Chapter 2
Academic Disclipline
A formal body of knowledge, discovered, developed, and disseminated through scholarly research and inquiry
Longitudinal Study
A study that takes place over a long period of time, it may be several weeks, months, years or decades
Basics of EXS Phys.
- 208 Bones - Structural - Muscular - Nervous - Circulation - Respiratory - 400 Muscles
What technology do biomechanists use when completing research?
- Cinematography - Electromyography - Electrogoniometry - Force Platform - Stroboscope - Telemeter - Computer Analysis
What knowledge is required of an athletic trainer?
- Design and help implement conditioning programs - Assess injuries and need for immediate first aid - Provide taping and treatment modalities - Work with Physicians to help athletes regain their abilities to perform
What career options are available for sports managers?
- Professional Sports - Intercollegiate Athletics - High school sports - Recreation Programs - Leisure and travel indsutry - Sports and health clubs
What clinical interventions do sports psychologists use?
- Relaxation training - Bio Feedback - Breath Control - Desentization - Mental Imaging
What do sports sociologists investigate?
- Sport as a game and an instution - Concepts of social mobility, class and gender stratification, status, racial and ethnic discrimination, team dynamics, social conscious and social values
Why are finding important in Biomechanics
- They have contributed to improved athletic performance - They are used to help prevent injuries
What is EXS Phys based on?
An understanding of of the anatomical and physiological bases of human movement
Secondary Source
Analyzes, interprets and discus information about the primary source
Who is a part of sports medicine?
Athletic Trainers, Physicians, Physical Therapists and orthopedic surgeons
Primary Source
Comes firsthand from the source or person
What kind of research does an exercise physiologist do?
Conduct research on how environmental and age factors affect exercise
What research do Exercise Physiologists do?
Conduct research on how environmental and age factors affect exercise
Dynamic Systems Theory (Study for motor behavior specialist)
Degrees of freedoms in joints and muscles along with neural control, can head to enhanced motor performance
What are the two types of approaches used by sports historians
Descriptive History- Explores events, individual contributions and pivotal happenings using primary and secondary sources Interpretive or Analytical History- Explains the signifigance of events within their historical and social contexts
What did academics do in the 1970's to justify their approach?
Established numerous specialized organizations that promoted outlets for their research in scholary journals and through presentations at annual conferences
What types of behavior does sports philosophy seek to understand?
Ethical and Unethical
Help focus on the aesthetic aspects of movement such as through art, literature and music
What does sports management include?
Includes accounting, budgeting, marketing, financing, the law, personel facilities and organazational operations
Incorporates the use of computer software as a tool to achieve physical education, exercise science and sports goals
Closed Loop Theory (Study for motor behavior specialist)
Investigates how feedback following slow + discrete movement can be used to improve subsequent motor performances
Motor Behavior
It is a broad term that encompasses motor control, motor learning and motor development
Open-Loop Theory (Study for motor behavior specialist)
Motor patterns, striking skills, can be generalized to a variety of sports setting with or without limited feedback
American College of Sports Medicine
Organization that brought together the medical and scientific communities in the shared quest to investigate all aspects of the impact of physical activity on the body
Which academic discipline does motor control and motor learning grow out of?
Study of Human Movement
Sport Sociology
Study of a sport as a social phonomenon and an examination of the social structures, processes, and groups within the sporting context
What did education psychology studies in perceptual motor development conclude?
That improved motor skills lead to an enhancement of academic performance and that cognitive development positively affects skill accquistion over time
What does EXS Phys Investigate?
The biochemical reactions that supply muscles with energy
Sport History
The descriptive and analytical examination of significant people, events, organizations and trends that shaped the past
Motor Development
The maturation and changes in motor behavior throughout life and the factors that affect them
What is Athletic Training?
The study and application of the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of sports injuries
Sports Philosophy
The study of beliefs and values as humans as displayed within sport and an analysis of their meaning and signifigance
Exercise Physiology
The study of bodily functions under the stress of muscular activity
What is sport and exercise psychology?
The study of human behavior in sport, including an understanding of the mental processes that interact with motor skill performance
Motor Learning
The study of internal processes associated with movement or repetitive actions that result in changes in response or performance
Sports Biomechanics
The study of the anatomical and physiological effects of natural laws and internal and external forces acting on the human body during movement
Motor Control
The study of the integration and maturation of muscular, skeletal and neurological functions in executing movements
Sport Management
The study of the theoretical and applied aspects of leading, planning, organizing, staffing, funding, and conducting sports events
Effects of society's specialization on P.E and Exercise Science
This disciplinary approach influenced students selection of majors
What topics do sports and exercise psychologists study?
Achievement, motivation, arousal, attribution and personality development