Chapter 13

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four memorable points about behavioral theory

1. behavior is more important than traits when it comes to leaders' effectiveness 2. leader behaviors can be systematically improved and developed 3. there is no one best style of leadership 4. abusive supervision takes its toll on employees, managers, and the overall organization

steps to apply contingency theory

1. identify important outcomes 2. identify important leadership behaviors 3. identify situational conditions 4. match leadership to the conditions at hand 5. decide how to make the match

path-goal clarifying

Clarifying employees' performance goals using positive and negative rewards.

Why is the establishment of a positive vision of the future essential for applying transformational leadership?

Communicating the vision promotes endorsement. The vision represents long-term goals. Leaders can influence others by gaining consensus of the vision.

Why is it important for managers to maintain a high leader-member exchange (LMX) relationship with each employee?

Employees stay on the track to success. Employees remain on the path to achieving their goals.

group-oriented decision making

Encouraging group members to participate in decision making.


Establishing a vision and supporting its accomplishment.

According to research, which of the following are differences found among men and women leadership roles?

Men are task-oriented, while women are relationship-oriented. Men use an autocratic style, while women use a participative style.

representation and networking

Presenting the work group in a positive light to others.


Providing counseling, mentoring, and coaching to assist employee development.


Resolving disputes; facilitating communication.

How can managers become effective leaders?

Solicit feedback on leadership skills. Gain perspective about different leadership behaviors their followers might need. Identify task-oriented traits and interpersonal attributes needed to lead.

What are some of the managerial implications of transformational leadership?

Transformational leadership behavior works for geographically dispersed people, such as those working virtually. Establishment of a positive vision of the future provides a long-term goal for the organization and its staff. Effective leaders rely on task-oriented and relationship-oriented behaviors.

What are key takeaways managers should remember for leadership effectiveness?

Try to develop positive relationships with all your followers. Experiment with a contingency approach toward leadership.

What techniques can an individual use to develop leadership or managerial skills?

Understand your employer's expectations of leadership. Take responsibility for your relationship with your supervisor. Practice leadership behavior outside of work.


a belief that the ends justify the means, maintenance of emotional distance, and use of manipulation

a leader-member exchange relationship is also called

a vertical dyad (behavioral scientists use this terminology)

set challenging goals, emphasize excellence, and demonstrate confidence in employees' abilities

achievement-oriented behaviors

value-based behaviors

align and recognize

trait approach

attempts to identify personality characteristics or interpersonal attributes that differentiate leaders from followers

behavioral styles approach

attempts to identify the unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders

understand their own strengths and limitations


Which of the following approaches tries to find the unique behaviors that effective leaders have?

behavioral styles

Which of the following can leaders engage in to promote psychological empowerment in employees?

behaviors that encourage self-determination behaviors that encourage employee competence behaviors that enhance perceptions of meaning

foster cooperation and agreement both within and outside of the work organization

building community

achievement-oriented behaviors

challenge and encourage

A form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance, devotion, and enthusiasm is called


What is a form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance, devotion, and enthusiasm called?


Select the four basic skills for leaders, according to your text.

cognitive abilities, business skills, strategic skills interpersonal skills

value and engage in the development of skills, abilities, and opportunities for others

commitment to the growth of people

Select the three emotional responses followers want leaders to foster.

community, excitement, and significance

take a broad-based perspective and seek an appropriate balance between a short-term and long-term focus


supportive behaviors

concern and assistance

relationship-oriented behaviors

consideration, empowerment, servant-leadership, and ethical leadership

group-oriented decision making behaviors

coordinate cooperation

In terms of leadership, women use a more ______ style while men use a more ______ style.

democratic; autocratic

path-goal clarifying behaviors

describe goals and expectations

work to understand others' feelings and emotions. an individual's good intentions are assumed, even when he or she performs poorly.


