FBLA Knowledge

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How much are FBLA National dues?


How many square feet is the FBLA-PBL National Center?

11,600 square feet

Around how many chapters of FBLA are there?


What is the address of FBLA headquarters?

1912 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191-1591

Professor Forkner developed the concept while at the Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City, and envisioned a national organization that would unite the thousands of business clubs in the nation's high schools and colleges. What year?


The National Council for Business Education (now known as the National Business Education Association) sponsors the proposed student organization. Committees are appointed to formulate the organization's general plans. The name "Future Business Leaders of America" is selected for the organization. What year?


An experimental chapter is chartered at Science Hill High School in Johnson City, Tennessee, on February 3. A second chapter is started two days later in St. Albans, West Virginia. The first collegiate chapter is chartered at the University of Northern Iowa on February 10. By the end of the year, 39 chapters are added. Over the next three and one-half years, another 38 chapters join. What year?


The United Business Education Association assumes sponsorship of FBLA. Headquarters office for FBLA is established at the National Education Association Center in Washington, D.C. What year?


Iowa becomes the first FBLA state chapter. What year?


The postsecondary division, Phi Beta Lambda (PBL), is created. What year?


FBLA-PBL is granted independent status as a nonprofit educational student association under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). FBLA-PBL acquires its own board of directors and full-time staff. What year?


FBLA-PBL appoints Edward D. Miller as the association's first full-time executive director. What year?


The board of directors approves establishment of the FBLA-PBL Alumni Division. What year?


The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation purchases 1.6 acres of land in the Center for Educational Associations, Reston, Virginia, as the site for a future FBLA-PBL National Center. What year?


FBLA annual membership tops 200,000 for the first time. What year?


The Alumni Division is renamed as the Professional Division to include alumni and professional businesspersons in this year?


The groundbreaking ceremony is held for the FBLA-PBL National Center in this year?


The grand opening of the FBLA-PBL national center is held in this year?


The FBLA- Middle Level division is formed for students in grades 5-9 in this year?


When were the dues changed?


Edward D. Miller retires as president and CEO of the national association. Jean Buckley is appointed president and CEO. What year?


FBLA-PBL National Center mortgage is retired in this year?


FBLA involves roughly how many members today?


FBLA Advisers' Hotline how many times a year?

3 times a year

Tomorrow's Business Leader Magazine how many times a year?

4 times a year

How many members are needed to start a chapter?


How many regions of FBLA are there? What are their names?

5, Eastern, Southern, Western, North Central, and Mountain Plains

What grades can participate in FBLA Middle Level


How many lines are there in the FBLA Creed?


How many lines are in the FBLA Code of Ethics?


How many national officers are there?


How many specific goals are written in the bylaws?


What is the weakest motion?

A main motion

Who can be a chapter adviser?

An adviser can be a school administrator, teacher or any faculty member who believes in the message of the organization.

What symbol is on the FBLA Crest/Emblem denoting belief in democracy, liberty, and the American way of life?

An eagle

Where is the 2021 National Leadership Conference?

Anaheim, California

When does the term for the national officers begin?

At the end of the NLC in which they are elected

When does the term for the state officers begin?

At the end of the SLC in which they are elected

Who is the current Secretary of the Department of Education?

Betsy DeVos

What is the color of the candle for the Treasurer?


What are the official colors of FBLA?

Blue and Gold

Who is the policy making body for FBLA?

Board of Directors

What does CTSO stand for?

Career and Technical Student Organization

Where is the 2022 National Leadership Conference?

Chicago, Illinois

What are the three levels of the CSA's?

Community, Service, Achievement

Who donated the land to build the FBLA-PBL National Center?

Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

FBLA National Theme?

Create, Lead, Inspire

Who is the Parliamentary Procedure event named after?

Dorothy L. Travis

Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands. (12 states and 2 territories)

Eastern Region

In what region would I find foreign chapters?

Eastern Region

Who was the first full-time Executive Director of FBLA?

Edward D. Miller

What award is given to the American Enterprise Project?

Edward D. Miller Award

Who is the FBLA North Central Region Vice President?

Eli Amyx

What are the three Institute for Leaders Career Tracks?

Entrepreneurship, FBLA-PBL Leadership, and Communications

I will be honest and sincere.

FBLA Code of Ethics Line 1

I will approach each task with confidence in my ability to perform my work at a high standard.

