Chapter 19 T's & Q's

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The Committee of Public Safety

In Massachusetts, as affairs drew toward a crisis, it became usual for towns to appoint three committees: of correspondence, of inspection, and of safety.[2] The first was to keep the community informed of dangers either legislative or executive, and concert measures of public good; the second to watch for violations of non-importation agreements, or attempts of loyalists to evade them; the third to act as general executive while the legal authority was in abeyance. In February 1776 these were regularly legalized by the Massachusetts General Court but consolidated into one called the "Committee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety" to be elected annually by the towns.


A moderate group that fought for control of the French national convention 1793. The Joannes us in the mountains for two opposing groups from the Jacob and club. The division emerged clearly after the national convention overwhelming convicted of Louis XVI of treason. The job and it excepted his guilt but did not wish to put the king to death. However the mountain carry the day and the king was executed on January 21 1793 by guillotine. However both groups which are determined to continue the war against Tyranny


A political club and Revolutionary France his members were well educated radical publicans.Although delicates in the legislative assembly or still prosperous well educated and no class men they were younger and less cautious in the professors. Does the national assembly has declared sitting deputies in eligible for real lection none of them have previously served as national presented as many of them belong to the political Jacob and clip. Such clubs have profited and Parisian neighborhoods. Jake up and other deputies really acted the patriotic fury to the declaration of plants they set up the kings of Europe were attempting to inside work and his friends then we will insert a war of people against Kings 10 million Frenchman, Kendall by the fire of liberty, armed with a sword, with reason, with eloquence would able to change the fact the world and make the tyrants trouble on the thrones. And April 1792 friends declared war on France is the second of Austria the Habsburg monarch.

Thermidorian Reaction

A reaction to the violence of the reign of terror and 1794 resulting in the execution as many people and loosening of economic controls. The success of French armies let the committee of Public Safety to relax state emergency economic controls, but the committee extended the political realm of terror. In March 1794 the revolutionary trip funeral sentence many of its critics of death. Two weeks later Rob a spear sent long-standing collaborators who we believe Ted trying to guesstimate including Denton to the guillotine. In June 1794 a new law remove defendants rights of legal counsel and criminalized criticism of the revolution.A group of radicals of moderate to the convention knowing that they might be next organize a conspiracy they how done the man what he try to speak to the national convention on July 27, 1794 a date known as nine Thermidor according to Francis new adopted Republican calendar the next day it was Robespierre's turn to be guillotined. His closest airport is follow the leader to the guillotine respectable middle-class lawyer superficial's friend let the Revolution of 1789 research at their authority. This became known as the period of Thermodorian reaction. This. Harkens back to the ideas of the Everly revolution; the new leaders of the government proclaimed an end to the revolutionary expectancy of the terror and the return of representative government, the rule of law, and liberal economic pull all the seas and 1795 the national convention abolished many economic controls the prices rise sharply severely restricted the local political organizations the wich Thermidorian Reaction the same collects exerted their strength Thermidor represents the final throes of the Reign of Terror. With Robespierre the sole remaining strong-man of the Revolution following the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat and the executions of Jacques Hébert Georges Danton and Camille Desmoulins his apparently total grasp on power became in fact increasingly illusory, especially insofar as he seemed to have support from factions to his right. His only real political power at this time lay in the Jacobin Club, which had extended itself beyond the borders of Paris and into the country as a network of "Popular Societies". In addition to widespread reaction to the Reign of Terror, Robespierre's tight personal control of the military, his distrust of military might and of banks, and his opposition to supposedly corrupt individuals in government, made him the subject of a number of conspiracies. The conspiracies came together on 9 Thermidor (when members of the national bodies of the revolutionary government arrested Robespierre as well as the leaders of the Paris city government.In an attempt to slander his reputation in the eyes of the general population, his adversaries would often refer to him as a "tyrant" or a "monster", supporting this allegation with the fact that the French Revolution had destroyed the prosperity of the French people.

The Mountain

Led by Rob a spear the national conventions radical faction which seized legislative power in 1793. A moderate group that fought for control of the French national convention 1793. The Joannes us in the mountains for two opposing groups from the Jacob and club. The division emerged clearly after the national convention overwhelming convicted of Louis XVI of treason. The job and it excepted his guilt but did not wish to put the king to death. However the mountain carry the day and the king was executed on January 21 1793 by guillotine. However both groups which are determined to continue the war against Tyranny. In March 1790 play the national convention was locked in a life-and-death political struggle between members of the mountain and the more moderate interest with the middle class delegates so bitterly divided the people of Paris once again emerged as the size of critical factor

Explain why and how American colonists forged a new, independent nation

After the British government raised taxes once again with, the Stamp Act of 1765, the Townshend Tariffs of 1767 and the Tea Act of 1773, the colonists asked for additional representation and equal rights, but were denied. Immediately, the colonial resistance started following the Boston Massacre in 1770 and the Boston Tea Act in 1773. The First Continental Congress was created in September of 1774 with George Washington, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry and John Jay present. The group met in Philadelphia, and while they did not demand independence, they did demand representation if there was to be taxation and additional rights that they did not have. The group agreed that they would meet once again in May of 1775. However, on April 19, 1775, the first shots were fired in the Revolutionary War, and the Continental Congress did more than just meet once again. During the Third Continental Congress in June of 1776, the Declaration of Independence was created and signed.