What are some of the positive effects of CEO humility on employees?

engagement, performance, and commitment

True or false: Everyone should strive for a managerial or leadership role.


transformational leadership

focuses on clarifying employees' role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance


focuses on increased service to others rather than to oneself

consider the future implications of today's actions


What are some of the characteristics that followers look for in leaders?

fostering a sense of unity, making them feel engaged at work, and treating others with respect

pose problems rather than solutions to the workgroup, encourage group members to participate in decision making, provide necessary information to the group for analysis, and involve knowledgeable employees in decision making

group-oriented decision making behaviors

seek to make themselves and others whole in the face of failure or suffering


What are the three types of potential followers?

helpers, rebels, independents

What do managers accomplish by sacrificing for the good of the group, being a role model, and displaying high ethical standards?

idealized influence

Leader-member relations result in the formation of two types of exchanges: the _________ exchange, and the _________ exchange

in-group AND out-group

In transformational leadership, behaviors associated with providing support, encouragement, empowerment and coaching to employees are called

individualized consideration

What are leaders practicing when they pay special attention to the needs of their followers and search for ways to help people develop and grow?

individualized consideration

Successfully attracting commitment, energizing workers, and creating meaning in employees' lives are the result of what type of motivation?

inspirational motivation

what function is a leader most likely to perform that a manager would not


resolve disputes, facilitate communication, encourage sharing of opinions and emphasize collaboration and teamwork, and encourage close relationships among employees

interaction-facilitation behaviors

leader behaviors include/are

interaction-facilitation, group-oriented decision making, representation and networking, value-based

The theory that assumes leaders will develop unique personal relationships with each of their direct reports is called

leader-member exchange theory

What are some of the individual-level behavioral outcomes associated with high level leader-member exchange (LMX) relationships?

less employee turnover AND greater employee engagement in organizational citizenship

Low leader-member relationships result in out-group exchanges that are characterized by:

less trust and respect, more formality in reward negotiations, and more formality in expectations

strive to identify and clarify the needs and desires of a group


Who typically perform functions associated with investigating, organizing, and controlling as well as implementing an organization's vision and strategic plan?


least preferred coworker (LPC) scale

measures the extent to which an individual takes a task or relationship-based approach toward leadership

work-facilitation behaviors

organize, plan, and coach

provide guidance on how employees can meet expectations and reinforce using positive and negative consequences

path-goal clarifying behaviors

rely more on persuasion than positional authority


What do leaders want from followers?

productivity, reliability, honesty, and flexibility

representation and networking behaviors

promote and connect

present the workgroup in a positive light to others, maintain positive relationships with influential others, and participate in organization-wide social functions and ceremonies

representation and networking behaviors

What are some of the qualities of humble leaders that employees value?

self-awareness, appreciation of others, appreciation of the greater good, and openness to feedback

interaction-facilitation behaviors

sharing and communicating

assume responsibility for the people and resources they manage


show concern for the well-being and needs of employees; be friendly and approachable; and treat employees as equals

supportive behaviors

Select leader behaviors in the path-goal theory model.

supportive, achievement oriented, and value based

According to Fiedler, a leader's style is either ________ as he or she is focused on accomplishing goals or _______ as he or she is more interested in developing relations with followers.

task-motivated OR relationship-motivated

According to Fiedler, the two leadership styles are:

task-oriented and relationship-oriented

Effective leadership is affected by a combination of

task-oriented traits and interpersonal attributes

idealized influence

to instill pride, respect, and trust within employees

Trying to identify personality characteristics that can be used to figure out who is better at leading and who is better at following is the ________ to leadership

trait approach

According to _________, organizations should consider using personality and trait assessments in the selection and promotion process.

trait theory

Leaders who are _______ use behaviors that appeal to followers' self-concepts.


