Chapter 15 Checkup

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The anxiety we perceive when we become aware of the conflict between our behavior and our attitudes is called

Cognitive dissonance

The tendency of people to bring their behavior and/or attitudes in line with group norms and pressures is called


All of the following are examples of symptoms of groupthink, EXCEPT:

Individual group members voice their doubts and disagreements

The social psychological term to describe unharmonious relations among groups is

Intergroup Conflict

The human tendency to make judgment errors that are in favor of your own self is called the

Self-serving bias

Attributing clusters of traits to specific categories of individuals and objects, which serves an important purpose in human social cognition, is called


One way that dehumanization of outgroups may occur is through the emotion of


According to Robert Zajonc, it is adaptive to be cautious around unfamiliar objects and people, and to be more open to familiar stimuli and individuals. This is the hypothesized basis for the

mere exposure effect

Researchers have found that people come to appreciate almost anything the more times they are exposed to it, be it letters, shapes, syllables, melodies, or faces. This phenomenon is called the

mere exposure effect

As in the case of the Asch experiments, people are sometimes motivated to conform to avoid embarrassment or obtain approval from the group. This is called

normative influence

In a study of the normative influence on energy conservation among a group of Californians, this was the best predictor of a person's self-reported conservation efforts.

"other Californians are doing it"

Members of this part of the world tend not to exhibit the fundamental attribution error when explaining the causes of others' behavior.

East Asia

People often make different judgments of the same behavior depending on whether they performed the behavior or observed the behavior in others. This is referred to as the

actor-observer bias

The offering of assistance to others without the expectation of immediate reward is called


All of the following are aspects of the self-serving bias, EXCEPT:

attributing your failures to your own efforts

In the age of the Internet, much of our self-presentation activities involve

computer-mediated communication

Janet Polivy and Peter Herman use this term to describe the result of repeated attempts at self-change that are based on unrealistically high expectations.

false-hope syndrome

When someone is unaware of the prejudicial biases in their behaviors, it is called

implicit prejudice

The tendency to judge an individual based on beliefs about, or feelings toward, the group to which the person belongs is called


In laboratory studies of the bystander effect, the general rule is that the presence of groups

reduces the likelihood of any one individual offering aid

Laying aside a powerful, immediate desire, response, or goal in the service of more important, overriding long-term goals is called


According to the strength model of self-control,

self-control exists in a limited quantity that differs among people

The implicit or explicit agreements people make with one another that call for honesty and fairness are given this name by social psychologists.

social contracts

The effects of deindividuation on behavior were revealed in this classic psychological study.

the Stanford Prison experiment

The tendency to feel as if more people are observing and judging your behavior than actually are is called

the spotlight effect

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