Chapter 15: Practice Test

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10. Meta-analysis refers to A) a procedure for statistically combining the results of many different studies. B) the use of a variety of therapeutic techniques in the treatment of a single client. C) counseling and treatment of troubled individuals by friends, family, and other nonprofessionals. D) a procedure for identifying the common factors that underlie many different disorders. E) the technique of simply rephrasing much of what a client says during the course of therapy.


13. Researchers have found that matching Asian-American clients with counselors who share their cultural values facilitates A) the therapeutic alliance. B) an eclectic approach. C) progressive relaxation. D) neurogenesis. E) patient transference


15. A token economy is to operant conditioning as ________ is to classical conditioning. A) systematic desensitization B) group therapy C) electroconvulsive therapy D) free association E) drug therapy


3. Dr. Volz is a researcher who wants to distinguish between the direct effects of a new antianxiety medication and effects arising from expectations of the drug's effectiveness. Dr. Volz is most likely to use a procedure known as A) the double-blind technique. B) meta-analysis. C) EMDR. D) virtual reality exposure therapy. E) systematic desensitization.


7. Kammy vividly imagines being abused by her own mother while her therapist triggers eye movements by waving a finger in front of Kammy's eyes. The therapist is apparently using a technique known as A) EMDR. B) transference. C) meta-analysis. D) virtual reality exposure therapy. E) systematic desensitization.


9. Research on the effectiveness of psychotherapy indicates that: A) clients are generally satisfied with the effectiveness of therapy. B) clients' perceptions are the best evidence available for the effectiveness of therapy. C) clients tend to underestimate how much they have improved as a result of therapy. D) therapy is no more effective than having a friend to talk to. E) therapy is perceived as less effective than drug treatments.


11. Statistical summaries of psychotherapy outcome studies indicate that A) psychotherapy is no more effective than talking to a friend. B) no single form of therapy proves consistently superior to the others. C) psychotherapy actually harms just as many people as it helps. D) it is impossible to measure the effectiveness of psychotherapy. E) cognitive therapies are incompatible with behavioral therapies.


14. Although Soren once scored 37 points during a single high school basketball game, he was subsequently unable to beat or match this record no matter how hard he tried. His experience may be at least partially explained in terms of A) the placebo effect. B) regression toward the mean. C) spontaneous recovery. D) systematic desensitization. E) stress inoculation training.


2. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation shows greatest promise for the treatment of A) schizophrenia. B) depression. C) alcoholism. D) phobias. E) bulimia.


21. In 1924, Mary Cover Jones reported that 3-year-old Peter lost his fear of rabbits when one was repeatedly presented while he was eating a tasty snack. This episode best illustrated the potential usefulness of A) stress inoculation training. B) exposure therapies. C) aversive conditioning. D) free association. E) the placebo effect.


25. Which of the following techniques is derived from classical conditioning principles? A) the token economy B) systematic desensitization C) stress inoculation training D) ECT E) transference


26. In one study, people were taught to attribute their compulsive urges to abnormal brain functioning. Instead of giving in to an urge, they participated in an alternative activity that engaged other parts of the brain. This strategy for dealing with their difficulty best illustrates A) systematic desensitization. B) cognitive-behavior therapy. C) EMDR. D) psychodynamic therapy. E) humanistic therapy.


27. Teaching people to stop blaming themselves for failures and negative circumstances beyond their control is of most direct concern to ________ therapists. A) psychoanalytic B) cognitive C) eclectic D) client-centered E) behavior


31. In order to help Mr. Eberstadt overcome his addiction to alcohol, his therapist first attempted to discover whether the substance dependency was somehow a reaction to his wife's behavior. The therapist's concern is most likely to be characteristic of a A) psychoanalyst. B) family therapist. C) client-centered therapist. D) biomedical therapist. E) cognitive therapist.


35. In which operant conditioning procedure are positive reinforcers given for desired behaviors? A) spontaneous recovery B) a token economy C) systematic desensitization D) aversive conditioning E) free association


40. A trained therapist who uses psychological techniques to assist someone to overcome excessive anxiety would generally be best described as a A) psychoanalyst. B) psychotherapist. C) psychopharmacologist. D) psychodynamic therapist. E) psychostructuralist.


42. Compulsions are best described as A) persistent fears. B) repetitive behaviors. C) illusory sensations. D) suicidal thoughts. E) false beliefs.


43. Analena's refusal to purchase fattening snacks at the grocery store is both a cause and a consequence of her superior dietary self-control. This best illustrates the importance of A) the spotlight effect. B) reciprocal determinism. C) an external locus of control. D) the self-reference phenomenon. E) an optimistic personality.


