Chapter 11 Review Questions:

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What is a speaking outline? What are the four guidelines for your speaking outline?

A speaking outline is a brief outline used to deliver a speech. Follow the same visual framework used in the preparation outline, make the outline plainly legible, make the outline as brief as possible, include cues for delivering the speech.

What is a preparation outline? What are the eight guidelines discussed in this chapter for writing a preparation outline?

A preparation outline is a detailed outline used to plan a speech. The eight guidelines are that the preparation outline should include the speaker's specific purpose statement, include the central idea, clearly label the introduction, body, and conclusion, have a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation, state the main points and sub points in complete sentences, label transitions, internal summaries, and internal previews, include a bibliography, and may also include a title for the speech.

Why is it important to outline your speeches?

An outline helps a speaker see the full scope and content of the speech at a glance, judge whether each part of the speech is fully developed, and helps create a coherent structure for the speech.

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