chapter 12

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All of the assembly-line workers knew that management expected them to complete 150 parts per hour. There were so many workers that they could have completed twice as many, but Conrad and many others didn't bother—they just took it easy and relied on the efforts of their fellow workers to get the minimum done. This is an example of __________. A. social loafing B. groupthink C. status hierarchy D. a dynamical system


Diener's classic Halloween study found that 57% of the children arriving as anonymous members of groups stole extra candy or money. Children arriving alone and children in groups who were not allowed to be anonymous stole __________. A. significantly less candy and money B. significantly more candy and money C. candy but not money D. about the same amount of candy and money


Group __________ helps on tasks in which a group needs only one member to get the correct answer, whereas group __________ is beneficial when group success depends on whether each of its members performs his or her role well. A. heterogeneity; homogeneity B. individualism; collectivism C. collectivism; individualism D. homogeneity; heterogeneity


Minority opinions are most persuasive when __________. A. the audience wants to make an accurate decision B. the minority members present their position as being directly opposed to the so-called prevailing wisdom C. they have never held the opinion of majority members D. minority members clearly distinguish their opinion as distinct from those of other people


Studies show that heterogeneous groups do best on tasks that require __________. A. flexibility B. easing into changing conditions C. rigidity D. low as opposed to high creativity


Which of the following factors decreases the likelihood of an individual becoming a leader? A. not fitting the cultural stereotype of what a leader should look like B. high need for power C. being a man D. high need for achievement


Which of the following techniques helps counteract groupthink? A. developing procedures to ensure that members critically evaluate all proposals and gather outside feedback B. insulating group members from criticism and outside feedback so as not to stifle the creative process C. making group members interpersonally focused rather than task focused D. having leaders reveal their own views at the beginning of the discussion rather than at the end


Which of these legal trends lessens the power of jurors holding a minority opinion? A. Some courts no longer require juries to reach unanimous decisions. B. In many jurisdictions, the size of juries has been increased to 16. C. Some judges are now making the final court decision without using a jury trial system. D. In some counties, if a unanimous decision is not reached within 24 hours, the case is thrown out.


Competition for status is strongly influenced by the hormone __________. A. naloxone B. Testosterone C. progesterone D. estrogen


Effective problem-solving teams should typically consist of at least one member who is __________. A. not achievement motivated and energetic B. agreeable and tolerant C. hostile D. good with money


People in __________ societies tend to participate in performance groups more than those in __________ societies. A. collectivistic; individualistic B. individualistic; collectivistic C. egalitarian; individualistic D. hierarchical; individualistic


Research demonstrates that __________ leaders may be more effective when they can keep their group members under constant surveillance, whereas __________ leaders create groups that work equally hard regardless of whether they are being supervised. A. contingent; democratic B. autocratic; democratic C. dictatorial; autocratic D. democratic; autocratic


Social facilitation theory suggests that the presence of others increases performance on __________. A. any task B. well-mastered tasks C. novel tasks D. complex tasks


Which of the following claims about gender and leadership is true? A. Men are equally effective leaders regardless of whether the group's task requires stereotypically "female" or "male" skills. B. Studies show that men and women do not differ in their effectiveness as leaders. C. Men and women exhibit equal amounts of transformational leadership. D. Men tend to exhibit slightly more transformational leadership than women.


Women's chances of being selected as leaders are reduced by the fact that __________. A. women exhibit less transformational leadership than men B. their physical characteristics don't fit the commonly held image of a leader C. they tend to have higher levels of estrogen D. people are more likely to have experiences with unpleasant female leaders


Morgan realized that whenever she had a discussion with her friends, her opinions tended to become more extreme to match the opinions of her friends. This is known as __________. A. cohesiveness B. group communication C. group polarization D. social comparison


Which of the following claims about leadership effectiveness is true? A. A dictatorial leadership style is more effective than a more democratic one. B. New workers tend to prefer more directive leadership than expert workers. C. Groups with autocratic leaders tend to be more productive regardless of whether the group leader is present to supervise their tasks. D. Leadership success tends to be independent of a group's specific needs or the nature of the task.


Which of the following factors contributes to a collection of individuals becoming a "real" group? A. independence B. a structure that is informal rather than formal C. shared identity D. mixed sex


Which of the following factors helps make opinion minorities more persuasive? A. They display strength by showing unwillingness to compromise. B. They present their views as incompatible with the majority view. C. They have at least some support from others. D. The audience is not too concerned about making an accurate decision.


Which of the following is a reason that people seek out groups? A. to avoid having to confront new information B. to gain general information by observing the behavior of people who are going through different experiences C. to glean information that will reduce feelings of uncertainty D. to gain knowledge from people with dissimilar interests


Which of the following person and situation factors increases the likelihood that an individual will become a leader? A. The group decreases in size. B. being female C. being highly ambitious D. having a relaxed work ethic


As shown in the research on stereotypically male and female tasks, when people worry that they may fail at a task, they will likely desire to __________. A. work alone so as not to fail in front of others B. join a group only if they have high self-esteem C. work alone so they may learn to be more self-sufficient D. join a group rather than work alone


The Halloween studies on deindividuation found which of the following? A. Theft among trick-or-treaters did not change after the researchers asked the children's name and address. B. Trick-or-treaters arriving alone were as likely to steal extra candy as those arriving in groups. C. Placing a mirror behind the candy bowl decreased theft among those arriving in groups but did not affect those arriving alone. D. Theft among trick-or-treaters arriving in groups decreased significantly when they no longer felt anonymous.


To minimize the social loafing that was taking place, management made sure each worker had a slightly different job. This helps minimize social loafing because __________. A. it helps the workers feel good about working together B. it prevents workers from competing with each other C. workers will try to compete for the jobs of others D. the workers cannot presume that the work of others will hide their laziness


What is a dynamical system? A. a social group with initially divergent opinions that converges over time on a single opinion B. any system consisting of interacting elements that has no discernible order C. the pattern of information flow through a group D. a system consisting of many interacting elements that changes and evolves over time


Which of the following techniques is an effective strategy to counteract groupthink? A. insulating key decision-makers from dissenting opinions B. ensuring that social harmony in the group is maintained at all times C. avoiding outside feedback D. having leaders encourage group members to contribute alternative perspectives


Why can the mere presence of other people sometimes improve performance? A. The presence of other people tends to increase deindividuation. B. The distraction created by onlookers prevents a person from overthinking his or her performance. C. People tend to avoid dominant responses in the presence of others. D. Being around others increases arousal, and this leads people to more likely exhibit dominant responses.


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