Chapter 16 Psychology

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According to the APA, 3 factors work together to produce successful treatment. Which of the following is not one of the three factors?

1) evidence based treatment that is appropriate for the issue 2) clinical expertise of the psychologist or therapist 3) Your own characteristics, values, preferences, and culture

Antipsychotic medications were first introduced in this year


How long does psychoanalysis take if you do it the Freudian way

2?? 3-7??

What did a 2006 special report by bjs suggest about the amount of mental illness in the criminal justice system?

705,600 mentally ill adults in state prisons and 78,800 in federal and 479000 in local jails 2 to 4 times the amount of general population

Who developed client centered therapy?

Carl Rogers

Not same as four in order to overcome a eating disorder the girls therapist changes her behaviors by helping her change her thinking and her self defeating behaviors.

Cognitive Behavior

Rafiel is in therapy one of his goals is to not be pessimistic his therapist helps him to remove these thoughts through actions?

Cognitive Therapy

The primary therapeutic orientation used in couples counseling is ________.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Which of the following explains why psychiatric hospitals emphasize short term care?

Due to the very high cost of psychiatric hospitalization, insurance coverage often limits the length of time one can be hospitalized.

What does research show regarding race and ethnic differences in those who receive mental health treatment?

Ethnic minorities tend to utilize mental health services less frequently than White, middle- class Americans.

Anti-Anxiety agents (medications) work by doing ________

Give you an overall feeling of well being - Depress central nervous system activity

Breach of confidentiality is a greater risk in this type of therapy:

Group Therapy

Which of the following is a benefit of group therapy?

Helps decrease client's shame and isolation

Which principle underlies cognitive therapy?

How you think determines how you feel.

He is arrested for drunk driving, his consequences include attending drunk driving classes. He is required to attend these classes, but does not want to. What type of treatment is this?

Involuntary treatment

In Medieval times abnormal behaviors were viewed as a sign of what?

Possessed by demons

Doctor xavier encourages his client to relax and to say whatever comes into his head at the moment. What is he using to help his client?

Psychoanalysis/free association

Electroconvulsive therapy is effective in alleviating symptoms with people of what?

Severe Depression

The use of this can have decreased appetite difficulty sleeping stomach ache and headache.


Which principle underlies the effectiveness of systematic desensitization

That you cannot have two conflicting emotions at the same time

The amount of time spent in therapy depends on the needs of the client and what?

The client's support system and insurance status

In the free association technique of psychoanalysis what happens

The patient relaxes and then says whatever comes to mind at the moment

What should be changed to make the following sentence true? In aversion therapy, a therapist seeks to treat clients' fears or anxiety by presenting them with the object or situation that causes their problem, with the idea that they will eventually get used to it.

The word "aversion" should be changed to the word "exposure."

Patients at Manderly Psychiatric center are awarded with chips when engaging in positive behaviors. You can later exchange chips for a reward. What is that an example of?

Token economy

Doctor duncan is a therapist who works with men accused with domestic violence she attempts to be non judgemental which part of kilnecenter therapy is this?

Unconditional positive regard

Antipsychotic drugs such as hodol are used to treat all of the following except.

Visual Hallucinations

What is the emphasis in humanistic therapy?

individual's potential for self-fulfillment

Carl Rogers called his organization a "client organization" because he thought that the word patient meant what?

needs help

Jarl makes several minor mistakes during his conversational French class. Instead of thinking, "everyone makes mistakes sometimes," he thinks, "I am so stupid." What kind of cognitive distortion is this?


Which institutional setting replaced asylums in caring for the mentally ill?

psychiatric hospitals

Lexi cannot control her impulses to pull out her hair, her friend Paul suggests that she sees a therapist and she agrees. Her doctor recommends her and she goes to therapy four times a month. What type of therapy is this?


Which of the following is a drug that can be used to treat ADHD? (Stimulants)

Adderall Ritalin

Paxel, proloft, and zolaw are examples of this type of medication:


This type of drug can increase the risk of obesity and diabetes, constipation, dry mouth, blurred vision, dizziness

Atypical Antipsychotics

Kaz wants to stop biting his nails so he rubs some bitter stuff under his nails to make them taste crappy. What technique is he using?

Aversive Conditioning

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