Chapter 14

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16) Which brain structure is responsible for the "startle reflex" in response to loud sounds? a) Superior colliculus b) Inferior colliculus c) Pontine nucleus d) Medial lemniscus e) Arbor vitae


2) Which brain vesicle gives rise to the midbrain and cerebral aqueduct? a) Prosencephalon b) Mesencephalon c) Rhombencephalon d) Telencephalon e) Myelencephalon


2) Which statement is false in reference to the cranial meninges? a) have the same basic structure as the spinal meninges b) have three layers of the dura mater c) are continuous with the spinal meninges d) are named the dura mater, arachnoid mater, and the pia mater


28) Which of the following glands is directly controlled by hormones produced by the hypothalamus? a) Posterior pituitary gland b) Anterior pituitary gland c) Thymus gland d) Pancreas e) Pineal gland


3) Which of the following is not a true statement regarding the blood-brain barrier (BBB)? a) astrocytes play a primary role b) it consists mainly of gap junctions c) it prevents passage of possible therapeutic drugs d) it allows easy passage of lipid-soluble substances e) it prevents the flow of proteins across it


34) Which of the following functional areas of the cerebrum is responsible for vision? a) Broca's area b) Primary visual area c) Common integrative area d) Primary olfactory area e) Primary somatosensory area


44) This major portion of the brain is used to monitor movements initiated by the motor areas of the cerebrum. a) B b) E c) F d) C e) A


67) Blood flows to the brain through the _____ arteries and away from the brain through the _____ vein. a) internal carotid and vertebral; internal jugular b) external carotid and vertebral; external jugular c) internal jugular and vertebral; internal carotid d) internal carotid and axillary; internal jugular e) external jugular and axillary; external jugular


7) Which extension of the dura mater separates the two hemispheres of the cerebrum? a) Falx cerebri b) Falx cerebelli c) Tentorium cerebelli d) Tentorium cerebri e) None of these choices


72) Which of the following types of tracts are used to conduct nerve impulses between gyri within the same cerebral hemisphere? a) Association tracts b) Commissural tracts c) Projection tracts d) Mammillothalamic tracts e) Stria medullaris


A type of disabling senile dementia that affects about 11% of the population over 65 and results in loss of reasoning and ability to care for oneself, is called Alzheimer's disease. A transient ischemic attack syndrome. B agnosia c prosopagnosia d


57) Damage to which cranial nerve in the diagram by shingles or Lyme disease produces Bell's palsy? a) F b) G c) H d) I e) L


58) Which cranial nerve in the diagram has an autonomic motor function primarily involved in stimulating secretion of saliva? a) F b) I c) J d) K e) L


6) Which of the following meninges has two layers? a) Spinal dura mater b) Cranial dura mater c) Spinal arachnoid mater d) Cranial arachnoid mater e) All of these choices


6) Which structure is the pons? a) a b) b c) c d) d e) e


11) Which of the following is a narrow fluid-filled cavity found along the midline superior to the hypothalamus and between the right and left halves of the thalamus? a) Lateral ventricle b) Septum pellucidum c) Third ventricle d) Fourth ventricle e) Fifth ventricle


14) Identify the cerebral cortex in this illustration. a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


15) Which of the following disorders is the most common brain disorder? a) Transient ischemic attack b) Alzheimer's disease c) Cerebrovascular accident d) Brain tumor e) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder


17) Which region of the brain contains the pontine respiratory group and apneustic areas that help control respiration? a) Spinal cord b) Midbrain c) Pons d) Thalamus e) Cerebellum


20) Subtle anatomical differences between each hemisphere in the brain is called: a) lobular specialization b) global differentiation c) hemispheric lateralization d) cranial integration e) apraxia


27) Which of the following are NOT controlled by the hypothalamus? a) Hunger b) Thirst c) Blood calcium concentration d) Emotional behavior e) Body temperature



57) Damage to which cranial nerve in the diagram by shingles or Lyme disease produces Bell's palsy? a) F b) G c) H d) I e) L

12) Which of the following describes a function of cerebrospinal fluid? 1. Mechanical protection 2. pH homeostasis 3. Circulation a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 3 only d) Both 1 and 2 e) All of these choices


Limbic system structures control A) olfaction B) motivation C) instinctive behaviors D) emotions



43) Which of the labeled structures in the diagram contains centers that control heart rate and blood pressure? a) A b) B c) D d) E e) F