Tennis Court Oath

Members of the first an second estates assumed that each estate would receive one vote. This system would enable them to impose their will on the third estate. Led by Abbe Sieyes, the third estate rejected this method of voting and demanded that all three estates meet together. When the king refused, the third estate declared itself the true National Assembly of France. Locked out of their official meeting place, the third estate met in a nearby indoor tennis court where they took an oath not to disband until they drafted a constitution. The tennis Court Oath marked the beginning of the French Revolution.


An émigré is a person who has emigrated, often with a connotation of political or social self-exile. The word is the past participle of the French émigrer, "to emigrate". Whereas emigrants have likely chosen to leave one place and become immigrants in a different clime, not usually expecting to return, émigrés see exile as a temporary expedient forced on them by political circumstances. Émigré circles often arouse suspicion as breeding-grounds for plots and counter-revolution.

Bastille (What does it symbolize?)

Economic hardship grip the common people, conditions were already tough due to the government debt disastrous financial situation. A poor grain harvest in the 1788 cause the price of bread to store, and inflation spread quickly through the economy. As a result demand for manufactured goods collapsed, and many artesian is and small tray just left work. Against this back on the property and political crisis people Paris entered decisively to revolutionary stage. They believe that, to survive they should have steady work and enough bread at fair prices. They also feared that the dismissal of kings liberal finance minister would put them at the mercy of aristocracy. On July 14, 1789 several hundred people storm to pass the tile and Royal present to obtain weapons for the cities defense due to the knowledge of the spreading of the massive troops near Paris. This represents how the people, the common people, feared for their lives and for their Rights as human beings, they were worried about the countries economic state and what state that would leave then. They were also worried that they would not have any say in anything anymore due to the dismissal of the 3rd estate. Face with popular violence Louis soon announce the reinstatement of his finance minister and withdrawal of troops from Paris. The national assembly was not free to continue work. Peasants for the brunt of state taxation church that is and no privileges. Since most not on enough land to be self-sufficient they were hard hit by the rising prices bread.

Explain how the slave revolt on colonial St. Domingue led to the creation of the independent state of Haiti in 1804.

Events that led to the creation of the good independent nation of Haiti constitute the third, and perhaps the most extraordinary chapter of the revolutionary era in the late 18th century. Prior to 1789 St. doing the French colony does he come Haiti read huge profits through his system of slaved base plantation agriculture. Use of evolution in France Paris keg of contradictory aspirations among white planters, free people of color, and slaves. Well revolutionary authorities debated how far to extend the rights of man and sing to me, first free people of color, and then slave people took matters into their own hands rising up to cleanser for them. They succeeded, despite invasion of the British and Spanish and the Polian Bonaparte days bid to reimpose French control in 1804 Hitty became the only nation in history to claimants freedom through slave revolt.

Analyze the reasons Napoleon Bonaparte assumed control of France and much of Europe, and identify the factors that led to his downfall

For almost 15 years from 1799 to 1814, France is the hands of keen minded military dictator of exceptional ability. One of histories most fascinating leaders Napoleon Bonaparte day realize that he needed to put an end to simple strides in France in order to create unity and consolidate his room. And he did. The Napoleon sans self as a man of destiny, and the glory of war and the dream of the universal empire proved irresistible. Four years he spiraled from victory to victory, but in the end he was destroyed by mighty collision united in fear of his restless and bishop. Napoleon left home and became a lieutenant in the French artillery and 7085 after be converted to the revolutionary cause and Ricely rapidly rising in the Republican army the Napoleon was placed in command in French forces in Italy and one brilliant victories there in 1796 1797. His next campaign, and Egypt was a failure, but Napoleon return to France before the fiasco was generally know, and his reputation he remained intact. French aggression in Egypt and elsewhere productive British to organize 1798 the second collation good also include Austria and Russia. Napoleon soon learned that some prominent members of the legislature replanning to get the directory the platters the satisfaction stem not so much of the directors rudely the Torley that's with that it was a week dictatorship. 10 years of a people and uncertainty of a firm rule much more peeling in liberty and popular politics to this allusion revolutionaries. The flamboyant 30 I was Napoleon was nationally favorite verse hair Harrison was ideal figure for authority Napoleon this conspirators ousted the directors and the following day soldiers to spend the legislator at the Bayon to point the plane was named first council the republic and a new constitution consolidating his position is overwhelming approved by nationwide about December 2017 is not the public appearance is maintained Napoleon became the ruler of France.

