Chapter 13-15 final

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why should cracked pepper never be added at the beginning of a stock

it will turn harsh and acrid in taste

when do you add salt to a stock

last half hour

how to handle unripe fruit

left at room temp in paper bag until ripe

examples of peels of fruits that are used to zest to add flavor

lemon, orange, lime


made from a mixture of fruits (usually citrus or at least with some citrus) to which nuts and raisins, but no sugar, are usually added


made from ground or mashed whole cooked fruit


made from the juice of cooked fruit. with added sugar and pectin. for a clear jelly, juice is first strained


made from whole fruit, halves or chunks

pectins role in fruit spread

makes them gel. at least .5-1% concentration of fruit pectin is required for a fruit to gel.

pectin extracted from ___ ___ that is used to make gel jams and jellies

ripe fruits

fruit compostion

similar to that of veggies. pH below 5.0


simmered until much of the water evaporates

____ for several hours brings out flavors


develop from one flower. oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, kumquats, mandarines, tangerines, tangelos, drupes and pomes

simple fruits

ripe lemon

size is not related to juiciness. thin skins and heavy for their size yield more juice. storing them in water will produce twice as much juice when squeezed.

fresh fruit graded based on what

size, shape, color, texture, appearance, ripeness, uniformity and freedom of defects

ripe grapefruit

skin is shiny and smooth. both ends are flat. avoid when ends are pointy, thick skins, deep pores. pink is sweeter

adding acidic fruit to a gelatin salad will decrease the pH and result in a salad that is too


fruits role in fruit spread

some fruits more suited to make fruit spread than others bc of varying amounts of pectin and acid. adjustments for either low pectin or low acid can be made by combining one fruit with another or using commercial pectin or adding lemon juice

light syrup

some sugar added 10-14% density in fruit cocktail

thick soups are made from stocks that have usually been thickened with some type of


all soups are based on


foundational thin liquid of many soups, produced when meat, poultry, seafood, and or their bones, or veggies are reduced (simmered) and strained


why are fatty fish not usually used for stock

strong and oily flavor

simple stocks made from water and bones- cracked to release flavor

white stock

gelatin concentration should approximate

1 -2% or 1 TBSP of gelatin to 2 cups of water`

these contain more Vitamin C than a medium sized orange

1 cup of strawberries one medium papaya or kiwifruit

heavy syrup

18-22% density in fruit cocktail

pH range that allows pectin molecules to bind

2.8-3.4 optimal is 3.2

changes in metal salts when fruit is heated

acids in canned fruits can react with tin lining to produce metal salts that change the color pigments. especially in red-blue anthocyanin.

grades for fresh fruit

U.S. Fancy, U.S. No. 1, U.S. No. 2, U.S. No. 3

grades for processed fruit

U.S. Grade A, U.S. Grade B or Choice, U.S. Grade C or Standard

benefits of adding sugar to fruit during heating

adding before it is cooked to help replace sweetness and help retain shape and firmness. also further inhibits loss of texture by interfering with conversion of protopectin to pectin

develop from several ovaries in one flower. blackberries, raspberries, strawberries

aggregate fruits

white, inner rind of citrus fruits which is rich and higher in pectin and aromatic oils


canned foods containing this are stored in specially treated cans or glass to prevent discoloration.


toasting nuts removes the ___ skins


fruits high in fat

avocado, coconut, olives

changes in color when fruit is heated

becomes more brilliant in color during ripening as chlorophyll breaks down exposing underlying pigments. changes in color are due to change in pH or a reaction with metal salt or ethylene gas

a cream soup made from shellfish


stock made from meat or meat/bone combo and some water with little or no flavoring. seldom reduced and therefore are not as strong flavored as stocks


produced when bones are browned prior to simmering

brown stock

____ in fruit provide most of kcal


veggies that lend themselves well to making stocks

carrots, onions, tomatoes, garlic, shallots, celeriac, parsnips, fennel, leeks,

what does boiling do in a stock

causes particles to float to the top and churn back into the broth causing a cloudy and less clean taste.


contain juice with thin slices of fruit and rind. especially citrus fruits

why are neck and knucklebones most preffered

contain the most collagen (converts to gelatin) and more flavorful than any other bone in the animal.

fruits with sees encased in a pit. apricots, cherries, peaches, plums


changes in osmosis during heating

during heating, fruits osmotic system is replaced with simple diffusion, contributing to the loss of shape in heated fruits. spraying water on fruits at the store helps keep fruits crisp and turgid. heating destroys membranes ability to prevent the loss or uptake of solutes that flow through the cell wall

phenolic compounds contribute to ____ ____ and are found where

enzymatic browning cells

gas that stimulates respiration thereby accelerating the ripening process, but it may cause the fruit to detonate more quickly

ethylene gas

helps ripen fruit and returns back to original color

ethylene gas

ripe oranges

feel firm and heavy for their size are the most juicy. exposing them to ethylene gas helps ripen the fruits.

