Chapter 2 Communication and Teamwork

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Communication requires both

A sender and a receiver

Communication is usually

focused, task oriented, and at times intense

Group think establishes

unwritten, unspoken rules

No excuse is possible for

verbal abuse

Verbal abuse

verbal abuse is a significant problem in the operating room.

Good Communication is not

Accidental. It requires skill and practice but can be difficult

Healthcare professionals are required to

Achieve a level of cultural competence because their patients welfare depends on it

Listening requires

Active participation

Clear communication

Among coworkers is equally important, because it produces cohesion, harmony, and efficiency in the workplace.


Are a way for people to talk with others in their personal and perfessional community about topics tht interest them It is a way to share information and express views

Cultural belief

Are based on tradition and value system tht cannot be switched off and on


Are the small pictures and letters used to represent facial expressions

Communication and teamwork

Are two of the most important components of patient care

Coping with verbal abuse

Assertive behavior is one of the most effective way to counteract verbal abuse. 1. remain calm 2. remind yourself of the following facts I have the right to confront this person. I have the right not to take abuse. There is no acceptable excuse for behavior. 3. make an assertive statement. 4. sidestep the behavior 5. do not become aggressive 6. stand up for your co workers 7. if the abuse becomes violent objects are thrown or threats are made call for the supervisor 8. challenge authorities who allow abuse to continue

Parts of the message may be lost

Because the listener is distracted or impatient to speak Their thoughts are focused on what they want to say, and they fail to receive the message

Stressors in the perioperative environment

Because the operating room is a unique environment that often involves an established hierarchy and intense work The work is stressful Close teamwork is necessary People and departments compete for time, space, materials, and personnel When the patient load requires more resources than are immediately available personnel, supplies, and space. The model for the team relationships is in transition. Hierarchical Problems behaviors cause mistrust, frustration, and interpersonal conflict. The person with problem behaviors uses extreme defensive or aggressive tactics to achieve a level of social comfort. When personal attempts to resolve conflict fail, then the issue must be referred to management. When working with people with problem behaviors, one must remember to focus on the behavior, not the person

The operating room environment is

Busy, tense, and even brusque


Can be both an expression of comfort and a way of controlling people

The way a professional appears to the family

Can determine their level of trust in our ability to care for the patient. An appearance of self-care neatness demonstrates that we care about how others view us. It shows respect for the public itself.

Communication between individuals or groups

Can fail for many reasons


Can mean contemplation, shock, inability to speak, disagreement, or concentration

Barriers to communication:Environmental barriers

Communication sometimes fails simply because the environment prevents reception. And background noises, such as suction, irrigation, power equipment, or loud music, can distort communication

Touch is a powerful means of

Communication that can soothe and comfort. It can also demonstrate dominance

Problem behaviors

Do not become a complainer yourself just listen confront the complainer remove yourself from the situation

The assertive person

Does not submit to the aggression of others, but rather states his or her needs clearly, without hesitation of self effacement

Appropriate person, time, and place

Effective communication results when the delivery is appropriate to the situation. Communication should take place with the right person, at the right time, in the right place. Think about the consequences of your communication

Barriers to communication: Emotions

Emotions can block communication through distraction or prejudice

We also communicate through

Facial expression, body movement, and tone of voice

Barriers to communication: Social and cultural influences

How we perceive a problem, situation, or action sometimes depends on our social cultural background as much as our knowledge.

Tone is lost

In email communication

Feedback Effective communication

Includes clear feedback Look for cues that the receiver understands the message The sender has a responsibility to clarify the message, the receiver should give direct, specific feedback


Is a response by the receiver acknowledging receipt of the message and its content


Is a two way process with various goals in mind

Deliberate touch

Is almost never neutral

The ability to convey information

Is critical to patient care, group morale, and team cohesion

Feedback in the healthcare setting

Is critical to patient safety. It ensures that the message was conveyed and that the receiver understood the message

Effective communication

Is crucial to understanding the patients needs, feelings, and experience

Therapeutic touch

Is purposeful touch tht conveys empathy, tenderness, and care

Verbal communication

Is spoken or written

Cultural competence

Is the ability to communicate effectively with people of different cultures snd subcultures within population


Is the ability to express one's own needs and rights while respecting the needs and rights of others.

The message

Is the concept, thought, idea, or feeling that is being expressed


Is the exertion of power over others by intimidation, loudness, or bullying The aggressive person puts his or her own needs and desires above those of everyone else


Is the manner or implied feelings behind the message, reflected in emphasis on certain words or pitch of the voice. Tone can reveal attitudes about the receiver or the contents of the message


Is the response to the sender's message

The delivery

Is the way the message is expressed, it includes verbal and nonverbal communication

Good Communication

It increases teamwork and reinforces team goals. It increases the safety of the environment for the patient.

