Chapter 16 hwk questions

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Which are true of rods

- There are more than 100 million rod cells per eye - They function well in dim light

Which are basic taste sensations

-Sour -Sweet -Umami

Which are the correct names for the tube that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx

-eustachian tube -pharyngotympanic tube -auditory tube

Cochlea has three fluid-filled ducts. Which are the names of these ducts

-scala tympani -cochlear duct -scala vestibull

Using the image of the eye, match the letter and structure.

A - Eyelashes B - Lacrimal caruncle C - Medial palpebral commissure D - Eyeball

What type of photoreceptor cell detects color?


What is the letter A in the picture of the eye


What type of fluid is found in region A of the inner ear


Match the special sense with its anatomical name.

Gustation - Taste Olfaction - Smell Vision - Sight Equilibrium - Balance Audition - Hearing

What type of receptors detects deep pressure and vibration

Lamellated corpuscles

The optic disc contains _____ photoreceptors


Name the nerve shown labeled A in the picture of the posterior eye

Optic nerve

olfactory receptors _____

Perceive odors.

What type of receptor monitors changes in body position


The types of the receptors that include only the somatic sensory receptors within joints, muscles, and tendons are called


The sclera ______

Provides for eye shape Is made of dense connective tissue

The area that a receptor cells gathers information from is called the _____

Receptive field

Match the modality of stimulus with its function.

Thermoceptors - Detect temperature Photoreceptors - Detect light Baroceptors - Detect pressure change Nociceptors - Detect tissue damage Chemoreceptors - Detect chemicals

Which are true of the olfactory hairs

They are unmyelinated, they are immobile

Which taste sensation translates as "delicious flavor" and is perceived as a meaty flavor


hearing and equilibrium are transmitted along which cranial nerve


What chamber is between the iris and cornea

anterior chamber

What type of fluid is found in the anterior cavity of the eyeball

aqueous humor

Sound waves are funneled into the ear by the


Which type of receptor detects pressure changes


Olfactory receptor cells are ___ neurons


Somatic receptors are found within

body wall

Gustatory cells are found in taste ____


Letter A is the olfactory


Receptors in blood vessels that monitor the concentration of carbon dioxide in our blood are called


Receptors that detect chemicals are called


The iris is continuous with the

ciliary body

The auditory tube is normally


The sphincter pupillae ____ the pupil


Which are a part of the fibrous tunic?

cornea and sclera

The optic disc is associated with

cranial nerve II

The receptors for the special senses are found within the


Light rays are refracted or bent when they pass through two media of different ______.


Which is an accessory structure of the eye


The external layer of the eyeball is the ____ tunic


The lens is ______ when we are viewing faraway objects.


What disease causes fluid build up in the eye, dislocating the lens


Which may result in symptoms such as reduced field of vision, dim vision, and/ or halos around lights


The vestibulocochlear nerve transmits _____ information

hearing and equilibrium

What structure is the dividing line between the anterior and posterior chambers


Pacinian corpuscles are also called

lamellated corpuscles

The nasolacrimal duct is found on the ____ side of the nose


Accommodation is the process of making the lens

more spherical

Where are photoreceptors located?

neural layer of the retina

The sense of smell is called


What structure is the letter A in the picture of the internal eye

ora serrata

The sphincter pupillae is controlled by the _____ division of the nervous system


accommodation is controlled by the ______ division of the nervous system


If stimulated over a period of time, ______ receptors lose eventually sensitivity.


What type of receptor can undergo adaptation


Aqueous humor is secreted into the ______ chamber before traveling to the _____ chamber of the eye


As tears drain, through the lacrimal caruncle, they enter small holes called the lacrimal _________


The iris controls the size of the


The apparent distortion of the spoon in the water glass is due to the phenomenon called


The lens is _______ when we are viewing close up objects


Which part of the eye is an attachment site for extrinsic eye muscles


Localization and sensitivity are easily determined in a ______ receptive field.


We use the sense of ____ to sample our environment for information about the food we will eat, the presence of other individuals in the room, or potential danger.


Taste buds are found on the tongue and

soft palate

Which auditory ossicle contacts the oval window


Tactile cells associated with tactile discs are located in

stratum basale

A flattened dendritic disc is a type of unencapsulated receptor called a ______.

tactile disc

Tactile cells are associated with

tactile discs

Gustation is the sense of

to taste

Which layer of the eye contains the blood and lymph vessels

vascular tunic

Stretch receptors in the stomach would be classified as what type

visceral sensory

In the eye, the ________ humor is gelatinous


The posterior cavity contains the ____ humor


Order these structures from superficial to deep. Start with the outermost structure first

1) Sclera 2) Choroid 3) Pigmented layer of retina 4) Neural layer of retina

Order these structures in the order that tears travel through them

1) lacrimal puncta 2) lacrimal canaliculus 3) lacrimal sac 4) nasolacrimal duct

Place the structures of the vascular tunic in order from anterior to posterior

1. iris 2. ciliary body 3. choroid

Each eye has ___ lacrimal puncta


The parasympatehic nervous system controls


Using the image of neural layers of the eye, match the letter with the eye structure

A- choroid B- retina C- ganglion cells D- photoreceptors cells

Match the terms related to vision with their definitions

A- emmetropia B- hyperopia C- myopia

Using the image of vision disorders, match the letter with the correct term

A- emmetropia B- hypertropia C- myopia

Match the letter with the type of receptor shown in the image

A- free nerve ending B- root hair plexus C- tactile disc

Match the letter with the structure in the image of a taste bud

A- gustatory microvillus B- taste pore C- gustatory cell D- sensory nerve

Match the letter to the correct structures in this Sagittal view of the eye

A- levator palpebrae superioris B- Orbicularis oculi C- ocular conjunctiva D- tarsal plate E- cornea

Match the letter with the structure in the picture of the internal view of the eye. B is in the center of A

A- macula lutea B- fovea centralis C- optic disc

Using the given picture of the middle ear, match the letter with the structure

A- malleus B- incus C- stapes

Match the letter and the structure in the picture of the olfactory epithelium

A- olfactory tract B- cribriform plate C- basal cell D- olfactory receptor cell

Match the letter with the eye structure

A- optic disc B- optic nerve C- retina D- fovea centralis

Match the letter with the structure in the picture of the internal eye

A- sclera B- ciliary muscle C- retina

Using the picture showing iris control, match the letter with the appropriate description

A- sphincter pupillae contraction B- dilator pupillae contraction

Using the image of the middle ear, match the letter with the structure

A- stapedius B- tensor tympani C- round window

Match the letter with the region of the eye

A: fibrous tunic B: vascular tunic C: retina

What region of the eye contains the ciliary body


Which structure contains the highest concentration of cones? Structure B is in the center of structure A


Which type of receptor detects color


In the picture of a taste bud, the letter A is the

Basal cell

What structure is the "white" of the eye


Tactile cells associated with tactile discs are located in the _____

Stratum basale

What is the name of structure A in the picture of the spinal organ

Tectorial membrane

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