FBLA Code of Ethics Line 2

I will willingly accept responsibilities and duties.

FBLA Code of Ethics Line 3

I will seek to profit from my mistakes and take suggestions and criticisms directed toward the improvement of myself and my work.

FBLA Code of Ethics Line 4

I will abide by the rules and regulations of my school.

FBLA Code of Ethics Line 5

I will exercise initiative and responsibility and will cooperate with my employer and fellow workers.

FBLA Code of Ethics Line 6

I will dress and act in a manner that will bring respect to me and to my school.

FBLA Code of Ethics Line 7

I will seek to improve my community by contributing my efforts and my resources to worthwhile projects.

FBLA Code of Ethics Line 8

I believe education is the right of every person.

FBLA Creed Line 1

I believe the future depends on mutual understanding and cooperation among business, industry, labor, religious, family, and educational institutions, as well as people around the world. I agree to do my utmost to bring about understanding and cooperation among all of these groups.

FBLA Creed Line 2

I believe every person should prepare for a useful occupation and carry on that occupation in a manner that brings the greatest good to the greatest number.

FBLA Creed Line 3

I believe every person should actively work toward improving social, political, community, and family life.

FBLA Creed Line 4

I believe every person has the right to earn a living at a useful occupation.

FBLA Creed Line 5

I believe every person should take responsibility for carrying out assigned tasks in a manner that brings credit to self, associates, school, and community.

FBLA Creed Line 6

I believe I have the responsibility to work efficiently and to think clearly. I promise to use my abilities to make the world a better place for everyone.

FBLA Creed Line 7

FBLA-PBL is funded by membership dues, conference fees, corporate contributions, and grants. FBLA-PBL is recognized by the Association for Career and Technical Education, International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, National Association of Parliamentarians, National Association of Secondary School Principals, National Business Education Association, and the U.S. Department of Education.

FBLA Funding

I solemnly promise to uphold the aims and responsibilities of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda and, as an active member, I shall strive to develop the qualities necessary in becoming a responsible business leader.

FBLA Pledge

FBLA Advisers' Hotline

FBLA advisers keep their chapter management skills sharp with the FBLA Advisers' Hotline. This high school adviser newsletter features articles on how to set up and run chapters, prepare students for conferences and competitive events, and ways to be more effective advisers. It also provides information on local, state, and national programs.

What are the four divisions of FBLA-PBL?

FBLA, PBL, FBLA ML, and Professional Divison

FBLA-PBL is headquartered in Reston, Virginia, and organized on local, state, and national levels, with five (5) Regions at the national level. Business teachers, advisers, and advisory councils (including school officials, businesspeople, and community representatives) guide local chapters. State advisers and committee members coordinate chapter activities for the national organization. Brief History segment The national board of directors is comprised of local teachers, state educators, business leaders, and the division presidents.

FBLA-PBL Structure

Leadership Development, Academic Competitions, Educational Programs, Membership Benefits, Community Service, Awards and Recognition

FBLA-PBL's Programs focus

FBLA-PBL Week is during what month


What is the strongest motion?

Fix time to which to adjourn

What is the official name of the organization?

Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda

What are the four levels of the BAA's?

Future, Business, Leader, America

Who is the FBLA Eastern Region Vice President?

Garrett Koch

Develop competent, aggressive business leadership.

Goal 1

Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work.

Goal 2

Create more interest in and understanding of the American business enterprise.

Goal 3

Encourage members in the development of individual projects, which contribute to the improvement of home, business, and community.

Goal 4

Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism.

Goal 5

Encourage and practice efficient money management.

Goal 6

Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty.

Goal 7

Assist students in the establishment of occupational goals.

Goal 8

Facilitate the transition from school to work.

Goal 9

What is the color of the candle for the Parliamentarian?


What is the color of the candle for the Historian?


Who founded FBLA?

Hamden L. Forkner

Institute for leaders

Held in conjunction with the National Leadership Conference, this high-energy, intensive, two-day seminar is a focused, leadership experience for state and local chapter officers, as well as members and advisers. This training conference prepares student leaders and members to assume their elected responsibilities and develop valuable life skills. When: Summer, during NLC.

Who is the Gold Seal Award of Merit named after?

