chapter 10-14 american yawp

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Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephen's influential "Cornerstone Speech" declared that the cornerstone of the Confederacy rests _________________.

"upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery... is his natural and normal condition"

Black men made up what percent of the Union army?


American antislavery shifted from gradualism to immediatism during which decade?


Which of the following numbers is closest to the number of enslaved people living in the South in 1860?

4 million

The discovery of gold caused San Francisco's population to grow from about 500 in 1848 to almost ______ by 1853?


By 1860, cotton exports made up ____ of all American exports.


The Civil war resulted in approximately how many deaths?


The "Gag Rule" was designed to eliminate the voice of which group in Congress?


What were the consequences of the Mexican-American War?

Added American territory, Elevated Zachary Taylor to the presidency, and provided a training ground for future Civil War commanders

Which of the following statements describes the process of emancipation?

African Americans took action into their own hands and forced the Union to create a policy; the First Confiscation Act provided the roots of emancipation, as Congress empowered military leaders to provide freedom to enslaved persons; the Thirteenth Amendment declared that slavery was illegal in all American territory

What was the name given to the anti-alcohol movement during this era?

American Temperance Society

Transcendentalism initially began among which group?

American clergymen

Which of the following statements best describes the status of Calvinism during the Second Great Awakening?

Americans were turning away from Calvinism during the Second Great Awakening

This battle was the first major battle on Union soil and remains the bloodiest single day in American history:


Which of the following social changes enabled women to take prominent roles in social reform movements?

As women moved outside the household, they were able to devote time to other causes

Which of the following most accurately describes the approach of the Democratic Party of Andrew Jackson as it relates to the issue of slavery?

Avoided the issue whenever possible

The majority of black Union soldiers had ___________.

Been born enslaved.

What was the impact of Nat Turner's rebellion?

Black-led churches were broken up, anti-literacy laws increased, transformed southern religion

Why didn't the United States immediately annex Texas?

Both because of concerns regarding war with Mexico and imbalance of adding a large slave state

What was the term for a region greatly affected by the revivals of the Second Great Awakening?

Burned-Over District

Which of the following countries did NOT see an attempt by filibusters to add territory to America?


Which of the following descriptions most accurately describes "disinterested benevolence?"

Christianity requires that a person give up self-love in favor of loving others

In which region was ethnic homogeneity the strongest among enslaved people?

Coastal South Carolina

Which of the following Native American groups most troubled Mexican authorities?


The Missouri Crisis began when __________.

Congressional representative James Tallmadge proposed laws that would gradually abolish slavery in the new state

Tribal nations west of the Mississippi blended traditional cultural practices, including common land systems, with western practices including which of the following?

Constitutional governments, Public schools, and Slavery

All the following southern following crops required cities to facilitate export, marketing, and/or storage

Cotton, rice, and wheat

What was the goal of the Anaconda Plan?

Cut off access to coastal ports and inland waterways

What was the primary cause of the 1839 division in the American Antislavery Society?

Disagreements over the usefulness of electoral politics and the importance of women's rights

What proved to be the most deadly aspect of the Civil War?


What term best describes newspaper coverage of the Mexican-American War?


Which of the following best describes the relationship of femininity and domesticity in the South?

Domesticity limited the opportunities of wealthy white women to engage in the public sphere

Which of the following best describes the goals of the Liberty Party?

End the slave trade and halt the expansion of slavery

Which of the following denominations benefitted the least from the Second Great Awakening?


What was the primary goal of American foreign policy in the antebellum era?

Expansion of economic opportunity

Women on both sides of the war contributed to the conflict by performing all of the following EXCEPT

Filling shortages of men by serving in state legislatures

What was the term for radical southerners who promoted secession as early as 1850?


As an escaped slave, __________________ was one of the most prominent leaders in the abolitionist movement. The Narrative of his life was widely read and he travelled around the US and to England to spread the movement.

Frederick Douglass

Seminole Indians were aided by what group during the Second Seminole War?

Free blacks and escaped slaves

What battle resulted from Lee's plan to win in northern territory and end the war?


Why did Andrew Jackson, and most Americans, support Indian Removal?

Give white farmers access to fertile soil, Make it easier for Indians to convert to Christianity, and Freeing up land for mining

All of the following events contributed to the sectional crisis, but which of these events occurred first?

Haitian revolution

What happened to Nat Turner?

He was executed

Why did the Republican Party nominate Abraham Lincoln for the presidency?

He was less polarizing than the other candidates

The Monroe Doctrine was created partially as a response to which of the following international threats?

