CHAPTER 16: Gene Regulation in Prokaryotes

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allosteric RNA leaders that bind small molecule effectors to control gene expression.

a protein that can undergo reversible changes in conformation when bound to another molecules is called a(n)

allosteric protein

a pathway that is turned on only in the presence of cerytain molecules in the cell's environment is under _______ regulation


lacA operon encodes for


the entire set of RNAs produced by a cell is called its...


riboswitches can regulate....

transcription or translation

prokaryotes regulate gene expression by activating, inhibiting, increasing or decreasing the _______ of specific gene, and.or interfering with the _______ of the mRNAs of those genes.


exposure of E. coli cells to lactose increases levels of lactose-utilizing proteins


what are the steps for the mechanism of quorum sensing...

1. Luxl synthesizes and releases autoinducer 2. autoinducer eneters the cell 3. autoinducer reaches a threshold 4. autoinducer binds LuxR 5. bioluminescence operon is transcribed

what are the steps for contrusting a directional cDNA library for RNA-seq.

1. bacterial RNAs are fragmented w, RNase 2. 5' ends are dephosphorylated enzymatically 3. RNA ligase is used to ligate a short synthetic single-stranded RNA sequence (adapter A) to the 3' ends 4. 5' ends are rephosphorylated enzymatically 5. RNA ligase is used to ligate a short synthetic with a different base sequence (adapter B) to the 5' ends of the RNA fragments 6. cDNAs are synthesized from these templates

the RNA leader of the trp operon includes a short open reading frame containing _____ codons, _____ of which code for tryptophan

14; 2

DNA footprinting experiments have revealed that the lac operon has a total of ____ operator sites


in the trp RNA leader, ________ stem-loop structures are possible


in _____-___________ transcription termination, a sequence of bases in the RNA forms a hairpin loop that serves as the signal for the dissociation of the RNA polymerase from the DNA and the release of the completed RNA



The region of a riboswitch that serves as a receptor for a ligand; binding of the ligand to the aptamer triggers conformational changes in the expression platform that influence gene expression.

a mutation in the operator that renders it nonfunctional will cause what form of expression for the lac operon

a constitutive expression

lac repressor is

a dimer or a tetramer


a method for analysis of the transcriptome of an organism in which millions of cDNAs are sequenced. Also called cDNA deep sequencing.

reporter gene

a protein-coding region of a gene incorporated into a recombinant DNA molecule along with putative DNA regulatory elements. After transformation of bacteria or incorporation of the reporter gene into the genome of an organism, the reporter gene "reports" the activity of the putative regulatory elements by expressing the protein.

operator site

a short DNA sequence near a promoter that can be recognized by a repressor protein; binding of repressor to the operator blocks transcription of the gene.

lac operon

a single DNA unit in E. coli, composed of the lacZ, lacY, and lacA genes together with the promoter (P) and operator site (o), that enables the simultaneous regulation of the three structural genes in response to environmental changes.


a small molecule that binds to an allosteric protein or RNA and causes a conformational change.

stem loops (or hairpin loops)

a structure formed when a single strand of RNA folds back on itself due to complementary base pairing between different regions in the same molecule. Also called a hairpin loop.

the transport of glucose into a bacterial cell causes the intracellular level of cylic-AMP to fall because the eznyme ____ _____ is inhibited

adenyl cyclase

the binding of ________ to the lac repressor promotes a conformational change that prevents the repressor from binding to the lac operon


RNA leader sequences are _______ in that they can alter their stem-loop structures and thus their fxn. in response to a wide variety of environmental cues


the binding of a small effector molecule to a regulatory molecule alters the regulatory protein's conformation, and that..

alters the protein's ability to bind to DNA

RNA thermometer

an RNA leader that regulates translation in response to temperature through a stem-loop structure whose stability is temperature-dependent.

CRP (cAMP receptor protein) of the lac operon fxns as

an activator

the end product of an anabolic pathway can bind to the ____ of the riboswitch, this would shift the conformation of the leader so that it can now block the ribosome from binding


by studying the lack of transcription of the trp operon in the absence of the Trp repressor, Charles Yonofsky discovered


the trp operon is regulated by a repressor protein and by _____ in which transcription is stopped prematurely


lacZ operon encodes for


because it is easy to measure the levels of the ______-________, the lacZ gene which encodes this enzyme can be used as a(n) ____ gene to detect the amount of transcription that occurs in response to any specific regulatory element

beta-galactosidase; reporter

anabolic pathways

biochemical pathways for the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones.


breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose

inducible operons usually encode ____ enzymes, and repressible operons usually encode ____ enzymes

catabolic; anabolic

induced heat-shock proteins include the so-called molecule _________ which help refold proteins that have been denatured by heat


consider a bacterial w. the genotype: lacl+ o+ lacZ+ lacY-/F' ( lacl+ o+ lacZ- lacY+). the expression of the gene lacZ is ______ and the expression of the gene lacY+ is ______...

