Chapter 14

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Waste oil and solvents Drinking water

Often illegally dumped garbage includes _____ and _____. Increasingly these toxic chemicals are showing up and groundwater, on which nearly half of the US population depends for ______

Operators are required to compact the refuse and cover it every day with a layer of dirt to decrease smells in litter into discourage insects and rats

A modern sanitary landfill is designed to contain waste. What do they do?

11 billion tons 3.6 tons

According to the EPA the United States produces approximately _____of solid waste each year, or roughly _____ per person

Mass burn Plastics, batteries, and other mix substances are burned.

Another approach, called a ...., is to dump everything into a giant furnace, unsorted, and burn as much as possible. This method often produces more air pollution as...

Hazardous waste

Any discarded material, liquid or solid, that contain substance known to be any of the following: 1.) fatal to humans are a laboratory animals in low doses 2.) Toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic to humans or other life forms 3.) ignitable with the flashpoint less than 60°C 4.) corrosive 5.) explosive are highly reactive ( underGoes violent chemical reactions either by itself or with mixed with other materials)

Open, unregulated dumps

Are the pre-dominant method of waste disposal and most developing countries, we're government infrastructure, including waste collection, has trouble serving growing populations Most developed countries for bed but illegal is still a problem

Leaking or have a potential for leaking supertoxic, carcinogenic, teratogenic, or mutagenic materials 75% 56%

Are you superfund sites are considered to be especially hazardous to human health and environmental quality because they are known to be ground water has been contaminated at _____ of the sites and ______I have contaminated surface waters


As the term is used in solid waste management, is the re-processing of discarded materials into new products. Sometimes it reproduces products. All aluminum cans and glass bottles are usually melted in recast into new cans and bottles. The lead from car batteries can be used to make new batteries. Sometimes entirely new products are made. All tires are shredded and turned into playground or road surfacing Newspapers become celluloseinsulation, and steel cans become new automobiles or construction materials.

Photo degradable products

Break down when exposed to UV radiation

Chemical processing

Can transfer materials to make them non-toxic. Included in this category are neutralization, removal of metals or halogens, chlorine, Bromine, etc. and oxidation

$35 or ton $80

Curbside pick up of recyclables cost around ______as opposed to the ________ Paid to dispose of them at an average metropolitan landfill

54% 33% 13%

Currently _____ of all municipal solid waste in the US goes to landfills, _____ iss recycled and ______ is incinerated.

Electronics, or ewaste 50 million metric tons E waste

Discarded ______ or ______is one of the greatest sources of toxic material currently going to developing countries it is estimated that _____ tons of _____ or discarded every year.


European countries rely heavily on _____, in part because they lack landfill space. Municipal waste systems in many European countries sort ways to remove both recyclables and toxic materials.


Even better than recycling or composting is cleaning and reusing materials in their present form, the saving the cost and energy of remaking them into something else. Auto parts are regularly sold from junkyards. Stained glass windows, brass fittings, fine woodwork, and bricks salvaged from old houses are all reused in construction. Some communities sort and reuse materials received in their dumps In some cities, glass and plastic bottles are returned to beverage produces producers for washing and refilling. The reusable refillable bottle is the most efficient beverage container we have.

150,000 tons (330 million pounds) 1,000 kilometers (660 miles)

Even in remote regions, beaches are littered with the nondegradable flotsam and jetsam About ______ of fishing gear, including more than ______of nets, are lost or discarded at sea each year Until recently, many cities in the United States dumped municipal refuse, industrial waste, sewage, and sewage sludge in the ocean. Federal legislation prohibits this dumping

Built waste incinerators to burn municipal waste. heat nearby buildings or to produce steam and generate electricity.

Facing with growing piles of trash and a lack of available landfills cities have... Most do you some degree of ENERGY RECOVERY, using the heat derived from refuse to...

