Chapter 2: Myelin

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What do myelinating cells make?

They make myelin sheath

Give an example of a myelinated cell

a schwann cell

Whats the difference between a normal nerve and a damage nerve?

A normal nerve has an intact myelin sheath and the message moves quickly, while a damaged nerve has a damaged or destroyed myelin sheath and the message moves slower

Gray matter is (external/internal) while white matter is (external/internal) in the brain.

A) External B)Internal

Gray matter is (external/internal) while white matter is ( external/ internal) in the spinal cord.

A) Internal B) External

Explain Saltatory Conduction and its function

A)Occurs in myelinated nerves B)The impulses jump from node to node where depolarization takes place

Both _________ and __________ have gray and white matter.

Brain and spinal cord

How many axons can one oligodendroglia contribute to?

Can contribute to many axons (CNS)

What constitutes a neuroglia cell?

Oligodendroglia or oligodendrocyte

Describe Multiple Sclerosis

Particially autoimmune Myelin Sheath of certain axons are destroyed Demyelination= immune system detects myelin and attacks Attacks the myelin in CNS

Schwann cells are found in where?

Schwann cells are found in the Peripheral

What the difference between a myelinated cell and a unmyelinated cell?

a myelinated cell has a myelin sheath and conducts impulses 10x faster. a unmyelinated cell has no myelin sheath

What is gray matter?

consists of cell bodies of neurons; where thinking and analyzation occurs

Myelin sheath help axons conduct what much faster?

helps axons conduct action potentials much quicker

What is a growth cone? What is it used for?

its where regrowth of a damage in the myelin sheath, it guides regrowth the right way. Its used for the Wallerian degeneration

What is white matter?

myelinated axons; conduction of impulses

What does "MYELEN" refer to?

refers to the spinal cord

A myelin sheath must have openings, what are those openings called?

the openings are called Nodes of Ranvier

What is the function of the myelin sheath?

to reduce leak from the axon, makes current flow faster

What is the percentage of myelin in a nerve?

50% of myelin in a nerve

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