Declaration of the Rights of Man

Having granted new rights to the peasantry, the National Assembly moved forward with its reforms. On August 27, 1789, it issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. This clarion call of the liberal revolutionary ideal guaranteed equality before law, representative government for a sovereign people, and individual freedom. This revolutionary credo, only two pages long, was disseminated throughout France, the rest of Europe, and around the World. The National Assembly's declaration had little practical effect for the poor and hungry people of Paris. The economic crisis worsened after the fall of the bastille, as aristocrats fled the country and the luxury market collapsed. Foreign markets also shrank, and unemployment among the working classes grew. In addition, women-the traditional managers of food and resources in poor homes-could no longer look to the church, which ha been stripped of it tithes, for aid.


Delivering poor Paris, so called because the men wore trousers and the kneebreaches of the aristocracy in the middle class; the word came to refer to the militant radicals of the city. And March 1793 at the National Convention was locked in a life and death political struggle between three members of the mountain and the more moderate Girondists . With the middle-class delegates so bitterly divided, the people of Paris once again emerged as the decisive political factor. the laboring poor and the petty traders were often known as the sans-culottes because their men wore trousers instead of the knee breeches of the aristocracy and the solid middle class. They demanded radical political action to defend a revolution. The mountain, something an opportunity to outmaneuver the Girondists, joined with sans-culottes activists to engineer a popular uprising. On June 2, 1793, armed sans-culottes invaded the Convention and forced its deputies to arrest twenty-nine Girondist deputies for treason. All power passed to the mountain. the Convention also formed the Committee of Public Safety in April 1793 to deal with threats from within and outside France. The committee, led by Robespierre, held dictatiorial power, allowing it to use whatever force necessary to defend the Revolution. Moderates in leading provincial cities revolted against the committees' power and demanded a decentralized government. Counter-revolutionary forces in the Vendee won significant victories, and the republic's armies were driven back on all fronts. By July 1793 only the areas around Paris and on the eastern frontier were firmly held by the Central Government.

Declaration of the Rights of Woman

On October 5 some 7000 women March 12 miles from Paris to versus styles demand action. This great crowd invited the national assembly. Interrupting a delegate speech an old woman to finally shut at the debate "who's that talking up there? Make that chatterbox shut up. That's not the point: the point is we want bread quote. The woman invaded the Royal Apartments, killed some of the wild bodyguards, and search for the Queen Mary Antoinnette, who is widely despise for her frivolous and supposedly in moral behavior. It seems that likely it's only the intervention of life IL and National Guard state the Royal family. Liberal Ella it's brought the revolution into Bing and continued to leave politics. Get the people of France when aroused and would henceforth pay crucial role in the unfolding events. The national assembly follow the king to Paris and next two years after the woman's march on versatile's until September 1979 so the consolidation of liberal revolution in June 1790 the national assembly abolish the nobility and then July the kinks what upload the as your unwritten constitution effectively in trying a constitutional monarchy. Oh lawmaking power not resided in the national assembly, Y French male who possessed a set amount of property, the pricing roughly half of the male population. The constitution passed in September 1791 was the first in French history. Illegalize divorce and brought in woman's rights to inherit property and to obtain financial support for a little illegible and children from fathers, but excluded woman from political office in voting. Politically active woman wrote pamphlets fun clubs and petition the assembly I'll be half the woman's rights to dissipate in the life of the nation. Olympic UGGs, a self-taught writer and a woman of the people protested the evils of slavery as was the unjust is done to the woman. It's a different night 7090 want to publish a declaration rights of woman this pamphlet echo the famous process or the declaration of the rights of man and citizen proclaiming woman is born free I remain equal to Madame rights. This position found little symphony among leaders and of the revolution.

Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)

The American Patriots' term for a series of punitive laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 after the Boston Tea Party. They were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for their defiance in throwing a large tea shipment into Boston Harbor. In Great Britain, these laws were referred to as thee Coercive Acts. The Acts took away Massachusetts' self-government and historic rights, triggering outrage and resistance in the Thirteen Colonies. They were key developments in the outbreak of the American Revolution in 1775. Four of the Acts were issued in direct response to the Boston Tea Party of December 1773; the British Parliament hoped these punitive measures would, by making an example of Massachusetts, reverse the trend of colonial resistance to parliamentary authority that had begun with the 1765 Stamp Act. A fifth Act, the Quebec Act, enlarged the boundaries of what was then the Province of Quebec and instituted reforms generally favorable to the French Catholic inhabitants of the region; although unrelated to the other four Acts, it was passed in the same legislative session and seen by the colonists as one of the Intolerable Acts. The Patriots viewed the Acts as an arbitrary violation of the rights of Massachusetts, and in September 1774 they organized the First Continental congress to coordinate a protest. As tensions escalated, the American Revolutionary War broke out in April 1775, leading in July 1776 to the declaration of an Independent United States of America.

Identify the factors behind the revolutions in the late 18th century

The American revolution inspired the French revolution. Another factor British taxes without representation. People were upset about starvation in France, and the money the Queen spent. Women's riot (Mary Wollstonecraft) responded to Edmund Burke Reflections on the Revolutions in France-bourgeoisie (3rd estate) unhappy b/c they were being taxed and nobles weren't-Estates General delegates vote

Explain how the French Revolution took a radical turn entailing terror at home and war with Europe.

