Chapter 14 Quiz

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Distant Healing

A healing method where the power of the mind is used to enhance the healing process. - Praying for others is a form


a basis for many religions that focuses on the subtle energy life force known by different names.

Polarity Therapy

a combination of energy work, caring intention, movement exercises, and dietary regimens and is aimed at clearing energy blockages and building health.


a form of acupuncture, where the meridian points are stimulated with pressing, rubbing, squeezing, and stretching movements.


a form of guided relaxation and focused attention of the unconscious mind.


a form of medicine that evolved from a combination of traditional and other modalities in 19th-century Europe guided by the healing power of nature. - Underlying principles include do not harm; illness is seen as a purposeful process of the organism; symptoms are viewed as life forces attempting to health organism. - Drugs are not used, however, CAM modalities, such as healthy lifestyle, are used.


a gentle but powerful technique that focuses and directs the imagination, so as to, among other things, promote a sense of well-being and to help people relax

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine or Western allopathic medicine and the traditional medical providers in the United States health care system.

Nursing Presence

a holistic and reciprocal exchange between the nurse and patient that involves a sincere connection and sharing of human experience through active listening, attentiveness, intimacy, and therapeutic touch - can be used as a holistic invention and establishing a therapeutic relationship.


a meditative movement practice that originated in India as a form of spiritual practice and aids in flexibility, agility, balance, and relaxation.


a method of focused attention to increase relaxation, quiet the mind, and reduce stress.


a method that comes from Japanese traditions that requires training by a reiki master. - In addition to teaching the hand placements and symbolic gestures, the master attunes the student. - The hands can be directly placed on the person's body or at a distance from the body.


a mixed method of CAM that involves a type of manipulation and the concept of energy fields. An individual applies pressure with the thumbs to mapped points on the feet or hands, or both, by pressing deeply into the point to release tension and stimulate circulation of blood, lymph, and energy.

Dance Therapy

a movement-based mind-body modality that uses dance to allow the body and mind to move freely in response to music.


a part of TCM that focuses on combining relaxed movements with a meditative aspect and controlled breathing to move qi energy through the energy channels and increase vital energy.


a process of becoming calm, present in the moment, and connected with the individual being treated, allowing the practitioner to give the person undivided attention.


a process that opens the energy channel, enabling the student to bring universal energy through the body and to the recipient.


a relaxation technique concentrating on vital functions such as heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure.

National Prevention Strategy

a result of the Affordable Care Act (June 2011) that has four strategic directions.


a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

Allopathic Medicine

a system in which physicians and other health care professionals, such as nurses, pharmacists, and therapists, treat symptoms and diseases using medications, radiation, lasers, or surgical interventions.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

a system of ancient Chinese medicinal treatments including herbs, acupuncture, and other CAM treatments. The theoretical framework includes the complementary yet opposing yin and yang forces, and the balance and harmony of the vital energy, or life force (qi), circulating through the body's pathways.

Holistic Health

a system of preventive care that takes into account the whole individual, one's own responsibility for one's well-being, and the total influences - social, psychological, environmental - that affect health, including nutrition, exercise, and mental relaxation.

Tai Chi

a technique that began as a Chinese martial art and combines physical movement, breath control, and meditation in a dance-like sequence of poses based on the movements of animals.

Alternative Therapy

a therapy that uses CAM instead of standard medicine

Integrative Therapy

a total approach to medical care that combines standard medical and surgical interventions with the CAM practices that have been shown to be safe and effective.

Cranial and Craniosacral Therapies

a treatment that focuses on the skull and flow of cerebrospinal fluid for the treatment of body imbalances.


a treatment that treats the whole person and believes that symptoms are a body's effort to rid itself of disease - four principles include the law of similars, the minimum dose, totality of symptoms, and single remedy. - principles have been documented since at least the Hippocrates


also called biomedicine, conventional medicine, mainstream medicine, orthodox medicine, and Western medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine

an Indian medicine whose treatment utilizes herbs in their natural state, as prepared herbal drugs, massage, and special individualized diets, based on the seasons of one's life and one's constitutional type.