44) This major portion of the brain is used to monitor movements initiated by the motor areas of the cerebrum. a) B b) E c) F d) C e) A


47) Anosmia may result from head injuries in which the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone is fractured. This condition results in impaired function of which cranial nerve in the diagram? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


49) Which cranial nerve in the diagram has a somatic motor function primarily involved in moving the upper eyelid and eyeball? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F

4) Which of the following brain structures consists of the medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain? a) Brain stem b) Cerebrum c) Cerebellum d) Diencephalon e) Dura mater


47) Anosmia may result from head injuries in which the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone is fractured. This condition results in impaired function of which cranial nerve in the diagram? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


True/false 13) Hypothalamic axons extend to the pituitary gland and secrete hormones. Therefore, it is considered to be a part of both the nervous and endocrine systems.


A region of the brain where circumventricular organs are located is the A) cerebrum B) formix C)septum pelliclum D) hypthalamus



14) Identify the cerebral cortex in this illustration. a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E


50) Which cranial nerve in the diagram has an autonomic motor function primarily involved in near vision accommodation and constriction of the pupil? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F


51) Damage to which of the cranial nerves in the diagram would result in strabismus? a) A b) B c) C d) E e) G


52) Which cranial nerve in the diagram has a somatic motor function primarily involved in chewing? a) E b) G c) H d) I e) J


53) The maxillary branch of this labeled cranial nerve is found in the area where dentists apply anesthetic drugs for numbing the upper jaw. a) E b) G c) H d) I e) J


54) Which cranial nerve in the diagram innervates the lateral rectus muscle? a) B b) C c) D d) E e) F


55) Damage to which cranial nerve in the diagram will cause the inability of an eyeball to move laterally beyond the midpoint? a) B b) C c) D d) E e) F


56) Which cranial nerve in the diagram has an autonomic motor function primarily involved in the secretion of saliva and tears? a) B b) C c) D d) F e) G


58) Which cranial nerve in the diagram has an autonomic motor function primarily involved in stimulating secretion of saliva? a) F b) I c) J d) K e) L


59) Which cranial nerve in the diagram causes heart rate to decrease? a) H b) I c) J d) K e) L


6) Which structure is the pons? a) a b) b c) c d) d e) e


60) Which cranial nerve in the diagram is involved with speech and swallowing and has a purely motor function? a) H b) I c) J d) K e) L

16) A projection tract is one which: a) consists of axons that conduct nerve impulses to or from the cerebrum b) consists of axons that conduct impulses between ipsilateral gyri c) includes the corpus callosum as an example d) is also known as a commissural tract


22) Which of the following is a nucleus found in the midbrain that releases dopamine? a) Substantia nigra b) Inferior olivary nucleus c) Inferior colliculus d) Cerebral peduncle e) pontine nucleus


24) From which brain vesicle does the medulla oblongata develop? a) myelencephalon b) metencephalon c) mesencephalon d) diencephalon e) telencephalon


25) Which structure carries sensory information coming from proprioceptors found in the trunk and limbs into the cerebellum? a) Inferior cerebellar peduncle b) Middle cerebellar peduncle c) Superior cerebellar peduncle d) Anterior lobe e) Posterior lobe


26) Which region of the brain serves as the major relay station for most sensory impulses that reach the primary sensory areas of the cerebral cortex from the spinal cord and brain stem? a) Thalamus b) Hypothalamus c) Epithalamus d) Pons e) Midbrain


36) Which of the following functional areas of the cerebrum is responsible for speech? a) Broca's area b) Primary gustatory area c) Common integrative area d) Prefrontal cortex area e) Primary somatosensory area


37) Which of the following cranial nerves carries sensory information coming from the nasal cavity to the olfactory area of the cerebrum? a) olfactory (I) nerve (cranial nerve I) b) trigeminal (V) nerve (cranial nerve V) c) abducens (VI) nerve (cranial nerve VI) d) vestibulocochlear (VIII) nerve (cranial nerve VIII) e) vagus (X) nerve (cranial nerve X)


4) Cerebral spinal fluid is produced in which structure(s)? a) choroid plexuses b) cerebral aqueduct c) arachnoid villi d) arachnoid granulation e) median aperture


52) Which cranial nerve in the diagram has a somatic motor function primarily involved in chewing? a) E b) G c) H d) I e) J


