Chapter 13 Employment Interviewing and Follow-Up

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Cubicle courtesy includes all the following except a. always knocking or asking permission to enter. b. calling or walking over rather than raising your voice to comment on something. c. avoiding strong perfumes or colognes. d. checking the occupant's screen for incoming messages when the occupant is away from his cubicle. e. keeping your voice down while talking on the telephone.


If you are asked about your salary expectations, your best tactic is to a. give the exact salary amount that you expect to receive. b. quote a figure slightly higher than what you want, so you will be able to negotiate down if necessary. c. state the amount that you think you are worth, based on previous experience. d. mention a broad salary range that indicates what you think the position and responsibilities might be worth. e. mention your current salary plus 10 percent.


Preparation for the interview includes all the following except a. being ready to answer all questions as honestly as you can. b. remembering you are applying—not begging—for a job. c. participating in mock interviews. d. overpreparing and making yourself nervous. e. doing a last check of your grooming before you enter the office.


To build credibility in a thank-you note to an interviewer, you should a. offer a concrete suggestion for improving some aspect of the job or the organization. b. emphasize your knowledge of the organization and your interest in participating in its success. c. open with a forward-looking statement that expresses quiet confidence. d. mention a specific incident or insight you gained from the interview. e. limit your comments to a brief but sincere expression of appreciation.


Which of the following is an appropriate guideline for dress or grooming for an interview? a. Women should have elaborate hairstyles. b. Men should wear colorful ties. c. Both men and women should wear plenty of cologne or perfume. d. Both men and women should wear blue or gray business attire. e. all of these


When shown into the interview room, do all of the following except a. greet the interviewer by his or her first name. b. greet the interviewer with a firm handshake. c. maintain direct eye contact. d. smile. e. wait to be seated until you are asked to do so or until after the interviewer sits down.


Which of the following is not true? a. Offer items to someone else after serving yourself. b. When using silverware, start from the outside utensil. c. Your glass is the one at the right of your place setting. d. When passing food or condiments, pass to the right. e. To get a server's attention, say "Excuse me" if he or she is nearby, or quietly signal with your hand.


A plan for an interview follow-up letter includes all of the following except a. a beginning sincerely expressing appreciation. b. a reference to a specific incident that occurred related to the writer's background. c. a reference to the resale of yourself. d. a confident, forward-looking closing. e. an error-free letter.


During an interview, it is not appropriate for the interviewee to ask: a. How is an employee evaluated and promoted? b. What types of training are available? c. What is the salary range for the position? d. How would you describe a typical day on the job? e. How does this department help the organization achieve its mission?


Listening ability would be considered an example of a. education and experience. b. mental qualities. c. manner and personal traits. d. appearance. e. preparation.


Which of the following dining hints is not correct? a. Leave your napkin on your chair if you leave the table during the meal. b. The person who issues an invitation is expected to pay for the meal. c. Place your folded napkin on the table at the end of the meal. d. The usual tip for service is 15-20 percent of the food and bar bill. e. Keep your elbows off the table while eating.


Which of the following is not a way to prepare for a job interview? a. reading current business periodicals b. studying the company's annual report c. randomly calling current employees for information d. learning about the company's history e. learning about the company's competitors


Which of the following is not true of business etiquette? a. Business etiquette is the practice of polite and appropriate behavior in the business setting. b. Business etiquette is concerned with the interactions between people. c. Business etiquette is concerned with rituals. d. Every company and country has its own rules about business etiquette. e. Business etiquette differs from social etiquette.


Which of the following is not typically evaluated by the interviewer? a. education and experience b. mental qualities c. physical qualities d. manner and personal traits e. appearance/grooming


Which of the following questions should not be asked in an interview? a. To whom will I report? b. How is an employee evaluated and promoted? c. What fringe benefits do you provide? d. Tell me about yourself. e. What would you like to change in your past?


