. per 2000 Btu/hr D) 25 cu. ft. per 2000 Btu/hr


Interceptors for sand and similar heavy solids shall have a water seal of not less than ___. A) 4 inches B) 6 inches C) 8 inches D) 10 inches


It is permitted to drill and tap a vent pipe to connect an indirect waste pipe. A) true B) false


It shall be unlawful for any person to install, remove, or replace any water heater without first ___. A) obtaining a plumbing contractor license from the Authority Having Jurisdiction B) obtaining a permit from the Authority Having Jurisdiction C) having a plumbing journeyman's license D) having permission from the building owner


It shall be unlawful to remove or disconnect any gas piping without ___. A) obtaining a permit from the Authority Having Jurisdiction B) capping or plugging the gas pipe outlet with a screw joint fitting C) notifying the Authority Having Jurisdiction that the appliance or piping was removed and call for inspection D) both A and C apply


Joints at the roof, around pipes shall be made watertight by the use of ___. A) a sealing compound B) approved flashing or flashing material C) 15 pound felt D) oakum


Maximum hot water temperature discharging from a bidet shall be limited to ___. A) 105 F B) 110 F C) 120 F D) not limited


No drain, overflow, or relief vent from a water supply system, or any other discharges under pressure shall be discharge to the drainage system ___. A) by means of indirect waste through an airgap or airbreak B) by indirect connection C) through the garbage disposal D) with a branch wye tailpiece


No excavation for an irrigation field, disposal field, or mulch basin shall extend within ___ feet vertical of the highest known seasonal groundwater level, nor to a depth where gray water contaminates the groundwater or surface water. A) 2 B) 3 C) 5 D) 6


No treatment is required for rainwater used for substance or non-sprinkled surface irrigation where the maximum storage volume is less than ___ gallons. A) 380 B) 360 C) 370 D) 390


Of those listed, an approved material for conductors installed above ground level in buildings is ___. A) aluminum B) ABS Schedule C) PVC SDR 35 D) CPVC


Of those listed, the test medium for a gas piping pressure test shall be ___. A) carbon monoxide B) carbon dioxide C) oxygen D) methane gas


Oil and flammable liquid interceptors not rated by the manufacturer shall have a depth of not less than ___ feet below the invert of the discharge drain and an outlet opening with not less than ___ inch water seal. A) 1-1/2, 12 B) 2, 18 C) 2-1/2, 24 D) 3, 36


One factor for determining the size of a vent pipe is ___. A) its accessibility B) its length C) the type of building D) the price of material


Other than systems sized by the use of Table 610.4, the maximum velocity of a cold eater system containing copper and copper alloy tube and fittings shall be limited to ___. A) 5 feet per second B) 8 feet per second C) 10 feet per second D) 15 feet persecond


PEX tubing shall not be installed within the first ___ of piping connected to a water heater. A) 12 inches B) 18 inches C) 24 inches D) 36 inches


Parallel vent stacks are required for drainage stacks that extend above the building drain ___. A) five stories or more B) 10 stories or more C) 50 feet D) 100 feet


Piping and drain traps in psychiatric patient rooms shall be ___. A) exposed B) concealed C) vandal proof D) conventional


Plastic piping may be used to vent a water heater if the water heater is ___. A) a non-condensing type B) listed for use with that material C) a direct-vent type D) an induced-or force-draft type


Reclaimed water pipes shall be permitted to run in the same trench as potable water pipes with a ___ inch minimum vertical and horizontal separation where both pipe materials are approved for use within a building. A) 6 B) 12 C) 18 D) 24


Sand and similar interceptors shall have a water seal of not less than ___ inches. A) 4 B) 6 C) 8 D) 10


Schedule 40 plastic DWV storm drain systems shall not be tested by ___. A) water B) air C) 10 foot head of water D) water from low to high point


Sheet lead used for flashings of vent terminals shall be not less than ___. A) 2 pounds per square foot B) 3 pounds per square foot C) 4 pounds per square foot D) 5 pounds per square foot


Storm water shall not be drained into sewers intended for ___. A) a combined sewer system B) sanitary drainage only C) a storm drain system D) a storm sewer system


Subsurface irrigation fields and mulch basins shall be sized as per ___. A) Table 703.2 B) Table 1502.10 C) the inlet size D) Table 1502.11


System verification testing shall be performed by a party other than the ___. A) in-house personnel B) installing contractor C) design engineer D) facility authority


Test gauges shall not have a pressure range not exceeding ___. A) the test pressure applied B) twice the test pressure applied C) 15 psi D) 60 psi


The developed length from the fixture outlet of a bar sink to the receptor shall not exceed ___ feet. A) 6 B) 5 C) 3 D) 15


The developed length of a 2" trap arm, from the trap weir to the inner edge of the vent shall not exceed ___ feet. A) 3 B) 5 C) 6 D) 10


The discharge from a ___ is not used to calculate gray water discharge. A) bath or shower B) kitchen C) lavatory D) laundry


The distance between a water heater and the union on the water lines shall not be more than ___ inches. A) 6 B) 12 C) 18 D) 24


The distance from the vent pipe opening to any vertical surface shall be at least ___. A) 6 inches B) 12 inches C) 18 inches D) 24 inches


The drainage fixture unit value assigned to a bathtub or combination bath/shower is ___. A) 1.5 B) 2.0 C) 2.5 D) 3.0


The hourly volume of gas required at each piping outlet shall be taken as not less than ___. A) the average use of the appliance B) the maximum hourly rating specified by the manufacturer C) the maximum hourly rating specified in the Plumbing Code D) specified by this gas supplier


The inside radius of metallic gas pipe bends shall not be less than ___ times the outside diameter of the pipe. A) 4 B) 6 C) 8 D) 10


The location of the point of delivery shall be acceptable to the ___. A) Authority Having Jurisdiction B) serving gas supplier C) building owner D) building occupant


The maximum absorption capacity for sandy clay is ___ gallons per feet of irrigation?leaching area for a 24-hour period. A) 1.1 B) 1.7 C) 2.5 D) 4.0


The maximum horizontal length permitted for a required 2-inch vent pipe is ___. A) 20 feet B) 40 feet C) 60 feet D) 120 feet


The maximum number of fixture units allowed on a 4-inch building sewer with a slope of 1/8 inch per foot, as compared to a 4-inch building sewer with a slope of 1/4 inch per foot is ___. A) the same B) less C) more D) unlimited


The minimum distance from a side wall or partition to the center of a urinal shall be ___ inches. A) 6 B) 12 C) 18 D) 24


The minimum distance from a side wall to the center of a water closet is ___. A) 12 inches B) 15 inches C) 24 inches D) 30 inches


The minimum height of the atmospheric vacuum breaker critical level above all downstream piping for lawn sprinkler system: ___ A) 1 inch B) 6 inches C) 12 inches D) 24 inches