53) The maxillary branch of this labeled cranial nerve is found in the area where dentists apply anesthetic drugs for numbing the upper jaw. a) E b) G c) H d) I e) J


1) Which statement best describes the location of the cerebellum? a) anterior to cerebrum and anterior to brain stem b) posterior to brainstem and inferior to cerebrum c) superior to cerebrum and posterior to brainstem d) superior to brainstem and posterior to cerebrum


12) Which of the following is true of the thalamus? a) it is the major relay center for just motor impulses b) it is a component of the diencephalon c) it precisely locates sensations of pain, temperature, pressure and sound d) the external capsule connects the thalamus with the cerebral cortex


19) The primary visual area is located in which lobe of the brain? a) frontal b) occipital c) parietal d) flocculonodular e) posterior


19) Which region of the brain contains the inferior olivary nucleus? a) Pons b) Medulla oblongata c) Pyramids d) Hypothalamus e) Midbrain


61) Hand preference when writing or throwing is an example of a) cranial nerve damage. b) hemispheric lateralization. c) damage to the olfactory nerve. d) damage to the Broca's area. e) None of these choices.


65) Brain waves that generally appear during periods of sensory input and mental activity are called a) alpha waves. b) beta waves. c) theta waves. d) delta waves. e) P waves.


70) The central sulcus of the cerebrum separates the a) two cerebral hemispheres. b) frontal lobe from the parietal lobe. c) frontal lobe from the temporal lobe. d) parietal lobe from the temporal lobe. e) temporal lobe from the occipital lobe.


8) Which statement is false about the medulla oblongata? a) the cardiovascular center regulates heart rate b) the nuclei of the medulla oblongata are masses of white matter where neurons synapse c) some nuclei are involved with coughing swallowing, and sneezing d) the medullary rhythmicity center adjusts breathing


22) Which statement is true regarding cranial nerves? a) they pass through intervertebral foramina b) there are 31 pairs c) they are part of the peripheral nervous system d) they all contain sensory and motor axons e) they originate from the brainstem, cerebellum and cerebrum


39) Cranial nerve V is also known as the _____ nerve. a) trochlear b) oculomotor c) trigeminal d) vagus e) abducens


43) Which of the labeled structures in the diagram contains centers that control heart rate and blood pressure? a) A b) B c) D d) E e) F


49) Which cranial nerve in the diagram has a somatic motor function primarily involved in moving the upper eyelid and eyeball? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F


50) Which cranial nerve in the diagram has an autonomic motor function primarily involved in near vision accommodation and constriction of the pupil? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) F


51) Damage to which of the cranial nerves in the diagram would result in strabismus? a) A b) B c) C d) E e) G


Cerebrospinal fluid carries small amounts of chemicals like glucose from the _____ to neurons and neuroglia. bile a interstitial fluid B blood c arachnoid space d


10) Which statement about the cerebellum is true? a) tracts of gray matter within it are called arbor vitae b) the cerebellar peduncles attach it to the cerebrum c) the cerebellar lobes are also called tentorium cerebelli d) its prime function is to 'fine tune' motor function e) the sagittal fissure separates it from the cerebrum


15) Which statement is true? a) the central sulcus separates the parietal lobe from the temporal lobe b) the postcentral gyrus contains the primary motor area c) the insula lies within the precentral gyrus d) the lateral cerebral sulcus separates the frontal lobe from the temporal lobe


18) Which component of the brain is referred to as the "emotional brain" as it plays primary role in a wide range of emotions? a) basal nuclei b) frontal lobe of the cerebrum c) corpus callosum d) limbic system e) cerebral cortex


21) Evaluation of which brain waves might indicate a brain injury in an awake adult? a) alpha waves b) beta waves c) theta waves d) delta waves e) alpha and beta waves


23) Which portion of the cerebellum contributes to equilibrium and balance? a) Tentorium cerebelli b) Anterior lobe c) Posterior lobe d) Flocculonodular lobe e) Transverse fissure


24) The cerebellar cortex consists of folia, which are a) parallel folds of white matter. b) found in the vermis only. c) portions of the pyramids. d) parallel folds of gray matter. e) used in the RAS system.


