Chapter 14 learn smart

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have granular cytoplasm, short life spans avg. about 12 hours.

2 characteristics of granulocytes

limits self repair, prevents cell from dividing in the future

2 effects of the loss of a nucleus from a RBC

sodium, calcium, bicarbonate, potassium

4 of the electrolytes that are found in the plasma

hematopoietic growth factors

As hematopoietic stem cells divide, the new cells, myeloid and lymphoid stem cells, respond to different secreted growth factors, called ________, that turn on some genes and turn off others.

connective tissue

Blood is classified as what type of tissue?

blood contents

Its cells include red blood cells and white blood cells. Blood also contains cellular fragments called platelets. The cells and platelets are termed "formed elements" of the blood, in contrast to the liquid portion. --FIGURE 14.1 Blood consists of a liquid portion called plasma and a solid portion (the formed elements) that includes red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

the percentages of each type of leukocytes within a sample

What is a differential white blood cell count?


What is another name for platelets?


What is the most abundant type of plasma protein?

Red bone marrow

What is the primary location for erythropoiesis in adults


anemia is a class of conditions that have one thing in common: the blood can't carry enough ______


any molecule that triggers an immune response

HIV or Aids

decrease in lymphocytes

bacterial infection

increase in neutrophils


megakaryocytes, and therefore platelets, develop in response to what hormone

polycythemia (poly-many)

overproduction of red blood cells

bright red; darker red

oxyhemoglobin appears ______ in color; deoxyhemoglobin appears _________.

hematocrit (hema-blood)

percentage of red blood cells in a given volume of blood


plasma comprises about _____% of the blood's volume

Blood volume

typically about 8% of body weight, although that relationship varies with percent adipose tissue. An average size adult has about 5 liters.

blood clot formation

what is effective in stopping the loss of blood.

presence of infection

what is suggested by an increased white blood cell count?


what is the most abundant cation found in the blood

protect against disease

what is the primary function of leukocytes

formation of blood clot

what is the result of the process of coagulation


what is the term for the condition in which there are too many WBCs

reduced red blood cell count

what situation would reduce the ability of the blood to carry oxygen.


which anion is the most abundant in blood.

3 main events of hemostasis

1. blood vessel spasm 2. platelet plus formation 3. coagulation

3 characteristics of platelets

1. capable of ameboid movement 2. they are less than half the size of RBCs 3. They live for about 10 days

events in the life cycle of red blood cells

1. erythropoiesis takes place in the red bone marrow 2. red blood cells are released in the blood stream and live for approx. 120 days 3. RBCs are destroyed by macrophages in liver and spleen 4. Hemoglobin liberated is broken down into heme and globin 5. iron is transported to bone marrow and recycled: billiverdin and billirubin are excreted.

lymphocytes, monocytes

Leukocytes that lack visible granules in their cytoplasm include ____ and ______.

electrolytes, water, hormones

List 3 components of plasma


RBCs are red because they contain an abundance of the pigment protein called _______.

cell division

Red blood cells lack a nucleus. Which cell function is most dramatically affected by this.


Red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body, are also known as ______


T/F plasma accounts for about 75% of the blood volume


T/F: white blood cells and platelets comprise about 90% of blood volume


The blood protein that is made up of four globin chains and four heme groups is


The hormone erythropoietin (EPO) controls the rate of red blood cell formation through ______ feedback


The major types of ____ are T-cells and B-cells, both important in immunity

A and B antigens

The most common type of blood typing test is based on the presence or absence of which erythrocyte-bound antigens?

positive chemotaxis

The process called ______ results in leukocytes being attracted to a site of tissue damage. They are attracted by chemicals released by damaged cells.


The term ____ is a general term that means the cessation (or stoppage) of bleeding


The term ____, or packed cell volume (pcv), refers to the percentage of RBCs in a volume of blood. The typical value for this is about 45%


The term _____ describes the movement of white blood cells (leukocytes) out of a blood vessel by squeezing between the cells of the blood vessel wall.