The minimum separation from a wood burning stove to a fire sprinkler shall be measured in a straight line from the nearest edge of the sprinkler to ___. A) the centerline of the wood burning stove B) the nearest edge of the wood burning stove C) the far edge of the wood burning stove D) the nearest igniter


The minimum size discharge pipe from an ejector or pump in a single dwelling unit having a water closet connected thereto is ___. A) 1-1/2 inches B) 2 inches C) 3 inches D) 4 inches


The minimum size of any building sewer shall be determined on the basis of the ___. A) type of building B) total number of fixture units and building drain size C) the material used for sewer piping D) number of bedrooms the building


The minimum size pipe allowed in medical gas systems is ___. A) 1/4 inch B) 1/2 inch C) 3/8 inch D) 1 inch


The minimum wall thickness for threaded plastic pipe (not molded fittings) shall be ___. A) Schedule 40 B) Schedule 80 C) 1/8 inch D) 1/16 inch


The overflow level of the secondary drain inlet above the primary drain inlet shall not be less than ___ inch(es) above the roof. A) 1 B) 2 C) 6 D)12


The size and material of irrigation water piping installed outside by any building and separated from the potable water supply by means of an approved backflow prevention device is ___. A) regulated by code B) not regulated by code C) regulated by the National Sanitation Foundation D) regulated by the American Society of Sanitary Engineers


The size of a piping outlet for a mobile home shall be not less than ___. A) 1/2 inch B) 3/4 inch C) 1 inch D) as determined by the gas tables in the code


The symbol for nitrogen is ___. A) N2O B) N2 C) N2O2 D) N


A domestic dishwashing machine shall be connected to the drainage system by using ___. A) a direct connection B) a double-check valve C) an approved airgap fitting D) a hartford loop


A draft hood-equipped water heater is vented through a concealed space. The portion of the vent passing through the concealed space shall ___. A) not exceed 6 feet in length B) be a minimum 5 inches in diameter C) be listed Type B, Type L, or listed material having equivalent insulating qualities D) be a minimum 24 gauge material


A filter permitting the passage of particulates not larger than ___ microns shall be provided for rainwater supplied to water closets, urinals, trap primers, and drip irrigation system. A) 50 B) 75 C) 100 D) 25


A final water heater inspection shall be made after ___. A) all plumbing fixtures have been installed B) all gas appliances have been installed C) work authorized by the permit has been installed D) the plumber has left the job


A gas appliance regulator shall not be vented to the ___. A) combustion chamber adjacent to a continuous pilot B) roof C) gas equipment flue or exhaust system D) exterior of the building


A sign shall be installed in restrooms in commercial, industrial, and institutional occupancies using nonpotable rainwater for water closets, urinals, or both. Each sign shall contain ___ of an inch letters of a highly visible color on a contrasting background. A) 1/4 B) 1/2 C) 3/4 D) 1


A special gas vent shall only be installed on a water heater if ___. A) a gravity vent is not practicable B) head height above the water heater is less that 1 foot C) it is listed and installed per the listing and the manufacturer's instructions D) the fire department or fire marshal deems it to be necessary


A three-bedroom home with two bathrooms is equipped with a gas storage type water heater. The minimum capacity for the water heater in accordance with the first hour rating is ___. A) 40 gallon B) 50 gallon C) 67 gallon D) 80 gallon


A trap arm smaller than 3 inches may change direction without a cleanout if the change in direction does not exceed ___. A) 30 degrees B) 45 degrees C) 90 degrees D) 180 degrees


A water piping system with a pressure of 110 psi will require a(an) ___. A) reduced pressure backflow device B) extra-heavy pipe and fittings C) pressure regulator and strainer D) pressure-relief valve


ABS and PVC DWV piping may be installed in structures of ___. A) noncombustible construction B) unlimited height C) all of these D) combustible construction


After allowing for friction and other pressure losses, the residual water pressure shall be at least ___. A) 0.433 psi B) 7.5 psi C) 15 psi D) 29 psi


After successful completion of initial pressure tests, vacuum distributing piping shall be subjected to a standing vacuum test for ___. A) 36 hours B) 48 hours C) 24 hours D) 12 hours


All backflow devices or assemblies shall be tested by a ___. A) licensed agent B) representative from the Authority Having Jurisdiction C) certified backflow assembly tester D) third party certified agency


All indirect waste piping that requires an airgap shall discharge into the building system through ___. A) an automatic vent B) an airgap of two pipe diameters C) a drainage airgap of 1 inch minimum D) a trap


Aluminum alloy tubing shall not be used ___. A) for inside locations B) on water heaters C) in exterior location or underground D) for gas piping


An indirect waste pipe for a bed pan streamer shall have a trap seal of not less than ___. A) 1 inch B) 2 inches C) 3 inches D) 4 inches


Appliances in garages may be installed in a separate enclosed space having access only from the outside providing the combustion air is ___. A) provided from the enclosure B) supplied from the garage C) taken from the exterior D) supplied from an attic


Because of structural conditions, a 4-inch building drain is installed with a slope of 1/8 inch per foot. This installation will result in ___. A) separation of solids and liquids B) increased scouring and cleansing action C) a reduction in fixture unit loading allowance D) an increased allowance in fixture unit loading


Water closets and urinals shall ___ into or through a grease interceptor. A) drain B) directly connected C) indirectly connected D) not drain


Clearances for listed water heaters shall be ___. A) a minimum of 1 inch to combustible construction B) a minimum of 2 inches to combustible construction C) in accordance with the listing and the manufacturer's instructions D) a minimum of 6 inches to unprotected combustible construction


Combustion air ducts that terminate in an attic shall ___. A) be screened at the attic end only B) be screened at both ends C) not be screened D) not be screened unless screen openings are at least 1 inch minimum


Condensate from fuel-burning appliances shall be collected and discharged ___. A) to a planter box B) to a public way C) to an approved plumbing fixture or disposal area D) directly connect to the building sewer


Copper or stainless steel flexible connectors for water heater connectors shall be limited to ___. A) 12 inches B) 18 inches C) 24 inches D) 36 inches


Copper to copper joints shall be ___. A) soldered B) flared C) brazed D) silver soldered


Copper tubing used for water piping under a concrete slab within a building shall be ___. A) installed with brazed joints with cast brass fittings B) protected with a factory-applied coating C) installed without joints where possible D) installed with Type K copper tube with brazed joints


Draft hood-equipped and other fuel-burning Category 1 water heaters may be installed in closets, bedrooms and bathrooms provided ___. A) the appliance is listed B) the closet is of fire-resistant construction C) the closet has a listed, gasketed door assembly and a listed self-closing device D) combustion air is provided by adjacent room


Each building trap when installed shall be provided with ___. A) a cleanout B) a relieving vent or fresh air intake on the inlet side of the trap C) both A and B D) none of the above


