Chapter 14: Classical Art: Greece & Rome

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freestanding figures - statues of young men.


The philosophy that the universe is governed by natural laws and that people should follow virtue, as determined, by reason, and remain indifferent to passion or emotion.


The reducing phase in vase painting creates the ______ figures.


The representation of forms according to a concept of perfection.


The sole source of light in the Pantheon is its ___________.

Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian

The three styles, or orders, in Greek architecture were:


The use of the coffer in _________ helps lighten-both visually and structurally.


The weight-shift principle in _______ creates a diagonal balance across the body.


Theatrically in sculpture is a characteristic of the ________ period.


Tombs look like their homes


A system of belief in which human-kind is viewed as the standard by which all things are measured.

Black-figure painting

A three-stage firing process that gives vases black figures on a reddish ground.

Cinerary urn

A vessel used for keeping the ashes of the cremated dead.

vase painting

A volute krater is usually divided to help depict scenes in ____________.


An __________ portrait shows the person on horseback.


An open public space, particularly in ancient Rome, used as a market and a gathering place.

Hellenistic Period

Art is characterized by excessive, almost theatrical emotion. HIGH Drama!!


a panel incised with vertical grooves that serve to divide in a Doric frieze.


a philosophy in which knowledge is assumed to come from reason alone.


any triangular shape surrounded by cornices, especially one that surmounts the entablature of the portico facade of Greek temple.

Alexander the Great

Greek art entered the Hellenistic period under the reign of ______________.


Greek men considered themselves to be the center of the universe and the "the measure of all things"


He used the double weight shift principle in his sculpture.

late classical

Hermes and Dionysos by Praxiteles is an undisputed work of the ________ era.


Images painted directly on a wall or intended to cover a wall completely.


In Greek Classical Art, a heavy woolen wrap.


In architecture, the lower part of an entablature, which may consist of one or more horizontal bands.


In ceramics, clay that is thinned to the consistency of cream for use in casting, decorating, or cementing.

Archaic Period

- 600 to 480 BCE - Change from Geometric period was gradual. - Influenced by art of Eastern countries. - Flowing forms and fantastic animals with emphasis on human figure.

Early Classical Art

- Balance between emotion and intellect. The change from Archaic to Classical art was during the "Golden Age".

Ionic Order

- Capital is a scroll or volute similar to those seen on the Francois vase. - Scroll like

Sculpture - Early classical period

- Developed implied movement. ex: Discobolus (Discus Thrower) by Myron.

Classical Art

- During this time Greece embarked upon a period of peace and turned its attention to rebuilding its monuments and advancing art, drama and music under the attention of the dynamic statesman PERICLES.

Doric Order

- Earliest, simplest and most commonly used - The capital is simple and cushion like. ORIGINATED IN ARCHAIC PERIOD.

Most important concerns of the ancient Greeks were:

- Man - Reason - Nature

Corinthian Order

- Most intricate of the three - Capitals were the most elaborate, consisting of overlapping acanthus leaves carved all around. DEVELOPED BY THE GREEKS

Sculpture - Archaic Period

- emerged as a principle art form during the Archaic period. - EXAMPLE: KOURUS AND KORE

Phidian style

- lightness of touch - attention to realistic detail - contrast of texture - fluidity and spontaneity of movement

Geometric period

- spanned approximately two centures - 900 to 700 BCE - called "geometric" because during this time, geometric patterns predominated in art. - When present, the human for was reduced to geometric forms of circles and triangles.

3 styles or orders in Greek architecture

1. Doric 2. Ionic 3. Corinthian

2 parties the Roman system of government was based on

1. Patricians 2. Plebian

3-stage firing process for black-figure painting technique

1. oxidizing phase 2. reducing phase 3. re-oxidizing phase


A Roman engineering device used to carry water over long distances was called a(n) ___________.


A bridgelike structure that carries a canal or pipe of water across a river or valley.


A coffin or tomb, especially one made of limestone.


A continuous base or platform that supports a row of columns .


A continuous base supporting a row of columns in classical Greek architecture.


A decorative sunken panel


A hall or entrance court


A member of the noble class in ancient Rome

Herringbone perspective

A portrayal of space in which orthogonals vanish to a specific point along a vertical line that divides a canvas.


A rectangular room with a two-columned porch.


A round or oval open-air theater with an arena surrounded by rising tiers of seats.


A round window, particularly one placed at the apex of a dome.


A single, large block of stone; in sculpture, monolithic refers to a work that retains much of the shape of the original block of stone.