The Constitutional Monarchy ended when Louis XVI attempted to take flight in June 1791. With war declared on Austria; for wanting Louis XVI and his queen to remain in power. The new Legislative Assembly declared France a Republic. At the end of 1792, French Revolution took a radical turn; with the execution of the royal family and the declaration of terror as the order of the day. While Jacobin was in leadership, France was very victorious due to total war effect. The peasants beheaded the king (Louie XVI) and Queen Marie Antoinette and continued to behead anyone that tried to start a revolution.

Estates General

The Estates General had no sovereign or legislative power, its role was to advise or support the king. The First Estates General was gathered by King Philip IV in 1302, in the midst of a conflict with the Pope. During the 15th and 16th centuries the Estates General was convened sporadically, usually when the king sought the political, financial or military support of the Three Estates. The last Estates General before the French Revolution was held in 1614. It was not convened during the 72-year reign of Louis XIV, who considered the Estates General unnecessary in an age of absolute monarchial power, or his successor Louis XV. When Louis XVI summoned the Estates General for 1789, many considered it a revolution, a sign that his monarchial power had collapsed.


The Federalists were the first American political party. They existed from the early 1790s to 1816; their remnants lasted into the 1820s. The Federalists called for a strong national government that promoted economic growth and fostered friendly relationships with Great Britain, as well as opposition to revolutionary France. The party controlled the federal government until 1801, when it was overwhelmed by the Democratic-Republican opposition led by Thomas Jefferson. The Federalist Party came into being between 1792 and 1794 as a national coalition of bankers and businessmen in support of Alexander Hamilton's fiscal policies. These supporters developed into the organized Federalist Party, which was committed to a fiscally sound and nationalistic government. The only Federalist president was John Adams; although George Washington was broadly sympathetic to the Federalist program, he remained officially non-partisan during his entire presidency. Federalist policies called for a national bank, tariffs, and good relations with Great Britain as expressed in the Jay Treaty negotiated in 1794. Hamilton developed the concept of implied powers and successfully argued the adoption of that interpretation of the United States Constitution. Their political opponents, the Democratic-Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson, denounced most of the Federalist policies, especially the bank and implied powers, and vehemently attacked the Jay Treaty as a sell-out of republican values to the British monarchy. The Jay Treaty passed, and the Federalists won most of the major legislative battles in the 1790s. They held a strong base in the nation's cities and in New England. After the Democratic-Republicans, whose base was in the rural South, won the hard-fought election of 1800, the Federalists never returned to power. They recovered some strength by their intense opposition to the War of 1812, but they practically vanished during the Era of Good Feelings that followed the end of the war in 1815.

First and Second Continental Congress

The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies that met on September 5th to October 26th, 1774, at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, early in the American Revolution. It was called in response to "The Passage of the Coercive Acts" by the British Parliament. The Intolerable Acts had punished Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party. The Congress was attended by 56 delegates. The Pennsylvania delegation was appointed by the colonial assembly. Georgia declined to send delegates because they were hoping for British assistance with Native American problems on their frontier and did not want to upset the British. The Congress met briefly to consider options, including an economic boycott of British trade; rights and grievances; and petitioned King George III for redress of those grievances The Congress also called for another Continental Congress in the event that their petition was unsuccessful in halting enforcement of the Intolerable Acts. Their appeal to the Crown had to effect, and so the Second Continental Congress was convened this following year to organize the defense of the colonies at the onset of the American Revolutionary War. The delegates also urged each colony to set up and train its own militia.

First Estate

The First Estate contained around 130,000 ordained members of the Catholic church: from archbishops and bishops down to parish priests, monks, friars and nuns. The First Estate occupied a prestigious place in the social order. Belief in God, religion and the afterlife dominated late 18th century Europe, so for ordinary people the church and its clergy were the only avenues for understanding or accessing God and the afterlife. The church, therefore, had an ideological stronghold over the people and was an integral part of France's social and political framework. Religion underpinned royal authority by reinforcing the king's divine right to the throne. Higher clergy, such as a cardinals and archbishops, served as political advisors to the king. The state gave the Catholic church a virtual monopoly over religious matters; there were no other approved religions in France. The church was responsible for social policy and welfare and also carried out some functions of state. Its clergy conducted and registered marriages, baptisms and funerals; they delivered education to children and distributed charity to the poor. In rural areas, the local parish priest (or curé) was both a central figure and an influential leader in his community.

Second Estate

The Second Estate was the French Nobility and (technically, though not in common use) royalty, other than the monarch himself, who stood outside of the system of estates. The Second Estate is traditionally divided nto noblesse d'epee ("nobility of the sword") and noblesse de robe ("nobility of the robe"), the magisterial class that administered royal justice and civil government. The Second Estate constituted approximately 1.5% of France's population. Under the "ancient regime" ("old rule/old government"), the second estate were exempt from the corvee royale (Forced labor on the roads) and from most other forms of taxation such as the gabelle (salt tax) and most important the taille (the oldest form of direct taxation). This exemption from paying taxes led to their reluctance to reform.

