Chapter 10: Campaigns and Elections

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Watch Video answer T/F: In 2016 (1) won the electoral college. In the same election, (2) won the popular vote.

1. Donald Trump 2. Hilary Clinton

Relative to campaigns in the nineteenth century, today's campaigns require (1) effort by campaign workers and (2) campaign money.

1. Less 2. More

Negative campaign ads are more likely to address (1), while positive campaign ads tend to focus on (2).

1. Policy Positions 2. Personal Characterisitics

Winners of (1) elections go on to face each other in the (2) election

1. Primary 2. General

Since America's Founding, candidates for president have been nominated using a variety of methods. Put the following nomination methods in order from earliest in American history to the most recent. - congressional "King Caucus" - delegates chosen by primaries and caucuses - delegates chosen by state party leaders

1. congressional "King Caucus" 2. delegates chosen by state party leaders 3. delegates chosen by primaries and caucuses

Direct democracy allows voters the opportunity to directly translate their preferences into government policy. Match the following characteristics of direct democracy to their respective form—ballot initiatives or referenda. - state legislature refers laws to voters for popular vote - allows citizens to place proposed law directly on ballot - present in 50 states

Ballot initiative: - Allows citizens to place proposed law directly on ballot Referendum: - Present in 50 states - State legislature refers laws to voters for popular

Match the U.S. Supreme Court case to the effect it had on campaign spending. - government could not restrict independent expenditures by corporations - introduced idea that campaign contributions count as speech - removed limits on how many PACs or candidates an individual can give to

Citizens United v. FEC (2010) - government could not restrict independent expenditures by corporations Buckley v. Valeo (1974) - introduced idea that campaign contributions count as speech McCutcheon et al. v. FEC (2014) - removed limits on how many PACs or candidates an individual can give to

which of the following statements about donations during the 2016 campaign season that are correct. - Individuals with a postgraduate degree were the most likely to donate to a political cause. - The number of donors from each income bracket was about even. - Older individuals were more likely to make political donations than younger ones.

Correct answers: - Individuals with a postgraduate degree were the most likely to donate to a political cause. - Older individuals were more likely to make political donations than younger ones. Incorrect answers: - The number of donors from each income bracket was about even.

Choose all of the following statements about the 2018 midterm elections that are correct.

Correct answers: - The Democrats had a sizable fundraising advantage over the Republicans. - The 2018 midterm election revolved around the president to an even greater extent than other midterm elections. - There were an unusually large number of female candidates in the 2018 cycle. Incorrect answers: - The Democrats won back control of both houses of Congress in 2018.

Which of the following set groups such as 527s and 501(c)(4)s apart from more traditional campaign finance groups such as political action committees? - These groups cannot coordinate directly with campaigns. - These groups have been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. - These groups do not have to disclose where they get their money. - These groups are not subject to the spending limits of the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act.

Correct answers: - These groups are not subject to the spending limits of the Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act. - These groups cannot coordinate directly with campaigns. Incorrect Answers: - These groups have been ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court - These groups do not have to disclose where they get their money

When is party identification most likely to influence a person's vote choice? - when that person is unfamiliar with the issues - when that person is voting on presidential candidates - when that person knows little about the candidates - when that person is voting on state legislative candidates

Correct answers: - When that person is unfamiliar with the issue - When that person knows little about the candidates - When that person is voting on state legislative candidates Incorrect answers: - When that person is voting on presidential canddiates

Maria is deciding whether to vote to re-elect a sitting president or to vote for the other party's challenger. She decides to engage in retrospective voting. As a retrospective voter, she might consider which of the following? - whether she agrees with the candidate on the issue of equal pay - how she thinks the economy will do in the next administration - how the economy did during the president's previous term in office - whether she prefers one candidate's religious views over the other's

Correct answers: - how the economy did during the president's previous term in office Incorrect Answers: - whether she agrees with the candidate on the issue of equal pay - how she thinks the economy will do in the next administration - whether she prefers one candidate's religious views over the other's

Which of the following are true about majority-minority districts? - Most such districts occur because of the geographic concentration of minority populations. - The Supreme Court has generally opposed the creation of such districts. - They occur when more than 50 percent of the people living in the district come from a minority racial or ethnic background. - Most majority-minority districts are represented by white members in Congress.

Correct answers: -Most such districts occur because of the geographic concentration of minority populations. -The Supreme Court has generally opposed the creation of such districts. -They occur when more than 50 percent of the people living in the district come from a minority racial or ethnic background. Incorrect answers: - Most majority-minority districts are represented by white members in Congress

Which of the following statements is best supported by this figure?

Even unpopular candidates win the vast majority of their own partys voters

Match the type of campaign on the left with each campaign characteristic that describes it on the right. - Grassroots Campaign - Mass Media Campaign

Grassroots Campaign: - Local Campaign - Organizational Driven Mass Media Campaign: - Money Intensive - Statewide Campaign

Order the political candidates on their likelihood of attracting campaign donations from interest groups from most likely to least likely. incumbent members of minority party incumbent members of majority party challenger candidate from minority party challenger candidate from majority party

Incumbent members of majority Incumbent members of minority Challenger candidate from majority Challenger candidate from minority

Match the frequency of the election cycle to the corresponding election type. four years two years eight years

Presidential - 4 years Congressional - 2 years

Which term is used to describe the drawing of congressional districts in response to population changes? recalling redistricting referendum gerrymandering


T/F: One advantage digital media has over traditional media concerning campaigns is its low cost.

True (The internet allows for much cheaper organizing of volunteers, and social media sites such as YouTube and Facebook are cheaper to advertise on than local TV stations.)

Which of the following statements are correct regarding the stability of party identification? - Individuals rarely change their party identification. - Looking at the electorate as a whole, party identification is stable. - Individuals never change their party identification. - Looking at the electorate as a whole, party identification is volatile. - Individuals commonly change their party identification.

correct answers: - Looking at the electorate as a whole, party identification is stable. - Individuals rarely change their party identification. Incorrect answers: - Individuals never change their party identification. - Looking at the electorate as a whole, party identification is volatile. - Individuals commonly change their party identification.

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