Which of the following statements about the purpose of a thank-you note after an interview is accurate? a. The note usually has a direct influence on whether you get the job. b. The note should be written with the intent to earn points with the interviewer. c. The note should express genuine appreciation for the opportunity to discuss your qualifications with the interviewer. d. The note should make a strong effort to persuade the interviewer to offer you the job. e. all of these


Which of these guidelines for presenting gifts to the Japanese is incorrect? a. Do not wrap a package in white. b. Carry a gift in a neat paper bag. c. Present the gift with your right hand, saying, "This is really nothing at all" or something similar. d. Use top-quality gift wrap. e. Expect to receive a gift of similar value in the near future.


The key strategy in practicing interview questions is a. to formulate an answer to any question so that it highlights your abilities. b. to answer questions thoroughly as you spend most of your time talking during the interview. c. to focus on content since that will impress the interviewer. d. to not ask the interviewer to repeat a question to avoid looking as if you don't understand the question. e. to answer the "difficult" questions as honestly as possible, but in a way that highlights your qualifications.


The most effective strategy for making a good impression is to a. pay attention to dress, grooming, and posture. b. make a fashion statement with your clothing. c. try to blend into the corporate structure. d. be sure the interviewer remembers what you wore. e. understand that casual is the accepted form of dress in today's business world.


When giving business gifts in Japan, a. give nothing too large and too extravagant or too small and cheap. b. give gifts with prominent American brand names. c. food or wine and spirits are appropriate. d. give the same gift to people at all levels in the same organization. e. give gifts that reflect the region you come from.


You have done a thorough job of researching the potential employer's situation prior to your interview. During the actual interview, you should a. bring up information about the company's situation if the opportunity arises naturally in the conversation. b. tactfully mention to the interviewer that you did your homework and understand the company's situation. c. wait for the interviewer to ask what you know before demonstrating your knowledge of the company. d. avoid mentioning any information about the company unless the interviewer asks a direct question. e. wait for openings in the conversation, then mention different facts about the company to impress the interviewer.


Conducting yourself appropriately during an interview includes a. responding to tricky questions with a yes or no. b. keeping your hands, purse, or notes off the interviewer's desk. c. sitting immediately to expedite the efficient use of the interviewer's time. d. showing interest in the interviewer by examining wall plaques and photographs. e. looking at a point just to the left or right of the interviewer.


Interviewers typically evaluate job candidates on the basis of education and experience, mental qualities, and appearance, plus a. depth of research and knowledge of the employer's situation. b. manner and personal traits such as poise and enthusiasm. c. attention to personal grooming details. d. their answers to sensitive questions about personal matters. e. their overpreparation for the stress of multiple interviews.


The Golden Rules of office behavior include all but a. refilling the copy paper holder when completing a job. b. eating and drinking quietly while on the phone. c. smoking only in designated smoking areas. d. taking your turn at making coffee. e. allowing someone to make a copy or two by interrupting your long job briefly.


When you appraise your performance after an interview, you should not a. evaluate your responses to questions and consider more effective answers, if necessary. b. reenact the questions and answers while you videotape your performance to get a better sense of how you did. c. reevaluate your résumé with an eye toward adding, deleting, or revising information. d. determine whether the qualifications mentioned in your application letter were what impressed the interviewer the most. e. reconsider whether your application letter provided specific evidence of your qualifications and included reader benefits.


Which is not true about receiving a gift in Japan? a. The giver can expect to receive one of similar value in the near future. b. A gift will be opened in the presence of the giver. c. The receiver of a gift will be expected to reciprocate. d. The giving of gifts is one way of indicating the value of the relationship. e. The presentation may be as important as the gift itself.


Which of the following dining hints is not correct? a. After the host unfolds his napkin, guests do the same. b. The host's order is taken first. c. The host takes a bite and then the guests begin to eat. d. The host lays the menu on the table to alert the waiter that you're ready to order. e. Place your knife across the top edge of the plate, with cutting edge toward you when it is not being used.


