Chapter 2 Brain

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The arachnoid villi are found in the

All dural sinuses

The function of the choroid plexus is to manufacture


24. The number of cranial nerves arising from the brainstem is a. 0. b. 6. c. 8. d. 10. e. 12.

D. 10

The meningeal layer of the dura mater, attaching anteriorly and posteriorly to the anterior and posterior clinoid that forms a roof for the pituitary gland, is the

Diaphragma sella

The cardiac center is found in the midbrain (true or false)


The fissure separating the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes is the

Lateral fissure

On axial CT images, the superior sagittal sinuses are immediately anterior and posterior to the

Longitudinal fissure

The meningeal layer adhering to the surface of the brain is the

Pia mater

The two lateral ventricles are separated by the

Septum pellucidum

The cranial bone acting as an anchor for all the cranial bones is the


The foramen of Magendie drains the fourth ventricle into the

Spinal cord

As seen on coronal images, the lateral walls of the third ventricles are formed by the


Below the level of the foramen magnum, the meningeal layer of the dura mater covers the spinal cord (true or false)


Below the level of the foramen magnum, there is only a single layer of the dura mater (true or false)


The arachnoid villi lack the tunica media found in blood vessels (true or false)


The cerebral aqueduct connects the third ventricle with the fourth ventricle (true or false)


The connecting tissue of the two hemispheres of the cerebellum is the vermis (true or false)


The corpus callosum forms the roof of the body of the lateral ventricles (true or false)


The endosteal layer of the dura mater is the outer layer of the dura mater, which acts as the inner periosteum of the cranium above the foramen magnum and the periosteal lining of the vertebral canal below the level of the foramen magnum (true or false)


The foramen of Monro connects the lateral ventricles with the third ventricle (true or false)


The name for the white matter in the center of the cerebrum is the centrum semiovale (true or false)


The respiratory center is found in the medulla oblongata (true or false)


The right and left vertebral arteries join together to form the basilar artery (true or false).


The two lateral ventricles are separated by the septum pellucidum (true or false)


The vasomotor center is found in the medulla oblongata (true or false)


The connecting tissue of the two hemispheres of the cerebellum is the


26. The pineal gland a. frequently calcifies at an early age. b. is below the hypothalamus. c. is the master gland of the body. d. a, b, and c

a. Frequently calcifies at an early age

28. On which plane of sectional images would the bulk of the thalamus not be visible? a. Midsagittal b. Coronal c. Axial d. All of the above

a. Midsagittal

31. The neurons bringing in sensory information to the central nervous system are a. afferent neurons. b. efferent neurons. c. motor neurons. d. a and c e. b and c

a. afferent neurons

25. The anterior section of the corpus callosum is the a. genu. b. body. c. splenium. d. The corpus callosum does not have names for its various sections.

a. genu

17. Which lobe of the pituitary gland does not actually manufacture the hormones that it secretes? a. Anterior b. Posterior c. Neither the anterior nor the posterior lobe manufactures hormones. d. Both the anterior and posterior lobes manufacture hormones.

b. Posterior

30. On axial images, the dip of the meningeal layer of the dura mater between the two hemispheres of the cerebellum is identified as the a. falx cerebri. b. falx cerebelli. c. tentorium cerebelli. d. diaphragma sella

b. falx cerebelli

32. The shallow grooves on the surface of the brain are a. gyri. b. sulci. c. convolutions. d. falx.

b. sulci

The right and left vertebral arteries join together to form the

basilar artery

23. The foramen magnum is associated with which cranial bone? a. Frontal b. Parietal c. Occipital d. Ethmoid e. Sphenoid

c. Occipital

21. The connecting tissue of the two hemispheres of the cerebrum is the a. corpus striatum. b. centrum semiovale. c. corpus callosum. d. vermis.

c. corpus callosum.

18. The pineal gland is located a. anterior to the pons. b. inferior to the hypothalamus. c. superior to the cerebellum and inferior to the splenium. d. within the posterior cerebellar notch. e. in the centrum semiovale.

c. superior to the cerebellum and inferior to the splenium

15. The pons a. is superior to the medulla. b. by definition means "tissue connecting two or more parts." c. is anterior to the cerebellum. d. All of the above

d. All of the above

22. The ventricles of the brain communicate with a. the central canal of the spinal cord. b. the subarachnoid space. c. each other. d. All of the above

d. All of the above

19. The vertebral arteries join together to form the a. posterior communicating artery. b. posterior cerebral artery. c. common carotid artery. d. basilar artery.

d. basilar artery

20. Which statement regarding the third ventricle is true? a. It is midline. b. The thalamus forms the lateral walls. c. The pineal gland is posterior to it. d. The ventral wall is formed by the hypothalamus. e. All of the above

e. All of the above

27. Cerebrospinal fluid is found in the a. subarachnoid space. b. ventricles of the brain. c. cisterns of the brain. d. central canal of the spinal cord. e. All of the above

e. All of the above

33. The arachnoid villi a. are found in the superior sagittal dural sinuses. b. lack the tunica media found in blood vessels. c. drain cerebrospinal fluid. d. drain blood. e. All of the above

e. All of the above

16. The pterygoid processes are associated with the a. frontal bone. b. parietal bone. c. occipital bone. d. ethmoid bone. e. sphenoid bone.

e. sphenoid bone

29. The sella turcica is associated with the a. frontal bone. b. parietal bone. c. occipital bone. d. ethmoid bone. e. sphenoid bone.

e. sphenoid bone

On axial images, the dip of the meningeal layer of the dura mater in the longitudinal fissure is identified as the

falx cerebri

The fissure separating the cerebrum from the cerebellum is the


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