The September Massacres

The September Massacres were a wave of killings in Paris and other cities in late summer 1792, during the French Revolution. There was a fear that foreign and royalist armies would attack Paris and that the inmates of the city's prisons would be freed and join them. Radicals called for preemptive action, especially journalist Jean-Paul Marat, who called on draftees to kill the prisoners before they could be freed The action was undertaken by mobs of National Guardsmen and some fédérés; it was tolerated by the city government, the Paris Commune, which called on other cities to follow suit. By 6 September, half the prison population of Paris had been summarily executed: some 1200 to 1400 prisoners. Of these, 233 were nonjuring Catholic priests who refused to submit to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. However, the great majority of those killed were common criminals. The massacres were repeated in many other French cities. No one was prosecuted for the killings, but the political repercussions first injured the Girondists seemed too moderate. and later the Jacobins seemed too bloodthirsty.

Third Estate

The Third Estate comprised all of those who were not members of the above and can be divided into two groups, urban and rural, together making up 98% of France's population. The urban included the bourgeoisie, as well as wage-laborers. The rural included free peasants (who owned their own land) who could be prosperous and villeins (serfs, or peasants working on a noble's land). The free peasants paid disproportionately high taxes compared to the other estates and were unhappy because they wanted more rights. In addition, the first and second estates relied on the labor of the Third, which made the latter's unequal status all the more glaring. There were an estimated 27 million people in the Third Estate when the French Revolution started. Men and Women shared the hard life of physical labor and food shortages. Most were born within this group and died as a part of it, too. It was extremely rare for people of this ascribed status to make it out into another estate. Those who did so managed as a result of either being recognized for their extraordinary bravery in a battle or entering religious life. A few commoners were able to catch the eye of the second estate, marry, and join them, although this was quite rare.


The anti-federalist were people who did not believe in a strong central government that would be divided into three different branches executive legislative and judicial branch. The opponents of the proposed Constitution charge that the framers of the new document had taken too much power from the individual state and made the federal government to strong they said this and remembering the previous ruler, the king of England, and fear that their New country would end up being too much like a monarchy. To overcome these objections the federalist promised to spell out that these basic freedoms as soon as the new constitution was adopted. The result of all this was the first 10 admittance to the constitution which the first Congress passed shortly after they met in New York in March 1789. And effective Bill of Rights was formed to safeguard the individual person and set the anti-federalist to rest. Not only did the Bill of Rights is the minds of unsettle people in our country but are also proclaimed other rights that shape our country today. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion reflected natural law theory and a strong values colonist had placed on the independence from the start.

levee en masse

The document was published in 1793, at the beginning of the French Revolution. The Levee en Masse, mass conscription issued by the National Convention during the French Revolution, represents Enlightenment ideals as it was the result of rational thinking and pursued progress by providing an efficient method to supply armies composed of a great number of soldiers to the nation in preparation for war. The Levee en Masse is an important step in the French Revolution because it is driven by secularism and pursues progress. While the Levee en Masse benefited the nation of France since it magnified the number of armies which could fight the war, the particular group of people who possibly benefited the most from the Levee en Masse seems to be the general military, since it could be supplemented by the extra soldiers collected through the conscription. This demonstrates the desperate need for war support during this time. This was very important because it put the responsibility on all, rather than one social class of people. Showed Europe the power of the secular ideal of nationhood and willingness of soldiers to embrace self sacrifice. It also shows the extent to which the revolution had gotten out of hand. Created a new type of military force based upon mass participation and a fully mobilized economy

How did the events of 1789 result in a constitutional monarch in France? Describe the consequences.

