chapter 16 monopoly

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natural monopoly

a monopoly that arises because one firm can meet the entire market demand at a lower average total cost than two or more firms could

Marginal cost pricing rule

a rule that sets price equal to marginal cost to achieve an efficient output

Monopoly arises when a barrier to entry​ exists, but the good has some close substitutes.


Monopoly arises when a firm can sell any quantity it chooses at the going price.


Monopoly arises when a skating rink offers discounts to students and seniors.


A monopoly that price discriminates​ ______.

gains because it converts consumer surplus to economic profit

A​ single-price monopoly maximizes profit by producing the quantity at which​ ______.

marginal revenue equals marginal cost and setting the price equal to the most people are willing to pay for that quantity

example of a price cap regulation

A government regulation has forced cable TV operators to lower the price of cable TV from​ $55 a month to​ $30 a month.

A monopoly that can perfectly price discriminate has a marginal revenue curve that is steeper than the demand curve for the good that the monopoly produces.


Monopoly arises in the hybrid SUV market when Ford cuts its price below that of Toyota to increase profit.


A​ single-price monopoly is​ ______.

inefficient because it produces too small an output and creates a deadweight loss

A firm is a natural monopoly if​

it can satisfy the market demand at a lower average total cost than other firms can

Which of the following firms is most likely to be a​ monopoly?

local distributor of electricity

Perfect price discrimination

price discrimination that extracts the entire consumer surplus by charging the highest price that consumers are willing to pay for each unit

If a monopoly can perfectly price​ discriminate, it produces no deadweight loss and is more efficient than a​ single-price monopoly.


Monopoly arises when a firm experiences economies of scale even when it produces the quantity that meets the entire market demand.


Monopoly arises when a single​ firm, protected by a barrier to​ entry, produces a personal service that has no close substitutes.


A​ profit-maximizing monopoly never produces output in the​ _______ range of its​ _______ curve.

​inelastic; demand

Rate of return regulation

A regulation that sets the price at a level that enables a firm to earn a specified target rate of return on its capital.

Average cost pricing rule

A rule that sets price equal to average total cost to enable a regulated firm to avoid economic loss.

example of a ​single-price monopoly​

DeBeers sells diamonds of the same quality to all its customers at the same price.

example of a ​price-discriminating monopoly

IMAX charges​ $6 per movie ticket for children younger than​ 8, and​ $8.50 per movie ticket for adults.

example of regulation​

The Surface Transportation Board influences the prices on interstate railroads.

example of deregulation

The quota on milk production has been lifted by the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU.

Capture theory

The theory that the regulation serves the self-interest of the producer and results in maximum profit, under-production, and deadweight loss.

barrier to entry

any constraint that protects a firm from competitors

Governments regulate natural monopoly by capping the price at​ _______.

average total​ cost, which allows the monopoly to be inefficient but make zero economic profit

A firm that experiences economies of scale even when it produces the quantity that meets the entire market demand is an example of a natural monopoly.


When natural or legal forces work to protect a firm from potential​ competitors, the market is said to have​ _______.

a barrier to entry

Regulation that results in the efficient output and price is​ _______.

a marginal cost pricing rule


a market in which one firm sells a good or service that has no close substitutes and a barrier blocks the entry of new firms

legal monopoly

a market in which​ competition and entry are restricted by the granting of a public​ franchise, government​ license, patent, or copyright

A price cap regulation is often combined with​ _______ in case the regulator sets the cap too high.

earnings sharing regulation

A single​ firm, protected by a barrier to​ entry, produces a personal service that has no close substitutes. This is an example of​ ______.

either a natural monopoly or a legal monopoly that can price discriminate

A monopoly sets its price such that demand for the good produced is​ ______.


A monopoly​ ______.

that produces a good that cannot be resold might choose to price discriminate

Rent seeking

the lobbying for special treatment from the government to create economic profit or to divert consumer surplus or producer surplus away from others

Social interest theory

the theory that​ regulation achieves an efficient allocation of resources

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