Each fixture trap shall have a water seal of ___. A) not less than 2 inches B) not more than 4 inches C) both A and B D) none of the above


Each room containing alternate water source non-potable water and equipment shall have signage with visible lettering ___ inch. A) 1/2 B) 3/4 C) 1 D) 1-1/4


Except for alleys and streets, vent termination from a lot line shall not be less than ___. A) 1 foot B) 2 feet C) 3 feet D) 4 feet


Fitting on screwed pipe shall be of (the) ___. A) caulk-drainage type B) duro iron C) recessed-drainage type D) galvanized steel


Fixture connections between drainage pipes and water closets shall be made with approved ___. A) expansion joints B) unions C) flanges D) hot-poured compound


Floor drains in walk-in coolers shall discharge ___. A) directly to the main building drain B) directly to the exterior of the building C) to a separate drainage line discharging into an outside receptor through an airgap or airbreak D) to a grease interceptor


Floor drains or similar traps directly connected to the drainage system and subject to infrequent use shall be ___. A) primed weekly, except when not deemed necessary by the Authority Having Jurisdiction B) covered when not in use, except when not deemed necessary by the Authority Having Jurisdiction C) protected with an accessible trap seal primer, except when not deemed necessary by the Authority Having Jurisdiction D) prohibited


Floor drains shall connect into a trap so constructed that it can be ___. A) accessible B) easily removed C) readily cleaned D) none of the above


For a direct vent appliance with an input of 50,000 Btu or less, the minimum distance shall be ___ inches. With an input of over 50,000 Btu, the minimum distance shall be ___ inches. A) 12, 9 B) 12, 12 C) 9, 12 D) 9, 9


Gas line pressure regulators installed in the interior of the building, without vent limiting means, shall be ___. A) removed and installed on the exterior only B) installed in a concealed but accessible location C) separately vented to the exterior of the building D) installed at least 6 feet aboveground and accessible


Gutters in public shower rooms shall be sloped not less than ___. A) 5 percent B) 10 percent C) 2 percent D) 3 percent


Horizontal termination of vents from any openable window, door opening, air intake or vent shaft shall be not less than ___. A) 1 foot B) 2 feet C) 10 feet D) 12 feet


Horizontal wet venting ___. A) is not permitted by the code B) shall be permitted for public bathrooms C) shall be permitted for a bathroom group located on the same floor level D) shall be a minimum 4 inches in size


Ice makers/storage chests shall be located in nurses stations or similary supervised areas to prevent ___. A) theft B) vandalism C) contamination D) misuse


If the Authority Having Jurisdiction determines that a grease interceptor is not being properly cleaned, the Authority Having Jurisdiction has the authority to mandate ___. A) hiring more employees B) firing the manager C) a maintenance program D) less grease to be used


If two or more gas outlets are present on a research laboratory, what would be required? A) Gas leak detector system B) Explosion resistant electrical fixtures C) a single shutoff valve D) All gas lines must be clearly labeled.


In occupancies where plumbing fixtures are installed for ___, hot water shall be required for bathing, washing, laundry, cooking and similar purposes. A) public use B) commercial use C) private use D) daycare facilities


Laundry equipment in commercial buildings that do not have integral strainers shall discharge into an interceptor having a wire basket or similar device that will prevent the passing of solids ___ or larger in maximum dimension. A) 1/4 inch B) 1/8 inch C) 1/2 inch D) 3/4 inch


Lead waste pipe that may receive discharge containing acid or corrosive chemicals, and each vent pipe connected to it, shall not less than ___ wall thickness. A) 1/16 inch B) 3/32 inch C) 1/8 inch D) 5/32 inch


Liquefied petroleum gas facilities shall comply with ___. A) ASME B16.1 B) ASME B16.20 C) NFPA 58 D) ASTM D2513


Macerating toilet systems shall be permitted ___. A) for private use B) for public use C) when approved by Authority Having Jurisdiction D) not allowed by code


No chemical waste vent shall ___. A) terminate outside the building B) be connected to any vent from water service lines C) intersect vents for other services D) connect to any waste line


No plumbing fixture that is receiving discharge from indirect waste pipes shall be installed until first approved by ___. A) architect B) local health department C) Authority Having Jurisdiction D) mechanical engineer


Nonmetallic fire sprinkler pipe shall be certified for residential sprinkler installations and shall have a pressure rating of not less than ___ psi at 120 F. A) 100 B) 120 C) 130 D) 150


O2 is the symbol for ___. A) nitrous oxide B) nitrogen C) oxygen D) helium


Of those listed gas meters shall be protected against ___. A) positive pressure B) reduced pressure C) back pressure D) initial pressure


Of those listed the acceptable fitting or connecting a horizontal drain line with another horizontal drain line is a ___. A) sanitary tee B) cross tee C) combination wye and 1/8 bend D) side inlet 1/4 bend


One trap may serve a set of not more than ___ single compartment sinks. A) two B) one C) three D) four


Outdoor combustion air shall be supplied by ___. A) 1-1/2 inch Schedule 80 PVC B) 2 inch Schedule 40 PVC C) one or two permanent openings D) 18 gauge round duct


Plastic pipe and fittings used to connect regulator vents to remote vent terminations shall be PVC in accordance with ___. A) UL 351 B) UL 415 C) UL 651 D) UL 755


Plumbing systems shall be located above the design flood elevation ___. A) under no circumstances B) unless approved as a buoyancy compliant system C) except when designed to prevent water from entering or accumulating within components D) if they contain backwater valves


Potable water system chlorination after cross connections shall be chlorinated with ___ ppm chlorine for ___ hours. A) 25, 6 B) 30, 8 C) 50, 24 D) 24, 48


Rainwater holding tank covers shall be capable of supporting an earth load of not less than ___ pounds per square foot (lb/ft^2) where the tank is designed for underground installation. A) 100 B) 200 C) 300 D) 250


Roof drains, gutters, vertical conductors or leaders, and horizontal storm drains for primary drainage shall be sized based on ___. A) 30-minute 30-year storm B) 3 inches per hour C) 60-minute 100-year return period D) 6 inches per hour


Sand interceptors shall be required ___. A) whenever the discharge of a fixture or drain may contain solids or semisolids heavier than water that would be harmful to the drainage system. B) whenever the Authority Having Jurisdiction deems it advisable to protect the drainage system C) both A and B D) none of the above


Shower pan linings may be constructed with ___. A) 26 B&S gauge copper B) 3 pounds per square foot lead C) 15 pounds asphalt felt D) zinc-coated steel


Shutoff valves shall be permitted to be accessibly located ___. A) under fixed appliances B) encased in a wall C) inside a wall heaters or furnaces D) in non-accessible locations


Sleeves shall be provided to protect all piping through ___ and ___ walls. A) floors, concrete B) wood, concrete C) concrete, masonry D) none of the above


