Chapter 17 Quiz

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What is the failure rate for progestin-only birth control? -0% -13% -1.3% -23%


What is the approximate length of the uterine cycle? -7 days -14 days -30 days -60 days

30 days

(Multiple): Which of the following is NOT treatment of endometriosis? A. Administration of drugs that suppress prostaglandins B. Administration of drugs that suppress the output of gonadtropins C. Administration of oral contraceptives D. Administration of synthetic hormones with progesterone

A. Administration of drugs that suppress prostaglandins

(Multiple): Which of the following statements regarding salphingitis and pelvic inflammatory disease is NOT correct? A. Is a relatively uncommon disease because chlamydial and gonococcal infections of the cervix do not occur very frequently B. It causes lower abdominal pain and tenderness C. Usually caused by chlamydial or gonococcal infection spreading from an infection of the uterine cervix D. Tubal scarring after healing my cause sterility or predispose to ectopic pregnancy

A. Is a relatively uncommon disease because chlamydial and gonococcal infections of the cervix do not occur very frequently

What is NOT a manner of destroying a condyloma? A. Radiation B. Cyrocautery C. Electrocoagulation D. Podophylin application

A. Radiation

Which of the following is NOT true about functional cysts? A. they are neoplastic B. They are small C. They regress spontaneously D. They are fluid-filled

A. They are neoplastic

What does pelvic inflammatory disease refer to? -Any disease of the female reproductive tract -Any infection that affects the uterine tubes and adjacent tissues. -Ectopic pregnancy -Any gonorrheal or chlamydial infection

Any infection that affects the uterine tubes and adjacent tissues

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of vaginitis? A. Irritation B. Lesions C. Discharge D. Itching

B. Lesions

What are leiomyomas? -Benign tumors -Polyps -Precancerous tumors -Squamous cells

Benign tumors

Which of the following is NOT a barrier method of contraception? A. Condoms B. Vaginal sponge C. IUDs D. Diaphragm


Which of the following about ovarian neoplasms is true? A. Easy to detect B. Found in younger women C. Strong genetic component D. May arise in only one ovary

C. Strong genetic component

What is the origin of type 1 uterine carcinoma? -The aortic lymph node -Uterine tubes -Diabetes -Continued, unopposed estrogen stimulation of the uterus

Continued, unopposed estrogen stimulation of the uterus

Which of the following is NOT a way that levonorgestrel works to prevent a successful pregnancy? A. Inhibits ovulation B. Impairs tubal motility C. Makes the endometrium unsuitable for implantation D. Destroys the ovum

D. Destroys the ovum

Which diseases are considered to be very closely related?

Dysplasia and in situ carcinoma

What condition can arise from long-term non-atypical endometrial hyperplasia? -HSIL -EIN -DNA -CIN2


Why does primary dysmenorrhea sometimes become a problem about a year or two after the onset of menses? -Early menstrual cycles are typically anovulatory. -The type of flow changes. -Prostaglandins are released during the secretory phase of the cycle. -Endometriosis can occur at that time.

Early menstrual cycles are typically anovulatory

A postmenopausal woman consults her physician because of irregular uterine bleeding. Which condition could be responsible for bleeding? -Dysfunctional uterine bleeding -Endometrial carcinoma -Rh hemolytic disease -Endometriosis

Endometrial carcinoma

What is the presence of normal endometrium in any location outside the endometrial cavity called?


What is a characteristic feature specific to toxic shock syndrome? -Fall in blood pressure -Erythematous skin rash -Vomiting -Elevated temperature

Erythematous skin rash

What substance in birth control pills ultimately predisposes the formation of blood clots? -Testosterone -Estrogen -Progestin -Luteinizing hormone


T/F: After a D & C, if endometrial carcinoma is detected on histological examination, no further treatment is required


T/F: An intrauterine device is a small, plastic structure that is inserted into the uterine cavity by the woman to prevent pregnancy


T/F: Cells of the corpus luteum secrete progesterone starting the proliferative phase of the uterine cycle


T/F: Changes in the endometrium that occur during the menstrual cycle are not keyed to fall with the levels of ovarian hormones


T/F: Condylomas caused by HPV types 6 and 11 often become malignant


T/F: Displaced endometrial tissue is discharged like normal endometrial tissue, via the vagina


T/F: High-risk HPV is associated with high-risk HPV serotypes and regresses spontaneously


