Chapter 13: Brain and Cranial Nerves

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Pair the correct function with the cranial nerve.

- Trigeminal nerve - transmits cutaneous sensory information from facial region, tongue, and eye as well as controls muscle of mastication - Facial nerve - controls muscles that promote facial expression, controls secretion of salivary glands and transmits sensory information from the tongue - Glossopharyngeal nerve - transmits taste sensation and controls muscles involved in swallowing and secretions of salivary glands - Hypoglossal nerve - controls muscles of the tongue and throat

How many divisions does the trigeminal nerve have?


How many branches does the facial nerve have?


What nerve controls the impulses associated with proprioception?


Identify the cranial nerves that control the muscles that move the eyeball.

Abducens Oculomotor Trochlear

What cranial nerve has both cranial and spinal branches?

Accessory nerve (XI)

What part of the brain integrates information about the position of the body's parts and sends out signals that coordinate skeletal muscle movements?


What is the largest portion of the brain and is approximately 1200g in females and 1400g in males?


Identify the four basic divisions of the brain. Select all that apply.

Cerebrum Brainstem Diencephalon Cerebellum

What area of the brain is between the brainstem and cerebrum?


What are the effectors for the motor fibers of the abducens nerve?

Extrinsic muscle of the eye

Identify the cranial nerve that is a mixed nerve that carries motor impulses to muscles of expression, tear glands and salivary glands?


True or False: The 4 basic divisions of the brain are the brainstem, cerebrum, cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata.


True or false: The olfactory bulb is located within the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone.


Which structures are the dural partitions of the cranial cavity? Select all that apply.

Falx cerebelli Tentorium cerebelli Falx cerebri

Match the structural features of the brain with the correct description.

Gyrus: Fold of tissue of the cerebrum Corpus Callossum: Fibers connecting the right and left cerebral hemispheres Cerebral Cortex: Gray matter on the outer surface of the cerebrum

Match the cranial nerve with its corresponding number.

I Olfactory nerve II Optic nerve III Oculomotor nerve IV Trochlear nerve V Trigeminal nerve VI Abducens nerve VII Facial nerve VIII Vestibulocochlear nerve IX Glossopharyngeal nerve X Vagus nerve XI Accessory nerve XII Hypoglossal nerve

What number is associated with the optic cranial nerve?


What number is associate with the oculomotor cranial nerve?


Which of the following is the function of the brainstem?

It is a critical center for essential survival reflexes, and even small areas of destruction can be fatal.

Indicate the three large branches of the trigeminal nerve. Select all that apply.

Mandibular division Maxillary division Ophthalmic division

What part of the brainstem that contains the cardiac center, vasomotor center, and respiratory center?

Medulla oblongata

The component of the brainstem that serves as a visual reflex center and is part of the auditory pathway is the _______-


Which component of the brainstem serves as a visual reflex center and is part of the auditory pathway?


Where in the brain are basal nuclei located? Select all that apply.

Midbrain Diencephalon Cerebrum

Where does the vagus (X) nerve carries impulses to/from? Select all that apply.

Muscles associated with speech Viscera of the abdomen Viscera of the thorax Muscles associated with swallowing

What embryonic structure gives rise to the structures of the central nervous system?

Neural tube

Which primarily motor nerve carries impulses to muscles that raise the eyelids, move the eyes, adjust the amount of light entering the eyes and focus the lenses?

Oculomotor (III)

Which cranial nerve contains only sensory nerve fibers and transmits impulses associated with the sense of smell?

Olfactory nerve

Which of the following is a type of nervous system function that is involved in the regulation of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands?


What are the names of the cerebral lobes? Select all that apply.

Parietal Temporal Occipital Frontal

Identify the structures that are part of the epithalamus. Select all that apply. Multiple select question.

Pineal gland Habenula

What is the area of brainstem called that forms a prominent bulge on the anterior aspect of the brainstem?


Identify the function of the oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves.

Promotes movement of the muscles of the eyeball

What are the functions of cerebrospinal fluid? Select all that apply.

Protects the brain against the shock of rapid head movements Provides nutrients to CNS tissues

What are the functions of the midbrain? Select all that apply.

Reflex movements of the head, eyes and body towards visual, auditory or tactile stimuli. Involved in maintaining muscle tone and coordinating movements Aids in unconscious regulation and coordination of motor activities

What are the gyri of the cerebrum?

Ridges of tissue

The glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve carries impulses to/from the following regions. Select all that apply.

Salivary glands Tonsils Carotid arteries Pharynx

What is the largest portion of the diencephalon and consists of two clusters of nuclei connected in the midline by an intermediate mass?


Describe the function of the olfactory nerve.

Transmits information regarding the sense of smell.

The superior and inferior alveolar nerves arise from which cranial nerve and supply sensation to the upper and lower jaws and teeth?