Stills, sterilzers, and similar equipment that produce waste shall be ___. A) connected directly to the building drain B) directly connected to the building drain using an airbreak C) indirectly connected by means of an airgap D) indirectly connected by a lavatory tailpiece


Sumps for macerating toilets shall be ___. A) above ground B) a minimum of 10 gallons C) watertight and gastight D) in the same room as the toilet


Surge tanks placed above ground shall be placed ___. A) on a 1" concrete slab B) on a 2" concrete slab C) on a 3" concrete slab D) on flat ground


The Authority Having Jurisdiction has mandated grease pretreament for the following fixtures: four non-emergency floor drains, two commercial food prep sinks, one service sink with a 3-inch trap, and two dishwashers discharging 20 gallons per minute each. The minimum size gravity grease interceptor in gallons shall be required. A) 500 B) 750 C) 1,000 D) 1,250


The Authority Having Jurisdiction shall determine the ___ of penetrations to be inspected. A) size and quality B) type, size, and quality C) type, size, and quantity D) type, size, and verification


The Authority Having Jurisdiction shall include ___ as part of the condition of satisfactory compliance with this chapter. A) proof of certification of installers B) proof of verification of installers C) destructive inspection D) a signed affidavit certified by the fire department


The ___ fixture drain or trap arm connection to the wet vent shall be downstream of fixture drain or trap arm connections to the horizontal branch. A) shower B) floor drain C) water closet D) bathtub


The ___ is hereby authorized to disconnect gas piping or appliances or both that shall be found not to be in accordance with the requirements of this code or are found defective and in such condition as to endanger life or property. A) homeowner and the architect B) plumber and the architect C) Authority Having Jurisdiction or the gas supplier D) homeowner


The clear space in front of any water closet or bidet shall not be less than ___. A) 12 inches B) 18 inches C) 24 inches D) 30 inches


The clearance required in front of a 2 inch cleanout shall not be less than ___. A) 6 inches B) 12 inches C) 18 inches D) 24 inches


The cut end of tubes shall be deburred using a sharp, clean ___. A) reamer B) pocket knife or similar tool C) deburring tool D) round metal file listed for copper tube use


The diameter of a waste outlet and fixture tailpiece for a bathtub shall not be less than ___. A) 1-1/4 inches in diameter B) 1-3/8 inches in diameter C) 1-1/2 inches in diameter D) 1-3/8 inches in internal diameter


The distance between the center of two urinals can not be less than ___. A) 12 inches B) 15 inches C) 24 inches D) 30 inches


The duration for a water system pressure test shall be a period of not less than ___ minutes. A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 30


The final pressure test of a medical gas system is for a ___ duration. A) 30 minute B) 2 hour C) 24 hour D) 15 minute


The fixture that serves as a dry vent connection to the horizontal wet vent is a ___. A) kitchen sink B) laundry tub C) shower D) bar sink


The gray water discharge amount for a laundry is ___ gallons per day/occupant. A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20


The maximum downstream pressure from a pump serving a gray water irrigation field shall not exceed ___ psi. A) 10 B) 15 C) 20 D) 30


The maximum horizontal length of a 5 inch vent connector for a water heater shall not exceed ___. A) 3 feet B) 6 feet C) 7-1/2 feet D) 4 feet


The minimum flow rate for nitrogen is ___ per outlet. A) 0.71 cfm B) 1 scfm C) 15 cfm D) 2 scfm


The minimum height of the atmospheric vacuum breaker critical level above the highest part of a urinal equipped with a flushometer valve. A) 1 inch B) 3 inches C) 6 inches D) 12 inches


The minimum height of the atmospheric vacuum breaker critical level above the overflow rim of a tank, vat or swimming pool. A) 1 inch B) 2 inches C) 6 inches D) 12 inches


The minimum size of a drain leader serving a roof with a projected area of 4,613 square feet and a rainfall rate of 3 inches per hour is ___. A) 2 inches B) 3 inches C) 4 inches D) 5 inches


The minimum size vent pipe that may serve a 4 inch trap ___. A) 1-1/4 inches B) 1-1/2 inches C) 2 inches D) 4 inches


The minimum vertical rise required above the flood level rim of the fixture served is ___. A) 1 inch B) 2 inches C) 6 inches D) 12 inches


The owner shall make and keep a ___. A) blueprint of the construction B) log of all chemicals used C) permanent record of all piping and venting carrying chemical waste D) record of materials used for all chemical wastes


The parallel vent stack shall be connected to the drainage stack by means of a ___. A) circuit vent B) loop vent C) yoke vents D) continuous vent


The passageway for a water heater in an attic shall be unobstructed and shall have a solid flooring not less than ___ inches wide from the entrance openings to the water heater. A) 22 B) 30 C) 24 D) 36


The perimeter of buildings having basements, cellars, or crawl spaces or floors below grade shall be provided with ___. A) backwater valves B) seepage pits C) subsoil drains D) leech lines


The pipe size for the common vent serving lavatories installed back to back shall not be less than ___ inch(es). A) 1 B) 1-1/4 C) 1-1/2 D) 2


Which of the following is an approved method for labeling medical gas systems? A) plastic color-coded tags B) metal tags C) adhesive markers


Which of the following is not part of a rough gas piping inspection? A) size of gas pipe B) proper material C) pressure test D) installation meets the requirements of the code


"Rough Piping Inspection" of gas piping shall be made ___. A) after all gas piping authorized by the permit has been installed B) before all gas piping has been covered or concealed C) before any fixture or appliances has been attached thereto D) all of the above


3-inch piping conveying on-site treated non-potable water shall have lettering with a minimum size of ___ inch(es). A) 1/2 B) 3/4 C) 1 D) 1-1/4


A domestic dish-washing machine shall discharge indirectly through an air cap fitting into a ___. A) wye branch fitting on the tailpiece of a kitchen sink B) waste receptor C) dishwasher connection of a food waste disposer D) all of the above


A filter permitting the passage of particulates no larger than ___ microns shall be provided for on-site treated non-potable water supplied to water closets, urinals, trap primers, and drip irrigation system. A) 25 B) 50 C) 75 D) 100


A horizontal drain pipe has an existing load of 30 fixture units. After adding a new discharge pipe from an ejector rated at 60 gpm, the total load on the horizontal drain pipe will be ___. A) 90 fixture units B) 120 fixture units C) 130 fixture units D) 150 fixture units


A person registered or licensed to perform plumbing design work is not required to design rainwater catchment systems used for irrigation with a maximum storage capacity of ___ gallons. A) 250 B) 300 C) 350 D) 360


A water heater is installed on the roof of a building more than 15 feet in height. The code requires ___ to the roof unless other means acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction are used. A) a permanent ladder outside of the building B) a portable ladder C) an outside means of access D) an inside means of access.


