Chapter 16 PowerPoint

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Integrated marketing communication is increasingly effective for several reasons:

-bc mass media advertising is used less frequently today bc of its high costs and lower effectiveness in reaching some target markets. - database marketing and marketing analytics are allowing marketers to target individual customers more precisely.

The four possible elements of a promotion mix are:

Advertising Personal selling public relations sales promotion

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

Coordination of promotion and other marketing efforts for maximum informational and persuasive impact on consumers. -Coordination multiple marketing tools to produce this synergistic effect requires a marketer to employ a broad perspective.

Marketers can now take advantage of more precisely targeted promotional tools, such as

TV, direct mail, the internet, special-interest magazines, smartphones , mobile applications, social media, sales calls, and outdoor boards.

Promotion mix

a combination of promotional methods used to promote a specific product.


a person, group, or organization with a meaning it tries to share with a receiver or an audience.


a sharing of meaning through the transmission of information.

Being highly flexible

advertising can reach an extremely large target audience or focus on a small, precisely defined segment.


communication to build and maintain relationships by informing and persuading one or more audiences. Many organizations spend considerable resources on promotion to build and enhance relationships with current and potential customers as well as other stakeholders.

Through digital media

companies can provide product information and services that are coordinated with traditional promotional activities.

Coding process( encoding)

converting meaning into a series of signs or symbols.

Sales promotion examples

free samples ,games, rebates, sweepstakes, contests, premiums and coupons.

Effective management of integrated marketing communication is based on

information about and feedback from customers and the marketing environment, often obtained from an organization's marketing information system.

What has been a major challenge for integrated marketing communications.

integrating and customizing marketing communications while protecting customer privacy has become a major challenge.

When coding meaning

into a message, the source must consider certain characteristics of the receiver or audience. -a source needs to use signs or symbols that the receiver or audience uses to refer to the concepts the source intends to convey.

Public relation

is a broad set of communication efforts used to create and maintain favorable relationships between an organization and its stakeholders,


is a paid nonpersonal communication about an organization and its products transmitted to a target audience thorough mass media.

Personal selling

is a paid personal communication that seeks to inform customers and persuade them to purchase products in an exchange.

Sales promotion

is an activity or material that acts as a direct inducement, offering added value or incentive for the product to resellers, sale people or customers,

A major goal of integrated marketing communications

is to send a consistent message to customers

Transmission media includes

printed words( newspapers and magazines), broadcast media (television and radio), and digital communication.

Individuals and organization are using advertising to

promote goods, services, ideas, issues and people

The communication process

source, coding process, communication channel, decoding process, noise, feedback, channel capacity.

For maximum benefit from promotional efforts, marketers

strive for proper planning, implementation, coordination and control of communications.

Integrated marketing communications also enables

synchronization of promotion elements and can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of promotion budgets.


the individual, group or organization that decodes a coded message. Audience- two or more receivers.

communications channel

the medium of transmission that carries coded message from the source to the receiver.

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