frames should be thoroughly cleaned, and heating should not exceed about half an hour to preserve the delicate flavor. another stock (chicken or veggie) or bottled clam juice may be added to fortify the flavor of the base.

fish stock

what type of bird adds the most flavor

free range

jams are fruit preservatives made from

ground or mashed whole cooked fruit

ripe melon

hard to select bc of hard outer ring and subtle color changes. ripe when stem end becomes slightly indented and yields to pressure. melon odor from the stem end. overripe ones will have water soaked spots and a rattling sound will occur when melon is shaken.

ripe honeydew

have waxy-feeling. creamy white rind, and strong aroma. for best flavor, choose one weighing over 5 pounds

changes in texture when fruit is heated

heat softens fruit- making it mushy conversion of fruits protopectin to pectin degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose denaturation of cell membranes proteins

___ converts ___ to __ __ by hydrolyzing chemical bonds holding the molecules together, causing the texture to become soft and mushy

heating pectin pectic acids

changes in pH when fruit is heated

heating effects it which will then effect color. blue can be seen around cherries, cranberries, or walnuts in baked goods bc of alkaline baking soda or soda in flour mixture. acid in form or buttermilk or sour cream can be used to prevent this.

storage for fruits

in plastic bags with punctured air holes.

compounds formed when food changes from clear to brown


sugars role in fruit spread

most preservatives are at least 50% granulated white sugar.when sugar osmotically pulls water from cell interior, they die. acts as natural preservative. sugar also helps maintain firmness of fruits, contributes to their flavor and makes gelling possible. adds kcals

develop from a cluster of several flowers. pineapple, fig

multiple fruits

fruit beverage that contains not less than 30-40% fruit juice


changes in flavor during heating

need to be heated for a short time or will loose flavor. flavor derived from chemical configurations of compounds such as sugar, acids, phenolic and aromatic compounds and essential oils

fruits canned in their own juice

no sugar added


not less than 10%

fruit juice

not less than 100%


not less than 25%


not less than 30-40%

juice drink

not less than 50%

___ of water per pound of bones

one pint

signs that frozen bags of fruit have been thawed and refrozen

packages show signs of juice stains or have a heavy frost clinging to the outside. should not be purchased. refrozen fruit is flaccid and less flavorful

besides lettuce, what else may be used as a base for a salad

pasta, rice, cottage cheese

improves texture of frozen foods by controlling ice crystal size


as fruit continues to ripen and become overripe, all of the ___ gradually turns to ___ __

pectin pectic acid

break down pectic substances as fruit ripens.

pectinase enzymes

act as a cementing substance between cell walls and are partially responsible for the plants firmness and structure

peptic polysaccharides (pectin is the general term)

___ ___ cause browning and bruising

phenolic compounds ( tannins)

ripe guavas

pick with yellow skin rather than green skin. yield pressure and emit a guava aroma. slightly underripe ones can be cooked and sweeteend

how to prepare a stock

place meat in container. cover with water until 1 1/2 -2 inches over the meat. simmer with the lid off. skim the frothy fat off the top. once liquid is strained, it is added back before adding meat, chopped veggies, grain and seasoning. cook covered for another hour

___ ___ ___ turn the color of phenolic compounds from clear to brown

polyphenol oxidase enzymes

oxidize phenolic compounds. (phenolase, catecholase, tyrosinase)

polyphenol oxidase enzymes

fruit with seeds contained in a central core. apples, pears


fruits such as pineapple, papaya, kiwi, and figs are not usually added to gels because of their

proteolytic enzyme content

as fruit ripens, enzymes convert ____ to the more water-soluble ___.

protopectin pectin

order of chemical breakdown of protopectin as the fruit changes from immature to overripe

protopectin to pectin to pectin acid

found in immature fruit. large, soluble molecule.


meat/poultry stock

raw meat is added. bouquet garni or mirepoix of onions, celery, carrots is often added to enhance flavor. meat stock- 3 to 4 hours. based on cracked bones and sometimes raw meat poultry stock- 4 hours.

___ meat contains more flavor than white meat


___ water may carry flavors of chlorine

tap. use distilled or spring water instead


these thick and smooth fruit preserves are made with sieved, long cooked fruit, are usually less sweet than jams or jellies, and do not keep as well as other fruit spread forms

ripe avocado

touch. skin gives slightly to gentle pressure. immediate use. thick skinned avocados can be tested by inserting a tooth pick in the stem end and moving in and out easily means its ready

phenolic compounds found in ___ fruit, so gives a bitter taste.


what bones contribute the greatest amount of collagen making the thickest, most gelatinous stocks

veal bones

the more mature the __ the more flavor in the extract

veggie, meat

acids role in fruit spread

weakens gel formation. hydrogen ions from acid are needed to neutralize the negative charges that cause pectin molecules in water to repel each other.

reservoirs for potent aromatic oils. contains more flavor than fruits juice


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