ABS or PVC DWV piping installations exposed within ducts or plenums shall be limited to a flame-spread index of not more than 25 or a smoke developed index of 50 except for ___. A) two story B) structures not over three floors above grade C) the restrictions found in IS 31 D) single family dwelling units


All pipe, pipe fittings, traps, fixtures, materials, and devices used in plumbing systems shall be ___. A) listed or labeled by a listing agency B) approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction C) free from defects D) all of the above


All receptors receiving the discharge from indirect waste piping shall be ___. A) approved for the proposed use B) shaped and sized to prevent splashing or flooding C) located where they are readily accessible for inspection and cleaning D) all of the above


Aluminum alloy tubing shall comply with ___. A) ASTM B210 B) ATM B241 C) ASTM B310 D) A or B Apply


Any water heater connected to a separate storage tank and having valves between the heater and tank shall be provided with a ___. A) fullway valve B) fullway gate valve C) water pressure regulator D) water pressure relief valve


Before attachement of system components, all piping shall be subjected to a test pressure not less than ___. A) system operating pressure B) system operating pressure plus 100 percent C) 20 percent higher than operating pressure for 24 hours D) 150 psi


Calculations for the controlled flow roof drainage system shall be submitted along with other plans to the ___. A) architect B) plumber C) design engineer D) Authority Having Jurisdiction


Cast-iron fittings, up to and including two inches in size, when used in connection with potable water piping, shall be ___. A) extra heavy B) flanged C) disallowed D) galvanized


Indirect-fired water heaters that incorporate a single-wall heat exchanger shall ___. A) have a maximum operating pressure in the heat exchanger not exceeding the maximum operating pressure of the potable water supply B) have a heat-transfer medium of potable water or other nontoxic fluid recognized as safe by the FDA C) bear the proper "caution" labels D) meet all of the above


Interceptors shall ___. A) be properly vented B) have covers that are readily accessible for service and maintenance C) be placed aboveground D) both A and B apply


Interceptors shall be provided when, in the judgment of the Authority Having Jurisdiction, they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing ___. A) grease and flammable wastes B) sand and/or solids C) acid or alkaline substances D) all of the above


It is recommended that a ___ be located at the outlet end of all gravity grease interceptors. A) pH monitor B) CO2 monitor C) sight glass D) sample box


Joints at the roof around vent pipes shall be made watertight by the use of ___. A) waterproof epoxy sealer B) three layers of 15 pound felt C) hot tar compound D) approved flashings


Joints in copper shower pan liners shall be ___. A) burned B) swaged C) sealed with epoxy cement D) soldered or brazed


Joints shall be brazed within ___ after surfaces have been cleaned for brazing. A) 30 minutes B) 1 hour C) 4 hours D) 8 hours


Lapped flanges shall be located accessible for inspection and used only ___. A) inside walls B) inside cabinets C) below ground D) above ground


Listed ___ may be used to connect listed metal tubing traps. A) male adapters B) female adapters C) PEX adapters D) plastic trap adapters


No dry or chemical closet (toilet) shall be installed in any building used for human habitation unless first approved by the ___. A) owner B) plumbing inspector C) city clerk D) health officer


No trap shall be used that ___. A) depends on movable parts for its seal B) has, with some exceptions, concealed interior partitions C) is classified as an S-trap or bell trap D) all of the above


Non-water urinals ___. A) are prohibited by code B) are exempt from plumbing product listings C) require backwater valves D) shall have a water distribution roughed in


Of those listed, roofs, inner courts, vent shafts, light wells, or similar areas having rainwater drains shall discharge to (a) ___. A) sanitary sewage system B) private sewage disposal system C) sump with pump discharge into the house drain D) outside of the building or to the gutter


Pipes carrying wastewater from swimming or wading pools, including pool drainage, backwash from filters, and discharge from pumps, shall be ___. A) directly connected to the bulking drain and properly trapped and vented B) connected to an interceptor C) connected to a holding tank D) installed as an indirect waste


Plastic piping used for venting water heaters shall be ___. A) CPVC B) Schedule 80 PVC C) Schedule 80 ABS D) approved


Prior to any medical gas system being placed in service, certification tests verified and attested to by the ___ shall be performed. A) Authority Having Jurisdiction B) design engineer C) plumbing inspector D) certification agency


Prior to being ___, piping penetrations shall be inspected by the Authority Having Jurisdiction to verify compliance. A) installed B) tested C) certified D) concealed


Rainwater catchment systems intended to supply used such as dishwashers shall be ___. A) approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction B) approved by the health inspector C) prohibited D) approved by the Dept. of Natural Resources


Rainwater tank access openings exceeding ___ inches in diameter shall be secured to prevent tampering and unintended entry by either a lockable device or other approved method A) 8 B) 10 C) 11 D) 12


Repair garages and gas stations with grease racks or grease pits and all factories that have oily and/or flammable wastes shall be provided with an oil or flammable liquid interceptor that shall ___. A) be connected to necessary floor drains B) have a separation or vapor compartment independently vented to the outer air C) have a flammable vapor vent of not less than 2 inches D) all of the above


Showers and tub-shower combinations shall not be provided with individual control valves of the ___. A) pressure balance type B) thermostatic mixing valve type C) 140 F limit control type D) A and B apply


Station outlets and inlets shall be installed in strict accordance with the ___. A) designer's recommendations B) hospitals regulations C) standard installation procedures D) manufacturer's instructions


Strainers having waterway areas at least equivalent to the area of their tailpiece are required for ___. A) shower drains B) floor drains C) urinals D) A & B


Subsoil drain lines shall be ___. A) open jointed B) perforated pipe C) close jointed D) A or B apply


Subsoil drains shall be piped to a ___. A) storm drain B) street curb C) alley D) all of the above


The area of coverage of a single fire sprinkler shall not exceed ___. A) 100 square feet B) 200 square feet C) 300 square feet D) 400 square feet


The design and size of rainwater drains, gutters, conductors, and leaders shall comply with Chapter ___ of this code. A) 3 B) 6 C) 7 D) 11


The dry vent connection to the wet vent shall be a (an) ___. A) relief vent B) yoke vent C) foot vent D) individual vent


The fitting that is required for making the yoke vent intersection with the drainage stack is a ___. A) sanitary tee B) tapped tee C) double tee branch D) wye branch


The gas content of medical gas piping systems shall be readily identifiable by appropriate labeling with the ___ contained. A) name B) pressure C) volume D) name and pressure


The gas pressure regulator shall be accessible for ___. A) inspection B) installation C) replacement D) servicing


The initial test of medical gas piping requires a minimum test pressure of ___psi. A) 60 B) 100 C) 50 D) 150


The joint of a wall-hung lavatory, where is is in contact with the wall, shall be ___. A) smooth B) painted C) concealed D) made watertight