constitutive; inducible

in E. coli the sigma factor that mediates a globl heat shock response is sigma^32. it binds to the ____ RNA ________, thereby allowing the holoenzymes to recognize specific ______ and to initiate transcription of the genes encoding heat shock proteins

core; polymerase; promoters

mechanisms possible for antisense RNAs

degradation of mRNA, inhibition of mRNA transcription and translation


describes the action of a DNA site or an RNA molecule that acts only on the DNA or RNA to which it is connected physically.


describes the action of a protein or RNA that can bind to target sites on any DNA or RNA in the cell.

cAMP-CRP complex is a ____, and the lac operon site to which it binds contain rationally ______ DNA sequences. the complex contacts _____ _______ directly to help in transcription initiation

dimer; symmetric; RNA polymerase

the lacl+ allele is _____ to lacl- in ______

dominant; trans

pos. regulation and neg. regulation typically refer to mechanisms that...

enhance or inhibit RNA polymaerase activtiy, respectively

genes in the trp operon encode

enzymes used in tryptophan biosynthesis

T/F: a particular segment of mRNA from the trp operon can participate in the formation of more than one stemp loops at the same time


T/F: effector molecules influence gene expression by binding to DNA


T/F: the RNA leader of the trp operon encodes an enzyme


T/F: the lactose-utilization proteins are totally absent in cells grown w/o lactose


T/F: the rate of transcription initiation rarely influences overall gene expression


T/F: regulatory sRNA molecules are usually 10-50 nts long

false (they're typically 50-400nts long)

the trp RNA leader has four regions that can...

form stem loops

in order to study cis-acting regulatory regions, scientists can make a _____ gene which contains the regulatory region, followed immediately by the lacZ coding sequence


repressible regulation

gene control where transcription occurs only in the absence of a repressor.

inducible regulation

gene control where transcription occurs only in the presence of an inducer.

the synthesis of RNAs and proteins according to the instructions encoded in DNA is a process called

gene expression

an inducer is a small effector molecule that causes transcription to..


the CRP-cAMP complex ____ transcription in several ____ operons, including the gal operon and ara operon

increases; catabolic

the binding of the _____ to the repressor causes an allosteric effects that abolishes the repressor's ability


lacY operon encodes for

lac permease

in the PaJaMo experiment, the researchers transferred the ___ into a bacterial cell devoid of the _______ in a medium containing no lacotse

lacl+ and lacZ+ alleles; lacl and lacZ proteins

the bassis of the PaJaMo experimen was the transfer of E. coli chromosomal DNA from a donor cell with the genotype _____ ______ to a recipient cell with the genotype lacl- lacZ-

lacl+ lacZ+

Jacob and Monod studied _______ metabolism in E. coli


when the tryptophan levele in the cell ____, the ribosomes pauses in region 1 of the trp mRNA leader, causing region 2 to bind to region 3 and transcritpion to continue


VF genes encode subunit of the enzyme luciferase

luxA and luxB

VF genes recycle luciferase substrates and cofactors

luxC, luxE and lux D

Vibrio fischeria genes that encode the qurom-sensing proteins

luxR and luxl

a strain of bacteria containing an F' plasmid is called a _______, or a partial diploid


catabolic pathways

metabolic pathways by which complex molecules are broken down.

cDNA deep sequencing

method for analysis of the transcriptome of an organism in which millions of cDNAs are sequenced. Also called RNA-Seq.

the inhibition of RNA polymerase activity is termed ______ regulation, whereas the enhancement of RNA polymerase activity is known as _______ regulation

negative; positive

features of a superrepressor mutation that affects the lac operon

occurs in lacl causes constant repression of the lac operon prevents the repressor from binding to the inducer

the lac operon control region can help produce protein drugs in bacteria. the first step in this process is the creation of a recombinant plasmid in which the lac regulatory region is fused to the _______ _______ ______ encoding the protein to be expressed

open reading frame

a mutation that changes the nucleotide sequence of the ___, so that the repressor is no longer able to bind to the site, will cause a constitutive synthesis of the lactose-utilizing proteins


if several genes or operons were regulated by the same repressor proteins, you would expect to find similar or related ______ DNA sequences just upstream to those genes or operons


a loss-of-function mutation in a gene encoding a repressor protein has the same effect as a mutation in the

operator site

because there is an overlap between the sequences of the lac _____ and lac _____, binding of the repressor to the DNA will inhibit RNA piolymerase from binding. as a result the expression of the lac operon genes are blocked

operator; promoter

a(n) _______ is a group of two or more genes under the transcriptional control of a single promoter


a operon encodes a _____ mRNA, an RNA that contains the sequence of two or more genes


to identify operons, computer experts have developed algorithms that seartch for several closely spaced genes adjacent to a(n) __________, as well as for transcription termination signals


transcription in prokaryoes begins when the RNA pol holoenzyme binds to specific DNA sequences in a region called the...


