Chapter 15

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Match the following artists to their works:

C. Gustave Courbet, B. Edouard Manet, A. Georges Seurat

Who asserted that all forms in nature are geometric shapes?


The Eiffel Tower was meant to criticize France's transformation into an industrial society.


This movement celebrated speed and technology, and sought to destroy the past.


This artist felt that European civilization was "sick" and spent much time in Tahiti painting in the Post-Impressionist era.


Who gained notoriety for barefoot, highly emotional dancing?

Isadora Duncan

What is true about Impressionism? SELECT ALL that apply:

It created a new way of seeing reality through color and motion, It tried to outdo photography by portraying essentials of perception that the camera could not capture, Impressionists worked outside, concentrating on the effects of natural light.

What is true about the painting pictured above? SELECT ALL that apply:

It is Impressionism in style, It is by Claude Monet, It gave the name to the style it represents.

Which of the following is NOT true about this image?

It is a type of Post-Impressionism.

Why was the painting The Picnic so controversial?

It was too realistic for the public. They thought the nudity was immoral.

Who is considered the "father" of the modern skyscraper?

Louis Sullivan

Whose maxim was "Form follows function?"

Louis Sullivan

Which of the following were Impressionist artists? SELECT ALL that apply:

Monet, Morisot, Renoir

The only Impressionistic sculptor of note during the 800s was Auguste ___[x]_____. (last name only - spelling, as usual, counts)


Who believed that symbols and dreams were key to understanding a person?

Sigmund Freud

What do these two images have in common? SELECT ALL that apply:

They are both Impressionism in style. Their artist(s) usually painted family or women and children. They both capture a moment in time.

Georges Seurat is famous for his use of pointillism.


Henri Matisse's Blue Nude tries to express the artist's feelings about the nude as an object of aesthetic interest. It was more about color than subject matter.


Kate Chopin was a writer of the realist style.


The image represented here is called Starry Night, and it was painted by van Gogh in the Post-Impressionism style.


The Rite of Spring is

a ballet about human sacrifice

The painting represented here is

by Picasso, a work of Cubism

What invention contributed to the "rise" of skyscrapers?


Match the following:

socialism F.system of working for collective ownership in production, verisimilitude A.semblance of reality or nearness to truth, crosscutting E.alternating between two scenes that are related or simultaneous in cinema, psychoanalysis D.probing of the human subconscious to understand psychological and psycho-pathological phenomena and to treat mental illness, dissonance B.harsh disagreement between elements of the composition, suggesting unrelieved tension.

Virginia Woolf and James Joyce were masters of ____________________.

stream of consciousness

Realism emphasizes

truth to life.

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