The events of 1789 resulted in a constitutional monarch in France because they showed the common people, ( who during this time were at the majority but still had the least amount of say in many problems, hence the third estate) how unjust their environment was or at the least, to push the common people to speak out and voice their own opinions. In 1798 there was the estates General meeting at Versailles, third estate declares itself the national assembly, the tennis court oath, the storming of the Bastille, the Great Fear, the abolishment of feudal privileges, the declaration of the rights of man and citizen, woman march Versailles and the royal family returns to Paris, and the National Assembly confiscates church land. The third estate was also a big factor in the result of a constitutional monarch in France. The Third Estate was by far the largest of the estates general, containing around 27 million people or 98 per cent of the nation. The Third Estate included every French citizen who did not possess a noble title and was not ordained by the church. As might be expected within such a large group, the Third Estate was marked by considerable diversity. It housed many different classes and levels of wealth; many different professions and ideas; rural, urban and provincial people alike. Members of the Third Estate ranged from lowly beggars and struggling peasants to urban artisans and labourers; from the shopkeepers and commercial middle classes to the nation's wealthiest merchants and capitalists. Despite its enormous size and importance to the nation, the Third Estate was politically disregarded and economically exploited by the Ancien Régime. The frustrations, grievances and sufferings of the Third Estate ultimately gave rise to the French Revolution. The storming of Bastille because Economic hardship grip the common people, conditions were already tough due to the government debt disastrous financial situation. A poor grain harvest in the 1788 cause the price of bread to store, and inflation spread quickly through the economy. As a result demand for manufactured goods collapsed, and many artesian is and small tray just left work. Against this back on the property and political crisis people Paris entered decisively to revolutionary stage. They believe that, to survive they should have steady work and enough bread at fair prices. They also feared that the dismissal of kings liberal finance minister would put them at the mercy of aristocracy. On July 14, 1789 several hundred people storm to pass the tile and Royal present to obtain weapons for the cities defense due to the knowledge of the spreading of the massive troops near Paris. This represents how the people, the common people, feared for their lives and for their Rights as human beings, they were worried about the countries economic state and what state that would leave then. They were also worried that they would not have any say in anything anymore due to the dismissal of the 3rd estate. Face with popular violence Louis soon announce the reinstatement of his finance minister and withdrawal of troops from Paris. The national assembly was not free to continue work. Peasants for the brunt of state taxation church that is and no privileges. Since most not on enough land to be self-sufficient they were hard hit by the rising prices bread. The deceleration on the rights of man As the great fear was spreading the national assembly responded to the Swelha popular uprising what does surprise maneuver on the night of August 4 and 79. By decree of assembly all the old noble privileges - peasants surf dumb, exclusive hunting rights, fees were having legal case of judged in the Lords Court, the right to make peasants work on roads, and A host of other dues - were abolished them along with it this page to the church. From this point on, French peasants would stick may lead to protect and consolidate this victory. On August 27, 1789, the assembly further issued the declaration of rights of the men and of the citizen this clarion call of the liberal revolutionary ideals guarantee the quality before the law, representative government for a sovereign people, an individual freedom. This revolutionary credo only two pages long, was disamenity did throughout France and the rest of Europe and around the world. The national assembly's declaration had little practical effect for the poor and hungry people of France. The economic crisis worsened after the fall of that the tile, as Astor Kratz fled the country and the luxury market collapsed. Foreign markets also strength, and unemployment among the urban working class is Grill. In addition, woman - the traditional managers of food and resources and poor homes Dash no longer look to the church, which of been stripped of its test for aid.

The Great Fear

The fear of noble reprisals against peasant uprisings that seized the French countryside and led to further revolt. Just as the laboring poor of Paris had been roused to a revolutionary fervor, the struggling French peasantry had also reached a boiling point. In the summer of 1789, throughout France peasants began to rise in insurrection against their lords, ransacking manor houses and burning feudal documents that recorded their obligations. In some areas peasants reoccupied common lands enclosed by landowners and seized forests. Fear of Marauders and Vagabonds hired by vengeful landlords-called the great fear by contemporaries-seized the rural poor and fanned the flames of rebellion.

King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette

The king of queens and France during the French their mission. Deezer the monarchs who have Americas win their independence from Great Britain. There was a fear that foreign and royalist armies would attack Paris and that the inmates of the city's prisons would be freed and join them. Radicals called for preemptive action, especially journalist Jean-Paul Marat, who called on draftees to kill the prisoners before they could be freed The action was undertaken by mobs of National Guardsmen and some fédérés; it was tolerated by the city government, the Paris Commune, which called on other cities to follow suit. By 6 September, half the prison population of Paris had been summarily executed: some 1200 to 1400 prisoners. Of these, 233 were nonjuring Catholic priests who refused to submit to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. However, the great majority of those killed were common criminals. The massacres were repeated in many other French cities. No one was prosecuted for the killings, but the political repercussions first injured the Girondists seemed too moderate. and later the Jacobins seemed too bloodthirsty

Declaration of Pillnitz

The kings and nobles of continental Europe, who had at first welcomed the Revolution in France as weakening a competing power, now feared its impact. In June 1791 the royal family was arrested after a failed attempt to escape France. To supporters of the Revolution, the attempted flight was proof that the king was treacherously seeking foreign support for an invasion of France. To the monarchs of Austria and Prussia, the arrest of a crowned monarch was unacceptable. two months later they issued the Declaration of Pillnitz, proclaiming their willingness to intervene in France to restore Louis XVI's rule if necessary. But the crowned heads of Europe misjudged the situation. The new French representative body, called the Legislative Assembly, that convened in October 1791 had new delegates and a different character. Although the delegates were still prosperous, well-educated middle-class men, they were younger and less cautious than their predecessors. Since the National Assembly had declared sitting deputies ineligible for re-election, none of them had previously served as national representatives. Many of them belonged to the political Jacobin Club. Such clubs had proliferated in Parisian neighborhoods since the beginning of the Revolution, drawing men and women to debate the political issues of the day. Jacobins and other deputies reacted with patriotic fury to the Declaration of Pillnitz. They said that if the kings of Europe were attempting to incite war against France, then "we will incite a war of people against kings.... Ten million Frenchmen, kindled by fire of liberty, armed with a sword, with reason, with eloquence would be able to change the face of the world and make the tyrants tremble on their thrones. In April 1792 France declared war on Francis II of Austria, the Habsburg monarch.