High LMX relationships create which of the following?

trust AND mutual obligation

establish a vision, display passion for it, and support its accomplishment; demonstrate self-confidence, communicate high performance expectations and confidence in others' abilities to meet their goals

value-based behaviors

What do behavioral scientists call a leader-member exchange relationship?

vertical dyad

plan, schedule, organize, and coordinate the work; provide mentoring, coaching, counseling, and feedback to assist employees in developing their skills. also provide resources and empower employees to take actions and make decisions

work-facilitation behaviors

By appealing to followers' values, motives, and personal identity, ________ leaders transform followers to pursue organizational goals over self-interests.

transformational leaders

scientific evidence supports two conclusions about emotional intelligence and leadership:

1. emotional intelligence is an input to transformational leadership 2. emotional intelligence has a small, positive, and significant association with leadership effectiveness

applying contingency theory

1. identify important outcomes 2. identify relevant leadership behaviors 3. identify situational conditions 4. match leadership to the conditions at hand 5. decide how to make the match

support for transformational leadership underscores five important managerial implications:

1. the establishment of a positive vision of the future-inspirational motivation-should be considered a first step in applying transformational leadership 2. the best leaders are not just transformational 3. transformational leadership affects outcomes at the individual, group, and organizational levels 4. transformational leadership works virtually 5. transformational leaders can be ethical or unethical

trait theory offers four conclusions:

1. we cannot ignore the implications of leadership traits 2. the positive and "dark triad" traits suggest the qualities you should cultivate and avoid if you want to assume a leadership role in the future 3. organizations may want to include personality and trait assessments in their selection and promotion processes 4. a global mindset is an increasingly valued task-oriented trait

Which statements are true about emotional intelligence and leadership?

Emotional intelligence helps people lead; however, it does not solve all problems. Emotional intelligence helps people with transformational leadership.

Which of the following describe the behavioral styles theory of leadership?

Leader behaviors can be improved and developed Leader behavior is more important than traits There is no one best style of leadership

Bernard Bass associated which of the following behaviors with leaders?

Rallying employees around a common goal Creating vision and strategic plans Inspiring others

What must leaders do for their employees, according to path-goal theory?

Reduce roadblocks. Provide guidance. Link rewards to goals.


Showing concern for the well-being of employees.


a form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance, devotion, and enthusiasm


a lack of guilt, remorse or concern for others when their own actions do others harm

leadership prototype

a mental representation of the traits and behaviors people believe leaders possess


a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal

position power

a source of influence associated with a particular job or position within an organization; also a leader's formal power to reward, punish, or otherwise obtain compliance from employees

What type of leadership is exhibited in sustained displays of hostile verbal and nonverbal behavior?

abusive supervision

What is the primary purpose of task-oriented leader behaviors?

assisting others in achieving their goals as well as the goals of the working group

leader-member exchange (LMX theory)

based on the assumption that leaders develop unique one-to-one relationships (exchanges) with each of the people reporting to them

four basic skills leaders need

cognitive abilities, interpersonal skills, business skills, and strategic skills

Leader behavior associated with creating mutual respect or trust with a focus on group members' needs and desires is called:


individualized consideration

consists of behaviors that provide support, encouragement, empowerment, and coaching to employees

Which theory posits that the situation decides the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior?


The situational theory which argues that a leader's effectiveness is dependent on how well a leader's style fits the situation at hand is called

contingency theory

What is the theory that says a leader's effectiveness depends on how well a leader's style fits characteristics of the situation at hand?

contingency theory (reason: transactional leadership is a type of leadership that focuses on behaviors aimed at clarifying followers' goals and using rewards to manage follower performance)

The trait approach to leadership

distinguishes the characteristics that can be used to separate leaders from followers

The ability to manage oneself and one's relationships in a mature and constructive way is called ______ _______.

emotional intelligence

Select all of the core traits that are associated with leaders.

emotional stability, conscientiousness, and intelligence

represents the extent to which a leader creates perceptions of psychological empowerment in others.

empowering leadership

Select the relationship oriented leader behaviors.

empowerment, consideration, servant-leadership, and ethical leadership

intellectual stimulation

encourages employees to question the status quo and to seek innovative and creative solutions to organizational problems

Which of the following are goals of relationship-oriented leadership?