The maximum distance between manholes shall not exceed ___. A) 50 feet B) 100 feet C) 200 feet D) 300 feet


The maximum fixture unit loading allowed on a 2 inch waste stack is ___. A) four B) six C) eight D) sixteen


The maximum fixture units allowed on a 4 inch horizontal drain with a 1/8 inch per foot slope is ___. A) 256 fixture units B) 225 fixture units C) 215 fixture units D) 173 fixture units


The maximum trap loading for a 3 inch trap is ___. A) one unit B) three units C) four units D) six units


The maximum vertical distance for a tailpiece allowed between a fixture and the trap weir is ___. A) 6 inches B) 12 inches C) 18 inches D) 24 inches


The minimum capacity for a storage water heater is ___. A) not regulated by code B) required to be a minimum of 40 gallons C) required to be a minimum of 50 gallons D) based on the "first hour rating" and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms


The minimum size of a horizontal rain water pipe with a 1/8 inch per foot slope, serving a roof with a projected area of 10,700 square feet, and a rain fall of 2 inches per hour is ___. A) 2 inches B) 3 inches C) 5 inches D) 6 inches


The minimum sizes of vertical and horizontal drainage shall be determined from the ___. A) location of fixtures B) type of building C) total bathrooms D) total fixture units


The piping material(s) not approved in the cold water piping located inside a building is ___. A) PVC B) PE C) asbestos cement D) all of the above


The procedure for determining cross-connection shall be followed by the ___ in the presence of the Authority Having Jurisdiction and other authorities having jurisdiction to determine whether a cross-connection has occurred. A) owner B) contractor C) permit holder D) applicant


The reclaimed water system shall no be connected to a ___. A) building sewer B) house sewer C) subsurface drain D) potable water system


The size of the trap connected to a fixture shall be sufficient to drain the fixture rapidly but ___. A) in no case smaller than the fixture drain B) not more than one size larger than the fixture drain C) may be the same size as the trap arm to which it is connected D) all of the above


The total estimated gray water flow for each occupant in a single family home shall be ___ gpd. A) 15 B) 25 C) 35 D) 40


The vent section of the horizontal branch drain shall slope not more than ___. A) 1/8" per foot B) 1/4" per foot C) 1/2" per foot D) 1" per foot


To prevent traps, gas piping for other than dry gas conditions, shall be sloped not less than ___. A) 1/8 inch in 10 feet B) 1/8 inch in 15 feet C) 1/4 inch in 10 feet D) 1/4 inch in 15 feet


Unions shall be installed in a water supply system within 12 inches of ___. A) water heating tanks B) conditioning tanks C) regulating equipment D) all of the above


Unshielded couplings shall not be used to connect ___ piping unless it can be demonstrated that the fire-resistive rating of the penetration is maintained. A) ferrous B) combustible C) cast-iron D) noncombustible


Vertical drainage lines connection with horizontal drainage lines shall enter through a ___. A) 45 degree wye B) 90 degree tee C) combination wye and 1/8 bend D) A and C apply


Vertical piping shall be ___. A) round B) square C) rectangle D) all of the above


Water heater draft hoods or barometric draft regulations shall be ___. A) of the same size as the vent connector B) located outside of the appliance enclosure C) located as close as practicable to the water heater D) installed in the same room or enclosure as the water heater


Water valves 2-1/2 inches and larger may be bodies that are ___. A) galvanized B) die-cast C) aluminum core D) cast iron


Where automatic excess flow valves are installed, they shall be listed, sized, and installed in accordance with the ___. A) NFPA standards B) job site specifications C) local administrative authorities D) manufacturer's installation instructions


Where damage may result from a leaking water heater, a watertight pan of corrosion-resistant materials shall be installed beneath the water heater when it is located in an attic or ___. A) second-floor mechanical room B) garage C) any story above the first story D) a floor-ceiling assembly


Where leakage or other defects are located, the affected portion of the piping system shall be ___ and retested. A) repaired B) replaced C) repaired by a certified welder D) A and B apply


Where piping penetrates a rated assembly, ___ piping shall not connect to non combustible piping unless it can be demonstrated that the transition is in accordance with this chapter. A) ferrous B) non-ferrous C) PEX-AL-PE D) combustible


Where providing combustion air for draft hood-equipped water heaters installed in repair garages, all combustion air shall be obtained from ___. A) inside the repair garage B) inside the building C) inside or outside the building at least 8 feet above floor level D) outside the building


Where the water pressure in the rainwater supply system within the building exceeds ___ psi, a pressure reducing valve shall be installed in accordance with this code. A) 60 B) 70 C) 75 D) 80


Which of the following is not part of the certification test? A) Checking labels of the control valves B) Testing of the alarm systems C) Testing for cross-connections D) Pressure - testing tubing by dry nitrogen


With a projected roof area of 18,500 square feet in an area that has a rainfall of 3 inches per hour, what minimum size of horizontal is required at 1/4" per foot slope? ___ A) 3 inch B) 5 inch C) 6 inch D) 8 inch


___ shall not be used for chemical or industrial waste that requires pretreatment. A) glass B) PVC C) Cast iron D) copper tube


___ systems shall be clearly identified, have a purple background with uppercase yellow lettering. A) Gray water B) Reclaimed (recycled) water C) Rainwater catchment D) None of those listed


A joint obtained by joining of metal parts with metallic mixtures or alloys that melt at a temperatures up to and including 840 F is a ___. A) soldered joint B) brazed joint C) metallic joint D) flared joint


A mixing valve that senses outlet temperature and compensates for fluctuations in in coming hot or cold water temperature is a ___. A) thermostatic (temperature control) valve B) combination thermostatic/pressure-balancing valve C) pressure-balancing valve D) none of the above


A physical separation that may be a low inlet into the indirect waste receptor from the fixtures, appliances, or devices indirectly connected is the definition for an ___. A) airbreak B) airgap C) indirect waste D) individual vent


A pipe inside a building that conveys storm water from the roof to a storm drain, combined building sewer, or other approved point of disposal is called a (an) ___. A) conductor B) building storm drain C) aspirator D) rain leader


A pipe that makes an angle not more than 45 degrees with the vertical is considered ___. A) vertical B) horizontal C) crooked pipe D) diagonal pipe


A pipe that makes an angle of 45 degrees from the vertical is considered ___. A) vertical B) horizontal C) crooked D) offset


All design, construction, and workmanship shall be in conformity with ___. A) accepted engineering practices B) practices of the contractor C) standard shop procedures D) minimizing man hours


All trenches deeper than the footing of a building or structure, and paralleling the same shall be at least ___ from the bottom exterior edge of the footing or as approved. A) 45 degrees B) 90 degrees C) 4 feet D) 12 feet


Fixture connections that require the removal of an access panel for servicing are considered ___. A) accessible B) readily accessible C) not accessible D) exposed