Role confusion

It occurs when individuals are uncertain of what is expected of them


Means communicating your own needs and advocating for them while respecting the needs of others


Means that the important aspects of the message are delivered without ambiguity or unnecessary information

Many people do

Not want to be touched No one has the absolute right to touch another person

The receiver

Obtains the information, processes it and gives feedback.

Communication with people

Of different cultures requires respect for all human beings

Barriers to communication:Bias

Personal bias is our preexisting opinions about people. The biased receiver already knows all he or she wants to know and is firmly rooted in a point of view

The sender

Provides information or expresses ideas and feelings,


Respect for others communicates the recognition of value, both our own and that of other people

Poor communication

Results in poor patient care, errors, conflict, and stress.


Short for network etiquette is a set of guidelines to help people use email and other types of Internet communication in a way the promotes personal security, respect, and clarity

The relationship between the health professional and the public

Should have clear boundaries. It is somewhat formal and mutually respectful. The professional has a duty and responsibility to keep his or her emotions in check.

Barriers to communication: lack of understanding

Sometimes the receiver does not have sufficient knowledge to understand exactly what the sender is trying to communicate

In the operating room

Speaking can spread airborne contaminants

In the healthcare setting

The exchange of information is everyone's responsibility

Conflict resolution

The goal of conflict resolution is to attempt to find a solution that is acceptable to all parties. This is called a win-win solution win-lose solution is in which one party is satisfied but the other is not.

The professional relationship

The public most often has great respect for the knowledge and skills of the professional. The public looks to the professional for reassurance. The family may believe that the health professional has privileged or undisclosed information that is hidden from. Family member may be self-conscious or embarrassed to show their emotions in front of the health professional. The health professional may feel awkward about dealing with the family's emotions and relationship with the patient.

The 5 components of communication

The sender The receiver The message Feedback Methods of communication

Body language

The way we use posture, gesture, and expression to convey ideas and messages

Alll people have a right to express

Their individual personalities unless they harm or disrespect the rights of others.

If a person does not want to express his or her true feelings about the message

Those feelings probably will be conveyed by the individual's body language

Barriers to communication: Perceptions

We make assumptions about what we see, hear, and understand based on our perception of the,situation.

People find it easy to talk

With those who have good listening skills

Barriers to communication: Lack of a desire to communicate

a person must want to communicate

Many people are reluctant to report

abuse in the workplace for fear of losing their job

The most powerful way to instill civility in a group is

to model it

Conflict cannot

be managed unless people communicate about their problems

Communication with the patient combines

clinical knowledge with care for the patient as an individual. Communication with the patient's family and friends has other qualities that require different skills

A professional's attire

communicates a sense of responsibility and accountability.

Health professionals should avoid

communicating their opinions about their facility, work colleagues, or other professionals in the health care setting to the public.

It is communication about another person or event that is

confidential or personal

The best tactic against abuse is to keep

documenting every case in which abuse occurred. Make sure you include the dates, specific procedures, and circumstances. do not include patient name

Insidious behavior that hurts people

erodes teamwork, and damages group ethics

The modern team leader is a

facilitator or enabler

The team must

identify and prioritize the steps of the process to reach the desired goal of a positive outcome for patient treatment

A team

is a group of people who come together to reach a common goal or set of goals


is a helpful tool in correcting work habits or raising

Group think

is collective behavior and thinking It produces two categories of people: those who are in and those who are out

Sexual Harassment

is illegal Documentation of an incident is the best way to elicit disciplinary action by those in a position to enforce the law

a rumor

is information whose validity is in question

Most role confusion

is result of poor communication


is telling and retelling of events about another's personal life. professional life, or physical condition.

Good teamwork

is the result of healthy relationships within the team

The goal of gossip

is to shock or evoke intrigue


is working together for a common purpose

Rude, vulgar, and offensive behavior is

not natural reaction to stress. It is a choice made by those who perpetrate it.

Conflict occurs when

one person assigns a task to another who does not have the ability or time to complete the task

Verbal abuse has a negative effect on

patient care because it causes staff members to become tense, upset, and distracted, and the result is an increase in errors. Also reduces productivity and increases staff turnover.

Verbal abuse is one of

several types of sabotage in which the perpetrator overpowers an individual by demeaning the person and devaluing him or her.

a surgical technologist

should be an independent and critical thinker, uphold high standards, and act in a professional manner in every situation

Lateral abuse

takes place among staff members of equal rank and position. The most effective management of the type of abuse is assertiveness and reporting in writing


the ability to accept change is crucial to good teamwork flexibility


the attributes of acceptable behavior include respect, gratitude, and acceptance

Setting team priorities requires consensus

which is agreement on what the goal are and how they will be reached

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