Incursions from the Russians in the northwest portions of the North American continent, Fears of a Spanish reconquest of South America, and Concerns over British abolitionists in the Caribbean

What cleared the way for eastern people to resettle in the Deep South?

Indian Removal Act of 1830

What was the primary goal of John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry?

Inspire a slave revolt

All of the following are true about Uncle Tom's Cabin EXCEPT

It was the most widely purchased book in the nineteenth century

The founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (or Mormons) was

Joseph Smith

The Compromise of 1850 included a much harsher fugitive slave law. It also included all of the following EXCEPT

Kansas entered the union as a slave state

All of the following statements about the battle of Gettysburg are true EXCEPT

Lasted a single day

Which African country was founded by African Americans?


What was the specific spark that ignited the Mexican-American War?

Mexican cavalrymen attacked U.S. soldiers in the disputed territory of the Nueces Strip

What was Mexico's position on slavery immediately prior to the Texas Revolution?

Mexico abolished slavery in 1829

What provided the greatest boost to Abraham Lincoln's 1864 reelection?

Military success of William T. Sherman

How did the Missouri state legislature answer the question of whether African Americans could have citizenship?

Missouri denied African Americans citizenship

How did the Second Great Awakening promote "spiritual egalitarianism?"

Occasionally providing women with opportunities to openly express themselves and participate in spiritual communities; expressing equal concern for white and black people's spiritual salvation; flouting the codes of self-restraint prescribed by upper-class elites

Which of the following ideals represented an American innovation in nineteenth-century Atlantic intellectual trends?

Orientation toward the future rather than the past

What was the function of southern dueling?

Preserving the honor of both participants

The Missouri Compromise did all of the following EXCEPT

Propose popular sovereignty as the determination of whether states would have slavery

Which of the following had the greatest influence on William Lloyd Garrison's move from gradualism to immediatism?

Reading fiery tracts penned by black northerners David Walker and James Forten

How did evangelicalism influence racial relations in the U.S. South?

Reinforced proslavery ideas, Increased the prevalence of Protestantism among African Americans, and Created bi-racial congregations

All of the following are true about the political consequences of the Kansas-Nebraska Act EXCEPT

Resulted in the assault of a southern Senator

What was the most consequential result of the Dred Scott decision?

Ruled that black Americans could not be citizens

What was the result of the 1842 Supreme Court case Prigg v. Pennsylvania?

Ruled that the federal government's Fugitive Slave Act trumped Pennsylvania's personal liberty law

In the decades before the Civil War, between one-fifth and one-third of all slave marriages were broken up via _________.

Sale or forced migration

Who led the March to the Sea?


What was the key issue that divided the Democratic Party in 1860?


What was the "cult of true womanhood?"

Social standards that emphasized piety, purity, domesticity, and submissiveness

The ___________ tended to have more competent commanders than the _________.

South, North

Where was the Southern middle class the strongest?

Southern cities

Which benevolent movement enjoyed the most success during the 1820s?


William Lloyd Garrison's paper's name was the _____________________

The Liberator

Which of the following most accurately describes the Know-Nothing Party?

The formed to oppose immigration

One of the driving forces for many of the religious movements during this time was

The imminent return of Jesus in the Second Coming.

The idea of Manifest Destiny meant which of the following?

The strength of American values and institutions justified moral claims to leadership, Lands on the North American continent west of the Mississippi River (and later into the Caribbean) were destined for political and agricultural improvement, and God and the Constitution ordained an irrepressible destiny to accomplish redemption and democratization

Why did Union soldiers feel that it was so important to defend the Union?

They feared that if a minority could dissolve part of the country whenever they lost a fair and open election, then this great experiment would collapse; the Union represented the best hope for human rights; if the Union dissolved, it would mean that a democratic people could not govern

Why did Celia kill her enslaver?

To escape rape

Most of the fighting in the Civil War took place in _________.


Which of the following mounted the longest and most successful challenge to the power of the Democratic Party?

Whig Party

In a world of racialized violence and dominance, southern society sought to protect the sexual purity of _________

White women

Which of the following came first?

Women began forming antislavery societies

Female activists used which of the following expectations of gender to justify social activism

Women were expected to be the moral caretakers of the home and therefore it was their duty to speak out on moral issues

The motto of the Republican Party in 1854 was "free soil, free labor, and ____________."

free men

Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address ends: "With _______ toward none with ________ for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ~ to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

malice, charity

According to your professor (and historian James McPherson), secession is best understood as a _________________ ___________________________.

preemptive counter revolution

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