Chapter 17

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What resulted in industrialization in the decades after the Civil War?

A higher standard of living

Which of the following statements characterizes the employment of women in the American labor force during the late 19th century?

And women were not encourage to enter the workforce until they were married

Who of the following represented the American notion that through hard work, even a poor immigrant could become to tremendously successful?

Andrew Carnegie

Gustavis swift boosted productivity in a Chicago slaughterhouse in the 1860s by using what?


The federal government responded to the problem of discrimination against the Chinese in the 19th century California by doing what?

Barring Chinese immigrants to the United States in 1882

The development of late nineteenth century advertising illustrates the significance of which late 19 century phenomenal?

Business is creating demand for brand-names

What late 19th century development made it possible for you American to participate in the national consumer culture?


New corporate managers pioneered which system to track expenses and revenue from the late 19 century?

Cost accounting

Which of the following statements characterizes the economics of working-class family life in the late 19th century America?

Due to their dire economic circumstances working-class families frequently sent the children out to work at mills factories and mines

And terms of membership, the Knights of labor discriminated what?

Exclusion of the Chinese

Why did so few African-American men factory jobs in the United States in 1890?

Factory owners found that they could satisfy most of the labor needs with immigrant workers so they rejected both block applicants

What factors were critical determinants of workers occupational opportunities in the late 19th and early 20th century

Gender and race

And 1891 the Texas alliance proposed cooperative enterprise to what?

Giving farmers access to cheap credit

What did the railroad strike of 1877 in the Homestead strike of 1892 have in common?

Government troops help put down both strikes

Which business strategy did did John D Rockefeller pioneer in the late 19 century?

Horizontal integration

What argument did Andrew Carnegie make his famous 1889 essay "Gospel of wealth"

Industrialization had allowed The poor to raise themselves to nearly same level as the wealth

Which of the following policies did the greenback - Labour Party support in the 1870s?


Who were skilled workers with the relatively high degree of autonomy me in the 1870s?


Introduction of mass production in the late 19th century American economy had which of the following advantages

Mass production increased workers output

Why has the labor movement always been relatively weak in American politics?

Most industrial workers live in urban areas in cities, which are underrepresented in Congress

Why was clerical in office work appealing to white working-class women in the late 19th century

Office work was cleaner and better pay than domestic services or factory work

The great strike of 1877 involved workers in what industry

Rail Roads

Which of the following technological innovations made it possible for swift to undertake the prices of local butchers?

Refrigerated car

State Granger laws were designed primarily to what?

Regulate big businesses

The outcome of the implementation of scientific management was what?

Resistance from workers

"it looks to me like slavery to happen to have a man stand over you with the stopwatch" this statement by an iron molder refers to what

Scientific management

What was a consequence of mass production

Skilled workers gradually lost their autonomu

New immigration patterns in the early 20th century reflect the growing immigration from where?

Southern and Eastern Europe

Founded in 1867 the national Grange of patrons of husbandry did what?

Sponsored events to improve the social life of farm families

Which of the following describes vertically integrated corporation?

Such corporations control all aspects of the operations businesses

Established in 1887 the interstate commerce commission (I CC) did what?

Sued in court to force companies to reduce high rates

Why was the American Federation of labor more successful than the Knights of labor in the late 19th century?

The AFL focused on goals such as better wages, hours, and working condition

Which of the following was a 19th-century example of a trade union?

The American Federation of labor

The United States had become the leading producer in the world by 1900 because of what?

The Bessemer process

The Supreme Court decision that overturned Granger laws and Wabash versus Illinois (1886) lead to what?

The creation of the interstate commerce commission

After the Civil War, Republicans economic policies led to what?

The dominance of large corporations

Why was the Haymarket incident of 1886 significant?

The incident led to the downfall of the Knights of labor

Why was the strike by steel workers at Homestead, Pennsylvania, significant?

The lockout represented Carnegies effort to break the plants union

Which of the following statements describes the Chinese immigrants to the United States in the 19 century?

They faced more severe discrimination then European immigrants

Which of the following describes the traveling salesman in the late 19th century?

They helped build nationwide distribution networks for a multitude of products

Which of the following statements describes the experiences of the new immigrants who enter the United States between 1880 and 1920?

They often planned on working at saving money for a few years before returning Home

What did Andrew Carnegie, Gustavis swift, and John D Rockefeller have in common?

They succeeded through vertical integration

Why did Chinese immigrants come to the US in the 19 century

They were motivated by poverty and upheaval in the southern China

How did John d Rockefellers standard oil corporation come to control 95% of the nations oil refining to possibly in the 1880s?

Through predatory pricing in the creation of the trust

Which magazine was the first to take advantage of advertising revenue to build mass readership, with over 1 million subscribers?

Time magazine

What was the purpose of the hatch act, passed by Congress and Pres. Grover Cleveland and 1887?

To provide federal funding for agriculture research and education

What is collective-bargaining?

Union negotiates with the employer for all of the employees

During the late 1800s an Adult male from what locations would more likely be a skilled worker?


As American industry expanded in the late 19th century, it's energy source shifted from what to what

Water to coal

The Knights of labor advocated which of the following reforms in the 1878 platform?

Workplace safety laws

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