Chapter 18:The Protista

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Which of the following sometimes, if not always, have an eyespot in their cells?

All of these answers are correct [Chlamydomonas, dinoflagellates, euglenoids, Ulothrix zoospores]

Which of the following exhibit isogamous reproduction?

All of these answers are correct [water nets (Hydrodictyon), Chlamydomonas, mermaid's wineglass (Acetabularia), Ulothrix]

Brown algae, diatoms, and yellow green algae are all classified in the phylum

Chromophyta based on shared features such as pigments, storage materials and reproductive characters.

Which algal division has members with silicon dioxide as part of the cell wall?


True or False; A structure in which eggs are produced in algae is called an antheridium.


True or False; Algin is used primarily by medical laboratories for culturing bacteria.


True or False; If you found Ulothrix and Spirogyra in a stream and neither was reproducing, the only way you could tell them apart would be from the shape of their chloroplasts.


True or False; Red algae cause red tides.


True or False; Statospores are ornamented resting spores found in red algae.


Which of the following have species with male filaments that are dwarf?


Which of the following reproduces asexually primarily by fragmentation?


True or False; Euglenoids may obtain their food either by photosynthesis or by feeding like animals.


True or False; Filamentous algae increase in length through cell division.


True or False; Green algae have pigments similar to those of flowering plants.


True or False; In Chlamydomonas, the cells involved in sexual reproduction are similar in appearance to those involved in asexual reproduction.


True or False; Most divisions of algae have carbohydrate reserves that are unique to the division.


True or False; The reproductive cells of Spirogyra have no flagella.


Algae are placed into divisions based on their

[pigment forms, cell wall composition, and stored carbohydrates] are correct.

Euglena differs from most green algae in having

a flexible cell wall

Which of the following do Spirogyra and Ulothrix have in common?

a nucleus in each cell

This substance which is extracted from brown algae, is used as a stabilizer for ice cream and chocolate milk, and as an emulsifier in paints and cosmetics.


Which of the following commercially important products comes from red algae?

all of the above [funori, carrageenan, oriental food, agar]

Fossil diatom cell walls form deposits of diatomaceous earth, which is mined for use in

all of the above [swimming pool filters, silver and metal polishes for fine jewelry, toothpaste, controlling slugs in gardens]

The Kingdom Protista is characterized as having ______________________, making it the most diverse of the eukaryotic kingdoms.

all of the above are found in the Kingdom Protista [plant-like algae, animal-like zooplankton, fungal-like slime molds, oomycetes]

Algae populations are often commonly observed in aquatic or moist environments. They have many common names, including

all of the above may be used to refer to populations of algae [seaweeds, pond scum, fish tank films, 'green' swimming pools]

Diatom zygotes that are capable of rapidly increasing in size are


Which of the following algae have reproductive cells that are unique in having the flagella inserted laterally (on the sides of the cells)?

brown algae

No unicellular or colonial representatives of the

brown algae have been found to date.

A slime mold with individual amoebalike cells that never are in true plasmodia belongs to a small group known as

cellular slime molds

In a green alga such as Chlamydomonas, which of the following would you not expect to find?

chlorophyll d

In the common rockweed Fucus, the spherical chambers in which gametangia are produced are called


Which of the following is the type of sexual reproduction shown by Spirogyra?


Chlamydomonas cells and Ulothrix zoospores both have

contractile vacuoles

Which of the following is not a carbohydrate food reserve of algae?


The cells of which of the following are diploid?

diatom cells

In which of the following algal groups is the whole organism, not just the reproductive cells, motile?


Biolominescence and production of neurotoxins are characteristic of


The algae most responsible for bioluminescence in tropical ocean waters are


The organisms whose chromosomes remain condensed and visible throughout the life of the cells are


Which of the following produce the displays of bioluminescence often seen in tropical ocean waters?


Two of the most ecologically and/or economically damaging plant diseases are caused by the watermolds. These diseases are

downy mildew of grapes and late blight of potato

Algae and plants that become attached to other organisms without parasitizing them are termed


A gullet or groove through which food can be ingested is a feature of


Instead of a cell wall, this group of algae have a proteinaceous layer called the pellicle.


The brownish pigment found in both brown algae and diatoms is


To which division of algae do desmids and mermaid's wineglass belong?

green algae

Stoneworts and Oedogonium are both


Which of the following do sexually reproducing water molds and Oedogonium have in common?

oogonia and antheridia

The pigments that give red algae their characteristic colors are


Single-celled algae found in fresh or marine waters are


The naked protoplast of a slime mold is the


Which of the following economically important products come(s) from diatoms?

polishes and reflectorized paint

Proteinaceous structures located on algal chloroplasts and thought to contain enzymes associated with the synthesis of starch are


Although algae are found almost everywhere, the seaweeds that are most frequently found in warmer ocean waters belong to the division commonly known as

red algae

Historically algae has been used as food for people in coastal populations, but some species of ________ are now being grown commercially for food use. Sushi wrappers may be made from this algae.

red algae

The fungal-like protists include which of the following organisms?

slime molds and cellular slime molds

When a slime mold spore germinates, the active cell that emerges is known as either a myxamoeba or a

swarm cell

In the red alga Polysiphonia, meiosis takes place within


Downy mildew of grapes and late blight of potato are two diseases caused by

water molds

Which of the following do the green algae Chlamydomonas and Oedogonium have in common?


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