enhancing employees' skills creating positive work relationships between employees and their leaders creating positive work relationships among coworkers

Which type of leadership revolves around being a moral role model?

ethical leadership

transactional leadership

focuses on clarifying employees' role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance

Consideration involves leader behaviors associated with creating mutual respect with a focus on what?

group members' needs and wants

Which of the following are skills that people should possess to be good leaders?

have business skills, come up with solutions quickly with limited information, and work well with all different kinds of people

Important takeaways from trait theory include that:

having a "global mindset" is important, it can be, important to hiring and promoting decisions traits impact leader effectiveness


having a grandiose sense of self-importance; requiring or even demanding excessive admiration; having a sense of entitlement; lacking empathy; and tending to be exploitative, manipulative, and arrogant

humble leaders tend to display five key qualities valued by employees:

high self-awareness, openness to feedback, appreciation of others, low self-focus, and appreciation of a greater good

path-goal theory

holds that leader behaviors are effective when employees view them as a source of satisfaction or as paving the way to future satisfaction

What type of influence do managers use to instill pride, respect and trust within employees?

idealized influence

The idea that people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what they should do for their followers is called ______ leadership theory.

implicit leadership theory

inspirational motivation

includes the use of charisma, relies on an attractive vision of the future, emotional arguments, and demonstrated optimism and enthusiasm

Select the types of task-oriented leadership.

initiating structure transactional leadership

What refers to the amount of influence and control leaders have in their immediate work environment?

situational control

The use of charisma to establish an attractive vision of the future, using emotional arguments and exhibiting optimism and enthusiasm is called

inspirational motivation

What are some of the effects that employees face as a result of abusive supervision?

job dissatisfaction decreased productivity bad or abusive behavior


leader behavior that creates mutual respect or trust and prioritizes group members' needs and desires

initiating structure

leader behavior that organizes and defines what group members should be doing to maximize output

Which of the following can be systematically improved and developed?

leader behaviors

What are the three dimensions of situational control?

leader-member relations, position power, and task structure

What is it called when an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal?


When an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal it is called


A mental representation of the traits and behaviors that people believe are possessed by leaders is called a

leadership prototype

Researchers determine leadership characteristics by using a statistical procedure called ________ , which computes an average relationship between two variables


Select employee characteristics in the path-goal theory model.

need for clarity, need for achievement, locus of control task ability, experience

ethical leadership

normatively appropriate behavior that focuses on being a moral role model

psychological empowerment

occurs when employees feel a sense of meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact at work. reflects employees' belief that they have control over their work

Select the leader behaviors in the integrated model of leadership.

passive, transformational, relationship-oriented task-oriented

types of leader behaviors

path-goal clarifying, achievement-oriented, work-facilitation, and supportive

The theory which states that leader behaviors are effective when employees view them as a source of satisfaction or as a way to future satisfaction is called

path-goal theory

Which of the following are characteristics of ethical leadership?

projecting ethical values to others rewarding ethical behavior treating employees with concern

contingency theories of leadership

propose that the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior depends on the situation // it's based on the premise that a leader's effectiveness is contingent on the extent to which the leader's style matches characteristics of the situation at hand

implicit leadership theory

proposes that people have beliefs about how leaders should behave and what they should do for their followers

What are the four categories of unique leader behaviors?

relationship-oriented, transformational, task-oriented passive

empowering leadership

represents the leader's ability to create perceptions of psychological empowerment in others

A focus on increased service to others rather than oneself is called:



setting challenging goals

followers seek, admire, and respect leaders who foster three emotional responses in others:

significance, community, and excitement

task structure

the amount of structure contained within tasks performed by the work group

global mind-set (global mindset)

the belief in one's ability to influence dissimilar others in a global context

leader-member relations

the extent to which the leader has the support, loyalty, and trust of the work groups

Contingency theories propose that the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior depends on what factor?

the situation

abusive supervision

the sustained display of hostile verbal and nonverbal behavior by managers

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