Brownfields 1/3 Brownfields

In many cities there a huge large areas of contaminated properties that have been abandoned or are not being used to the potential because of real or suspected pollution. Up to _____of all commercial and industrial sites in the urban core of many big cities fall in this category. And have you industrial Corredor is the percentage is typically higher It is hard to find buyers for such property, as he would be interested in redeveloping ________knowing that they might be forced to pay millions of dollars to clean up pollution they didn't create? Even if I say is been clean to current standards, there's a worry that additional pollution might be found in the future.

Biodegradable plastics

Incorporate materials like corn starch that micro organisms can decompose

400 million metric tons

Industrial waste amounts to ______ per year in the US

Permanent retrievable storage

Involves placing waste storage containers in a secure place such as the salt mine or better at cavern where they can be inspected periodically and retrieved if necessary Expensive but the advantage is that we don't completely lose control of the toxic substances that could eventually leak into groundwater if they were stored in a landfill

The resource conservation and recovery act RCRA, pronounced rickra of 1976

Is a comprehensive program that requires rigorous testing in management of toxic and hazardous substances. Every step, generations, shippers, users, and disposers of these materials must keep an account of what happens to it from generation to ultimate disposal

Waste stream

Is a term for the study flow of varied waste we all produce, from domestic garbage and yard waste, to industrial, commercial, and construction refuse Organic material such as yard and garden waste, food waste in sewage sludge from sewage treatment plants Junk cars, worn out furniture, and consumer products of all types Newspapers, magazines, packaging and office refuse


Is applicable to mixtures of ways. A permanent solution to many problems, it is quick and relatively easy but not necessarily cheap or clean

Composting Compost Aids water retention, slows soil erosion, and improves crop yields

Is the biological degradation of organic matter under Aerobic oxygen rich conditions The organic _____resulting from this process makes a nutrient rich soil amendment that .....

Refuse-derived fuel

Is the waste that is left after unburnable or recycled materials are removed.

700 million metric tons Electrical generation

Landfills are estimated to produce more than _____ of methane annually. Now about half of all landfill gas in the United States is flared (burned) on site or is collected and used as fuel for... Historically, landfills were convenient and cheap. With new rules for public health protection, landfills are becoming fewer, larger, and more expensive.


Low prices for new materials is a primary obstacle. New _____made from oil is usually cheaper than the cost of collecting and transporting used


Making recycling pay for itself is often the critical challenge. ______is usually the easiest and most valuable material to recycle light weight, high value, and expensive to produce from Rall materials, it can be used for many purposes


Many of the materials and our waste stream would be ____ resources if they were not mixed in with other garbage. Unfortunately our collecting and dumping processes mix and crush everything together making separation and expensive and sometimes impossible task

1989 Dismantled and recycled

Most industrialized nations agreed to stop shipping hazardous and toxic waste to less developed countries in _____, but the practice still continues. Most of the worlds obsolete ships are now _______ poor countries. The work is dangerous and old ships are often full of toxic and hazardous materials.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Plastic debris is a growing problem in all the worlds oceans Millions of tons of plastic drink bottles, caps, plastic shopping bags, and other debris end up at sea All of this debris, floating just below the surface, accumulates in vast regions of slowly swirling ocean currents. The ______ was discovered in 1997 it is the best known of these plastic debris fields

Yard waste

Pressed for landfill space, many cities have banned ______from municipal garbage Rather than Barry this valuable organic material they are turning it into a useful product through composting

Energy consumption and air pollution 50-60% 75%

Recycling also reduces _____ and ______ Plastic bottle recycling good save ____ of the energy needed to make new bottles. Making new steal from old scrap is up to a ____energy savings

Raw resources 4 tons 75,000

Recycling lowers demand for ___________. For example recycling 1 ton of aluminum saves _____tons of aluminum ore. Are you at Kutztown 2 million trees every day to produce new sprint and paper products. Recycling the print run of a single Sunday issue of the New York Times would spare _____trees

Food and consumer products

Reducing waste is the cheapest option. Industries are increasingly finding that reducing saves money. Soft drink makers use less aluminum per can then they did 20 years ago, in plastic bottles use less plastic. Excessive packaging of _______ is one of our greatest sources of unnecessary waste. Where disposal packaging is necessary, we still can reduce the waste by using materials that are compostable or degradable

Mass burn Dioxins and furans, lead, and cadmium in incinerator ash.