Which cranial nerve functions to sense touch, pain, and temperature on the upper and lower face and to transmit motor impulses needed for chewing?


Which nerve branches into the ophthalmic division, maxillary division and mandibular division?


True or false: The brainstem is responsible for many essential functions, including many reflexes essential for survival


True or false: The thalamus constitutes the largest portion of the diencephalon


What areas are served by the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve?

Upper teeth, upper gum, upper lip, mucous membrane of palate, and facial skin

Identify the cranial nerves that transmit parasympathetic information. Select all that apply.


Which cranial nerves transmit parasympathetic information? Select all that apply.

Vagus Facial Glossopharyngeal Oculomotor

Identify the cranial nerve that is a mixed nerve that carries somatic motor impulses to muscles associated with speech and swallowing, and autonomic fibers transmit impulses to viscera of the thorax and abdomen?

Vagus (X)

Identify the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. Select all that apply.

Vertebral arteries Internal carotid arteries

The cranial nerve that innervates skeletal muscles of the neck and back is the ______ nerve.


The cranial nerve that is a primarily motor nerve with two branches: the spinal branch and the cranial branch is the ______ nerve.


The function involved in the regulation of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands is ________ function.

autonomic, parasympathetic, ANS

The vestibular branch of cranial nerve VIII carries sensory impulses for the sense of ________ and the cochlear branch carries sensory impulses for the sense of_______

balance, hearing

A group of functionally related nuclei within the cerebrum, diencephalon and midbrain are ______.

basal nuclei

The internal carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries supply blood to the ______.


The area of the brain called the diencephalon is between the _____ and the cerebrum.


The stalk-like lower portion of the brain upon which the cerebrum is perched is the ______.


The part of the brain that is important in maintaining posture and equilibrium and is attached to the brainstem posterior to the pons is the _________


Ventricles of the brain contain _____.

cerebrospinal fluid

The largest portion of the brain is the


Nerves designated by Roman numerals and by names that indicate their primary functions and/or the general distribution of the their fibers are ________ nerves.


The ______ nerves are designated by Roman numerals and by names that indicate their primary functions and/or the general distribution of the their fibers.


The glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X) nerve and the accessory nerve (XI) nerve have both ______and _______ branches.

cranial, spinal

The falx cerebri and falx cerebelli are part of the ______ mater.


The neural plate is derived from the ______.


The pineal gland is part of the _______


The cranial nerve that is a mixed nerve that carries sensory impulses associated with taste receptors of the anterior tongue is the ______ nerve


True or false: The facial nerve is responsible for providing sensation to the teeth and jaws.


Identify the cranial nerve that is a mixed nerve that primarily carries motor impulses to muscles of the pharynx and salivary glands?


Identify the type of matter forms the cerebral cortex.

gray matter

What are the ridges or convolutions seen on the surface of the cerebrum?


The most inferior portion of the diencephalon is the


The hypothalamus is the most ______ portion of the ______.

inferior, diencephalon

What type of ventricles are located within the cerebral hemispheres?


The group of structures within the brain that are important in emotions and memory is called the ________ system.


The group of structures in the brain involved with emotions and memory is the ______

limbic system

The cardiac center, vasomotor center, and respiratory center are found within the of the_________ _________ brainstem.

medulla oblongata

Identify the components of the brainstem. Select all that apply.

medulla oblongata pons midbrain

The three layers of membrane that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord are called the


What are the membranes that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord?


What structure has functions that include controlling visual and auditory reflex movements of the head, eyes and body, and maintaining muscle tone?


What type of impulses are transmitted by the facial nerve?


Which nerve is a sensory nerve that transmits impulses associated with the sense of vision?


Which type of cranial nerve contains only sensory nerve fibers and transmits impulses associated with the sense of vision?

optic nerve

The area of brainstem, just superior to the medulla oblongata, that forms a prominent bulge on the anterior aspect of the brainstem is the ________


The sensory fibers of the abducens nerve carry impulses associated with a sense called ______.


The oculomotor (III) nerve carries motor impulses to muscles that ______. Select all that apply.

raise the eyelids move the eyes adjust the amount of light entering the eyes focus the lenses

What type of nerve function does the vestibulocochlear nerve perform?


The olfactory nerve contains only ________ nerve fibers and transmits impulses associated with the sense of___________

sensory, smell

The optic nerve contains only ______ nerve fibers and transmits impulses associated with the sense of__________ .

sensory, vision

Shallow grooves found all over the surface of the cerebrum are called


The grooves between the raised areas on the surface of the cerebrum are called ______.


The ______ lobe is separated from the rest of the cerebrum by the lateral fissure.


True or false: The neural plate is derived from ectodermal tissue and gives rise to the developing nervous system.


The cavities in the brain that store cerebrospinal fluid are the ______.


The three purely sensory cranial nerves are the olfactory, optic and __________ nerves.


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