Which of the following is not true? a. One or more employment interviews are conducted by 95 percent of all employers before extending a job offer. b. It is estimated that 90 percent of all job failures result from incompetence. c. The purpose of an employment interview is to verify information on a résumé. d. The applicant uses information gathered from the interview to decide whether the organization might be a good fit. e. An employment interview can be considered a sales presentation.


Which of these points in meeting and greeting people in business is not correct? a. The format used for an introduction is less important than avoiding the awkwardness of two people introducing themselves. b. A higher-ranking person is presented to the lower-ranking person. c. For people of equal rank, the guest is mentioned first. d. Either gender may initiate a handshake. e. The most important part about introductions is to make them.


Which of the following is an appropriate guideline for dressing and grooming in preparation for a job interview? a. Women should wear the latest fashions to express their individual style. b. Men should wear colorful ties to make a good impression on the interviewer in the first few minutes. c. Both men and women should wear enough cologne or perfume to be noticed and remembered by the interviewer. d. Men and women should wear blue or gray business attire so they look professional and blend in. e. Dress as you would on the job, to show your understanding of the workplace environment in this company.


Which of the following statements about introductions is not true? a. In a business situation, offer your card only at the end of the encounter. b. Say your name and extend your hand if you can't recall a name of a person approaching you. c. Give the individual some information to help the other individual recognize you. d. Offer a business card only during a social function. e. Make it a point to use the name of someone you've just met.


Dining etiquette includes all the following except: a. Take the guest to a top restaurant to reflect highly on your organization. b. The more important the guest, the more exclusive the restaurant. c. Provide the guest with the seat with the best view. d. The maitre d' leads your guest, followed by you. e. Allow the guest to lead if there is no maitre d'.


If the interviewer simulates a stressful situation by constantly interrupting you or appearing doubtful when you answer questions, you should a. demonstrate your knowledge of the company to reassure the interviewer of your interest and abilities. b. acknowledge that you understand the interviewer's strategy and explain how well you operate under stress. c. look for an opportunity to end the conversation gracefully. d. tactfully redirect the conversation to topics that allow you to highlight your strengths and skills. e. focus on the job and formulate honest answers that show you have the ability to perform competently.


In the business introduction of a junior account manager, Karl Everson, and the new vice president, Dr. Judith Lambrecht, which of the following is correct? a. Dr. Lambrecht, I'd like you to meet Karl Everson. b. Karl Everson, this is Dr. Judith Lambrecht, our new vice president. c. Karl, this is Judy Lambrecht; Judy, Karl Everson. d. Judy, this is Karl Everson, Karl, Judy Lambrecht. e. Dr. Lambrecht, this is Karl, one of our junior account managers.


Post-interview tasks include all of the following except a. a self-appraisal of your performance. b. a review of your résumé. c. an evaluation of the letter of application. d. a thank-you note expressing appreciation for some courtesy. e. a resale effort of yourself.


Reputable information about an organization's salary schedule can be found in all sources except a. classified ads. b. College Career Services. c. the library. d. the company's annual report. e. a neighbor.


The best way to end a thank-you note to an interviewer is to a. confidently but tactfully ask when a decision will be made about filling the open position. b. ask for any feedback that would help you to improve your performance in upcoming interviews. c. correct any errors or misconceptions arising out of your interview. d. reinforce the detailed supporting evidence mentioned in the body of the message to leave a positive impression. e. thank the interviewer again and conclude with a hopeful, forward-looking statement.


Which of the following dining hints is not correct? a. While eating, don't put your elbows on the table. b. Spoon soup away from you. c. Place your knife across the top edge of the plate with the cutting edge toward you. d. When asked to pass the salt or pepper, pass both together. e. When you are through eating, place your knife diagonally across the middle of the plate to alert the waiter.


Which of the following is not a consideration to determine if a gift is appropriate? a. The gift should be impersonal. b. The gift should reflect past favors. c. The gift should be given to everyone in similar circumstances. d. The gift should not be extravagant. e. The gift should be given to your superior as an individual rather than as a group.


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