The Directory

The national convention about a new constitution to guarantee the economic position and political supremacy. As in previous elections, the massive population could vote only for electors who did run into her at elect the legislators but the new constitution greatly reduce number of men eligible to become electors but is dating a sept then chill property requirement. It also in Cary Tage a bicameral legislative system but the first time in the revolution, but the council of 500 to be a slower house then she did legislation and L to prevent someone from monopolizing the power the new assembly granted it's Jackie did power to five men body call the directory. The directory continue to support French military expansion abroad. Where is no longer so much as a crusade as a response to economic problems victorious French armies were just unemployment at home. However, the French people quickly grew where is the corruption and ineffectiveness that characterize directory. The trauma of years of military and political violence had it we need the public and the directories have you had an opportunist the policies that reverses this situation. Does general does satisfaction revealed itself clearly in the national election of 1797 which returned a large number of conservative an even monarchist deputies favorite piece at almost any price two years later Napoleon Bonaparte day and is a directory in a cup of the eight at substituted is start strong dictatorship for a week one. From his 15 year 1799 dating 14 France was in the hands of king minded military dictator of exceptional ability what is his reason is fatfascinating leaders the Polian Bonaparte day realize that he needs to put an end to civil strife in France or do you create unity and consolidate his role. And he did but Napoleon Psalms up as Amanda destiny, and the glory for the dream of universal empire approved irresistible. For years he thousand victory to victory but the end he was destroyed by mighty collation united in fear of his restless ambition

The Reign of Terror

The reign of terror was the paradigm 7093 7094 during which registers committee of Public Safety tried and executed thousands of specter treason and new revolution a culture was imposed With all my people were put to work pretty soon arms Venetians, uniforms, boots, sandals, and other necessary supplies for the war effort. The government told craftsman what to produce, nationalize many small workshops, and we equidistant from materials and grain. These reforms amounted to an emergency form of so she was up, which really fighting g europe's property to classes in greatly influenced the subsequent development of socialist ideology. While radical economic measures furnish the plywood bread and are you supply the right of her enforce compliance with the Republican who is the practices. The constitution of 1793 which have a completed in June 1793 and approve a national restroom what indefinitely suspended in favor of revolutionary government. Record responsible only to grab his fears public Safety tried enemies of the nation for political crime. Some 40,000 friends and woman were executed or died in prison around 300,000 were arrested making officers reign of terror was the most controversial face of the revolution. Present as in the same measure to say the republic, the terror was a weapon directly against all suspect of a posting about Lucia government. As Rob Safir himself put it Tara is nothing more than prompt severe and flexible justice. For many Europeans of the time however the reign of terror representative frightening perversion of the idea of the 7089.


The term bourgeois arose in medieval France, where it denoted an inhabitant of a walled town. Its overtones became important in the 18th century, when the middle class of professionals, manufacturers, and their literary and political allies began to demand an influence in politics consistent with their economic status. Marx was one of many thinkers who treated the French Revolution as a revolution of the bourgeois. In Marxist theory, the bourgeoisie plays a heroic role by revolutionizing industry and modernizing society. However, it also seeks to monopolize the benefits of this modernization by exploiting the propertyless proletariat and thereby creating revolutionary tensions. The end result, according to Marx, will be a final revolution in which the property of the bourgeoisie is expropriated and class conflict, exploitation, and the state are abolished. Even in Marx's lifetime, however, it was clear that the bourgeoisie was neither homogeneous nor particularly inclined to play the role that he had assigned to it. Indeed, in many countries the middle classes could not usefully be described as bourgeois.

To what extent did conflicts between the nobility and the bourgeoisie contribute to the outbreak of the French Revolution and determine the course of the revolution until 1793?

To hike stents to conflicts between the nobility in the birdies contribute to the outbreak of the French revolution determine the course the revolution till 1793. First we must talk about 1793 in the year of 1993 for us to close Warren Britain, the Dutch Republic, and Spain, results take place in some preferences. In March struggle between the ginger wrists and the mountain call in April the creation of the committee of Public Safety, in June the rest of Ginger as leaders, and September the price controls are instituted, and October The national convention bands woman from political society and the rest of the year and a little bit more ages of 1794 was the reign of terror.

