Chapter 12: Muscular analysis of selected exercises

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Preparatory phase

-"cocking" or "winding" phase - used to lengthen the appropriate muscles so they will be in position to generate more force and momentum as antagonist muscles concentrically contract - most critical phase in getting desired results

Movement phase

-Sometimes known as acceleration, action, motion, or contact phase -Is the action part of the skill -Summation of force is generated directly to the ball, sport object, or opponent -Usually characterized by near-maximal concentric activity in involved muscles

Examples of open kinetic chain exercises

-Upper extremity examples include a shoulder shrug, deltoid raise (shoulder abduction), or a biceps curl -Lower extremity examples include seated hip flexion, knee extension, & ankle dorsiflexion exercises

stance phase

-athlete assumes comfortable and appropriately balanced body position from which to initiate the sport skill. -setting the various joints angles in correct position with respect to another -static phase involving short ranges of motion

eccentric contraction

-muscle lengthens under tension to control the joints moving with gravity or resistance

concentric contraction

-shortening contraction of muscles against gravity or resistance

Borg Scale

A quantitative rating system of perceived exertion. Ranges from 6 to 20 with corresponding descriptions.

open kinetic chain/ not attached at one end

Any one link in extremity may be moved individually without significantly affecting other links


Division of a training program into smaller, progressive stages

free weight training exercises

Exercise with weights is a commonly used means of developing & maintaining muscular strength in young people & adults •When using free weights it is important to ensure that one group of muscles is not overdeveloped and another is underdeveloped


Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type

Over load principle

In order to make gains in muscle size and strength you must stress the muscle beyond what is normal.

how do modify variables in over load principle (frequency, intensity, duration)

Increasing the speed of doing the exercise, the number of repetitions, the weight, & more bouts of exercise are all ways to modify these variables in applying this principle

Isometic Exercise:

Involves muscle contraction without shortening (i.e., there is no movement or only a minimum shortening of muscle fibers.)

Types of Periodization

Macro- over long periods of time Micro- over short periods of time

the kinetic chain concept

Our extremities consist of several bony segments linked by a series of joints any link can move independently and without affecting the other links if chain is open. if closed, moving one link will cause the others to move as well

Antagonist muscle action

Paired muscle action. As the agonist muscle shortens to create movement, the antagonist lengthens to co-ordinate the action


Participant begins in hip flexed position, keeping arms, legs, & back straight, and grasps the barbell on the floor•Move to standing position is made by extending the hips•Lumbar extensors must be utilized as isometric stabilizers of the low back while the hip extensors perform the majority of the lift in this exercise - closed kinetic chain 1. lifting phase to the hips extended/knee extended position 2. lowering phase to the hip flexed/knee flexed starting position

abdominal contraction

Participant contracts anterior abdominal region muscles as strongly as possible without moving the trunk or hips -Rectus abdominis -External oblique abdominal -Internal oblique abdominal -Transversus abdominis

Alternating Prone Extensions

Participant lies in prone position, with the shoulders fully flexed in a relaxed position lying in front of the body •Participant raises head, upper trunk, & thighs from the floor •Knees are kept in full extension•Then return to starting position - open kinetic chain 1. lifting phase to raise the R upper extremity off surface and raise L lower extremity off floor 2. lowering phase to relaxed position superman exercise

SAID principle

Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands the body will gradually, over time, adapt very specifically o the various stresses and overloads to which it is subjected. applicable to any muscle training and other systems of the body

Chin up (pull up)

Subject grasps horizontal bar with palms away from face From hanging position, subject pulls up until the chin is over the bar Return to starting position -closed-kinetic-chain exercise - two phases of analysis 1. pulling up phase to chinning position 2. lowering phase to starting position

periodization of training

Traditional periodization programs divide into cycles that range from multi-year to micro-cycles that last a few days Best for athletes who focus on one competition Not optimal for team sports or sports that require skill development Block periodization gaining popularity as it allows focus on a few skills/attributes, 3-4 blocks that last 2-4 weeks


a certain percentage of the absolute maximum how hard

strength and endurance in the muscles are essential for improving

appearance posture efficient skill performance


barbell on shoulders behind neck, palms facing forward, person squats down, flexing hips while keeping spine in normal alignment until thighs are parallel to the floor, return to standing position - closed kinetic chain 1. lowering phase to squat position 2. lifting phase to starting position

Arm Curl

biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis - open kinetic chain 1. lifting phase to flex position 2. lowering phase to extended position

increasing muscle mass

burn more calories and less likely to gain excess fat

which is more functional, open or closed kinetic chains

closed kinetic chains- strongly correlate to most physical activities


components of physical fitness (muscular strength, endurance and flexibility) that are not general body characteristics but rather specific to each body area and muscle group........ addressing specific needs in designing an exercise program