T/F: Natural contraceptive methods are as effective as artificial methods


T/F: Secondary dysmenorrhea results from prolonged primary dysmenorrhea


T/F: Tampons are now free of risk for toxic shock syndrome


T/F: The medulla of the ovary supports follicular development


T/F: Type II endometrial carcinoma results from complications from type 1 carcinoma


T/F: Unprotected sexual intercourse several days before/after ovulation cannot result in pregnancy


T/F: Untreated UVIN is classified as a low risk lesion


T/F: Vulvar carcinoma occurs only in postmenopausal women


What is a common manifestation of human papilloma virus infection? -A skin rash -Buboes -Genital condylomas -Chancres

Genital condylomas

A few ovarian tumors produce sex hormones. What is one such tumor called? -Serous cystadenoma -Teratoma -Granulosa cell tumor -Mucinous cystadenoma

Granulosa cell tumor

A procedure called "D and C" is used to address what condition in older women? -Endometriosis -Tumors of the ovary -Irregular bleeding -Dysmenorrhea

Irregular bleeding

Once the graafian (vesicular) follicle discharges from the ovum, what does it become? -It becomes part of the endometrium. -It becomes part of the corpus luteum. -It becomes part of other organs. -It disintegrates.

It becomes part of the corpus luteum

What are benign smooth muscle tumors called? -Teratomas -Granulosa cell tumors -Myomas -Ovarian cysts


What is a more common term for salphingitis?

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Which if the following is NOT a treatment of endometriosis? A. Surgery B. Drugs that suppress gonadotropins C. Radiation treatment D. Progesterone type hormones

Radiation treatment

Which of the following is inflammation of the uterine tube? -Cervitis -Toxic shock syndrome -Salpingitis -Intraepithelial lesions


What is the definition of CIN-3? -Very severe dysplasia -Mild dysplasia -Severe dysplasia -Moderate dysplasia

Severe dysplasia

In a PAP test, what are the two areas from which cells are collected? -Endocervical canal and vagina -Squamocolumnar junction and cervical cap -Uterine endometrium and vagina -Squamocolumnar junction and endocervical canal

Squamocolumnar junction and endocervical canal

What bacteria produces TSST-1 and enterotoxin-B? -Streptococcus -Rotavirus -HPV -Staphylococcus


How are cervical polyps usually treated? -Surgical removal -Cryoautery -Chemical application -Electrocoagulation

Surgical removal

T/F: A dermoid cyst is apparently an attempt buy the fertilized ovum to realize its potential by producing diverse tissues like those of a fetus


T/F: A sudden lack of estrogen can result in extremely heavy menses


T/F: Cellular abnormalities indicative of dysplasia or carcinoma first develop at the external opening of the cervix


T/F: Chronic inflammation of the endocervical glands is very common in women who have had children


T/F: In DVIN the epithelium of the vulva may exhibit irregular areas of thickening and show white patches.


T/F: It takes about a week for a fertilized ovum to travel through the fallopian tube and implant in the endometrium


T/F: Malignant ovarian tumors are most common in the high-grade serous category


T/F: Mild cervicitis is of little clinical significance


T/F: One of the two HPV vaccines available today is prepared with the live virus


T/F: PCOS is a very common cause of anovulatory infertility


T/F: Scarring of the tubal lumen may result when salpingitis inflammation heals


T/F: Some strains of papillomavirus predispose to uterine cervical dysplasia and cervical carcinoma.


T/F: Stein-Levanthal syndrome is associated with an excess production of male hormones


T/F: The PAP smear test drastically reduced the mortality rate of women with cervical cancer


T/F: The uterus has three regions: the cervix, the body, and the fundus


T/F: Treatment of primary dysmenorrhea usually an aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drug


T/F: Type 1 tends to occur in either older premenopausal women or at the time of menopause


T/F: When a corpus luteum fails to involute,it can cause continuous secretion of progesterone


What statement regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) is correct?

Testing cervical material obtained by a Pap smear for HPV may be useful to supplement the Pap test when atypical cells are identified in the pap smear

To what does dysfunctional uterine bleeding refer? -The cause is internal to the uterus. -The cause is external to the uterus. -The cause cannot be treated. -The cause is unknown.

The cause is external to the uterus

Where are ectopic deposits of endometrial material most often found? -The ovary -Outside wall of the uterus -The rectum -The cervix

The ovary

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