44. The major reason for criticism of the Rorschach test is that A) no computer-aided tool has been designed to facilitate scoring of the test. B) only a few of the many Rorschach-derived scores have demonstrated validity. C) the test discourages individuals from communicating openly in clinical interviews. D) the test can be used effectively only with individuals who are severely maladjusted. E) only a few people have the intellectual and creative ability to truly take the test.


47. Work is most likely to satisfy the higher-level needs in Maslow's hierarchy for those who A) work only part-time. B) view their work as a calling. C) are strongly motivated by high wages. D) are supervised by managers with a directive style. E) view work as a means to an end.


48. The families of bulimia patients have a higher-than-usual incidence of A) sexual disorders. B) childhood obesity. C) excess PYY. D) unit bias. E) neophobia.


53. Animals most readily learn the specific associations that promote A) shaping. B) survival. C) extrinsic motivation. D) prosocial behavior. E) social interaction.


54. Although Manuel was sitting right next to his parents, he smelled a skunk minutes before they did. Apparently, Manuel has a lower ________ for skunk odor than his parents have. A) accommodation level B) absolute threshold C) tolerance level D) olfactory saturation level E) adaptation level


56. Female children are most likely to act like tomboys if they were exposed to excess ________ during their prenatal development. A) DNA B) testosterone C) endorphins D) estrogen E) chromosomes


58. A person whose hand had been amputated actually felt sensations on his nonexistent fingers when his face was stroked. This best illustrates the consequences of A) tomography. B) brain plasticity. C) lateralization. D) hemispherectomy. E) aphasia.


60. The survival of organisms best suited to a particular environment is known as A) functionalism. B) natural selection. C) behavior genetics. D) structuralism. E) introspection.


8. Therapists' perceptions of the effectiveness of psychotherapy are likely to be misleading because A) therapists typically minimize the seriousness of their clients' symptoms when therapy begins. B) clients typically emphasize their problems at the start of therapy and their wellbeing at the end of therapy. C) therapists typically blame their own therapeutic ineffectiveness on clients' resistance. D) clients tend to focus on their observable behavioral problems rather than on their mental and emotional abilities. E) therapists typically overestimate their clients' potential levels of adjustment.


12. The best psychotherapy outcome studies are randomized clinical trials comparing treatment groups with ________ groups. A) eclectic B) token economy C) control D) virtual reality E) experimental


18. According to Freud, a patient's hesitation to free associate is most likely a sign of A) transference. B) the placebo effect. C) resistance. D) spontaneous recovery. E) meta-analysis.


22. Which of the following is a form of counterconditioning? A) unconditional positive regard B) stress inoculation training C) virtual reality exposure therapy D) free association E) psychoanalysis


24. Lynn has begun to buy small gifts for her therapist, and she feels extremely jealous of the time he spends with his other patients. To a psychoanalyst, this is most indicative of A) unconditional positive regard. B) the placebo effect. C) transference. D) therapeutic touch. E) free association.


28. In order to encourage Mrs. Coleman, a withdrawn schizophrenia patient, to be more socially active, institutional staff members give her small plastic cards whenever she talks to someone. She is allowed to exchange these cards for candy and cigarettes. Staff members are making use of A) active listening. B) systematic desensitization. C) a token economy. D) free association. E) classical conditioning.


33. Virtual reality exposure therapy is sometimes used in A) stress inoculation training. B) aversive conditioning. C) systematic desensitization. D) transference. E) free association.


49. Comparing the average performance of the initial WAIS standardization sample with the average performance of the most recent WAIS standardization sample provides convincing evidence of A) heritability. B) the g factor. C) the Flynn effect. D) emotional intelligence. E) intrinsic motivation.


5. Which drug has provided the most help to schizophrenia patients experiencing auditory hallucinations and paranoia? A) lithium B) Xanax C) Thorazine D) Prozac E) Ativan


51. Despite overwhelming and highly publicized evidence that Senator McEwan was guilty of serious political corruption and misconduct, many who had supported her in past elections remained convinced of her political integrity. Their reaction best illustrates A) functional fixedness. B) the representativeness heuristic. C) belief perseverance. D) the availability heuristic. E) the framing effect.


57. After drinking three cans of beer, Akiva felt less guilty about the way he mistreated his wife and children. Akiva's reduced guilt most likely resulted from the fact that his alcohol consumption has A) reduced his sexual desire. B) destroyed some of his brain cells. C) reduced his self-awareness. D) directed his attention to the future. E) increased his level of sympathetic nervous system arousal.


6. Inflated estimates of the value of antidepressant drugs are in large part due to the fact that patient recovery often results from A) the therapeutic touch. B) the double-blind technique. C) the placebo effect. D) meta-analysis. E) stress inoculation training.


