Chapter 13- Presenting a Speech Confidently and Competently

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Should you cite your sources on the info you present?

YES! give credit to all your sources

downsides of memorized speeches

a lot of time and energy to prepare (write whole speech then memorize it) can come across as excessively prepared and overly formal speaker's memory can fail

additions is...

adding unnecessary sounds to words; "bolth" instead of "both"

5 articulation problems to avoid

addition deletion transportation substitution slurring

stage fright

anxiety or fear that is brought on by performing in front of an audience type of stress that affects individuals psychologically, physically, and behaviorally

presentation aids

anything used in conjunction with a speech or presentation to stimulate listeners' senses; accessories to your speech

flavors, textures, odors

appeal to your listeners' senses of taste, touch, and smell

jewelry and accessories should NOT

attract attention; they should complement your clothing

how should you stand when speaking

back straight, shoulders square, head up- this posture makes you appear strong, composed, and in control

Extemporaneous speech advantages

bc they use minimal notes, they can maintain audience eye contact they can speak with a more relaxed tone of voice


body's reaction to any type of perceived threat

Personal appearance includes

clothing accessories grooming

advantage to eye contact

come across as confident and believable even if you feel nervous

Extemporaneous speech goal

communicate in a natural conversational manner, give the impression that you are simply talking with your listeners instead of formally addressing them

scripted speech

composed of word for word on a manuscript and then read aloud exactly as it is written

steps in preparing for extemporaneous speech

constructing purpose and thesis statements identifying main points and subpoints choosing how to introduce and conclude your speech creating a formal outline crafting a set of informal speaking notes

deep-pitched speakers...

convey greater confidence


copies of written material that listeners keep after the speech is over

a scripted speech allows the speaker to...

deliver grammatically accurate, well-planned messages within a specified time frame speaker always knows what to say

bar chart

depicts numbers as bars on a graph, such as the percentages of people in various parts of the world who regularly use the internet


developing a particular mental image, see yourself give a speech in a confident and relaxed manner


display of words or numbers in a format of columns and rows

hints to help you succeed at impromptu speeches

don't panic think in threes- identify 3 points you want to make about your topic draw from what's happened be brief- make your points concisely, provide a brief conclusion, thank your audience for listening

graphic slide

electronic display of info in a visually compelling format that can enhance listeners' attention

text slide

electronic display of text used to accompany a speech; can be created in powerpoint; clear and brief (bulleted lists of words or phrases)


events that cause the body to experience stress ex: public speaking

less anxiety when anticipating an _____ speech



extent to which the speaker pronounces words clearly; speaker's clarity

what part of your body can communicate more information than any other nonverbal channel


pie chart

graphic display of numbers in the form of a circle that is divided into segments, each of which represents a percentage of the whole

line chart

graphic display of numbers in the form of a line or lines that connect various data points


graphic display of numeric info


graphic representations of other people

physical effects of stress

heart and breathing rates increase to get more oxygen to your muscles perspire more to keep your body from overheating body produces more stress hormones pupils of your eyes dilate

most anxiety when anticipating an _____ speech


four basic styles of speech delivery

impromptu, extemporaneous, scripted, memorized

disadvantages of impromptu speech

lack of opportunity to prepare can be stressful thinking on the spot can be difficult

benefit from giving an impromptu speech

listeners may believe your words are genuine because you didn't have time to prepare them

vocal volume

loudness or softness of the voice

vocal pitch

measure of how high or low the voice is

speech anxiety affects...

more than 1 in 5 adults

what are gestures?

movements of the hands arms or head that express meaning

disadvantages to scripted speeches

much more time and energy to prepare create a detailed outline and then compose every part of the speech word for word you have to manipulate a manuscript which can be distracting for the speaker and audience

high-pitched speakers seem...

nervous and unsure

can you eliminate stage fright?

no, you can accept it as a normal part of the performance experience

non-electronic presentation aids include

objects flavors textures odors handouts people

public speaking anxiety is lowest among people who are...

outgoing, uninhibited, intellectually sophisticated, not prone to worry


pictures can be very provocative so many speakers use pictures as presentation aids


process of confronting frightening situations head-on


psychological state of worry and unease

Women report more ____ anxiety while men experience more _____ stress overall

psychological; physical

fight or flight response

reaction that helps prepare the body either to confront the stressor (thru a fight) or to avoid it (through flight)

substitution is...

replacing one part of a word with an incorrect sound; "sundee" instead of "sunday"


representation of the object; can be used to demonstrate processes

transportation is...

reversing 2 sounds within a word; "Hunderd" instead of "hundred"

least anxiety when anticipating a ____ speech


what speeches are useful when individuals must speak within a specified time frame?

scripted and memorized

What is the easiest form of speaking

scripted delivery

How should you dress?

similarly to your audience, wear conservative jewelry, and be well-groomed

volume depends on...

size of your audience, size of the room, and whether you're using a microphone

fluency is...

smoothness of the speaker's delivery

Slurring is...

speaker combines 2 or more words into 1; "going to" becomes "gonna"


speech disorder that disrupts the flow of words with repeated or prolonged sounds and involuntary pauses; strikes people early in life

extemporaneous speech

speech that is carefully prepared to sound as though it is being delivered spontaneously

memorized speech

speech that you compose word for word and then deliver from memory

Impromptu speech

speech that you deliver on the spot, with little or no preparation


speed at which you speak

when you are ethical you are...

staying away from presentations aids that might harm your audience physically or emotionally

disadvantages of extemporaneous speech

takes time to prepare difficult to do well under strict time constraints or if perfect grammar is required

scripted speeches are common when...

the exact wording of the speech is crucial or when the speech must fit within a predetermined time frame

when planning presentation aids, pay attention to...

the size and arrangement of the room the time available for the speech the resources available

benefits from using presentation aids

they improve attention, learning, and recall

People prepare speeches for many different reasons such as

to inform, to persuade, and to entertain

what does an impromptu speech require?

to think spontaneously about what you want to say and to organize your thoughts quickly into a set of speaking points


using a person as a presentation aid is more engaging than showing your audience photographs or video recordings, bc your demonstration is live

what is more important than the pitch itself

variation in pitch; speakers who vary their pitch sound energetic and dynamic and are judged by others as friendly and caring

stage fright affects behavior in 5 separate domains...

voice mouth and throat facial expression general movement verbal behavior

deletion is...

when a speaker omits part of a word sounds, usually at the beginning or end of a word; "goin" instead of "going"

do men or women have higher levels of anticipatory anxiety


anticipatory anxiety

worry people feel when looking ahead to a speech often starts when speech is assigned

Should you strive for simplicity when creating a presentation aid?


does speaking at a faster rate make a speaker more persuasive and more credible?


5 elements to an effective delivery

1. facial expression 2. eye contact 3. posture and body position 4. gestures 5. personal appearance

3 important factors when gesturing during a speech

1. gestures should look spontaneous rather than planned 2. gestures should be appropriate in number 3. gestures should be appropriate in size for your proximity to the audience

2 aspects of your facial expressions that are important for a good speech

1. your facial expressions should match the tone of your words 2. your expressions should vary over the course of your speech, speakers who do this are seen as competent and credible

debilitating stage fright causes 2 sensations...

1. your mind goes blank 2. you have an urge to escape the situation

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