Grounding electrodes are devices that establish an electrical connection to the ___. A) earth B) cold water piping C) building structural steel D) building electrical wiring


It shall be the duty of the ___ authorized by a permit to notify the Authority Having Jurisdiction that such work is ready for inspection. A) person doing the work B) plumber C) owner D) general contractor


Piping in the ground shall be laid on ___. A) a firm bed B) concrete blocks C) redwood stakes D) common bricks


Static pressure is pressure existing without any flow. A) true B) false


That part of the lowest piping of a drainage system that receives the discharge from soil, waste, and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to a point 2 feet outside the building wall is a ___. A) building drain B) building sewer C) waste pipe D) soil stack


The ___ shall be the authority duly appointed to enforce this code. A) Authority Having Jurisdiction B) plumbing inspector C) building official D) building inspector


The part of the horizontal piping of a drainage system that begins ___ feet downstream from the last mobile home site and conveys it to a public sewer is called a mobile home park sewer. A) 2 B) 3 C) 3-1/2 D) 5


The provisions of ___ shall apply to the erection, installation, alteration, repair, relocation, replacement, addition to, use, or maintenance of plumbing code systems within this jurisdiction. A) this code B) the Building Code C) the international code D) NFPA 99C


The restroom facilities in a private day care center are classified as public use. A) true B) false


The type of acceptable joints for PEX-AL-PEX shall be ___. A) metal insert or metal compression B) solvent cemented C) shield coupling D) mechanical


The vertical depth of a trap seal is measured from ___. A) the crown weir to the top of the dip of the trap B) the inlet of the trap to the bottom of the trap C) the outlet of the trap to the bottom of the trap D) the inlet of the trap to the outlet of the trap


Type B vent is used for venting a listed or approved appliance equipped to burn ___. A) only gas B) only oil C) gas or oil D) solid fuel


A room equipped with a shower or bathtub is a ___. A) toilet room B) bathroom C) shower room D) washroom


A water heater is by definition an appliance for ___. A) heating hot water to a maximum of 210 F B) supplying hot water for domestic and commercial purposes C) heating hot water and equipped with a draft hood D) supplying hot water to a maximum of 190 F


All piping, fixtures, and equipment shall be adequately supported in accordance with this ___, the manufacturer's installation instructions, and in accordance with the Authority Having Jurisdiction. A) contractor B) code C) owner D) interior designer


Copper tubing installed vertically shall be supported at each floor or at intervals not to exceed ___. A) 4 feet B) 10 feet C) 8 feet D) 6 feet


Except as otherwise provided in this code, no plumbing system, drainage system, building sewer, private sewage disposal system, or parts thereof, shall be located in ___. A) the walls, floors, or underground in any building B) any lot other than the lot that is the site of the building served by such facilities C) pipe access spaces where accessible for repair D) any garage, or equipment or locker room


If a court finds a portion of the code unconstitutional ___. A) the entire code is invalid B) the rest of the code remains in force and valid C) that portion is still valid D) the Authority Having Jurisdiction can overrule the court decision.


Mechanical devices such as bulldozers, graders, etc., shall be permitted to complete backfilling to grade where covering above piping is at least ___ inches. A) 6 B) 12 C) 30 D) 36


No person shall make connections from a source for energy or fuel to any plumbing system or equipment regulated by this code and for which a permit is required until approved by the ___. A) gas company B) Authority Having Jurisdiction C) owner D) contractor


Plumbing systems that are a part of a building or structure undergoing a change in use or occupancy, as defined by the building code, shall be in accordance with the requirements of ___ that are applicable to the new use or occupancy. A) the code in effect at the time of construction B) this code C) the Building Code D) the plumbing inspector


Reclaimed water systems are defined as follows: A) domestic wastewater B) tertiary treated non-potable water C) meet Federal requirements D) both b and c apply


Temporary connection of the plumbing equipment to the source of energy or fuel for the purpose of testing ___. A) is not allowed unless the inspector is present B) shall be permitted to be authorized by the Authority having Jurisdiction C) is not allowed unless the equipment has been inspected and approved D) is not allowed under any circumstances.


That portion of a drainage system that does not drain by gravity into the building sewer is known as a ___. A) building supply B) building subdrain C) sewer injector D) storm sewer


That portion of a venting system that connects a water heater to a vent is a ___. A) vent B) vent connector C) chimney connector D) Type "B" vent


The Authority Having Jurisdiction shall be notified that work is ready for inspection not less than ___ hours before the work is to be inspected. A) 72 B) 24 C) 48 D) 12


The discharge from clinical sinks and conveyed to the building drain is defined as a waste pipe. A) true B) false


The pipe from the source of supply to a building or structure is the ___. A) water main B) building supply C) water-distributing pipe D) water riser


The service valve serves ___. A) vertical piping extending from a horizontal branch B) horizontal piping extending from a riser to a station outlet or inlet C) a designated zone D) all piping downstream from the source


When a backflow prevention device does not bear a critical level marking, the part of the device that shall constitute the critical level is the ___. A) top B) bottom C) center D) outlet invert


When the requirements within the jurisdiction of this plumbing code conflict with the requirements of the mechanical code, ___ shall prevail. A) the mechanical code B) this code C) the Building Code D) either code


A device installed in a drainage system to prevent reverse flow is a ___. A) sewage ejector B) check valve C) backwater valve D) backflow preventor


A device integrated within an air accumulator vessel that is designed to discharge a predetermined quantity of water of fixtures for flushing purposes is a (an) ___. A) expansion tank B) surge tank C) flushometer tank D) day tank


A device located at the bottom of the tank for the purpose of flushing water closets and similar fixtures is a ___. A) ballcock B) tank ball C) flush valve D) flushometer valve


A horizontal drain that is sized to provide free movement of air above the flow line of the drain is called a ___. A) continuous waste system B) durham waste and vent system C) combination waste and vent system D) solvent waste and vent system


A vertical vent that is a continuation of the drain to which it connects is a ___. A) circuit vent B) relief vent C) continuous vent D) branch vent


All openings into a drainage or vent system, except those openings to which plumbing fixtures are properly connected or that constitute vent terminals, shall be permanently plugged or capped ___ in accordance with this code. A) with old rags B) with duct tape C) using appropriate materials D) with plastic tape


Burred ends of pipe and tubing shall be ___. A) avoided by use of special cutting tools B) confined to exposed and readily accessible locations C) reamed to the full bore of the pipe or tube D) painted to reduce friction


By code definition, a stack is always ___. A) straight B) horizontal C) vertical D) exposed


Parts of the plumbing system of a building or part thereof that is moved from one foundation to another, or from one location to another, shall be in accordance with the provisions of ___ for new installations. A) the building code B) the code in effect when originally constructed C) the plumbing code D) any code