25) Which is a true statement regarding the effects of aging on the brain? a) brain mass and conduction velocity stay the same b) conduction velocity increases and brain mass decreases c) the number of synapses remains constant and conduction velocity remains constant d) reflex times increase and brain mass declines e) the number of synapses decreases and reflex time decreases


32) Together the lentiform and caudate nuclei are known as the a) globus pallidus. b) putamen. c) medial geniculate nucleus. d) corpus striatum. e) internal capsule.


35) Which of the following functional areas of the cerebrum is responsible for conscious movements of the body? a) Broca's area b) Primary visual area c) Somatosensory association area d) Primary motor area e) Primary somatosensory area


38) Which of the following cranial nerves control movements of the eyeball? a) optic (II) nerve, oculomotor (III) nerve, and trochlear (IV) nerve b) olfactory (I) nerve, trigeminal (V) nerve, and vagus (X) nerve c) oculomotor (III) nerve, glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve, and trigeminal (V) nerve d) oculomotor (III) nerve, trochlear (IV) nerve, and abducens (VI) nerve e) vagus (X) nerve, accessory (XI) nerve, and hypoglossal (XII) nerve


41) Which of the following cranial nerves is primarily responsible for changing facial expressions? a) Oculomotor b) Trigeminal c) Spinal accessory d) Facial e) Vagus


59) Which cranial nerve in the diagram causes heart rate to decrease? a) H b) I c) J d) K e) L


62) Patients with damage in the left hemisphere often exhibit aphasia (inability to use or comprehend words). This is an example of a) apraxia. b) delirium. c) cerebral lacerations. d) hemispheric lateralization. e) decussations.


7) The term 'decussation' means: a) to split in half b) control of movement c) a form of sensory input d) crossing e) swallowing


71) Which lobe of the cerebrum is found deep to the other four lobes and thus cannot be observed from the surface? a) occipital lobe b) temporal lobe c) parietal lobe d) insula e) corpus callosum


73) Which three areas of gray matter found in each cerebral hemisphere are important in helping to control the initiation and termination of skeletal muscle movements? a) red nuclei b) vestibular nuclei c) lateral olivary nuclei d) basal nuclei e) autonomic ganglia


74) Damage to which portion of the limbic system results in loss of memory of recent events and difficulty committing anything new to memory? a) amygdala b) dentate gyrus c) cingulate gyrus d) hippocampus e) septal nuclei


A region of the brain where circumventricular organs are located is the cerebrum Brain waves that appear during deep sleep are called A) beta b) theta C) alpha D) delta

D delta

17) Which of the following is a function of the basal nuclei? a) control subconscious contraction of skeletal muscles b) influence attention, memory and planning c) help initiate and terminate movements d) assist in regulating emotional behaviors e) all of these choices are functions of the basal nuclei


21) Which of the following is a nucleus found in the medulla oblongata that receives sensory information associated with touch, pressure and vibration? a) Tectum b) Superior colliculus c) Substantia nigra d) Pontine nucleus e) Gracile nucleus


29) Which region of the brain contains the pineal gland? a) Thalamus b) Cerebellum c) Hypothalamus d) Cerebrum e) Epithalalmus


33) Which of the following functional areas of the cerebrum is responsible for sensing body touch and temperature? a) Broca's area b) Primary visual area c) Common integrative area d) Prefrontal cortex area e) Primary somatosensory area


40) Which of the following cranial nerves is responsible for regulating visceral activity? a) Oculomotor b) Trigeminal c) Spinal accessory d) Facial e) Vagus


54) Which cranial nerve in the diagram innervates the lateral rectus muscle? a) B b) C c) D d) E e) F


55) Damage to which cranial nerve in the diagram will cause the inability of an eyeball to move laterally beyond the midpoint? a) B b) C c) D d) E e) F


56) Which cranial nerve in the diagram has an autonomic motor function primarily involved in the secretion of saliva and tears? a) B b) C c) D d) F e) G


60) Which cranial nerve in the diagram is involved with speech and swallowing and has a purely motor function? a) H b) I c) J d) K e) L


True or false 5) The blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier does not allow any substances from the blood to enter the CSF.


True/False 11) The primary neurological function of all three pairs of cerebellar peduncles is to relay information between the cerebellum and the skeletal muscles.


True/False 23) The primary difference between a sensory and a mixed cranial nerve is that a mixed cranial nerve has its origins within the CNS and the spinal cord.


True/False 9) The reticular activating system (RAS) is a part of the reticular formation. The primary function of the descending fibers of the RAS is to maintain muscle tone.


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