Maximilien Robespierre

When Louis X VI except the national assembly's cost to Shane and September 1791, a young provincial lawyer and delicate named Maximillion Robespierre concluded that the revolution is he was right in the sense that the most constructive and lasting reforms were in place yet he was wrong it's suggesting that the turmoil have ended, for a much more radical stage lay head, one that would bring war with foreign powers, the declaration of terror at home and transformation in France government. Maximillion was also one of the leaders of the mountain group, part of the Jacobin club. The committee of Public Safety and him advance on several fronts in 1793 in 1794 seeking to impose republican unity across the nation. First they collaborated with the sans-culottes who continued pressing the common people's case for fair prices and immoral economic order. That is September 1793 Robespierre his coworkers established a planned economy with alliteration social overtones. Rather than let supply and demand terminal prices the government set maximum prices for key products. So the state was too weak to enforce all its price regulations, it did fix the price of bread in Paris I love the poor could afford. The people were all supposed to work producing arms monitions uniforms boots saddles and other necessary supplies for the war effort the governmental Crossman want to produce, nationalized many small workshops. These reforms amount to do an emergency form of socialism which through Lee frightens Europe's property classes in greatly influenced the subsequent development of the socialist ideology. While radical economic measures furnished the porch with bread an army who supplies the reign of terror which was the period from 1793 to 1794 during which wraps year's committee of Public Safety tried and executed thousands of suspected of treason in a new revolutionary culture was imposed, enforce compliance with republican beliefs and practices. The constitution of 1793 which had become pleaded in June 1793 and approve my national referendum was indefinitely suspended in fair of a revolutionary government. As the man himself put it "Terror is nothing more than prompt severe inflexible justice quote for many Europeans of the time however the reign of terror represented a frightening privation in the ideas of 1789. The committees program was to bring about cultural revolution that would transform royal subjects into Republican city since the government sponsored revolutionary art in songs as well as new series of secular festivals to celebrate republican and patriotism. It also attempted to rationalize French daily life by adopting a decimal system for weights and measures in the new counter best on 10 day weeks. Another important element of the cultural revolution was the campaign of dechristianization which aim to limit catholic symbols and believes do you have the hostility rows and rows of France have her and Robespierre for help to decrease nice measures in the mid 1794. A group of radicals of moderate to the convention knowing that they might be next organize a conspiracy they how done the man what he try to speak to the national convention on July 27, 1794 a date known as nine Thermidor according to Francis new adopted Republican calendar the next day it was Robespierre's turn to be guillotined. His closest airport is follow the leader to the guillotine respectable middle-class lawyer superficial's friend let the Revolution of 1789 research at their authority. This became known as the period of Thermodorian reaction.

National Assembly

the First French Revolutionary legislature, made up primarily of representatives of the third estate and a few from the nobility and clergy, in session from 1789 to 1791. In angry response, in June 1789 delegates of the third estate refused to meet until the king ordered the clergy and nobility to sit with them in a single body. On June 17 the third estate, which had been joined by a few parish priests, voted to call itself the National Assembly. On June 20, excluded from their hall because of "repairs," the delegates moved to a large indoor tennis court where they swore the famous Tennis Court Oath, pledging not to disband until they had been recognized as a national assembly and had written a new constitution. The king's response was disastrously ambivalent. On June 23 he made a conciliatory speech urging reforms, and four days later he ordered the three estates to meet together. At the same time, Louis apparently followed the advice of relatives and curt nobles who urged him to dissolve the assembly by force.

Assess the relative importance of political, economic and social factors as causes of the French revolution.

the main long term causes of the war were the imperialistic and military natures of the Great Powers. The attempt to gain international prestige (particularly in the Balkans) was bound to lead to conflict. Although the Alliance system can be seen as a major factor, I think individual pacts of alliances grew stronger in response to foreign threats, particularly the aggressive nature of German expansionism. Therefore I don't this the Alliance System and its weak structure is as important as other causes. Obviously, the ultimate short term cause of war was the spark in the July Crisis, 1914. However, this escalation of the war was intricately linked to long term causes, such as the idea of going to war instead of risking national prestige. Finally, it is wrong to blame Germany for the ultimate cause of the war: responsibility should be chiefly held in the other Powers too, mainly Central, such as Austria and Serbia in their Balkans conducts.

Treaty of Paris

treaty that recognized the independence of American colonies. In 1783 Britain recognized the independence of the thirteen colonies and ceded all its territory between the Alleghenies mountains and the Mississippi River to the Americans. Out of the bottler rivalries of the Old world, the Americans snatched dominance over a vast territory. The Continental Congress secured the treaty which marked the end of the revolutionary war. The Continental Congress consisted of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin , John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and Henry Laurens. The treaty ended the seven years war in Europe and the colonies , and ratified British victory on all fronts. After the treaty if Utrecht conflicts continued about the European powers over both domestic and colonial affairs. After the war of the Austrian succession ( which evolved from a seize territory to a world war). This war ended with no change in the territorial situation in North America. This helped the stet the stage for the Seven years war. In North America French and British settlers engaged in territorial skirmished that eventually resulted in an all out war. This wars battlefield went for India to to North America to Central Europe. Unresolved tensions also lingered in North America, particularly regarding the border between the France and British Colonies. Although during this time the French were greatly outnumbered they still achieved major victories until 1758. Both groups were actively seeking support for the Native American allies, this is why in the colonies in it was known as the French and a Indian war. After British diverted using there resources and naval power in Europe to another America the tide turned. In 1759 the British layer siege to Quebec for four long months and finally defeating the French in a battle that sealed the nations fate in North America.

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