Chapter 10 MGT 3680 Test 3

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group size

size depends on the manager's objective for the group high-quality decisions have 3-5 group members If the objective is to generate creative ideas, encourage participation, socialize new members, engage in training, or communicate policies, then groups much larger than five could be justified As group size increases, group leaders tended to become more directive, and group member satisfaction tends to decline slightly.

Reasons for Social Loafing

1. Equity of effort 2. Loss of personal accountability 3. Motivational loss due to sharing of rewards 4. Coordination loss as more people perform the task

What are examples of individual functions?

1. Reduce anxieties and feelings of insecurity. 2. Satisfy the individual's need for affiliation. 3. Give a person an opportunity to test and share their perceptions of social reality. 4. Provide a problem-solving mechanism for interpersonal problems.

What are the four sociological criteria of a group?

1. Two or more freely interacting people 2. Shared norms 3. Shared goals 4. Have a common identity

How can managers prevent social loafing?

This problem can be contained if the task is challenging and important, individuals are held accountable fore results, and group members expect everyone to work hard. The internet and virtual teams are fertile ground for social loafing. Cyberloafing can be curbed with policies and norms covering email, internet, and social media use. Members of virtual teams need to be held personally and mutually accountable for team results, capable of handling team conflict, and focused on both learning and performance goals.

What does one do using the Harmonizer role?

This role mediates conflict using reconciliation or humor.


Two or more freely interacting people with shared norms and goals and a common identity.

What is one way to prevent groupthink?

Use different groups with different leaders to examine the same policy question.

Why do managers need to carefully handle mixed-gender task groups?

Women face special group dynamics challenges in mixed-gender task groups. Steps need to be taken to make sure increased sexualization of work environments does not erode into illegal sexual harassment.

social adaptability

ability to adapt to, or feel comfortable in, a wide range of social situations

persuasion and social influence

ability to change others' attitudes or behavior in desired directions

Social perception

ability to perceive accurately the emotions, traits, motives, and intentions of others.

What do maintenance roles do?

They foster supportive and constructive interpersonal relationships.

What are the 5 stages of Tuckman's theory of group development?

1. forming: the group comes together 2. Storming: members test the limits and each other 3. Norming: questions about authority and power are resolved as the group becomes more cohesive 4. Performing: effective communication an cooperation help the group get things done 5. Adjourning: Group members go their own way

Group Cohesiveness

A "we feeling" binding group members together.

Social Networking Site (SNS)

A web-enabled community of people who share all types of information.

Social Loafing

Decrease in individual effort as group size increases.

What happens during the "storming" stage in Tuckman's five-stage theory of group development?

During this stage of group development, individuals test the leader's policies and assumptions as they try to determine how they fit into the power structure. Subgroups take shape, and subtle forms of rebellion, such as procrastination, occur.


Janis's term for a cohesive in-group's unwillingness to realistically view alternatives. a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action


Employees using the internet for nonwork activities.


Expected behaviors for a given position.

Informal Group

Formed by friends or those with common interests.

Formal Group

Formed by the organization.

Asch Effect

Giving in to a unanimous but wrong opposition.

What is the threat of group decay?

Group decay occurs when a wokr group achieves the "performing" stage and then shifts into reverse. Group decay occurs through de-norming (erosion of standards), de-storming (growing discontent and loss of cohesiveness), and de-forming (fragmentation and breakup of the group).

Self-censorship is a symptom of what?


What is groupthink?

Groupthink plagues cohesive in-groups that short change moral judgment while putting too much emphasis on unanimity. Critical evaluators, outside expertise, and devil's advocates are among preventative measures recommended by Irving Janis, who coined the term groupthink.

What is the organizational function of groups?

Individuals join groups, or are assigned to groups, to accomplish various purposes. If the group is formed by a manager to help the organization accomplish its goals, then it qualifies as a formal group. Formal groups typically wear such labels as work group, project team, committee, corporate board, or task force.

Summarize the practical contingency management implications for group size.

Lab simulations studies suggest decision-making groups should be limited to five or fewer members. Larger groups are appropriate when creativity, participation, and socializations are the main objectives. If majority votes are to be taken, odd-numbered groups are recommended to avoid deadlocks.

Distinguish between task and maintenance roles in groups.

Members of formal groups need to perform both task (goal-oriented) and maintenance (relationship-oriented) roles if anything is to be accomplished.

Specify four reasons norms are enforced in organizations.

Norms evolve informally and are enforced because they help the group or organization survive, clarify behavioral expectations, help people avoid embarrassing situations, and clarify the group's or organization's central values.

What is an example of an organizational function of a formal group?

One of the functions of a social group is to generate new or creative ideas and solutions.

What is the role between conflict and role ambiguity?

Organizational roles are sets of behaviors person expect of occupants of a position. One may experience role overload (too much to do in too little time), role conflict (conflicting role expectations), or role ambiguity (unclear role expectations).

Role Conflict

Others have conflicting or inconsistent expectations.

Role Overload

Others' expectation exceed one's ability.

Role Ambiguity

Others' expectations are unknown. occurs when "members of the role set fail to communicate to the focal person expectations they have or information needed to perform the role, either because they do not have the information or because they deliberately withhold it


Rejection by other group members.

Maintenance Roles

Relationship building group behavior.

Contrast roles and norms.

Roles are specific to the person's position, norms are shared attitudes that differentiate appropriate from inappropriate behavior in a variety of situations.


Shared attitudes, opinions, feelings, or actions that guide social behavior.

What is the impact of social networking on group dynamics?

Social networking sites such as FB and Twitter have blurred the line between formal and informal groups by giving people unprecedented access to one's personal life. This has magnified the longstanding dilemma of how friendly manager should be with their direct reports. They are urged to compartmentalize their official and unofficial roles.

Task Roles

Task-oriented group behavior.

What do task roles do?

They assist the group in defining and clarifying their common purpose.

Maintenance roles and their descriptions

encourager: fosters group solidarity by accepting and praising various points of view harmonizer: mediates conflict through reconciliation or humor compromiser: helps resolve conflict by meeting others half way gatekeeper: encourages all group members to participate standard setter: evaluates the quality of group processes commentator: records and comments on group processes/dynamics follower: serves as a passive audience

Task roles and their descriptions

initiator: suggests new goals or ideas info seeker/giver: clarifies key issues opinion seeker/giver: clarifies pertinent values elaborator: promotes greater understanding through examples or exploration of implications coordinator: pulls together ideas and suggestions orienter: keeps group headed toward its stated goals evaluator: tests groups accomplishments with various criteria such as logic and practicality energizer: prods group to move along or to accomplish more procedural technician: performs routine duties (handing out materials) recorder: documents discussion and outcomes

Symptoms of groupthink

invulnerability inherent morality rationalization stereotyped views of opposition self-censorship illusion of unanimity peer pressure mindguards

impression management

tactics designed to induce liking and a favorable first impression by others

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