chapter 14 personal finance

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professionals responsible for clients' funds

institutional investors

The market for newly issued securities and initial public offerings (IPOs) is the ________ market.


t/f One of the factors involving risks of investments is the time period you have to keep your money invested.


t/f A company has a choice of whether to distribute dividends to common shareholders or to keep their profits in the company as retained earnings.


t/f Present and future value concepts are used to determine the wealth provided by an investment.


Which one thing do you always have with common stock?

voting rights

It would be very difficult and expensive for an individual investor to benefit from holding all 500 stocks of the Standard and Poor's 500 Index.


t/f An advantage of investing in corporate bonds is that they hold their value and pay predictable interest (coupon) payments periodically.


t/f Bonds are certificates representing partial ownership of a firm.


t/f Common stockholders usually have more dividend rights than preferred stockholders.


t/f Institutional investors are professionals employed by a financial institution, who invest their own money earned from their jobs.


t/f It is easy to predict the level of demand for certain investments since future economic conditions are fairly measurable.


t/f Many more shares of stock are traded daily on the primary market than on the secondary market.


t/f Most investors are fully aware of the risk involved when pursuing investments that have the potential for very large returns.


t/f Real estate is a good investment option for individuals and it offers the same liquidity as stocks or bonds.


t/f Smart investors can find investments that generate high rates of returns with small amounts of risk.


t/f The stocks of well-known companies are referred to as "preferred stock."


t/f When economic conditions are strong, the demand for most types of investments is low.


t/f Since the gain received from the sale of stock is always taxed as ordinary income, you might want to time your sale to shift your profit from one year to another.


Examples of common investment mistakes covered in the text include all of the following except

following the advice of a stockbroker

Common stock is not

guaranteed a dividend

The difference between common and preferred stock is that preferred stock

has predictable income and more safety.

Stock prices are characterized by all of the following except they

have a set lower limit.

Income stocks tend to pay ________ dividends and have ________ appreciation of stock prices.

higher; lower

Which of the following is true with regards to the trade-off between a risk-free investment and a risky investment?

if you prefer less risk, purchase a bond issued by a successful and established firm

Stocks that provide investors with steady income in the form of large dividends are classified as ________.

income stocks

When a corporation goes from being a private to a public firm it will sell stock in what is called a(n) ________.

initial public offering

________ investors are professionals employed by a financial institution and are responsible for managing money.


You have $10,000 to invest and would like to set these funds aside for retirement in 20 years. You should

invest in a diversified stock mutual fund.

Publicly traded indexes are not

investments offering only capital appreciation but no dividends.

An initial public offering (IPO) is characterized by all of the following except

is available to individual investors before institutional investors

When a firm performs well, investors holding shares are ________ willing to sell it and therefore, the demand for the stock ________.

less; increaases

All of the following gains from investments are taxed as ordinary income except

long-term capital gains

Growth stocks tend to pay ________ dividends and have ________ appreciation of stock prices.

lower; higher

One advantage of investing in commercial real estate compared to stock, bonds, and mutual funds is that real estate

may yield income and tax advantages not available with the other investments

Before you start to invest, you should ensure liquidity by owning

money market mutual funds`

Which of the following investments would you not consider if you have adequate liquidity and additional funds to invest?

money market securities

growth stocks tend to

offer great opportunities of capital appreciation

For minimal tax consequences, when your stock increases in value it should be held for

over a year

first priority over common stockholders to receive dividends

preferred stock

Newly issued securities are traded in the ________.

primary market

The best way to ensure that you will receive dividends is to

purchase preferred stock

If you have $1,000 to invest, but will need the money in one month to pay bills, you should

put the money in a money market savings account

The largest market where existing securities are sold is called the ________ market.


existing securities are sold in this market

secondary market

It is December 30th and you have stock in Zero Corporation, which you bought on March 1st that has lost $2,000 in value. You have already sold other stock that you bought this year for a gain. From a tax standpoint, what should you do with the Zero stock?

sell it today

t/f A key reason for uncertainty surrounding the return on investment is the uncertainty surrounding the current economic conditions.


t/f An investment that has the potential to rise substantially in value also has the potential to decline substantially in value. If you cannot afford the possible loss, you should not make that investment.


t/f Because dividends are fixed, the prices of preferred stock are not as volatile as those of common stock.


t/f Common stockholders have the right to vote on key corporate issues, but also have the last right to the assets or profits of a company. Answer: TRUE


t/f In addition to the interest earned on a bond, it is also possible that the actual bond will increase in value over time.


t/f Most individual investors who buy and sell stock do so on the secondary market through brokers or investment companies.


t/f Mutual fund gains can be in the form of dividends or capital gains, which are passed on to the individual investors.


t/f One of the attractive features of mutual funds is that they offer small investors a diversified portfolio and professional management.


t/f The higher the dividend paid by a firm, the lower its potential stock price appreciation.


t/f The primary market is used by firms to raise funds and is a market where newly issued securities are traded.


t/f The return you will earn on certain stocks and bonds is uncertain because certain prices are not guaranteed.


t/f The standard deviation of a stock's monthly returns measures the degree of volatility of a stock's returns over time and can be a method of evaluating a stock's future risk.


t/f The timing on the sale of a stock could make a big difference in the amount of taxes that are due on the profits.


t/f before you start an investment program, you should ensure liquidity by having money in financial institutions or in money market securities


If you purchase 100 shares of Ajax Corporation for $15 a share and one year later sell it for $20 a share, what was your return if the stock paid $2 per share dividends? (Ignore commissions and trading fees. Round to the nearest whole percent.)