1. Dr. Judd is convinced that psychological disorders result largely from stressful social situations rather than from disturbances within the individual personality. Dr. Judd's belief is most consistent with the assumptions that underlie A) psychoanalysis. B) cognitive therapy. C) psychosurgery. D) drug therapy. E) preventive mental health.


17. Which therapeutic approach relies most heavily on patients' discovering their own ways of effectively dealing with their difficulties? A) psychoanalysis B) cognitive therapy C) systematic desensitization D) client-centered therapy E) meta-analysis


19. To treat nail biting, one can paint a patient's fingernails with a bitter-tasting nail polish. This procedure best illustrates A) free association. B) light exposure therapy. C) stress inoculation training. D) aversive conditioning. E) systematic desensitization.


23. Free association involves the A) expression toward a therapist of feelings linked with earlier relationships. B) therapeutic interpretation of a client's unconscious conflicts. C) repeated association of a relaxed state with anxiety-arousing stimuli. D) uncensored reporting of any thoughts that come to mind. E) replacement of a negative response to a harmless stimulus with a positive response.


29. Sigmund Freud introduced a form of psychotherapy known as A) counterconditioning. B) active listening. C) cognitive therapy. D) psychoanalysis. E) psychosexual fixation.


30. Which of the following is most often criticized for violating clients' rights to personal freedom and self-determination? A) psychoanalysis B) cognitive therapy C) client-centered therapy D) behavior modification E) EMDR


38. Carl Rogers is known for the development of A) therapeutic touch. B) the token economy. C) cognitive therapy. D) client-centered therapy. E) systematic desensitization


39. Which approach emphasizes the importance of providing patients with feelings of unconditional acceptance? A) cognitive therapy B) psychoanalysis C) biomedical therapy D) client-centered therapy E) systematic desensitization


4. The study of the effect of drugs on mind and behavior is called: A) psychosurgery. B) psychobiology. C) ECT. D) psychopharmacology. E) psychoanalysis.


55. Haidt's social intuitionist account highlights the impact of automatic gut-level feelings on A) attachment. B) habituation. C) egocentrism. D) moral judgments. E) stranger anxiety.


59. The process of replication is most likely to be facilitated by A) the hindsight bias. B) the false consensus effect. C) illusory correlation. D) operational definitions. E) the placebo effect.


16. A central therapeutic technique of psychoanalysis is A) stress inoculation training. B) systematic desensitization. C) observational learning. D) active listening. E) free association.


20. Dr. Byrne is a clinical psychologist who often uses operant conditioning techniques to treat her clients. She also encourages them to modify their thought patterns, and on occasion she interprets their transference behaviors. Dr. Byrne's therapeutic approach would best be described as A) client-centered. B) meta-analytic. C) psychoanalytic. D) behavioral. E) eclectic.


32. Client-centered therapists are most likely to A) encourage clients to stop blaming themselves for their failures. B) help clients associate anxiety-arousing stimuli with a pleasant state of relaxation. C) encourage clients to carefully observe the consequences of their maladaptive behaviors. D) vigorously challenge clients' self-defeating thoughts. E) restate and seek further clarification of what clients say during the course of therapy.


34. The interpretation of dreams is most closely associated with A) cognitive therapy. B) virtual reality exposure therapy. C) client-centered therapy. D) systematic desensitization. E) psychoanalysis.


36. An important feature of client-centered therapy is A) interpretation. B) systematic desensitization. C) transference. D) free association. E) active listening.


37. "The technique reduces people to puppets controlled by therapists! It doesn't respect human freedom." This criticism is most likely to be directed at A) systematic desensitization. B) cognitive therapy. C) EMDR. D) psychoanalysis. E) a token economy.


41. Disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity are most characteristic of ________ disorders. A) bipolar B) obsessive-compulsive C) personality D) generalized anxiety E) dissociative


45. In describing the two dimensions of emotion, fear is to terror as anger is to A) shame. B) grief. C) guilt. D) pain. E) rage.


46. For purposes of lie detection, investigators have most commonly made use of a(n) A) electrocardiograph. B) electroencephalograph. C) myograph. D) tomograph. E) polygraph.


50. In very stressful or embarrassing situations, Sanura is able to maintain her poise and help others to feel comfortable. Sanura's ability best illustrates the value of A) extrinsic motivation. B) heritability. C) divergent thinking. D) savant syndrome. E) emotional intelligence.


52. Students often remember more information from a course that spans an entire semester than from a course that is completed in an intensive three-week learning period. This best illustrates the importance of A) long-term potentiation. B) the serial position effect. C) automatic processing. D) implicit memory. E) the spacing effect.


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