3 characteristics of erythrocytes (RBCs)

They are bioncave discs, They are specialized for carrying oxygen, They lack mitochondria

Blood overview

This complex mixture of cells, cell fragments, and dissolved biochemicals carries nutrients, oxygen, wastes, and hormones; helps maintain the stability of the intestinal fluid; and distributes heat. The blood, heart, and blood vessels form the cardiovascular system and link the body's internal and external environments.


WBCs called ______ migrate into tissues and become macrophages which phagocytize bacteria, dead cells, and other debris

amino acids, iron

What 2 products of RBC destruction are recycled for use in a new RBC

by type of antigen(s) on RBCs surfaces

What determines a person's ABO blood type?


a blood clot (or fragment of a blood clot) that breaks free and travels in the blood stream is called a(n) ______


a generalized condition in which there is too little hemoglobin or too few erythrocytes is called _______


a greenish pigment that is eventually converted into an orange pigment or secreted into bile


a multilobed nucleus is typical of which leukocyte


a type of connective tissue whose cells are suspended in a liquid extracellular matrix

hemostatic mechanisms

blood clotting, vascular spasm, platelet plug formation


broken down into amino acids and recycled

simple sugars (glucose), nucleotides, amino acids, lipids

four types of nutrients present in the plasma


hematopoietic stem cells, also called ________, are responsible for the production of all formed elements of the blood.

red bone marrow

hematopoietic stem cells, or hemocytoblasts, are responsible for the production of all formed elements. Where are these cells located?

myeloid; lymphoid

hemocytoblasts divide, giving rise to cells called ____ stem cells and _____ stem cells


in low oxygen conditions, the kidneys secrete the hormone __________, which functions to increase red blood cell production.

parasitic infection or allergic reaction

increase in eosinophils


is the formation of blood cells. Blood cells originate in red bone marrow from Page 532. hematopoietic stem cells, also known as hemocytoblasts (he″mo-si′to-blastz)

3 items that describe plasminogen

it binds to fibrin stands within a clot, it is a plasma protein, when activated, it is converted plasmin

granulocytes; agranulocytes

leukocytes circulating in blood are divided into two categories: three cell types are classified as _______ (with markedly granular cytoplasm) and two cell types are classified as ________ (with less obvious cytoplasmic granules)

colony-stimulating factors; interleukins

leukocytes develop from hemopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow in response to hormones called _____ and _________.

red bone marrow

leukocytes develop in _____ in response to various hormones

four functions of plasma proteins

maintenance of blood pH, maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance, maintenance of osmotic pressure, transport of nutrient molecules


molecules produced during immune responses that attack antigens are called __________.


mostly recycled to the bone marrow


name the nutrient that is critical for hemoglobin synthesis

carbon dioxide, oxygen

name the two blood gases that are most important to homeostasis.


name the type of formed element that is important in the repair of damaged blood vessels

anticoagulants, coagulants

normally, without the presence of an injury, _____are more abundant than _____; therefore the blood does not clot

Describing plasma proteins

not ordinarily used as a source of energy, most abundant of the dissolved substances in the plasma, remain in the blood and interstitial fluid.


once outside the blood vessels, leukocytes move through the interstitial spaces using a form of self-propulsion called _________ motion


once red blood cells become damaged, cells called macrophages phagocytize and destroy them, primarily the liver and spleen.


orange pigment that is secreted into bile or excreted by kidneys


platelets are fragments of cells. They are fragments of very large cells called _______.


sometimes vegetarians don't take in enough dietary iron. This could cause a condition called iron-deficiency anemia


source- creatine metabolism

uric acid

source- nucleic acid catabolism


source- protein catabolism

macrophages; old erythrocytes

the spleen and liver contain _____ that remove ______ from blood.


the term for white blood cell count above 10,500 cell per microliter is _________


the type of leukocyte with bi-lobed nucleus and large deep red granules in a(n)

two characteristics of neutrophils

they phagocytize bacteria, fungi and some viruses, they are most abundant leukocytes in a typical blood sample (account for 54-62% of leukocytes in a typical blood sample.)


which molecule is the precursor to fibrin


which of the following root words means "to break up"


which root word means "large"


white blood cell


within the circulation, ____ is a complex cell-free solution of water, proteins, nutrients, electrolytes, wastes, hormones, and gases


within the circulation, formed elements are suspended in liquid called _______

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