Muscles are usually grouped together according to their____

concentric function

Joint Isolation Exercises

core of body is proximal, distal segment is free to move in space through a single plane

muscular strength, endurance and flexibility should be developed through

correct use of proper exercise principals -One does not necessarily develop adequate muscular strength, endurance, & flexibility through participation in sport activities alone •One needs to develop muscular strength, endurance, & flexibility in order to be able to participate safely & effectively in sport activities

follow through phase

deceleration phase velocity decrease is usually attributed to high eccentric activities in the muscles that were antagonist to the muscles used in the movement

Quadriceps function in squatting

descent at the same speed as gravity, essentially under no muscular control, the muscle lengthening would be passive •movement & change in muscle length would be caused by gravity, not by active muscular contraction

Valsalva maneuver

forceful exhalation against a closed glottis, which increases intrathoracic pressure and thus interferes with venous blood return to the heart

overload can be modified by changing any of 1 or combination of these things

frequency intensity duration

names of the phases vary

from skill to skill to fit terminology used in specific sports and depending on which body part is being moved

Triceps Extension

grasping dumbbell and beginning in full elbow extension, subject extends elbow until arm and forearm are straight with dumbbell over head return to standing postion - open kinetic chain

weakness in the upper extremities can

impair skill development and performance

abdominal curl up

joint action- trunk flexion muscles involved- rectus abdominals lie on back, forearms closed knees at ~ 90 degrees trunk flexes up to curling position, rotate trunk and return to starting position - open kinetic chain 1. trunk flexing phase to curl position 2. rotate left/right phase 3. return to curl up position 4. return phase to starting position

Dumbbell Bent Over Row

kneeling on bench or laying prone on table contralateral arm for support while the one holding the dumbbell with the shoulder hanging straight towards floor. - open kinetic chain 1. pull up phase to horizontal abducted position 2. lowering phase to starting position

Chest Press

lies on exercise bench, supine position, grasps barbell and presses weigh upward through full range of arm and shoulder movement - open kinetic chain 1. lifting phase to up position 2. lowering Phase to starting position

the greater the acceleration in the_______ the greater the length & importance of the _______

movement phase follow through phase

Shoulder Pull

muscle groups: shoulder and elbow extensors -lock hands together, pull apart - isometric exercise/ contraction - Antagonistic contraction is as strong as the agonist contraction

aggregate muscle action

muscles work in groups rather than independently to achieve a given joint motion


number of minutes per exercise how long

upper extermity

often one of the bodys weakest areas - limited use in modern culture - weakness can impair skill development and performance

Types of Kinetic Chains

open and closed

______ exercises generally isolate only one segment, while ____ exercises work all segments in the chain, resulting in conditioning of muscles crossing each joint

open chain closed chain

an extremity may be seen as representing ________ if the distal end of the extremity is not fixed to a relative stable surface so that joints can function separately without affecting the rest of the extremity

open kinetic chain

practically all sports have these three phases

preparatory phase movement phase follow-through phase

Examples of closed kinetic chain exercises

push-up, dip, squat, or dead lift,

emphasize the development of muscle groups through

resistance training & circuit training activities

people lifting should use ______ breathing

rhythmic and consistent

Rowing exercise

sits in movable seat with knees and hips flexed close to chest. arms reach forward to grasp bar. legs are extended forcibly as arms pull to chest. legs and arms are returned to starting position -. closed kinetic chain 1. arm pull to chest/ leg push to extended knees and hip phase 2. return phase to the starting position

Latissimus pull (lat pull)

sitting position, grasps horizontal bar pulls down below chin and return slowly to starting position - open kinetic chain 1. pull down phase below chin 2. return phase to starting position

close kinetic chain/ securely attached

substantial movement of any one link cannot occur without substantial and subsequent movement of the other links When distal end of extremity is fixed

closed kinetic chain

the distal end of the extremity is fixed movement of one joint cannot occur without causing predictable movement in other joints in extremities pull up, push up, dip, squat


the number of times per week how often

according to the over load principle which type of person will see results quicker. a well trained person or an untrained person?

untrained person, due to a refinement of neuromuscular function, rather than an actual increase in muscle tissue strength

recovery phase

used to regain balance and positioning to be ready for the next sport demand muscles that were used eccentrically in follow through will be used concentrically in this one

number of phases

usually 3-5 depending on skill being performed

Barbell Press

•A.K.A. as overhead or military press •Barbell is held high in front of chest, with palms facing forward, feet comfortably spread, back & legs straight •Barbell is pushed upward until arms are fully extended overhead •Return to starting position-open-kinetic chain exercise


•Subject lies prone on floor with legs together, palms touching floor, and the hands pointed forward & approximately under the shoulders •Keeping back & legs straight, subject pushes up to the up position •Return to starting position. - closed kinetic chain 1. pushing up phase to up position 2. lowering phase to starting position

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