Chapter 2

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A _________ is a systematic way of testing a hypothesis.


A characteristic or other factor that can change and influence an outcome is called a

it enables scientists to control the influence of other variables in the study it allows scientist to determine if a treatment had an effect

A control group is important for which reasons


A fake treatment is an


A patient's negative expectations can result in a less-than-optimal outcome

Is usually a registered dietitian, has extensive college coursework in nutrition, and has experience in the application of scientific methodology.

A true nutrition expert


Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics


An aspect of ________________ involves studying causes of health problems in a population.

In vivo

An experiment that uses whole living organisms, such as mice

Case-control study

Comparing the diets of individuals with liver cancer to diets of individuals who have very similar characteristics but are healthy would be an example of a

Experimental and observational

Two types of research that involve human subjects


When a study is complete, investigators that were not part of the study will be recruited to critically analyze the study. This is called a _________ review.

Nutrition misinformation

_________________________ promotes useless medical treatments.


a type of epidemiological study where researchers observe a population and collect data over time is called

registered dietitian (RD) or registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN)

college-trained health care professional who has extensive knowledge of foods, nutrition, and dietetics

In vitro

controlled laboratory experiments on cells or other components derived from living organisms.

multivitamin/mineral (MV/M)

describes a dietary supplement that contains vitamins and minerals

cause and effect

epidemiological studies are not useful for finding _______________ relationships

double-blind study

experimental design in which neither the participants nor the researchers are aware of each participant's group assignment

randomized controlled trial (RCT)

experimental study involving humans that usually randomly divides a group of people into treatment and control groups

peer review

expert critical analysis of a research article before it is published


fake treatment, such as a sham pill, injection, or medical procedure

control group

group being studied that does not receive a treatment

treatment group

group being studied that receives a treatment

alternative health care

health care practices that are not widely accepted and used by conventional medical practitioners

conventional medical care

health care practices that are widely accepted and used by mainstream medical practitioners

evidence based

information that is based on results of scientific studies

integrative medical care

medical care provided by health care professionals that coordinates conventional medical therapies with alternative health care approaches


personal characteristic or other factor that changes and can influence an outcome


personal endorsement of a product

placebo effect

positive response to a placebo


possible explanation for a set of observations or possible answer to a scientific question


presentation of information masquerading as factual and obtained by scientific methods


promotion of useless medical treatments


relationship between two variables


reports of personal experiences


study of the occurrence, distribution, and causes of health problems in populations

case-control study

study that compares individuals who have a health condition with persons who have similar characteristics but are healthy

cohort study

study that measures variables of a group of people over time


Diets that lack proper nutrition can lead to the development of nutrient ______________ diseases.


Epidemiological studies cannot indicate whether two variables are correlated because the relationship could be a ______________

National stands for height, weight and blood pressure. Risk factors for major diseases. Prevalence of major diseases.

Epidemiologist use data from NHANES to determine

cannot determine cause and effect relationships

Generally, epidemiological studies ________.

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA)

In 1994, Congress passed the ___________, a law that classified vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, and botanicals as foods, thereby limiting FDA's ability to regulate dietary supplements.

prospective study

In 2021 a team of scientists begins an epidemiological study of 1000 people who are between 18 and 30 years of age to determine whether their consumption of seafood will influence their state of health during the next 25 years. This study is an example of


Nutrition scientist conduct _________ studies to obtain information about health conditions that may result from specific dietary practices.

Cohort studies Case control studies

Observation epidemiological research includes

Has completed rigorous work in nutrition, participates in continuing education, and has completed rigorous clinical training in nutrition

The RDN credential indicates that a person


The _________ is the federal agency that tries to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medications.

making observations

The first step to the scientific method usually involves

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

The government agency that enforces consumer protection laws by investigating false or misleading health-related claims is the


The results of studies involving large numbers of human subjects are ______ reliable than studies of animals.

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