Hollis and Kitty Guy

FBLA Chapter Management Handbook

Includes everything you need to efficiently run a chapter, including tips and resources on: Building a Chapter Recruitment Fundraising Scholarships Competitive Events Supplemental Resources

In FBLA, competitive events fall into three categories, what are they?

Individual, Team, Chapter

Where was the first state chapter?


Who is the current President and CEO?

Jean M. Buckley

Where was the first high school chapter?

Johnson City, Tennessee

What is FBLA's Fiscal year?

July 1 to June 30

What are the dates for the 2019 National Leadership Conference?

June 29 - July 2

State and local FBLA-PBL chapters are permitted to use trademarked items without obtaining approval from national FBLA-PBL on printed materials, promotional pieces, and displays that are not sold.

Logo Usage Guidelines

Who is the FBLA Mountain Plains Region Vice President?

Madelyn Remington

What are the four kinds of motions?

Main, Subsidiary, Priveledged, and Incidental

What is a quorum?

Majority of registered voting delegates.

When must dues be received to participate in competitive events?

March 1

Who is FBLA's National Charity Partner?

March of Dimes

FBLA-PBL inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences.

Mission Statement

Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Texas. (9 states)

Mountain Plains Region

What is the sponsor now called?

National Business Education Association

Who sponsored FBLA at the time of their creation?

National Council for Business Education

Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin. (8 states)

North Central Region

When is American Enterprise Day?

November 15

What is the color of the candle for the Vice President?


What is the nationally endorsed fundraising program for FBLA-PBL Chapters?

Otis-Spunkmeyer Inc.

What are the contacts for FBLA?

P 800.325.2946 F 866.500.5610 [email protected]

PBL Advisers' Hotline

PBL advisers keep their chapter management skills sharp with the PBL Advisers' Hotline. This college adviser newsletter is published three times during the school year. The PBL Advisers' Hotline features articles on how to set up and run chapters, prepare students for conferences and competitive events, and ways to be more effective advisers. It also provides information on local, state, and national programs.

PBL Business Leader

PBL members receive an e-newsletter three times a year featuring profiles of business leaders, along with articles on leadership, career planning, job preparation advice, PBL programs and services, and local chapter news.

Which national officer is the only one not elected?


What is the only event that is allowed a microphone at the National Leadership Conference?

Parliamentary Procedure

What are the five functional areas of FBLA Chapter Activities?

Professional Development, Civic, Service, Social, and Financial

What is the color of the candle for the President?


Where is FBLA headquartered?

Reston, Virginia

What is the FBLA-PBL's official parliamentary authority?

Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (11th Edition)

Where is the 2020 National Leadership Conference?

Salt Lake City, Utah

Where is the 2019 National Leadership Conference?

San Antonio, Texas

What words are on the FBLA Crest/Emblem (excluding Future Business Leaders of America)?

Service, Education, Progress

Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. (12 states)

Southern Region

Explain the dates for the amendment process?

Submit proposal to President and CEO by April 1, Sent to Committee by April 15, sent back to President and CEO by May 1, States receive copies by May 15, voted on during NLC.

How can the FBLA Bylaws be amended? Who cannot submit an amendment?

Submitted in writing by Local Chapters, State Chapters, or National Officers no later than April 1. Local members cannot.

What was the professional division originally called?

The Alumni Division

What is the source for official FBLA resources, items, publications, and study materials?

The FBLA MarketPlace

Tomorrow's Business Leader

Tomorrow's Business Leader® is published exclusively for high school and middle school members and features interviews with successful business leaders and articles on leadership, career exploration, college preparation, job-building skills, FBLA programs and awards and services, and local chapter news, and preparing for college. It is also shared with Professional Division members as an added benefit to PD membership.

Who is the FBLA Western Region Vice President?

Trentyn Tennant

How many times may a member speak on a notion?


The FBLA-PBL logo is of what?

Two red waved lines

Who is the FBLA Southern Region Vice President?

Ty Rickard

How does voting delegate apportionment work under FBLA Bylaws?

Under 50 has 2, 50-100 has 3, Over 100 has 4

What does USDE stand for?

United States Department of Education

Where was the first collegiate chapter?

University of Northern Iowa

What is the color of the candle for the Reporter?


Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Guam, American Samoa, and the Canal Zone. (10 states and 3 territories)

Western Region

What is the color of the candle for the entire chapter?


What is the color of the candle for the Secretary?


What is the FBLA official web address?


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