If you purchase 100 shares of XYZ Corporation for $50 per share, receive a dividend check for $200, and then sell the stock for $62 per share, what will your return on the stock be?


What would be the return on 200 shares of stock purchased on January 1, 2005 for $60 per share and sold on December 31, 2005 at $80 per share? Also assume that the company paid dividends of $2 per share over the year. The prices include all brokerage fees. Round to the nearest whole percent.


first offering of a firm's stock to the public


Dividends are a portion of

earnings returned to the investor

John decides to take his annual Christmas bonus of $2,000 and invest it each year for the next five years, in stock he believes can earn an 8% annual return. How much will John's investment be worth at the end of the five years?


Jane has $3,200 she wants to invest in stocks. She has found an investment that she believes will earn 9% annual return. What will be the value of Jane's investment in 20 years?


Assuming a tax rate on ordinary income of 25% and a long-term capital gain rate of 10%, how much would you pay in taxes if you sold stock "A" for a $200 capital gain after holding it for 5 months, stock "B" for a $300 capital gain after holding it for 8 months, and stock "C" for a $500 capital gain after holding it for 14 months?


What would you pay for a stock whose price you estimate will be $50 in 10 years and you wish to earn a return on the investment of 9%? Ignore brokerage commissions and tax implications and assume the stock paid no dividends during the holding period.


If a stock is purchased for $30 a share and pays $5 per share in dividends a year, what selling price at the end of the year would result in a return of 50%?


If you bought $3,000 in stock a year ago, received no dividends, and sold it for $1,000, what is the return on your investment?


Which of the following ranges of returns would indicate a less risky, more stable investment?

.4% to 1.4%

If you invest $1,000 in stock that pays no dividends and sell the stock one year later for $1,100, what will be your return? (Ignore commissions and trading fees.)


What would be the return on a stock purchased at $20 per share, held for 5 years, and sold for $32.22? Ignore brokerage commissions and tax implications and assume the stock paid no dividends during the holding period. Round to the nearest whole percent if necessary.


Which of the following is not true regarding mutual funds?

Dividends received from their investments are used to pay operational expenses, and capital gains are passed on to the mutual fund shareowners.

Which of the following is not true regarding preferred stock?

It has the potential for greater capital appreciation than common stock

Which of the following statements regarding an investment's risk is not true?

Risky stock will have a smaller range of returns and a smaller standard deviation of returns.

Which of the following statements is not true regarding individual investors?

The number of individual investors has decreased in the last 20 years.

Of the following statements about a day trader, which is not correct?

They are more risk averse than most investors.

To earn the highest possible return in the stock market, you will need to

accept a high level of risk

Individual risk is

an individual's comfort with the risk-return relationship

All of the following are true regarding stock prices except they

are regulated by the Federal Reserve Board

Of the following, which is not used in measuring a stock's return?

average price of stock during period owned

debt instruments issued by the government or corporations to borrow money from investors


You have $3,000 to invest, but will need the funds in a year to make a tuition payment. You should

buy a one-year CD

If you have $5,000 to invest but will need to use the funds in three years to buy a home, you should

buy a stock of relatively stable firms that have low risk

An initial public offering (IPO)

can be a bargain as the stock prices may rise rapidly the next few days

If you believe that a firm will grow rapidly in the future, you should buy its

common stock

If you wish to have a direct voice in the running of a company, you should purchase A) bonds.

common stock

If you wish to have the power to vote on who will serve on the board of directors of a corporation you will need to purchase shares of ________ in the corporation.

common stock

The security that represents equity or ownership of a corporation is

common stock

certificates that represent partial ownership of a firm

common stock

_________ offer a predictable return to investors in the form of interest or coupon payments.

corporate bonds

Growth stocks are likely to pay high dividends.


individual investors who buy and sell stocks within a day

day trader

Individuals who buy and sell stock on a very short-term basis as a career are called ________.

day traders

Investors who buy and sell stock, sometimes in the same day, are called

day traders

If economic conditions deteriorate, stock prices will


In the secondary market, stock prices are

determined by supply and demand

You can reduce your risk by

diversifying your investments

All of the following are true statements about dividends except

dividends are contractually guaranteed to common stockholders.

It is December 10th and you have a stock you purchased last January 5th, which has increased in value by more than $3,000. You think the stock will not significantly increase or decrease in value over the next month or so, and you would like to take your gain. What should you do?

sell the stock on January 6th or later

Regarding dividends paid on common stock,

some firms don't pay any dividends at all

The Internet should be used for all of the following except

specific recommendation on which stocks to buy

A stock's ________ is a measure of the degree of volatility in a stock's returns over time.

standard deviation

facilities that allow investors to purchase or sell existing stocks

stock exchanges

The risk-return relationship means

the higher the risk, the higher the return

The time value of money concepts do not include

the risks associated with various investments

To measure an investment's risk, you may use all of the following except

time value of money

you can estimate the amount by which your wealth will increase from an investment using

time value of money

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