Residue from _____ often contains a variety of toxic components including (4)


Sanitary landfills must also manage ________,a greenhouse gas produced an organic material decomposes inside a landfill Landfills are the single largest anthropogenic source in the United States

36,000 1,) provide an immediate response to emergency situations that pose eminent hazards 2.) to clean up a remediate abandoned or inactive sites Without this fund, sites would sit for as long as decades while the courts decided he was responsible for paying for the cleanup.

The EPA estimates that there are at least _____ seriously contaminated sites in the US The superfund is a revolving pool design to:

Municipal Solid waste 250 million metric tons per year in the us or 2 kg per person per day 5 to 10

The garbage we produce in our houses, offices, and cities, accounts for a small percentage of total waste by weight, but is one of our most important challenges and waste management. It is hard to reuse and recycle because it contains many different kinds of materials, yet it amounts to _________per year in the US or ___________per person per day which is twice as much per capita as Europe or Japan and _____ to ______times as much as most developing countries.

30 million 20%

The growing popularity of bottled water has created a serious waste disposal problem. Of the _____ bottles of water consumed globally each year less than _____ are recycled.

Secure landfills Clay

The most popular solutions for hazardous waste disposal Although many landfills have an environmental disasters new or techniques make a possible to create safe secure modern landfills that can contain many hazardous The first line of defense is a thick bottom cushion of compacted ____ that's around the pit is in permeable to ground water. A layer of gravel is right over the Clay and drain pipes collect any seepage a thick plastic liner covers the gravel bed.

25,000 metric tons (55 million pounds)

The oceans are vast, but they're not large enough to absorb our waste without harm Every year some __________ of packaging, including millions of bottles, cans, and plastic containers, or dumped at sea


There have been some success and recycling in recent years. Nationally, the US recycles or composts ______ municipal solid waste.


They can pose a health risk if they are not well-built and well-managed, they can produce large amounts of ash and hazardous airborne emissions

Physical treatment

Tie up or isolate substances through for example filters distillation or precipitation and immobilization

An impermeable clay and/of plastic lining.

To prevent leakage of hazardous substances such as oil, chemical compounds, and toxic metals to Groundwater and streams, landfills require....

370 billion and 1.7 trillion

Total cost for hazardous waste cleanup in the US are estimated to be between ____and _____

Processed or stored permanently

Toxic waste must be


Vast circulating ocean currents known as _____are driven by the earths rotation. These currents collect floating plastic debris in regents thousands of kilometers wide. Fish have been found with stomachs full of plastic fragments, sea birds eat plastic then regurgitate it to their chicks and many other aquatic organisms are adversely affected

1960 50 years

We produce far more waste than previous generations. The EPA has tracked overall production at municipal solid waste since____. Disposable paper and plastic products have grown most dramatically in the past ____ years

900 million metric tons 40 million metric tons Chemical and petroleum industries

We produce in use of Flammable, or explosive, caustic, acidic, and highly toxic chemical substances for industrial, agricultural, and domestic purposes. According to the EPA, US industries generate _______of officially classified hazardous waste each year. There is even more toxic and hazardous waste produce that is not regulated by the EPA At least ______ of toxic and hazardous waste are released into the air, water, and land in the US each year The biggest source of these toxins are....


What we can do to reduce waste


When _____materials get mixed into the waste stream, they get disbursed through thousands of tons of garbage making disposal we're burning a difficult expensive and risky job

Rust belt

Where are these thousands of hazardous waste sites and how did they get contaminated? Old industrial facilities, such as smelters, mills, petroleum refineries, and chemical manufacturing plants, are highly likely to have been a source of toxic waste. Regions of the country with high concentrations of aging factories such as the _____ around the Great Lakes have large numbers of superfund sites.


You have undoubtedly seen trash accumulated a long road sides and vacant lots. Much does trash washes into _____ and eventually into the ocean

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