Therapeutic Touch

an alternative therapy that involves using one's hands to consciously direct an energy exchange from the practitioner to the patient to facilitate healing or pain relief - formed by Martha Rogers and comprised of three elements

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

an authoritative and governmental source created by the National Institutes of Health that oversees CAM.

American Holistic Nurses Association

an organization that advances the profession of holistic nursing by providing continuing education in holistic nursing, helping to improve the health care workplace through the incorporation of the concepts of holistic nursing, education professions and the public about holistic nursing and integrative health care, and promoting research and scholarship in the field of holistic nursing.


channels through which chi travels

Whole Medical Systems

complete systems of theories and practices that have evolved culturally over time, and because they are different from Western allopathic medicine, they are considered CAM.

Energy Work

consists of various methods that are used to help balance the systems of energy throughout the body to alleviate stress, ailments, and disease

Visual or Guided Imagery

encourages individuals to relax by focusing on calming thoughts or experiences


entails a focus on proactive, healthy living and considers not only prevention of illness but also the root cause of the illness.

Chiropractic Medicine

focuses on manipulation of the spine and joints, focusing on spinal alignment for optimal functioning.


incorporates different techniques in the manipulation of muscles and soft tissues of the body, such as rubbing or kneading, to increase circulation, facilitate healing, and reduce stress and increase relaxation.

Physical Therapy

integrates a variety of modalities, including massage, manipulation, heat and cold, movement, and electrical impulses, to treat the body after damage or injury, reduce swelling, relieve pain, and restore function and range of motion to the body.


involves the existence of a disturbance in acupuncture that causes points to become tender to palpation

Energy Healing or Therapy

involves the use of assumed energy fields to health and maintain wellness.


life energy


life force or vital energy that circulates through the body's pathways


live microorganisms found in the human digestive tract, such as "friendly bacteria".

Affordable Care Act

mandates that insurers not discriminate against licensed health care providers, including those who practice alternative medicine, such as naturopaths, massage therapists, and acupuncturists.


manipulates life energy, including chi and qi, by stimulating precisely mapped points on the skin surface. Possible methods include inserting fine needles into points, by electrostimulation, bu laser, by light stimulation, and by burning herbs on or over the points.

Music Therapy

music influences the limbic system, the area of the brain involves with emotions and feelings. - uses a variety of methods in a therapeutic relationship to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals.


overall well-being. It includes the mental, emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of a person's life.

Therapeutic Presence

remaining near the patient and family, or simply holding a hand, provides strength while facilitating the expression of emotions and grief - involves connecting deeply with individuals and their families to alleviate suffering and improve health

Healing Touch

similar to therapeutic touch but adds fully-body techniques for moving energy and disorder-specific energetic interventions to the modulation phase of therapeutic touch.

Spinal or Bone Manipulation

the application of controlled force on a bone or joint and is performed by chiropractors, physical therapists, osteopathic physicians, and some conventional physicians.


the art and science of using naturally extracted oils from plants to balance, harmonize, and promote the health of body, mind, and spirit.


the burning of herbs on or over points to increase point stimulation

Energy Therapy

the goal of the modalities is to release blockages of energy flow, stimulate deficient life energy, and rebalance life energy.

Pet Therapy

the practice of bringing pets into a facility or home to provide stimulation and companionship


the study of heredity. It contributes to people's risk of developing many common diseases.

Complementary Therapy

the use of CAM in conjunction with and as a complement to allopathic traditional medicine.

Herbal Therapy

the use of herbs or their chemical properties to treat specific conditions or to enhance the function of various body systems, such as boosting the immune system, treating allergies, or preventing a cold.


the use of water at various temperatures or as ice or steam to relieve discomfort and promote physical well-being.

Touch Therapies

therapies in which practitioners use their hands to direct life energies drawn from the environment to the individual in an effort to restore balance and harmony within the human energy system.


uses a sequence of rhythmic pressure on acupressure meridians.

Nutritional Counseling

uses education and diet and supplementation therapeutically as the primary or adjunctive measure to prevent or treat illness

Jin Shin Jyutsu

uses fingertips pressed on specific healing point combinations to balance energy along specific pathways.

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