Piping, fixtures, or equipment that are installed so that they interfere with normal operation and use of windows or doors shall be ___. A) protected from damage B) identified for restricted use C) relocated to avoid interference D) approved if acceptable by the owner


Plumbing systems shall be ___ in accordance with this code or the Authority Having Jurisdiction. A) inspected B) installed C) tested and approved D) permitted


SCFM means ___. A) standard criteria for medicine B) standard criteria for medical gas C) standard cubic feet per minute D) standard cubic feet per meter


The T rating limits the maximum temperature rise of ___ above its initial temperature through the penetration on the no fire side. A) 400 F B) 300 F C) 325 F D) 375 F


The ___ may require the submission of plans, specifications, drawings, and such other information, prior to the commencement of work regulated by this code. A) plumbing inspector B) building authority C) Authority Having Jurisdiction D) building official


The ___ shall be responsible for maintenance of plumbing systems. A) city B) plumbing inspector C) owner or owner's agent D) building department


To obtain a permit, the applicant shall first file ___ therefore in writing on a form furnished by the Authority Having Jurisdiction for that purpose. A) a request B) for permission C) an application D) plans


Where work is being done contrary to the provisions of this code, the Authority Having Jurisdiction shall be permitted to order the ___ by notice in writing served on persons engaged in the doing or causing such work to be done. A) completion of work B) immediate inspection C) work stopped D) summons to court


A standard that is an extensive compilation of provisions covering broad subject matter is the definition for ___. A) standards B) listed C) legal document D) code


An outlet on a boiler to permit emptying or discharging of sediment is called a (an) ___. A) relief valve B) atmospheric check valve C) aspirator D) boiler blowoff


It shall be the duty of the ___ to make sure that the work will stand the test prescribed before giving the notification for inspection to the Authority Having Jurisdiction. A) owner B) general contractor C) person doing the work D) holder of the permit


Plumbing systems, lawfully in existence at the time of the adoption of this code shall be permitted to have their use, maintenance, or repair continued as long as the original design has no hazard ___ created by such plumbing system. A) the owner B) a tenant C) the city D) life, health, or property


The combination of fittings that may be used to make an offset and is considered a vertical pipe are ___. A) 1 - 90 degree and 1 - 45 degree B) 2 - 90 degree and 1 - 45 degree C) 1 - 45 degree and 1 - 60 degree D) 1 - 45 degree and 1 - 45 degree


The organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard is the ___. A) administrative authority B) building department C) plumbing inspector or department D) Authority Having Jurisdicition


The principal artery of the venting system to which branches may be connected is called the ___. A) branch vent B) vertical vent C) vent D) main vent


The purpose of this code is to provide ___ for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. A) guidelines B) maximum requirements and standards C) suggested ways of installation D) minimum requirements and standards


Voids around piping passing through concrete floors on the ground shall be ___. A) flanged B) protected C) sealed D) packed


A valve that controls the gas or vacuum service to a particular area is a (an) ___. A) zone valve B) branch valve C) area valve D) isolation valve


A water heater that is constructed and installed so that all air from combustion is derived directly from the outside atmosphere and all flue cases are discharged to the outside atmosphere is a ___. A) direct-vent appliance B) gravity-vent appliance C) forced-draft vent appliance D) induced vent appliance


Any pressure less than that exerted by atmosphere is a (an) ___. A) vacuum B) negative pressure C) atmospheric pressure D) positive pressure


Cast-iron soil pipe, installed vertically, shall be supported at its base and ___. A) each floor not to exceed 15 feet B) every other story C) 5 foot intervals D) 10 foot intervals


This document shall be known as the ___. A) Uniform Plumbing Code B) Universal Plumbing Code C) National Plumbing Code D) World Plumbing Code


Unsanitary and insanitary share the same meaning. A) true B) false


Water that is satisfactory for drinking, culinary and domestic purposes and that meets the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction is referred to by this code as ___. A) potable water B) industrial water C) soft water D) hard water


Whenever, in this code, reference is made to an appendix, the appendix shall not apply unless specifically ___. A) adopted B) stated C) noted D) provided for


PEX is defined as ___. A) polyethylene B) Cross-linked polyethylene C) polybutylene X D) none of the above


PEX piping may be coupled together with shielded couplings. A) true B) false


Plumbing systems for which a permit is required by this code shall be inspected by the ___. A) building inspector B) Authority Having Jurisdiction C) mechanical inspector D) health department


The definition of gray water is ___. A) untreated wastewater that has not come into contact with kitchen sink or dishwater waste B) untreated wastewater that has not come into contact with toilet waste C) wastewater from bathtubs, showers, lavatories, clothes washers and laundry tubs D) all of the above requirements


The length along the centerline of the pipe and fittings is the ___. A) diagonal length B) diameter length C) circumference length D) developed length


The building drain from the front building may be extended to the rear building when both buildings are located ___ and not private sewer is available or can be constructed. A) on a corner lot B) on an interior lot C) 200 feet from the public sewer D) 300 feet from the public sewer


The pipe or duct that connects a fuel-gas-burning water heater to a vent or chimney is a ___. A) flue collar B) vent connector C) collar connector D) chimney collar connector


The piping and equipment between the street gas main and the gas piping system inlet, which is installed by and is under the control and maintance of the serving gas supplier, is listed in the code as ___. A) gas piping B) service piping C) gas fitting D) yard piping


The removal of nitrogen from a system with the medical gas required for that system is referred to as ___. A) flow purge B) system purge C) flow test D) system test


A combination building sewer is (a) ___. A) combination of all sewer and drainage piping from inside and outside of a building B) building sewer that conveys industrial waste and domestic sewage C) building sewer that conveys both sewage and storm water D) building drains that convey waste and storm water


Disposal of sewage, or other liquid wastes, shall be by means of ___. A) chemical toilets B) sewage-draining tanks C) the drainage system of the building or premises D) subsurface leaching pits


Gray water is untreated wastewater that has not come into contact with waste from which one of the following? A) showers B) tubs C) toilets D) lavatories


It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to make any installation, alteration, repair, replacement, or remodel a plumbing system regulated by this code, except as permitted elsewhere in this chapter, without first obtaining ___. A) permission B) authorization C) a separate plumbing permit D) a work order from owner


The lowest portion of the inside of a horizontal pipe is called the ___. A) bottom B) flat vent C) invert D) invert mass


A device designed to provide protection against hydraulic shock in the building water supply system is called a (an) ___. A) backflow preventer B) air chamber C) flushometer valve D) water hammer arrestor


A document, the main text of which contains only mandatory provisions using the word "shall" to indicate requirements, is best described as a ___. A) legal document B) code C) law D) standard


A vent that also serves as a drain is a (an) ___. A) island vent B) vent stack C) loop vent D) wet vent


Horizontal hubless pipe shall be braced not more than 40 foot intervals to prevent ___. A) noise B) leaking C) vertical movement D) horizontal movment


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