Chapter 16

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4. As people get older and their children move on, they have fewer needs to reach emotional goals and strive more to reach knowledge goals before the end of life.


6. The process of selective optimization with compensation is more likely to be effective when a person has experienced some form of loss in his or her life.


7. Being pessimistic has no effect on longevity.


10. According to Baltes, __________ involves reducing performance in some domains in order to focus on optimal performance in other domains. A. selection B. optimization C. compensation D. integrity


12. Which of the following is NOT a concern with eldercare? A. Concern over the use of Medicare and Medicaid to cover the costs associated with eldercare. B. Concern over who will provide eldercare with so many women in the labor market. C. Concern over the health of adults in middle age who are attempting to care for their aging parents. D. all of these


17. Older adults are afforded higher positions in society in all cases EXCEPT when they__________. A. rely on community resources for basic needs B. are permitted to engage in useful and valued societal functions C. are integrated into an extended family D. have valuable knowledge


2. One of the main points of Erikson's theory is that __________. A. resolution of conflicts from earlier life stages can provide a foundation for many facets of integrity and wisdom in old age B. older adults must redefine their worth in terms of something other than work roles C. each older adult must cope with declining physical abilities D. older adults must recognize and accept their own mortality


3. Which of the following is an example of Erikson's view of integrity? A. Emily, age 72, thinks she made a valuable contribution to numerous lives during her career as a nurse. B. Joe, age 60, regrets never having children and is looking for a way to add meaning to his life C. Amber, age 68, struggles with her health, but is optimistic that she will recover and return to live in her own home. D. Jesse, age 71, is content living in a nursing home and remains active in various social activities.


8. According to socioemotional selectivity theory, during late adulthood, emotion-related goals __________, and knowledge-related goals __________. A. increase; decrease B. increase; increase C. decrease; increase D. decrease; decrease


1. In Erik Erikson's theory, __________ describes the period of development for humans in late adulthood. A. intimacy versus isolation B. integrity versus despair C. generatively versus stagnation D. identity versus identity confusion


11. Prejudice against older adults is called __________. A. eldercare B. ageism C. racism D. sexism


13. Poverty rates are the highest among older __________ who live alone. A. White women B. African American women C. Latino women D. White men


15. What percentage of adults over 65 years of age are married? A. 95% B. 56% C. 33% D. 15%


18. One of the concerns with generational inequality is that __________. A. young adults are more educated, thus often take high paying jobs from elderly workers B. our aging society is being unfair to its younger members as they are expected to fund resources which are used largely by the aging population C. older adults are unfairly discriminated against based on their age with no respect to skills or expertise D. our society has created a generational divide fueled by rapid change in technology


9. Which of pianist Arthur Rubinstein's behaviors provides an example of optimization in old age? A. Rubenstein reduced the scope of his performances, playing fewer pieces. B. Rubenstein spent more time practicing than he did earlier in his life. C. Rubenstein used special strategies to create the perception of faster playing. D. all of these


14. Which of the following statements regarding technology use by older adults is FALSE? A. Older adults are less likely than younger adults to have a computer in their home. B. Older adults are less likely to use the Internet than younger adults. C. Older adults are more likely than young adults to critically examine the accuracy of information on the Internet. D. Older adults are the fastest growing segment of Internet users.


3. When older adults engage in more "solitary" activities, they are happier and function better than do older adults who engage in "productive" activities.


20. Which of the following statements concerning cohabitation in older adults is FALSE? A. Cohabitating older adults report higher levels of depression than their married counterparts. B. Cohabitating older adults have a more positive, stable relationship than younger adults who cohabitant. C. Cohabitating older adults are more likely to have plans to marry their partners than younger ones. D. Older adults may choose to cohabitate rather than to get married in order to maintain separate financial assets.


5. Who suggested that life review is set in motion by looking forward to death? A. Erik Erikson B. Robert Peck C. Robert Butler D. Laura Cartensen


7. The __________ theory of social development in late adulthood suggests that older adults become more discriminating about their social networks A. disengagement B. activity C. sociootional selectivity D. selective optimization with compensation


16. In older adults, social support and integration are related to __________. A. improved physical health B. improved mental health C. greater longevity D. improved physical and mental health, as well as greater longevity


19. __________, involving discussion of past activities and experiences with another individual or group; may improve the mood of older adults. A. Life review B. Selective optimization C. Generational communication D. Reminiscence therapy


4. __________ involves looking at one's experiences, evaluating them, interpreting them, and sometimes reinterpreting them. A. Disengagement B. Role preoccupation C. Ego transcendence D. Life review


6. Which of the following statements regarding life review is TRUE? A. Life review does not include sociocultural dimensions. B. Life review helps prepare individuals for death, but increases their fear of death. C. Life review does not provide new and significant meaning to a person's life. D. Life review may cause individuals to reevaluate previous experiences and their meaning.


2. Research suggests that because older adults' lives are somewhat empty, it is beneficial for them to spend most of their time thinking about the joys of their past.


1. Erikson would argue that for a life review to end positively, an older adult must have completed early stages of adult development positively as well.


10. Older adults tend to report closer relationships with adult daughters compared to sons.


5. Seniors tend to have more positive and balanced emotional lives than do younger adults.


8. Older adults are more satisfied with their marriages than are young and middle-aged adults.


9. Volunteering in older adulthood is associated with a number of positive health and social outcomes.


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