in the lac operon, the two main regulatory DNA elements are the ______ and the ______

promoter; operator

mutations in trans-acting element typically occur in ______, while mutations in cis-acting elements occur in______....

protein-encoding genes; protein-binding sites

DNase I footpringting technique is used to show where _____ bind to _______

protein; DNA

antisense RNAs

regulatory RNAs that are complementary in sequence to the mRNAs they regulate because they are transcribed using the opposite strand of DNA as a template. Antisense RNAs can block transcription or translation of their target mRNAs.

in prokaryotic transcription, the switch from initiation to elongation involves...

release of sigma factor

a pathway thaty is turned off when the cell has enough of the end product is under _____ regulation


two mechanism that control expression of the trp operon in E. coli

repression and attenuation

to initiate translation, ribosomes attach to the mRNA at a site called the _______-______ site

ribosome binding

an RNA leader whose secondary structure, and thus its effect on gene expression, is determined by whether or not it's bound to a small molecule effector is called a(n)....


when guanines leveles are high, guanine binds to the aptamer of it ________. in response, the expression platform forms a ______ structure, which shuts down the transcription of genes that participate in guanine synthesis

riboswitch; terminator

promoters for the production of ____ mRNAs and ________ regulatory RNAs are located on opposite sides of the coding region

sense; antisense

the lacl gene, which encodes the Lac repressor is...

separate from the lac operon and is unregulated


sequences in the RNA transcripts that cause RNA polymerase to stop transcription; stem-loop structures in an RNA leader sequence that stop transcription of the RNA downstream.

a total of _______ genes are used to control bioluminescene in VF


genes induced by heat shock are recognized by an alternative sigma factor called...


RNA leader sequences can form secondary structures called ___ ________, which can terminate transcritpion of the rest of the mRNA permaturely

stem loops

constitutive mutants

strains that synthesize certain enzymes all the time, irrespective of environmental conditions.

the _______ mutations in the lacl gene render the protein product incapable of binding the inducer


in the trp RNA leader sequnce, the 3-4 stem-loop configuration is called a ______ because it leads to the production of a short, "attenuated" RNA


the lac repressor binds as a

tetramer: a dimer at o1 and a dimer at either o2 or o3

the historic PaJaMo experiment was used to demonstrate

that the lacl gene encodes a repressor protein

the CRP protein associates w. cAMP and binds to...

the DNA as a dimer

how does an effector molecule influence gene expression

the effector molecule binds to a regulatory protein and affects its ability to bind DNA

why is transcription of the lac operon low when both lactose and glucose are present.?

the low levels of cAMP result in CRP not binding to the CRP site

operon theory

the model that explains the repression and induction of genes in E. coli.


the process by which a signal causes expression of a gene or set of genes.

the effector for a repressible operon may be...

the product of the metabolic pathway carried out by enzyme encoded by the operon

regulatory elements of the lac operon are...

the promoter and operator

radioactively-labeled repressor protein from lacl+ cells is mixed with a bacterial virus DNA that contains the wild-type lac operaot. the mixture is then centrifuged in a glycerol gradient. what is the likely result

the protein will cosediment w. the DNA

becateria regulate gene expression at the first step by inflencing...

the rate of transcription initiation

catabolite repression

the repression of transcription in sugar-metabolizing operons like the lac operon when glucose or another preferred catabolite is present.

when bacterial cells are grown in a medium w/o lactose,...

there are very low levels of the proteins required for lactose utilization

how are the two sigma factors sigma^70 and sigm^32 in E. coli different from each other?

they bind to different promter sequences and they denature at different temperatures

characteristics of antisense RNAs

they can be complementary to the entire mRNA or be complementary to only part of the mRNA

DNA footprinting experiment have revealed that the lac operon has a total of ___ operator sites


a protein that can diffuse through the cytoplasm and act at DNA target sites elsewhere in the genome is called a ____-acting element


expression platform of the guanine riboswitch fxns. by controlling..


sRNAs regulate...

translation in trans by base pairing with mRNAs

:ac permease fxn.

transports lactose into the bacterial cell

T/F: in the lac operonm site o1 has the strongest binding affinity for the repressor


the historic PaJaMo experiment was named after what scientists

Arthur Pardee, Jacob and Monod

repressors can be IDed by the presence of sequnces that encode

DNA-binding motifs such as the helix-turn-helix or zinc finger motifs

the helix-turn-helix motif is commonly found in

DNA-binding proteins

Monod and Jacob stidued lactose metabolism in the bacterial species

Escherichia coli

during the initiation step of transcription, DNA is unwound by the action of the enzyme...