A slight convex curvature of a column used to provide the illusion of continuity of thickness as the column rises.

Architectural style

A style of Roman painting in which walls were given the illusion of opening onto a scene.


But their quest for beauty and perfection also allowed them to develop forms according to accepted ideals, and _________ became the standard in their art.


Central room surround by a single or double row of columns.


Composed of right angles.

Architecture - Archaic Period

During Archaic period, an architectural format was developed that provided the basis for temple architecture throughout the history of Ancient Greece.


During the Empire period of Roman history, the pure realism of Republican portrait busts was modified toward something akin to Greek.

Architecture - Classical period

Ex: Parthenon ( New temple to Athena) became one of the most influential buildings in the history of architecture, under direction of Pericles. - DORIC ORDER COLUMNS.

Francois Vase

Example of Vase Painting (GREEK) - a volute krater is a fine example of black-figure painting technique.

Pont du Gard

Example of an Aqueduct in Southern France


Female statues. - made with more clothing covering female counterparts.


Following Praxiteles - introduced more slender and taller figures. - the whole of the work cannot be viewed from a single position.

Republican Period

From the time of the final victories over the Etruscans until the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE. - Not a true democracy.

Vase Painting - Archaic Period

GREEK Floral motifs became the preferred subject.

early classical

Myron's Discobolus (Discus Thrower) was on of the most widely copied works of the ________ period.

reason and intellect

Polykleitos statues are based on: ex: Doryphoros


Polykleitos's canon of proportions was developed in the ________ period.


Portrait sculpture is wholly Italian.

basilica of Maxentius and Constantine


Equestrian Portrait

ROMAN - lively bodies - facial expressions adhering to stoic philosophy -classical poses


ROMAN - masonry supported by metal dowels --dowels were removed when metal became scarce -- now only held up by gravity


ROMAN - Concrete dome

Frescoes and mosaics

Roman houses were decorated with ________________

Double weight shift principle

S curve - weight from both limbs on one side of body is transferred


S curve results from double weight shift and enhances a naturalistic effect in _________.


Sculptor who was commissioned by Pericles to oversee the entire sculptural program of the Parthenon.


Some free-standing statues of this period were created by the rival artist of Phidias which was ___________.


Stylobate is used in _________ as a support or base.


The Doric frieze is divided vertically into compartments called ____________.


The Early Classical style of Greek art is sometimes called the ________ style.


The Francois Vase is from the ______ period.


The Greek goddess of wisdom, skills, and war.


The Greeks love of nature and their belief that human beings were a reflection of its perfect order was incorporated into their art as ___________.

body ; intellect

The Greeks sought a balance between elements: mind and ________, emotion and _________.


The Late Classical period of Greek art brought a more humanistic and _________ style.


The Parthenon in Athens is an example of the _______ style or architecture.


The Parthenon was dedicated to the goddess __________.

Empire period

The Roman period from about 27 BCE to 395 CE, when the empire was divided.

Republican period

The Roman period lasting from the victories over the Etruscans to the death of Julius Caesar.


The _______ Peplos Kore is one of the most enchanting images in Greek art.

Late Classical Art

The _____________ period brought more humanistic and naturalistic style, with emphasis on expression and emotion.


The belief that ethical conduct is determined by reason; in philosophy, the theory that knowledge is derived from the intellect, without the aid of the senses.


The columns are not exactly vertical but slope inward, and the shafts themselves swell outward from the base and narrow again before reaching the capital, called ________.


The culture, thought, and ethical system of ancient Greece.


The fortified upper part of a Greek City; literally, "city on a hill."

domestic dwellings

The interiors of Etruscan tombs were constructed to resemble __________.


_______ class, common folk, who were permitted to elect their patrician representatives.


________ art is characterized by excessive, almost theatrical emotion.


__________ was court sculptor to Alexander the Great


a gateway building leading to an open court in front of a Greek or Roman temple; specifically, such a building on the Acropolis.


a horizontal band between the architrave and the cornice that is often decorated with sculpture.


a horizontal structure supported by columns, which, in turn, supports any other element, such as a pediment, that is placed above; from top to bottom, the entablature consists of a cornice, a frieze, and an architrave.


a large oblong hall or building


aristocratic class who ruled


birth of Greek culture





Weight shift principle

tension and relaxation of limbs are balanced across the body.

Plebeian class

the common people


the panels containing relief sculpture that appear between the triglyphs of the Doric frieze.


top of column

Volute krater

wide mouthed vessel with scroll handles

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