RNA polymerase

positive regulators of transcription usually act be establishing a physical contact w ______ ________ which attracts it to the promoter or keeps it there longer

RNA polymerase

transcription is the work of

RNA polymerase

some bacterial mRNAs containe dleader sequences that regulate translation in response to termperature. this specialized mechanism, which can be regarded as a rudimentary riboswitch, is called a(n)

RNA thermometer

expression platform

The region of a riboswitch that changes conformation in response to a ligand molecule binding to the aptamer.

two main regions of a riboswitche...

aptamer and expression platform

how does tryptophan fxn. in the regulation of the trp operon?

it binds to the repressor and only then can this complex bind to DNA thus preventing transcription of the operon

beta-galatosidase activity can be dected using _______________ because beta-galactosidase cleaves it to a product w. a yellow color

o-nitrophenyl-galactoside (ONPG)

allosteric protein

proteins that undergo reversible changes in conformation when bound to another molecule (an effector).


a small molecule that causes transcription from a gene or set of genes.


a stem-loop structure in an RNA that prevents formation of a terminator.

DNase I footprinting

a technqiue used to study protein-DNA interactions


a type of gene regulation in which transcription of a gene terminates in the RNA leader sequence before a complete mRNA transcript is made; involves interaction between stem loops in the RNA leader and the translation machinery.

effects of either a loss-of-function mutation in the lacl gene or a mutation in operator that prevents repressor binding have...

both result in constitutive expression of the lac operon

in what way can a riboswitch directly regulate translation

by blocking the ribosome binding site

how do regulatory sRNAs fxn. at the translational lelvel

by inhibiting or activating translation

postivie control of the lac operon involves a small nucleotide known as _____ which binds to a protein called _______. the binding of the nucleotide enables the protein to bind to DNA in the regulatory region of the lac operon. this binding increases the ability of ______ __________ to transcribe lac genes

cAMP; CRP (cAMP receptor protein); RNA polymerase

regulations of the lac and trp operons can be summarized as follows. in the presence of the inducer, the lac repressor ____ bind to the lac operatorp; and in the presence of tryptophan the TrpR repressor _______ bind to the trp operator

cannot; can

the somewhat imprecise term that describes how transcriptional regulation is influenced by glucose is...

catabolite repression

a DNA segment that must be adjacent to the gene(s) it regulates is called a ______-acting element


the binding of a small effector molecule to a regulatory protein changes the _____ of the regulatory protein, which alters its DNA-binding ability


prokaryotic gene regulation

control of gene expression in a bacterial cell via mechanisms to increase or decrease the transcription or translation of specific genes or groups of genes.

mechanisms that are possible for regulatory sRNAs

inhibiton or activation of mRNA translation and degradtion of mRNA

lac operon structural genes are transcribed as...

part of a single polycistronic mRNA with three independent ribosome binding sites


part of the RNA leader of some bacterial genes that forms alternate stem-loop structures that depend on interaction with the translation machinery. In one conformation, a stem loop (the terminator) terminates transcription; in the alternate conformation, a different stem loop (the antiterminator) forms and transcription continues.

compared to cells with a wild-type lac operon, mutants with a lac^s genotype show a(n)....

repressed transcriptional rate, independent of the presence or absence of lactose

consider a bacterial cell w. the genotype lacl+ o+ lacZ+ lacY+ that was transformed w. an F' plasmid carrying lacl^s o+ lacZ- lacY-. the expression of the genes lacZ+ and lacY+ in the merodiploid bacterium is....

repressible in the absence or presence of lactose

when tryptophan is absent from the growth medium, the Trp ______ protein cannot bind to the ________. as a result, the tryptophan biosynthetic genes are expressed

repressor; operator

in attenuation, the level of an a.a governs the conformation of the leader indirectly. However, leaders that act as _____ change conformation by binding a particular effector directly



small RNA molecules that regulate translation in trans by base pairing with sites on mRNAs that can hide or expose the ribosome binding site.

what determines the DNA binding specificity of a protein w. a helix-turn-helix motif

the sequence of a.a.s in the helices

a strain of E. coli that has a mutation in the lacl gene such that lac operon is expressed even in the absence of lactose is an _______ mutant


mutations in the trpR gene that alter the protein';s DNA-binding domain will result in...

constitutive activation of the trp genes

bacteria can adjust their behavior according to their population density by using a communication system called

quorum sensing


a type of transcription factor that can bind to specific cis-acting elements and thereby diminish or prevent transcription. Repressors bind operators in prokaryotes and enhancers (or silencers) in eukaryotes.


a unit of DNA composed of two or more genes transcribed as a polycistronic mRNA under the control of a single promoter and operator.

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